{{E-mail aliases (AKA, redirects)}} extern type emailUser; {{A valid username to appear before the "@" in an e-mail address}} extern type email; {{A valid e-mail address. It may also be a username only, in which case it is interpreted as a local user's mailbox.}} extern type aliasSource; {{An e-mail recipient whose mail you want to redirect}} extern val userSource : emailUser -> aliasSource; {{The part appear before the "@" in your desired source address}} extern val defaultSource : aliasSource; {{Matches any mail to this domain that doesn't match any other rule, with the exception of systemwide usernames like UNIX users.}} extern val catchAllSource : aliasSource; {{Matches any mail to this domain that doesn't match any other rule, even for systemwide usernames.}} extern type aliasTarget; {{A place to redirect messages}} extern val addressTarget : email -> aliasTarget; {{Redirect to this e-mail address.}} extern val addressesTarget : [email] -> aliasTarget; {{Redirect to all of these addresses.}} extern val dropTarget : aliasTarget; {{Silently delete all mail to the associated source.}} extern val aliasPrim : aliasSource -> aliasTarget -> [Domain]; {{Request redirection of all mail from the source to the target.} val alias = \user -> \email -> aliasPrim (userSource user) (addressTarget email); {{Redirect mail for the user at the current domain to the e-mail address.}} val aliasMulti = \user -> \emails -> aliasPrim (userSource user) (addressesTarget emails); {{Redirect mail for the user at the current domain to all of the e-mail addresses listed.}} val aliasDrop = \user -> aliasPrim (userSource user) dropTarget; {{Silently delete mail to the user at the current domain.}} val defaultAlias = \email -> aliasPrim defaultSource (addressTarget email); {{When a message to the current domain doesn't match any other alias, and it doesn't match any systemwide username, send it to this e-mail address val catchAllAlias = \email -> aliasPrim catchAllSource (addressTarget email); {{When a message to the current domain doesn't match any other alias, send it to this e-mail address, even if it matches a systemwide username.}}