(* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/) * Copyright (c) 2006, Adam Chlipala * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) (* OpenSSL *) structure OpenSSL :> OPENSSL = struct val () = (F_OpenSSL_SML_init.f' (); F_OpenSSL_SML_load_error_strings.f' (); F_OpenSSL_SML_load_BIO_strings.f' ()) exception OpenSSL of string type context = (ST_ssl_ctx_st.tag, C_Int.rw) C_Int.su_obj C_Int.ptr' type bio = (ST_bio_st.tag, C_Int.rw) C_Int.su_obj C_Int.ptr' type listener = bio fun ssl_err s = let val err = F_OpenSSL_SML_get_error.f () val lib = F_OpenSSL_SML_lib_error_string.f err val func = F_OpenSSL_SML_func_error_string.f err val reason = F_OpenSSL_SML_reason_error_string.f err in print s; print "\nReason: "; if C.Ptr.isNull lib then () else (print (ZString.toML lib); print ":"); if C.Ptr.isNull func then () else (print (ZString.toML func); print ":"); if C.Ptr.isNull reason then () else print (ZString.toML reason); print "\n" end val readBuf : (C.uchar, C.rw) C.obj C.ptr' = C.alloc' C.S.uchar (Word.fromInt Config.bufSize) val bufSize = Int32.fromInt Config.bufSize val one = Int32.fromInt 1 val four = Int32.fromInt 4 val eight = Word.fromInt 8 val sixteen = Word.fromInt 16 val twentyfour = Word.fromInt 24 val mask1 = Word32.fromInt 255 fun readChar bio = let val r = F_OpenSSL_SML_read.f' (bio, C.Ptr.inject' readBuf, one) in if r = 0 then NONE else if r < 0 then (ssl_err "BIO_read"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_read failed") else SOME (chr (Compat.Char.toInt (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 0))))) end val charToWord = Word32.fromLargeWord o Compat.Char.toLargeWord fun readInt bio = let val r = F_OpenSSL_SML_read.f' (bio, C.Ptr.inject' readBuf, four) in if r = 0 then NONE else if r < 0 then (ssl_err "BIO_read"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_read failed") else SOME (Word32.toInt (Word32.+ (charToWord (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 0))), Word32.+ (Word32.<< (charToWord (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 1))), eight), Word32.+ (Word32.<< (charToWord (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 2))), sixteen), Word32.<< (charToWord (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 3))), twentyfour)))))) end fun readLen (bio, len) = if len = 0 then SOME "" else let val buf = if len > Config.bufSize then C.alloc' C.S.uchar (Word.fromInt len) else readBuf fun cleanup () = if len > Config.bufSize then C.free' buf else () fun loop (buf', needed) = let val r = F_OpenSSL_SML_read.f' (bio, C.Ptr.inject' buf, Int32.fromInt len) in if r = 0 then (cleanup (); NONE) else if r < 0 then (cleanup (); ssl_err "BIO_read"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_read failed") else if r = needed then SOME (CharVector.tabulate (Int32.toInt needed, fn i => chr (Compat.Char.toInt (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (buf, i)))))) else loop (C.Ptr.|+! C.S.uchar (buf', Int32.toInt r), needed - r) end in loop (buf, Int32.fromInt len) before cleanup () end fun readChunk bio = let val r = F_OpenSSL_SML_read.f' (bio, C.Ptr.inject' readBuf, bufSize) in if r = 0 then NONE else if r < 0 then (ssl_err "BIO_read"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_read failed") else SOME (CharVector.tabulate (Int32.toInt r, fn i => chr (Compat.Char.toInt (C.Get.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, i)))))) end fun readString bio = case readInt bio of NONE => NONE | SOME len => readLen (bio, len) fun writeChar (bio, ch) = let val _ = C.Set.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 0), Compat.Char.fromInt (ord ch)) fun trier () = let val r = F_OpenSSL_SML_write.f' (bio, C.Ptr.inject' readBuf, one) in if r = 0 then trier () else if r < 0 then (ssl_err "BIO_write"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_write") else () end in trier () end val wordToChar = Compat.Char.fromLargeWord o Word32.toLargeWord fun writeInt (bio, n) = let val w = Word32.fromInt n val _ = (C.Set.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 0), wordToChar (Word32.andb (w, mask1))); C.Set.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 1), wordToChar (Word32.andb (Word32.>> (w, eight), mask1))); C.Set.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 2), wordToChar (Word32.andb (Word32.>> (w, sixteen), mask1))); C.Set.uchar' (C.Ptr.sub' C.S.uchar (readBuf, 3), wordToChar (Word32.andb (Word32.>> (w, twentyfour), mask1)))) fun trier (buf, count) = let val r = F_OpenSSL_SML_write.f' (bio, C.Ptr.inject' buf, count) in if r < 0 then (ssl_err "BIO_write"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_write") else if r = count then () else trier (C.Ptr.|+! C.S.uchar (buf, Int32.toInt r), count - r) end in trier (readBuf, 4) end fun writeString' (bio, s) = if size s = 0 then () else let val buf = ZString.dupML' s in if F_OpenSSL_SML_puts.f' (bio, buf) <= 0 then (C.free' buf; ssl_err "BIO_puts"; raise OpenSSL "BIO_puts") else C.free' buf end fun writeString (bio, s) = (writeInt (bio, size s); writeString' (bio, s)) fun context printErr (chain, key, root) = let val context = F_OpenSSL_SML_CTX_new.f' (F_OpenSSL_SML_SSLv23_method.f' ()) in if C.Ptr.isNull' context then (if printErr then ssl_err "Error creating SSL context" else (); raise OpenSSL "Can't create SSL context") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_use_certificate_chain_file.f' (context, ZString.dupML' chain) = 0 then (if printErr then ssl_err "Error using certificate chain" else (); F_OpenSSL_SML_CTX_free.f' context; raise OpenSSL "Can't load certificate chain") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_use_PrivateKey_file.f' (context, ZString.dupML' key) = 0 then (if printErr then ssl_err "Error using private key" else (); F_OpenSSL_SML_CTX_free.f' context; raise OpenSSL "Can't load private key") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_load_verify_locations.f' (context, ZString.dupML' root, C.Ptr.null') = 0 then (if printErr then ssl_err "Error loading trust store" else (); F_OpenSSL_SML_CTX_free.f' context; raise OpenSSL "Can't load trust store") else context end fun connect (context, hostname) = let val bio = F_OpenSSL_SML_new_ssl_connect.f' context in if C.Ptr.isNull' bio then (ssl_err ("Error initializating connection to " ^ hostname); F_OpenSSL_SML_free_all.f' bio; raise OpenSSL "Can't initialize connection") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_set_conn_hostname.f' (bio, ZString.dupML' hostname) = 0 then (ssl_err ("Error setting hostname: " ^ hostname); F_OpenSSL_SML_free_all.f' bio; raise OpenSSL "Can't set hostname") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_do_connect.f' bio <= 0 then (ssl_err ("Error connecting to " ^ hostname); F_OpenSSL_SML_free_all.f' bio; raise OpenSSL "Can't connect") else bio end fun close bio = F_OpenSSL_SML_free_all.f' bio fun listen (context, port) = let val port = ZString.dupML' (Int.toString port) val listener = F_OpenSSL_SML_new_accept.f' (context, port) in C.free' port; if C.Ptr.isNull' listener then (ssl_err "Null listener"; raise OpenSSL "Null listener") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_do_accept.f' listener <= 0 then (ssl_err "Error initializing listener"; close listener; raise OpenSSL "Can't initialize listener") else listener end val shutdown = close fun accept listener = if F_OpenSSL_SML_do_accept.f' listener <= 0 then NONE else let val bio = F_OpenSSL_SML_pop.f' listener in if C.Ptr.isNull' bio then (ssl_err "Null accepted"; raise OpenSSL "Null accepted") else if F_OpenSSL_SML_do_handshake.f' bio <= 0 then (ssl_err "Handshake failed"; raise OpenSSL "Handshake failed") else SOME bio end fun peerCN bio = let val ssl = F_OpenSSL_SML_get_ssl.f' bio val _ = if C.Ptr.isNull' ssl then raise OpenSSL "Null SSL" else () val subj = F_OpenSSL_SML_get_peer_name.f' ssl in if C.Ptr.isNull' subj then raise OpenSSL "Null CN result" else ZString.toML' subj end end