(* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/) * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Adam Chlipala * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) (* Main interface *) structure Main :> MAIN = struct open Ast MsgTypes Print structure SM = StringMap fun init () = Acl.read Config.aclFile fun isLib fname = OS.Path.file fname = "lib.dtl" fun wrapFile (fname, file) = case (isLib fname, file) of (true, (comment, ds, SOME e)) => let val (_, loc) = e in (comment, ds, SOME (ELocal (e, (ESkip, loc)), loc)) end | _ => file fun check' G fname = let val prog = Parse.parse fname val prog = wrapFile (fname, prog) in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then G else (if isLib fname then () else Option.app (Unused.check G) (#3 prog); Tycheck.checkFile G (Defaults.tInit prog) prog) end fun basis () = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir Config.libRoot fun loop files = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; files) | SOME fname => if String.isSuffix ".dtl" fname then loop (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.libRoot, file = fname} :: files) else loop files val files = loop [] val (_, files) = Order.order NONE files in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then Env.empty else (Tycheck.allowExterns (); foldl (fn (fname, G) => check' G fname) Env.empty files before Tycheck.disallowExterns ()) end (* val b = basis () *) fun check G fname = let val _ = ErrorMsg.reset () val _ = Env.preTycheck () in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else let val _ = Tycheck.disallowExterns () val _ = ErrorMsg.reset () val prog = Parse.parse fname val prog = wrapFile (fname, prog) in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else let val G' = Tycheck.checkFile G (Defaults.tInit prog) prog in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else (if isLib fname then () else Option.app (Unused.check G) (#3 prog); (G', #3 prog)) end end end fun notTmp s = String.sub (s, 0) <> #"." andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"-") s fun setupUser () = let val user = case Posix.ProcEnv.getenv "DOMTOOL_USER" of NONE => let val uid = Posix.ProcEnv.getuid () in Posix.SysDB.Passwd.name (Posix.SysDB.getpwuid uid) end | SOME user => user in Acl.read Config.aclFile; Domain.setUser user; user end fun checkDir' dname = let val b = basis () val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir dname fun loop files = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; files) | SOME fname => if notTmp fname then loop (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = fname} :: files) else loop files val files = loop [] val (_, files) = Order.order (SOME b) files in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else (foldl (fn (fname, G) => check' G fname) b files; if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else ()) end fun checkDir dname = (setupUser (); checkDir' dname) fun reduce G fname = let val (G, body) = check G fname in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then (G, NONE) else case body of SOME body => let val body' = Reduce.reduceExp G body in (*printd (PD.hovBox (PD.PPS.Rel 0, [PD.string "Result:", PD.space 1, p_exp body']))*) (G, SOME body') end | _ => (G, NONE) end (*(Defaults.eInit ())*) fun eval G evs fname = case reduce G fname of (G, SOME body') => if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else let val evs' = Eval.exec' evs body' in (G, evs') end | (G, NONE) => (G, evs) val dispatcher = Config.dispatcher ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.dispatcherPort val self = "localhost:" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort fun context x = (OpenSSL.context false x) handle e as OpenSSL.OpenSSL s => (print "Couldn't find your certificate.\nYou probably haven't been given any Domtool privileges.\n"; print ("I looked in: " ^ #1 x ^ "\n"); print ("Additional information: " ^ s ^ "\n"); raise e) fun requestContext f = let val user = setupUser () val () = f () val context = context (Config.certDir ^ "/" ^ user ^ ".pem", Config.keyDir ^ "/" ^ user ^ "/key.pem", Config.trustStore) in (user, context) end fun requestBio' printErr f = let val (user, context) = requestContext f in (user, OpenSSL.connect printErr (context, dispatcher)) end val requestBio = requestBio' true fun requestSlaveBio' printErr = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) in (user, OpenSSL.connect printErr (context, self)) end fun requestSlaveBio () = requestSlaveBio' true fun request (fname, libOpt) = let val (user, bio) = requestBio (fn () => let val env = basis () val env = case libOpt of NONE => env | SOME lib => #1 (check env lib) in ignore (check env fname) end) fun readFile fname = let val inf = TextIO.openIn fname fun loop lines = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => String.concat (rev lines) | SOME line => loop (line :: lines) in loop [] before TextIO.closeIn inf end val code = readFile fname val msg = case libOpt of NONE => MsgConfig code | SOME fname' => MsgMultiConfig [readFile fname', code] in Msg.send (bio, msg); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Configuration succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Configuration failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end handle ErrorMsg.Error => () fun requestDir dname = let val _ = if Posix.FileSys.access (dname, []) then () else (print ("Can't access " ^ dname ^ ".\n"); print "Did you mean to run domtool on a specific file, instead of asking for all\n"; print "files in your ~/.domtool directory?\n"; OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure) val _ = ErrorMsg.reset () val (user, bio) = requestBio (fn () => checkDir' dname) val b = basis () val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir dname fun loop files = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; files) | SOME fname => if notTmp fname then loop (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = fname} :: files) else loop files val files = loop [] val (_, files) = Order.order (SOME b) files val _ = if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then raise ErrorMsg.Error else () val codes = map (fn fname => let val inf = TextIO.openIn fname fun loop lines = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => String.concat (rev lines) | SOME line => loop (line :: lines) in loop [] before TextIO.closeIn inf end) files in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then () else (Msg.send (bio, MsgMultiConfig codes); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Configuration succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Configuration failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio) end handle ErrorMsg.Error => () fun requestPing () = let val (_, bio) = requestBio' false (fn () => ()) in OpenSSL.close bio; OS.Process.success end handle _ => OS.Process.failure fun requestShutdown () = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgShutdown); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => () | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Shutdown begun.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Shutdown failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestSlavePing () = let val (_, bio) = requestSlaveBio' false in OpenSSL.close bio; OS.Process.success end handle _ => OS.Process.failure fun requestSlaveShutdown () = let val (_, bio) = requestSlaveBio () in Msg.send (bio, MsgShutdown); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => () | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Shutdown begun.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Shutdown failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestGrant acl = let val (user, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgGrant acl); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Grant succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Grant failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestRevoke acl = let val (user, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRevoke acl); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Revoke succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Revoke failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestListPerms user = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgListPerms user); (case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; NONE) | SOME m => case m of MsgPerms perms => SOME perms | MsgError s => (print ("Listing failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); NONE) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; NONE)) before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestWhoHas perm = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgWhoHas perm); (case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; NONE) | SOME m => case m of MsgWhoHasResponse users => SOME users | MsgError s => (print ("whohas failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); NONE) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; NONE)) before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestRegen () = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRegenerate); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Regeneration succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Regeneration failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestRegenTc () = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRegenerateTc); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "All configuration validated.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Configuration validation failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestRmdom dom = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRmdom dom); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Removal succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Removal failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestRmuser user = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRmuser user); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Removal succeeded.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Removal failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestDbUser dbtype = let val (_, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Config.Dbms.dbmsNode ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgCreateDbUser dbtype); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Your user has been created.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Creation failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestDbPasswd rc = let val (_, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Config.Dbms.dbmsNode ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgDbPasswd rc); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Your password has been changed.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Password set failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestDbTable p = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Config.Dbms.dbmsNode ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgCreateDb p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("Your database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ #dbname p ^ " has been created.\n") | MsgError s => print ("Creation failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestDbDrop p = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Config.Dbms.dbmsNode ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgDropDb p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("Your database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ #dbname p ^ " has been dropped.\n") | MsgError s => print ("Drop failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestDbGrant p = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Config.Dbms.dbmsNode ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgGrantDb p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("You've been granted all allowed privileges to database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ #dbname p ^ ".\n") | MsgError s => print ("Grant failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestListMailboxes domain = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgListMailboxes domain); (case Msg.recv bio of NONE => Vmail.Error "Server closed connection unexpectedly." | SOME m => case m of MsgMailboxes users => (Msg.send (bio, MsgOk); Vmail.Listing users) | MsgError s => Vmail.Error ("Listing failed: " ^ s) | _ => Vmail.Error "Unexpected server reply.") before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestNewMailbox p = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgNewMailbox p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("A mapping for " ^ #user p ^ "@" ^ #domain p ^ " has been created.\n") | MsgError s => print ("Creation failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestPasswdMailbox p = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgPasswdMailbox p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("The password for " ^ #user p ^ "@" ^ #domain p ^ " has been changed.\n") | MsgError s => print ("Set failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestRmMailbox p = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRmMailbox p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("The mapping for mailbox " ^ #user p ^ "@" ^ #domain p ^ " has been deleted.\n") | MsgError s => print ("Remove failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestSaQuery addr = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgSaQuery addr); (case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgSaStatus b => (print ("SpamAssassin filtering for " ^ addr ^ " is " ^ (if b then "ON" else "OFF") ^ ".\n"); Msg.send (bio, MsgOk)) | MsgError s => print ("Query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n") before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestSaSet p = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgSaSet p); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("SpamAssassin filtering for " ^ #1 p ^ " is now " ^ (if #2 p then "ON" else "OFF") ^ ".\n") | MsgError s => print ("Set failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestSmtpLog domain = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgSmtpLogReq domain) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => () | MsgSmtpLogRes line => (print line; loop ()) | MsgError s => print ("Log search failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n" in loop (); OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestMysqlFixperms () = let val (_, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Config.Dbms.dbmsNode ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgMysqlFixperms); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Permissions granted.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestApt {node, pkg} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QApt pkg)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgYes => (print "Package is installed.\n"; OS.Process.success) | MsgNo => (print "Package is not installed.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | MsgError s => (print ("APT query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestAptExists {node, pkg} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QAptExists pkg)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgAptQuery {section,description} => (print "Package exists.\n"; print ("Section: " ^ section ^ "\n"); print ("Description: " ^ description ^ "\n"); OS.Process.success) | MsgNo => (print "Package does not exist.\n"; OS.Process.failure (* It might be the Wrong Thing (tm) to use MsgNo like this *)) | MsgError s => (print ("APT existence query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestCron {node, uname} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QCron uname)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgYes => (print "User has cron permissions.\n"; OS.Process.success) | MsgNo => (print "User does not have cron permissions.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | MsgError s => (print ("Cron query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestFtp {node, uname} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QFtp uname)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgYes => (print "User has FTP permissions.\n"; OS.Process.success) | MsgNo => (print "User does not have FTP permissions.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | MsgError s => (print ("FTP query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestTrustedPath {node, uname} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QTrustedPath uname)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgYes => (print "User has trusted path restriction.\n"; OS.Process.success) | MsgNo => (print "User does not have trusted path restriction.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | MsgError s => (print ("Trusted path query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestSocketPerm {node, uname} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QSocket uname)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgSocket p => (case p of Any => print "Any\n" | Client => print "Client\n" | Server => print "Server\n" | Nada => print "Nada\n"; OS.Process.success) | MsgError s => (print ("Socket permission query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestFirewall {node, uname} = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, if node = Config.dispatcherName then dispatcher else Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgQuery (QFirewall uname)) fun loop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgFirewall ls => (app (fn s => (print s; print "\n")) ls; OS.Process.success) | MsgError s => (print ("Firewall query failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in loop () before OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestDescribe dom = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgDescribe dom); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgDescription s => print s | MsgError s => print ("Description failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestReUsers () = let val (_, bio) = requestBio (fn () => ()) in Msg.send (bio, MsgReUsers); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print "Callbacks run.\n" | MsgError s => print ("Failed: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OpenSSL.close bio end fun requestFirewallRegen node = let val (user, context) = requestContext (fn () => ()) val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, Domain.nodeIp node ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) (* Only supporting on slave nodes *) val _ = Msg.send (bio, MsgFirewallRegen) fun handleResult () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (print "Server closed connection unexpectedly.\n"; OS.Process.failure) | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => (print "Firewall regenerated.\n"; OS.Process.success) | MsgError s => (print ("Firewall regeneration failed: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) | _ => (print "Unexpected server reply.\n"; OS.Process.failure) in handleResult() before OpenSSL.close bio end structure SS = StringSet fun domainList dname = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir dname fun visitNode dset = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => dset | SOME node => let val path = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = node} fun visitDomains (path, bfor, dset) = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir path fun loop dset = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => dset | SOME dname => let val path = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = path, file = dname} in if Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir (Posix.FileSys.stat path) then let val bfor = dname :: bfor in loop (visitDomains (path, bfor, SS.add (dset, String.concatWith "." bfor))) end else loop dset end in loop dset before Posix.FileSys.closedir dir end in visitNode (visitDomains (path, [], dset)) end in visitNode SS.empty before Posix.FileSys.closedir dir end fun regenerateEither tc checker context = let val () = print "Starting regeneration....\n" val domainsBefore = if tc then SS.empty else domainList Config.resultRoot fun ifReal f = if tc then () else f () val _ = ErrorMsg.reset () val b = basis () val () = Tycheck.disallowExterns () val () = ifReal (fn () => (ignore (OS.Process.system ("rm -rf " ^ Config.oldResultRoot ^ "/*")); ignore (OS.Process.system ("cp -r " ^ Config.resultRoot ^ "/* " ^ Config.oldResultRoot ^ "/")); Domain.resetGlobal ())) val ok = ref true fun contactNode (node, ip) = if node = Config.defaultNode then Domain.resetLocal () else let val bio = OpenSSL.connect true (context, ip ^ ":" ^ Int.toString Config.slavePort) in Msg.send (bio, MsgRegenerate); case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Slave closed connection unexpectedly\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgOk => print ("Slave " ^ node ^ " pre-regeneration finished\n") | MsgError s => print ("Slave " ^ node ^ " returned error: " ^ s ^ "\n") | _ => print ("Slave " ^ node ^ " returned unexpected command\n"); OpenSSL.close bio end handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL s => print ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s ^ "\n") fun doUser user = let val _ = Domain.setUser user val _ = ErrorMsg.reset () val dname = Config.domtoolDir user in if Posix.FileSys.access (dname, []) then let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir dname fun loop files = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; files) | SOME fname => if notTmp fname then loop (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dname, file = fname} :: files) else loop files val files = loop [] val (_, files) = Order.order (SOME b) files fun checker' (file, (G, evs)) = checker G evs file in if !ErrorMsg.anyErrors then (ErrorMsg.reset (); print ("User " ^ user ^ "'s configuration has errors!\n"); ok := false) else (); ignore (foldl checker' (basis (), Defaults.eInit ()) files) end else if String.isSuffix "_admin" user then () else (print ("Couldn't access " ^ user ^ "'s ~/.domtool directory.\n"); ok := false) end handle IO.Io {name, function, ...} => (print ("IO error processing user " ^ user ^ ": " ^ function ^ ": " ^ name ^ "\n"); ok := false) | exn as OS.SysErr (s, _) => (print ("System error processing user " ^ user ^ ": " ^ s ^ "\n"); ok := false) | ErrorMsg.Error => (ErrorMsg.reset (); print ("User " ^ user ^ " had a compilation error.\n"); ok := false) | _ => (print "Unknown exception during regeneration!\n"; ok := false) in ifReal (fn () => (app contactNode Config.nodeIps; Env.pre ())); app doUser (Acl.users ()); ifReal (fn () => let val domainsAfter = domainList Config.resultRoot val domainsGone = SS.difference (domainsBefore, domainsAfter) in if SS.isEmpty domainsGone then () else (print "Domains to kill:"; SS.app (fn s => (print " "; print s)) domainsGone; print "\n"; Domain.rmdom' Config.oldResultRoot (SS.listItems domainsGone)); Env.post () end); !ok end val regenerate = regenerateEither false eval val regenerateTc = regenerateEither true (fn G => fn evs => fn file => (#1 (check G file), evs)) fun usersChanged () = (Domain.onUsersChange (); ignore (OS.Process.system Config.publish_reusers)) fun rmuser user = let val doms = Acl.class {user = user, class = "domain"} val doms = List.filter (fn dom => case Acl.whoHas {class = "domain", value = dom} of [_] => true | _ => false) (StringSet.listItems doms) in Acl.rmuser user; Domain.rmdom doms; usersChanged () end fun now () = Date.toString (Date.fromTimeUniv (Time.now ())) fun answerQuery q = case q of QApt pkg => if Apt.installed pkg then MsgYes else MsgNo | QAptExists pkg => (case Apt.info pkg of SOME {section, description} => MsgAptQuery {section = section, description = description} | NONE => MsgNo) | QCron user => if Cron.allowed user then MsgYes else MsgNo | QFtp user => if Ftp.allowed user then MsgYes else MsgNo | QTrustedPath user => if TrustedPath.query user then MsgYes else MsgNo | QSocket user => MsgSocket (SocketPerm.query user) | QFirewall user => MsgFirewall (Firewall.query user) fun describeQuery q = case q of QApt pkg => "Requested installation status of package " ^ pkg | QAptExists pkg => "Requested if package " ^ pkg ^ " exists" | QCron user => "Asked about cron permissions for user " ^ user | QFtp user => "Asked about FTP permissions for user " ^ user | QTrustedPath user => "Asked about trusted path settings for user " ^ user | QSocket user => "Asked about socket permissions for user " ^ user | QFirewall user => "Asked about firewall rules for user " ^ user fun doIt' loop bio f cleanup = ((case f () of (msgLocal, SOME msgRemote) => (print msgLocal; print "\n"; Msg.send (bio, MsgError msgRemote)) | (msgLocal, NONE) => (print msgLocal; print "\n"; Msg.send (bio, MsgOk))) handle e as (OpenSSL.OpenSSL s) => (print ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); Msg.send (bio, MsgError ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s)) handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => ()) | OS.SysErr (s, _) => (print "System error: "; print s; print "\n"; Msg.send (bio, MsgError ("System error: " ^ s)) handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => ()) | Fail s => (print "Failure: "; print s; print "\n"; Msg.send (bio, MsgError ("Failure: " ^ s)) handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => ()) | ErrorMsg.Error => (print "Compilation error\n"; Msg.send (bio, MsgError "Error during configuration evaluation") handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => ()); (cleanup (); ignore (OpenSSL.readChar bio); OpenSSL.close bio) handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) fun service () = let val host = Slave.hostname () val () = Acl.read Config.aclFile val context = context (Config.certDir ^ "/" ^ host ^ ".pem", Config.keyDir ^ "/" ^ host ^ "/key.pem", Config.trustStore) val _ = Domain.set_context context val sock = OpenSSL.listen (context, Config.dispatcherPort) fun loop () = (case OpenSSL.accept sock of NONE => () | SOME bio => let val user = OpenSSL.peerCN bio val () = print ("\nConnection from " ^ user ^ " at " ^ now () ^ "\n") val () = Domain.setUser user val doIt = doIt' loop bio fun doConfig codes = let val _ = print "Configuration:\n" val _ = app (fn s => (print s; print "\n")) codes val _ = print "\n" val outname = OS.FileSys.tmpName () fun doOne (code, (G, evs)) = let val outf = TextIO.openOut outname in TextIO.output (outf, code); TextIO.closeOut outf; eval G evs outname end in doIt (fn () => (Env.pre (); ignore (foldl doOne (basis (), Defaults.eInit ()) codes); Env.post (); Msg.send (bio, MsgOk); ("Configuration complete.", NONE))) (fn () => OS.FileSys.remove outname) end fun checkAddr s = case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"@") s of [user'] => if user = user' then SOME (SetSA.User s) else NONE | [user', domain] => if Domain.validEmailUser user' andalso Domain.yourDomain domain then SOME (SetSA.Email s) else NONE | _ => NONE fun cmdLoop () = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | SOME m => case m of MsgConfig code => doConfig [code] | MsgMultiConfig codes => doConfig codes | MsgShutdown => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} orelse Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "shutdown"} then print ("Domtool dispatcher shutting down at " ^ now () ^ "\n\n") else (print "Unauthorized shutdown command!\n"; OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | MsgGrant acl => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then (Acl.grant acl; Acl.write Config.aclFile; if #class acl = "user" then usersChanged () else (); ("Granted permission " ^ #value acl ^ " to " ^ #user acl ^ " in " ^ #class acl ^ ".", NONE)) else ("Unauthorized user asked to grant a permission!", SOME "Not authorized to grant privileges")) (fn () => ()) | MsgRevoke acl => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then (Acl.revoke acl; Acl.write Config.aclFile; ("Revoked permission " ^ #value acl ^ " from " ^ #user acl ^ " in " ^ #class acl ^ ".", NONE)) else ("Unauthorized user asked to revoke a permission!", SOME "Not authorized to revoke privileges")) (fn () => ()) | MsgListPerms user => doIt (fn () => (Msg.send (bio, MsgPerms (Acl.queryAll user)); ("Sent permission list for user " ^ user ^ ".", NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgWhoHas perm => doIt (fn () => (Msg.send (bio, MsgWhoHasResponse (Acl.whoHas perm)); ("Sent whohas response for " ^ #class perm ^ " / " ^ #value perm ^ ".", NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgRmdom doms => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} orelse List.all (fn dom => Domain.validDomain dom andalso Acl.queryDomain {user = user, domain = dom}) doms then (Domain.rmdom doms; (*app (fn dom => Acl.revokeFromAll {class = "domain", value = dom}) doms; Acl.write Config.aclFile;*) ("Removed domains" ^ foldl (fn (d, s) => s ^ " " ^ d) "" doms ^ ".", NONE)) else ("Unauthorized user asked to remove a domain!", SOME "Not authorized to remove that domain")) (fn () => ()) | MsgRegenerate => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "regen"} orelse Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then (if regenerate context then ("Regenerated all configuration.", NONE) else ("Error regenerating configuration!", SOME "Error regenerating configuration! Consult /var/log/domtool.log.")) else ("Unauthorized user asked to regenerate!", SOME "Not authorized to regenerate")) (fn () => ()) | MsgRegenerateTc => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "regen"} orelse Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then (if regenerateTc context then ("Checked all configuration.", NONE) else ("Found a compilation error!", SOME "Found a compilation error! Consult /var/log/domtool.log.")) else ("Unauthorized user asked to regenerate -tc!", SOME "Not authorized to regenerate -tc")) (fn () => ()) | MsgRmuser user' => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then (rmuser user'; Acl.write Config.aclFile; ("Removed user " ^ user' ^ ".", NONE)) else ("Unauthorized user asked to remove a user!", SOME "Not authorized to remove users")) (fn () => ()) | MsgListMailboxes domain => doIt (fn () => if not (Domain.yourDomain domain) then ("User wasn't authorized to list mailboxes for " ^ domain, SOME "You're not authorized to configure that domain.") else case Vmail.list domain of Vmail.Listing users => (Msg.send (bio, MsgMailboxes users); ("Sent mailbox list for " ^ domain, NONE)) | Vmail.Error msg => ("Error listing mailboxes for " ^ domain ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME msg)) (fn () => ()) | MsgNewMailbox {domain, user = emailUser, passwd, mailbox} => doIt (fn () => if not (Domain.yourDomain domain) then ("User wasn't authorized to add a mailbox to " ^ domain, SOME "You're not authorized to configure that domain.") else if not (Domain.validEmailUser emailUser) then ("Invalid e-mail username " ^ emailUser, SOME "Invalid e-mail username") else if not (CharVector.all Char.isGraph passwd) then ("Invalid password", SOME "Invalid password; may only contain printable, non-space characters") else if not (Domain.yourPath mailbox) then ("User wasn't authorized to add a mailbox at " ^ mailbox, SOME ("You're not authorized to use that mailbox location. (" ^ mailbox ^ ")")) else case Vmail.add {requester = user, domain = domain, user = emailUser, passwd = passwd, mailbox = mailbox} of NONE => ("Added mailbox " ^ emailUser ^ "@" ^ domain ^ " at " ^ mailbox, NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error adding mailbox " ^ emailUser ^ "@" ^ domain ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME msg)) (fn () => ()) | MsgPasswdMailbox {domain, user = emailUser, passwd} => doIt (fn () => if not (Domain.yourDomain domain) then ("User wasn't authorized to change password of a mailbox for " ^ domain, SOME "You're not authorized to configure that domain.") else if not (Domain.validEmailUser emailUser) then ("Invalid e-mail username " ^ emailUser, SOME "Invalid e-mail username") else if not (CharVector.all Char.isGraph passwd) then ("Invalid password", SOME "Invalid password; may only contain printable, non-space characters") else case Vmail.passwd {domain = domain, user = emailUser, passwd = passwd} of NONE => ("Changed password of mailbox " ^ emailUser ^ "@" ^ domain, NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error changing mailbox password for " ^ emailUser ^ "@" ^ domain ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME msg)) (fn () => ()) | MsgRmMailbox {domain, user = emailUser} => doIt (fn () => if not (Domain.yourDomain domain) then ("User wasn't authorized to change password of a mailbox for " ^ domain, SOME "You're not authorized to configure that domain.") else if not (Domain.validEmailUser emailUser) then ("Invalid e-mail username " ^ emailUser, SOME "Invalid e-mail username") else case Vmail.rm {domain = domain, user = emailUser} of NONE => ("Deleted mailbox " ^ emailUser ^ "@" ^ domain, NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error deleting mailbox " ^ emailUser ^ "@" ^ domain ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME msg)) (fn () => ()) | MsgSaQuery addr => doIt (fn () => case checkAddr addr of NONE => ("User tried to query SA filtering for " ^ addr, SOME "You aren't allowed to configure SA filtering for that recipient.") | SOME addr' => (Msg.send (bio, MsgSaStatus (SetSA.query addr')); ("Queried SA filtering status for " ^ addr, NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgSaSet (addr, b) => doIt (fn () => case checkAddr addr of NONE => ("User tried to set SA filtering for " ^ addr, SOME "You aren't allowed to configure SA filtering for that recipient.") | SOME addr' => (SetSA.set (addr', b); Msg.send (bio, MsgOk); ("Set SA filtering status for " ^ addr ^ " to " ^ (if b then "ON" else "OFF"), NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgSmtpLogReq domain => doIt (fn () => if not (Domain.yourDomain domain) then ("Unauthorized user tried to request SMTP logs for " ^ domain, SOME "You aren't authorized to configure that domain.") else (SmtpLog.search (fn line => Msg.send (bio, MsgSmtpLogRes line)) domain; ("Requested SMTP logs for " ^ domain, NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgQuery q => doIt (fn () => (Msg.send (bio, answerQuery q); (describeQuery q, NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgDescribe dom => doIt (fn () => if not (Domain.validDomain dom) then ("Requested description of invalid domain " ^ dom, SOME "Invalid domain name") else if not (Domain.yourDomain dom orelse Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"}) then ("Requested description of " ^ dom ^ ", but not allowed access", SOME "Access denied") else (Msg.send (bio, MsgDescription (Domain.describe dom)); ("Sent description of domain " ^ dom, NONE))) (fn () => ()) | MsgReUsers => doIt (fn () => if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "regen"} orelse Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then (usersChanged (); ("Users change callbacks run", NONE)) else ("Unauthorized user asked to reusers!", SOME "You aren't authorized to regenerate files.")) (fn () => ()) | _ => doIt (fn () => ("Unexpected command", SOME "Unexpected command")) (fn () => ()) in cmdLoop () end handle e as (OpenSSL.OpenSSL s) => (print ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | OS.SysErr (s, _) => (print ("System error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | IO.Io {name, function, cause} => (print ("IO error: " ^ function ^ " for " ^ name ^ "\n"); app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory cause); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | OS.Path.InvalidArc => (print "Invalid arc\n"; OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | e => (print "Unknown exception in main loop!\n"; app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ())) handle e as (OpenSSL.OpenSSL s) => (print ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); loop ()) | OS.SysErr (s, _) => (print ("System error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); loop ()) | IO.Io {name, function, cause} => (print ("IO error: " ^ function ^ " for " ^ name ^ "\n"); app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory cause); loop ()) | e => (print "Unknown exception in main loop!\n"; app (fn x => print (x ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); loop ()) in print ("Domtool dispatcher starting up at " ^ now () ^ "\n"); print "Listening for connections....\n"; loop (); OpenSSL.shutdown sock end fun slave () = let val host = Slave.hostname () val context = context (Config.certDir ^ "/" ^ host ^ ".pem", Config.keyDir ^ "/" ^ host ^ "/key.pem", Config.trustStore) val sock = OpenSSL.listen (context, Config.slavePort) val _ = print ("Slave server starting at " ^ now () ^ "\n") fun loop () = (case OpenSSL.accept sock of NONE => () | SOME bio => let val peer = OpenSSL.peerCN bio val () = print ("\nConnection from " ^ peer ^ " at " ^ now () ^ "\n") in if peer = Config.dispatcherName then let fun loop' files = case Msg.recv bio of NONE => print "Dispatcher closed connection unexpectedly\n" | SOME m => case m of MsgFile file => loop' (file :: files) | MsgDoFiles => (Slave.handleChanges files; Msg.send (bio, MsgOk)) | MsgRegenerate => (Domain.resetLocal (); Msg.send (bio, MsgOk)) | MsgVmailChanged => (if Vmail.doChanged () then Msg.send (bio, MsgOk) else Msg.send (bio, MsgError "userdb update failed")) | _ => (print "Dispatcher sent unexpected command\n"; Msg.send (bio, MsgError "Unexpected command")) in loop' []; ignore (OpenSSL.readChar bio); OpenSSL.close bio; loop () end else if peer = "domtool" then case Msg.recv bio of SOME MsgShutdown => (OpenSSL.close bio; print ("Shutting down at " ^ now () ^ "\n\n")) | _ => (OpenSSL.close bio; loop ()) else let val doIt = doIt' loop bio val user = peer in case Msg.recv bio of NONE => (OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | SOME m => case m of (MsgQuery q) => (print (describeQuery q ^ "\n"); Msg.send (bio, answerQuery q); ignore (OpenSSL.readChar bio); OpenSSL.close bio; loop ()) | MsgCreateDbUser {dbtype, passwd} => doIt (fn () => case Dbms.lookup dbtype of NONE => ("Database user creation request with unknown datatype type " ^ dbtype, SOME ("Unknown database type " ^ dbtype)) | SOME handler => case #adduser handler {user = user, passwd = passwd} of NONE => ("Added " ^ dbtype ^ " user " ^ user ^ ".", NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error adding a " ^ dbtype ^ " user " ^ user ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME ("Error adding user: " ^ msg))) (fn () => ()) | MsgDbPasswd {dbtype, passwd} => doIt (fn () => case Dbms.lookup dbtype of NONE => ("Database passwd request with unknown datatype type " ^ dbtype, SOME ("Unknown database type " ^ dbtype)) | SOME handler => case #passwd handler {user = user, passwd = passwd} of NONE => ("Changed " ^ dbtype ^ " password of user " ^ user ^ ".", NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error setting " ^ dbtype ^ " password of user " ^ user ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME ("Error adding user: " ^ msg))) (fn () => ()) | MsgCreateDb {dbtype, dbname, encoding} => doIt (fn () => if Dbms.validDbname dbname then case Dbms.lookup dbtype of NONE => ("Database creation request with unknown datatype type " ^ dbtype, SOME ("Unknown database type " ^ dbtype)) | SOME handler => if not (Dbms.validEncoding encoding) then ("Invalid encoding " ^ valOf encoding ^ " requested for database creation.", SOME "Invalid encoding") else case #createdb handler {user = user, dbname = dbname, encoding = encoding} of NONE => ("Created database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname ^ ".", NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error creating database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME ("Error creating database: " ^ msg)) else ("Invalid database name " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname, SOME ("Invalid database name " ^ dbname))) (fn () => ()) | MsgDropDb {dbtype, dbname} => doIt (fn () => if Dbms.validDbname dbname then case Dbms.lookup dbtype of NONE => ("Database drop request with unknown datatype type " ^ dbtype, SOME ("Unknown database type " ^ dbtype)) | SOME handler => case #dropdb handler {user = user, dbname = dbname} of NONE => ("Drop database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname ^ ".", NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error dropping database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME ("Error dropping database: " ^ msg)) else ("Invalid database name " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname, SOME ("Invalid database name " ^ dbname))) (fn () => ()) | MsgGrantDb {dbtype, dbname} => doIt (fn () => if Dbms.validDbname dbname then case Dbms.lookup dbtype of NONE => ("Database drop request with unknown datatype type " ^ dbtype, SOME ("Unknown database type " ^ dbtype)) | SOME handler => case #grant handler {user = user, dbname = dbname} of NONE => ("Grant permissions to database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname ^ ".", NONE) | SOME msg => ("Error granting permissions to database " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname ^ ": " ^ msg, SOME ("Error granting permissions to database: " ^ msg)) else ("Invalid database name " ^ user ^ "_" ^ dbname, SOME ("Invalid database name " ^ dbname))) (fn () => ()) | MsgMysqlFixperms => (print "Starting mysql-fixperms\n"; doIt (fn () => if OS.Process.isSuccess (OS.Process.system "/usr/bin/sudo -H /afs/hcoop.net/common/etc/scripts/mysql-grant-table-drop") then ("Requested mysql-fixperms", NONE) else ("Requested mysql-fixperms, but execution failed!", SOME "Script execution failed.")) (fn () => ())) | MsgFirewallRegen => doIt (fn () => (Acl.read Config.aclFile; if Acl.query {user = user, class = "priv", value = "all"} then if List.exists (fn x => x = host) Config.Firewall.firewallNodes then if (Firewall.generateFirewallConfig (Firewall.parseRules ()) andalso Firewall.publishConfig ()) then ("Firewall rules regenerated.", NONE) else ("Rules regeneration failed!", SOME "Script execution failed.") else ("Node not controlled by domtool firewall.", SOME (host)) else ("Not authorized to regenerate firewall.", SOME ("Unauthorized user " ^ user ^ " attempted to regenerated firewall")))) (fn () => ()) | _ => (OpenSSL.close bio; loop ()) end end handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL s => (print ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | e as OS.SysErr (s, _) => (app (fn s => print (s ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); print ("System error: "^ s ^ "\n"); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | IO.Io {function, name, ...} => (print ("IO error: " ^ function ^ ": " ^ name ^ "\n"); OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ()) | e => (app (fn s => print (s ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); print "Uncaught exception!\n"; OpenSSL.close bio handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL _ => (); loop ())) handle OpenSSL.OpenSSL s => (print ("OpenSSL error: " ^ s ^ "\n"); loop ()) | e => (app (fn s => print (s ^ "\n")) (SMLofNJ.exnHistory e); print "Uncaught exception!\n"; loop ()) in loop (); OpenSSL.shutdown sock end fun listBasis () = let val dir = Posix.FileSys.opendir Config.libRoot fun loop files = case Posix.FileSys.readdir dir of NONE => (Posix.FileSys.closedir dir; files) | SOME fname => if String.isSuffix ".dtl" fname then loop (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.libRoot, file = fname} :: files) else loop files in loop [] end fun autodocBasis outdir = Autodoc.autodoc {outdir = outdir, infiles = listBasis ()} end