Increase length limits on domains
[hcoop/domtool2.git] / lib / easy_domain.dtl
2008-01-01 Adam ChlipalaShortcut for TXT default
2007-12-23 Adam ChlipalaTXT DNS records
2007-12-16 Adam ChlipalaSuccessfully indented all of standard lib with domtool...
2007-12-16 Adam ChlipalaAdd IPv6 DNS mappings
2007-12-15 Adam ChlipalaImproved Easy_domain, with boolean env vars
2007-12-15 Adam ChlipalaMove catchAllAlias to Alias module
2007-12-14 Adam ChlipalaCatch-all aliases working again
2007-11-18 Adam Chlipalayour_ip_to_ip
2007-11-18 Adam Chlipalavhost IP specification working
2007-11-17 Adam ChlipaladomNoWww
2007-11-11 Adam Chlipaladomtool-mode standard library table changes performed...
2007-11-11 Adam ChlipalaWWW parameter to 'dom'
2007-10-07 Adam ChlipalaAdding Apache SetEnv
2007-06-20 Adam ChlipalaRemove catchAllAlias in favor of defaultAlias; add...
2007-05-27 Adam ChlipalarewriteBase
2007-05-17 Adam Chlipaladom adds an MX record
2007-05-17 Adam ChlipalaAdd default DNS mappings
2007-05-13 Adam ChlipalaChange default nameservers
2006-12-17 Adam ChlipalaMore easy_domain
2006-12-15 Adam ChlipalaLimiting acceptable web nodes
2006-12-10 Adam ChlipalaImprove easy_domain
2006-09-06 Adam ChlipalaChanges before announcement to hcoop-discuss