[hcoop/domtool2.git] / src / plugins / apache.sml
1 (* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/)
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Adam Chlipala
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 *)
19 (* Apache HTTPD handling *)
21 structure Apache :> APACHE = struct
23 open Ast
25 val dl = ErrorMsg.dummyLoc
27 fun webNode node =
28 List.exists (fn (x, _) => x = node) Config.Apache.webNodes_all
29 orelse (Domain.hasPriv "www"
30 andalso List.exists (fn (x, _) => x = node) Config.Apache.webNodes_admin)
32 val _ = Env.type_one "web_node"
33 Env.string
34 webNode
36 val _ = Env.registerFunction ("web_node_to_node",
37 fn [e] => SOME e
38 | _ => NONE)
40 fun webPlace (EApp ((EVar "web_place_default", _), (EString node, _)), _) =
41 SOME (node, Domain.nodeIp node)
42 | webPlace (EApp ((EApp ((EVar "web_place", _), (EString node, _)), _), (EString ip, _)), _) =
43 SOME (node, ip)
44 | webPlace _ = NONE
46 fun webPlaceDefault node = (EApp ((EVar "web_place_default", dl), (EString node, dl)), dl)
48 val _ = Env.registerFunction ("web_place_to_web_node",
49 fn [e] => Option.map (fn (node, _) => (EString node, dl)) (webPlace e)
50 | _ => NONE)
52 val _ = Env.registerFunction ("web_place_to_node",
53 fn [e] => Option.map (fn (node, _) => (EString node, dl)) (webPlace e)
54 | _ => NONE)
56 val _ = Env.registerFunction ("web_place_to_ip",
57 fn [e] => Option.map (fn (_, ip) => (EString ip, dl)) (webPlace e)
58 | _ => NONE)
60 val _ = Env.type_one "proxy_port"
61 Env.int
62 (fn n => n > 1024)
64 val _ = Env.type_one "proxy_target"
65 Env.string
66 (fn s =>
67 let
68 fun default () = List.exists (fn s' => s = s') Config.Apache.proxyTargets
69 in
70 case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #":") s of
71 "http" :: host :: rest =>
72 let
73 val rest = String.concatWith ":" rest
74 in
75 if List.exists (fn h' => host = h') (map (fn h => String.concat ["//", h]) Config.Apache.proxyHosts)
76 then
77 CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isPrint ch andalso not (Char.isSpace ch)
78 andalso ch <> #"\"" andalso ch <> #"'") rest
79 andalso case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"/") rest of
80 port :: _ =>
81 (case Int.fromString port of
82 NONE => default ()
83 | SOME n => n > 1024 orelse default ())
84 | _ => default ()
85 else
86 default ()
87 end
88 | _ => default ()
89 end)
91 val _ = Env.type_one "rewrite_arg"
92 Env.string
93 (CharVector.all Char.isAlphaNum)
95 val _ = Env.type_one "suexec_flag"
96 Env.bool
97 (fn b => b orelse Domain.hasPriv "www")
99 val _ = Env.type_one "regexp"
100 Env.string
101 Pcre.validRegexp
103 fun validLocation s =
104 size s > 0 andalso size s < 1000 andalso CharVector.all
105 (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch
106 orelse ch = #"-"
107 orelse ch = #"_"
108 orelse ch = #"."
109 orelse ch = #"/"
110 orelse ch = #"~") s
112 val _ = Env.type_one "location"
113 Env.string
114 validLocation
116 fun validCert s = Acl.query {user = Domain.getUser (),
117 class = "cert",
118 value = s}
120 val _ = Env.type_one "ssl_cert_path"
121 Env.string
122 validCert
124 fun ssl e = case e of
125 (EVar "no_ssl", _) => SOME NONE
126 | (EApp ((EVar "use_cert", _), s), _) => Option.map SOME (Env.string s)
127 | _ => NONE
129 fun validExtension s =
130 size s > 0
131 andalso size s < 20
132 andalso CharVector.all (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"_") s
134 val _ = Env.type_one "file_extension"
135 Env.string
136 validExtension
138 val defaults = [("WebPlaces",
139 (TList (TBase "web_place", dl), dl),
140 (fn () => (EList (map webPlaceDefault Config.Apache.webNodes_default), dl))),
141 ("SSL",
142 (TBase "ssl", dl),
143 (fn () => (EVar "no_ssl", dl))),
144 ("User",
145 (TBase "your_user", dl),
146 (fn () => (EString (Domain.getUser ()), dl))),
147 ("Group",
148 (TBase "your_group", dl),
149 (fn () => (EString "nogroup", dl))),
150 ("DocumentRoot",
151 (TBase "your_path", dl),
152 (fn () => (EString (Domain.homedir () ^ "/" ^ Config.Apache.public_html), dl))),
153 ("ServerAdmin",
154 (TBase "email", dl),
155 (fn () => (EString (Domain.getUser () ^ "@" ^ Config.defaultDomain), dl))),
156 ("SuExec",
157 (TBase "suexec_flag", dl),
158 (fn () => (EVar "true", dl))),
159 ("PhpVersion",
160 (TBase "php_version", dl),
161 (fn () => (EVar "php4", dl)))]
163 val () = app Defaults.registerDefault defaults
165 val redirect_code = fn (EVar "temp", _) => SOME "temp"
166 | (EVar "permanent", _) => SOME "permanent"
167 | (EVar "seeother", _) => SOME "seeother"
168 | (EVar "redir300", _) => SOME "300"
169 | (EVar "redir301", _) => SOME "301"
170 | (EVar "redir302", _) => SOME "302"
171 | (EVar "redir303", _) => SOME "303"
172 | (EVar "redir304", _) => SOME "304"
173 | (EVar "redir305", _) => SOME "305"
174 | (EVar "redir307", _) => SOME "307"
175 | _ => NONE
177 val flag = fn (EVar "redirect", _) => SOME "R"
178 | (EVar "forbidden", _) => SOME "F"
179 | (EVar "gone", _) => SOME "G"
180 | (EVar "last", _) => SOME "L"
181 | (EVar "chain", _) => SOME "C"
182 | (EVar "nosubreq", _) => SOME "NS"
183 | (EVar "nocase", _) => SOME "NC"
184 | (EVar "qsappend", _) => SOME "QSA"
185 | (EVar "noescape", _) => SOME "NE"
186 | (EVar "passthrough", _) => SOME "PT"
187 | (EApp ((EVar "mimeType", _), e), _) =>
188 Option.map (fn s => "T=" ^ s) (Env.string e)
189 | (EApp ((EVar "redirectWith", _), e), _) =>
190 Option.map (fn s => "R=" ^ s) (redirect_code e)
191 | (EApp ((EVar "skip", _), e), _) =>
192 Option.map (fn n => "S=" ^ Int.toString n) (Env.int e)
193 | (EApp ((EApp ((EVar "env", _), e1), _), e2), _) =>
194 (case Env.string e1 of
195 NONE => NONE
196 | SOME s1 => Option.map (fn s2 => "E=" ^ s1 ^ ":" ^ s2)
197 (Env.string e2))
199 | _ => NONE
201 val cond_flag = fn (EVar "cond_nocase", _) => SOME "NC"
202 | (EVar "ornext", _) => SOME "OR"
203 | _ => NONE
205 val apache_option = fn (EVar "execCGI", _) => SOME "ExecCGI"
206 | (EVar "includesNOEXEC", _) => SOME "IncludesNOEXEC"
207 | (EVar "indexes", _) => SOME "Indexes"
208 | (EVar "followSymLinks", _) => SOME "FollowSymLinks"
209 | _ => NONE
211 val autoindex_width = fn (EVar "autofit", _) => SOME "*"
212 | (EApp ((EVar "characters", _), n), _) =>
213 Option.map Int.toString (Env.int n)
214 | _ => NONE
216 val autoindex_option = fn (EApp ((EVar "descriptionWidth", _), w), _) =>
217 Option.map (fn w => ("DescriptionWidth", SOME w))
218 (autoindex_width w)
219 | (EVar "fancyIndexing", _) => SOME ("FancyIndexing", NONE)
220 | (EVar "foldersFirst", _) => SOME ("FoldersFirst", NONE)
221 | (EVar "htmlTable", _) => SOME ("HTMLTable", NONE)
222 | (EVar "iconsAreLinks", _) => SOME ("IconsAreLinks", NONE)
223 | (EApp ((EVar "iconHeight", _), n), _) =>
224 Option.map (fn w => ("IconHeight", SOME (Int.toString w)))
225 (Env.int n)
226 | (EApp ((EVar "iconWidth", _), n), _) =>
227 Option.map (fn w => ("IconWidth", SOME (Int.toString w)))
228 (Env.int n)
229 | (EVar "ignoreCase", _) => SOME ("IgnoreCase", NONE)
230 | (EVar "ignoreClient", _) => SOME ("IgnoreClient", NONE)
231 | (EApp ((EVar "nameWidth", _), w), _) =>
232 Option.map (fn w => ("NameWidth", SOME w))
233 (autoindex_width w)
234 | (EVar "scanHtmlTitles", _) => SOME ("ScanHTMLTitles", NONE)
235 | (EVar "suppressColumnSorting", _) => SOME ("SuppressColumnSorting", NONE)
236 | (EVar "suppressDescription", _) => SOME ("SuppressDescription", NONE)
237 | (EVar "suppressHtmlPreamble", _) => SOME ("SuppressHTMLPreamble", NONE)
238 | (EVar "suppressIcon", _) => SOME ("SuppressIcon", NONE)
239 | (EVar "suppressLastModified", _) => SOME ("SuppressLastModified", NONE)
240 | (EVar "suppressRules", _) => SOME ("SuppressRules", NONE)
241 | (EVar "suppressSize", _) => SOME ("SuppressSize", NONE)
242 | (EVar "trackModified", _) => SOME ("TrackModified", NONE)
243 | (EVar "versionSort", _) => SOME ("VersionSort", NONE)
244 | (EVar "xhtml", _) => SOME ("XHTML", NONE)
246 | _ => NONE
248 val interval_base = fn (EVar "access", _) => SOME "access"
249 | (EVar "modification", _) => SOME "modification"
250 | _ => NONE
252 val interval = fn (EVar "years", _) => SOME "years"
253 | (EVar "months", _) => SOME "months"
254 | (EVar "weeks", _) => SOME "weeks"
255 | (EVar "days", _) => SOME "days"
256 | (EVar "hours", _) => SOME "hours"
257 | (EVar "minutes", _) => SOME "minutes"
258 | (EVar "seconds", _) => SOME "seconds"
259 | _ => NONE
261 val vhostsChanged = ref false
262 val logDeleted = ref false
263 val delayedLogMoves = ref (fn () => ())
265 val () = Slave.registerPreHandler
266 (fn () => (vhostsChanged := false;
267 logDeleted := false;
268 delayedLogMoves := (fn () => print "Executing delayed log moves/deletes.\n")))
270 fun findVhostUser fname =
271 let
272 val inf = TextIO.openIn fname
274 fun loop () =
275 case TextIO.inputLine inf of
276 NONE => NONE
277 | SOME line =>
278 if String.isPrefix "# Owner: " line then
279 case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
280 [_, _, user] => SOME user
281 | _ => NONE
282 else
283 loop ()
284 in
285 loop ()
286 before TextIO.closeIn inf
287 end handle _ => NONE
289 val webNodes_full = Config.Apache.webNodes_all @ Config.Apache.webNodes_admin
291 fun isVersion1 node =
292 List.exists (fn (n, {version = ConfigTypes.APACHE_1_3, ...}) => n = node
293 | _ => false) webNodes_full
295 fun imVersion1 () = isVersion1 (Slave.hostname ())
297 fun isWaklog node =
298 List.exists (fn (n, {auth = ConfigTypes.MOD_WAKLOG, ...}) => n = node
299 | _ => false) webNodes_full
301 fun down () = if imVersion1 () then Config.Apache.down1 else Config.Apache.down
302 fun undown () = if imVersion1 () then Config.Apache.undown1 else Config.Apache.undown
303 fun reload () = if imVersion1 () then Config.Apache.reload1 else Config.Apache.reload
304 fun fixperms () = if imVersion1 () then Config.Apache.fixperms1 else Config.Apache.fixperms
306 fun logDir {user, node, vhostId} =
307 String.concat [Config.Apache.logDirOf (isVersion1 node) user,
308 "/",
309 node,
310 "/",
311 vhostId]
313 fun realLogDir {user, node, vhostId} =
314 String.concat [Config.Apache.realLogDirOf user,
315 "/",
316 node,
317 "/",
318 vhostId]
320 val () = Slave.registerFileHandler (fn fs =>
321 let
322 val spl = OS.Path.splitDirFile (#file fs)
323 in
324 if String.isSuffix ".vhost" (#file spl)
325 orelse String.isSuffix ".vhost_ssl" (#file spl) then let
326 val realVhostFile = OS.Path.joinDirFile
327 {dir = Config.Apache.confDir,
328 file = #file spl}
330 val user = findVhostUser (#file fs)
331 val oldUser = case #action fs of
332 Slave.Delete false => user
333 | _ => findVhostUser realVhostFile
334 in
335 if (oldUser = NONE andalso #action fs <> Slave.Add)
336 orelse (user = NONE andalso not (Slave.isDelete (#action fs))) then
337 print ("Can't find user in " ^ #file fs ^ " or " ^ realVhostFile ^ "! Taking no action.\n")
338 else
339 let
340 val vhostId = if OS.Path.ext (#file spl) = SOME "vhost_ssl" then
341 OS.Path.base (#file spl) ^ ".ssl"
342 else
343 OS.Path.base (#file spl)
345 fun realLogDir user =
346 logDir {user = valOf user,
347 node = Slave.hostname (),
348 vhostId = vhostId}
350 fun backupLogs () =
351 OS.Path.joinDirFile
352 {dir = Config.Apache.backupLogDirOf
353 (isVersion1 (Slave.hostname ())),
354 file = vhostId}
355 in
356 vhostsChanged := true;
357 case #action fs of
358 Slave.Delete _ =>
359 let
360 val ldir = realLogDir oldUser
361 val dlm = !delayedLogMoves
362 in
363 if !logDeleted then
364 ()
365 else
366 ((*ignore (OS.Process.system (down ()));*)
367 ignore (OS.Process.system (fixperms ()));
368 logDeleted := true);
369 ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm
370 ^ " -rf "
371 ^ realVhostFile));
372 delayedLogMoves := (fn () => (dlm ();
373 Slave.moveDirCreate {from = ldir,
374 to = backupLogs ()}))
375 end
376 | Slave.Add =>
377 let
378 val rld = realLogDir user
379 in
380 ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.cp
381 ^ " "
382 ^ #file fs
383 ^ " "
384 ^ realVhostFile));
385 if Posix.FileSys.access (rld, []) then
386 ()
387 else
388 Slave.moveDirCreate {from = backupLogs (),
389 to = rld}
390 end
392 | _ =>
393 (ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.cp
394 ^ " "
395 ^ #file fs
396 ^ " "
397 ^ realVhostFile));
398 if user <> oldUser then
399 let
400 val old = realLogDir oldUser
401 val rld = realLogDir user
403 val dlm = !delayedLogMoves
404 in
405 if !logDeleted then
406 ()
407 else
408 ((*ignore (OS.Process.system (down ()));*)
409 logDeleted := true);
410 delayedLogMoves := (fn () => (dlm ();
411 ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm
412 ^ " -rf "
413 ^ realLogDir oldUser))));
414 if Posix.FileSys.access (rld, []) then
415 ()
416 else
417 Slave.mkDirAll rld
418 end
419 else
420 ())
421 end
422 end
423 else
424 ()
425 end)
427 val () = Slave.registerPostHandler
428 (fn () =>
429 (if !vhostsChanged then
430 (Slave.shellF ([reload ()],
431 fn cl => "Error reloading Apache with " ^ cl);
432 if !logDeleted then !delayedLogMoves () else ())
433 else
434 ()))
436 val vhostFiles : (string * TextIO.outstream) list ref = ref []
437 fun write' s = app (fn (node, file) => TextIO.output (file, s node)) (!vhostFiles)
438 fun write s = app (fn (_, file) => TextIO.output (file, s)) (!vhostFiles)
440 val rewriteEnabled = ref false
441 val localRewriteEnabled = ref false
442 val expiresEnabled = ref false
443 val localExpiresEnabled = ref false
444 val currentVhost = ref ""
445 val currentVhostId = ref ""
446 val sslEnabled = ref false
448 val pre = ref (fn _ : {user : string, nodes : string list, id : string, hostname : string} => ())
449 fun registerPre f =
450 let
451 val old = !pre
452 in
453 pre := (fn x => (old x; f x))
454 end
456 val post = ref (fn () => ())
457 fun registerPost f =
458 let
459 val old = !post
460 in
461 post := (fn () => (old (); f ()))
462 end
464 fun doPre x = !pre x
465 fun doPost () = !post ()
467 val aliaser = ref (fn _ : string => ())
468 fun registerAliaser f =
469 let
470 val old = !aliaser
471 in
472 aliaser := (fn x => (old x; f x))
473 end
475 fun vhostPost () = (!post ();
476 write "</VirtualHost>\n";
477 app (TextIO.closeOut o #2) (!vhostFiles))
479 val php_version = fn (EVar "php4", _) => SOME 4
480 | (EVar "php5", _) => SOME 5
481 | _ => NONE
483 fun vhostBody (env, makeFullHost) =
484 let
485 val places = Env.env (Env.list webPlace) (env, "WebPlaces")
487 val ssl = Env.env ssl (env, "SSL")
488 val user = Env.env Env.string (env, "User")
489 val group = Env.env Env.string (env, "Group")
490 val docroot = Env.env Env.string (env, "DocumentRoot")
491 val sadmin = Env.env Env.string (env, "ServerAdmin")
492 val suexec = Env.env Env.bool (env, "SuExec")
493 val php = Env.env php_version (env, "PhpVersion")
495 val fullHost = makeFullHost (Domain.currentDomain ())
496 val vhostId = fullHost ^ (if Option.isSome ssl then ".ssl" else "")
497 val confFile = fullHost ^ (if Option.isSome ssl then ".vhost_ssl" else ".vhost")
498 in
499 currentVhost := fullHost;
500 currentVhostId := vhostId;
501 sslEnabled := Option.isSome ssl;
503 rewriteEnabled := false;
504 localRewriteEnabled := false;
505 expiresEnabled := false;
506 localExpiresEnabled := false;
507 vhostFiles := map (fn (node, ip) =>
508 let
509 val file = Domain.domainFile {node = node,
510 name = confFile}
512 val ld = logDir {user = user, node = node, vhostId = vhostId}
513 in
514 TextIO.output (file, "# Owner: ");
515 TextIO.output (file, user);
516 TextIO.output (file, "\n<VirtualHost ");
517 TextIO.output (file, ip);
518 TextIO.output (file, ":");
519 TextIO.output (file, case ssl of
520 SOME _ => "443"
521 | NONE => "80");
522 TextIO.output (file, ">\n");
523 TextIO.output (file, "\tErrorLog ");
524 TextIO.output (file, ld);
525 TextIO.output (file, "/error.log\n\tCustomLog ");
526 TextIO.output (file, ld);
527 TextIO.output (file, "/access.log combined\n");
528 TextIO.output (file, "\tServerName ");
529 TextIO.output (file, fullHost);
530 app
531 (fn dom => (TextIO.output (file, "\n\tServerAlias ");
532 TextIO.output (file, makeFullHost dom)))
533 (Domain.currentAliasDomains ());
535 if suexec then
536 if isVersion1 node then
537 (TextIO.output (file, "\n\tUser ");
538 TextIO.output (file, user);
539 TextIO.output (file, "\n\tGroup ");
540 TextIO.output (file, group))
541 else
542 (TextIO.output (file, "\n\tSuexecUserGroup ");
543 TextIO.output (file, user);
544 TextIO.output (file, " ");
545 TextIO.output (file, group);
546 TextIO.output (file, "\n\tsuPHP_UserGroup ");
547 TextIO.output (file, user);
548 TextIO.output (file, " ");
549 TextIO.output (file, group))
550 else
551 ();
553 if isWaklog node then
554 (TextIO.output (file, "\n\tWaklogEnabled on\n\tWaklogLocationPrincipal ");
555 TextIO.output (file, user);
556 TextIO.output (file, "/daemon@HCOOP.NET /etc/keytabs/user.daemon/");
557 TextIO.output (file, user))
558 else
559 ();
561 TextIO.output (file, "\n\tDAVLockDB /var/lock/apache2/dav/");
562 TextIO.output (file, user);
563 TextIO.output (file, "/DAVLock");
565 if php <> Config.Apache.defaultPhpVersion then
566 (TextIO.output (file, "\n\tAddHandler x-httpd-php");
567 TextIO.output (file, Int.toString php);
568 TextIO.output (file, " .php .phtml"))
569 else
570 ();
572 (ld, file)
573 end)
574 places;
575 write "\n\tDocumentRoot ";
576 write docroot;
577 write "\n\tServerAdmin ";
578 write sadmin;
579 case ssl of
580 SOME cert =>
581 (write "\n\tSSLEngine on\n\tSSLCertificateFile ";
582 write cert)
583 | NONE => ();
584 write "\n";
585 !pre {user = user, nodes = map #1 places, id = vhostId, hostname = fullHost};
586 app (fn dom => !aliaser (makeFullHost dom)) (Domain.currentAliasDomains ())
587 end
589 val () = Env.containerV_one "vhost"
590 ("host", Env.string)
591 (fn (env, host) => vhostBody (env, fn dom => host ^ "." ^ dom),
592 vhostPost)
594 val () = Env.containerV_none "vhostDefault"
595 (fn env => vhostBody (env, fn dom => dom),
596 vhostPost)
598 val inLocal = ref false
600 val () = Env.container_one "location"
601 ("prefix", Env.string)
602 (fn prefix =>
603 (write "\t<Location ";
604 write prefix;
605 write ">\n";
606 inLocal := true),
607 fn () => (write "\t</Location>\n";
608 inLocal := false;
609 localRewriteEnabled := false;
610 localExpiresEnabled := false))
612 val () = Env.container_one "directory"
613 ("directory", Env.string)
614 (fn directory =>
615 (write "\t<Directory ";
616 write directory;
617 write ">\n";
618 inLocal := true),
619 fn () => (write "\t</Directory>\n";
620 inLocal := false;
621 localRewriteEnabled := false;
622 localExpiresEnabled := false))
624 val () = Env.container_one "filesMatch"
625 ("regexp", Env.string)
626 (fn prefix =>
627 (write "\t<FilesMatch \"";
628 write prefix;
629 write "\">\n"),
630 fn () => (write "\t</FilesMatch>\n";
631 localRewriteEnabled := false;
632 localExpiresEnabled := false))
634 fun checkRewrite () =
635 if !inLocal then
636 if !localRewriteEnabled then
637 ()
638 else
639 (write "\tRewriteEngine on\n";
640 localRewriteEnabled := true)
641 else if !rewriteEnabled then
642 ()
643 else
644 (write "\tRewriteEngine on\n";
645 rewriteEnabled := true)
647 fun checkExpires () =
648 if !inLocal then
649 if !localExpiresEnabled then
650 ()
651 else
652 (write "\tExpiresActive on\n";
653 localExpiresEnabled := true)
654 else if !expiresEnabled then
655 ()
656 else
657 (write "\tExpiresActive on\n";
658 expiresEnabled := true)
660 val () = Env.action_three "localProxyRewrite"
661 ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string, "port", Env.int)
662 (fn (from, to, port) =>
663 (checkRewrite ();
664 write "\tRewriteRule\t\"";
665 write from;
666 write "\"\thttp://localhost:";
667 write (Int.toString port);
668 write "/";
669 write to;
670 write " [P]\n"))
672 val () = Env.action_four "expiresByType"
673 ("mime", Env.string, "base", interval_base, "num", Env.int, "inter", interval)
674 (fn (mime, base, num, inter) =>
675 (checkExpires ();
676 write "\tExpiresByType\t\"";
677 write mime;
678 write "\"\t\"";
679 write base;
680 write " plus ";
681 if num < 0 then
682 (write "-";
683 write (Int.toString (~num)))
684 else
685 write (Int.toString num);
686 write " ";
687 write inter;
688 write "\"\n"))
690 val () = Env.action_two "proxyPass"
691 ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string)
692 (fn (from, to) =>
693 (write "\tProxyPass\t";
694 write from;
695 write "\t";
696 write to;
697 write "\n"))
699 val () = Env.action_two "proxyPassReverse"
700 ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string)
701 (fn (from, to) =>
702 (write "\tProxyPassReverse\t";
703 write from;
704 write "\t";
705 write to;
706 write "\n"))
708 val () = Env.action_three "rewriteRule"
709 ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string, "flags", Env.list flag)
710 (fn (from, to, flags) =>
711 (checkRewrite ();
712 write "\tRewriteRule\t\"";
713 write from;
714 write "\"\t\"";
715 write to;
716 write "\"";
717 case flags of
718 [] => ()
719 | flag::rest => (write " [";
720 write flag;
721 app (fn flag => (write ",";
722 write flag)) rest;
723 write "]");
724 write "\n"))
726 val () = Env.action_three "rewriteCond"
727 ("test", Env.string, "pattern", Env.string, "flags", Env.list cond_flag)
728 (fn (from, to, flags) =>
729 (checkRewrite ();
730 write "\tRewriteCond\t\"";
731 write from;
732 write "\"\t\"";
733 write to;
734 write "\"";
735 case flags of
736 [] => ()
737 | flag::rest => (write " [";
738 write flag;
739 app (fn flag => (write ",";
740 write flag)) rest;
741 write "]");
742 write "\n"))
744 val () = Env.action_one "rewriteBase"
745 ("prefix", Env.string)
746 (fn prefix =>
747 (checkRewrite ();
748 write "\tRewriteBase\t\"";
749 write prefix;
750 write "\"\n"))
752 val () = Env.action_one "rewriteLogLevel"
753 ("level", Env.int)
754 (fn level =>
755 (checkRewrite ();
756 write "\tRewriteLog ";
757 write' (fn x => x);
758 write "/rewrite.log\n\tRewriteLogLevel ";
759 write (Int.toString level);
760 write "\n"))
762 val () = Env.action_two "alias"
763 ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string)
764 (fn (from, to) =>
765 (write "\tAlias\t";
766 write from;
767 write " ";
768 write to;
769 write "\n"))
771 val () = Env.action_two "scriptAlias"
772 ("from", Env.string, "to", Env.string)
773 (fn (from, to) =>
774 (write "\tScriptAlias\t";
775 write from;
776 write " ";
777 write to;
778 write "\n"))
780 val () = Env.action_two "errorDocument"
781 ("code", Env.string, "handler", Env.string)
782 (fn (code, handler) =>
783 let
784 val hasSpaces = CharVector.exists Char.isSpace handler
786 fun maybeQuote () =
787 if hasSpaces then
788 write "\""
789 else
790 ()
791 in
792 write "\tErrorDocument\t";
793 write code;
794 write " ";
795 maybeQuote ();
796 write handler;
797 maybeQuote ();
798 write "\n"
799 end)
801 val () = Env.action_one "options"
802 ("options", Env.list apache_option)
803 (fn opts =>
804 case opts of
805 [] => ()
806 | _ => (write "\tOptions";
807 app (fn opt => (write " "; write opt)) opts;
808 write "\n"))
810 val () = Env.action_one "set_options"
811 ("options", Env.list apache_option)
812 (fn opts =>
813 case opts of
814 [] => ()
815 | _ => (write "\tOptions";
816 app (fn opt => (write " +"; write opt)) opts;
817 write "\n"))
819 val () = Env.action_one "unset_options"
820 ("options", Env.list apache_option)
821 (fn opts =>
822 case opts of
823 [] => ()
824 | _ => (write "\tOptions";
825 app (fn opt => (write " -"; write opt)) opts;
826 write "\n"))
828 val () = Env.action_one "cgiExtension"
829 ("extension", Env.string)
830 (fn ext => (write "\tAddHandler cgi-script ";
831 write ext;
832 write "\n"))
834 val () = Env.action_one "directoryIndex"
835 ("filenames", Env.list Env.string)
836 (fn opts =>
837 (write "\tDirectoryIndex";
838 app (fn opt => (write " "; write opt)) opts;
839 write "\n"))
841 val () = Env.action_one "serverAliasHost"
842 ("host", Env.string)
843 (fn host =>
844 (write "\tServerAlias ";
845 write host;
846 write "\n";
847 !aliaser host))
849 val () = Env.action_one "serverAlias"
850 ("host", Env.string)
851 (fn host =>
852 (app
853 (fn dom =>
854 let
855 val full = host ^ "." ^ dom
856 in
857 write "\tServerAlias ";
858 write full;
859 write "\n";
860 !aliaser full
861 end)
862 (Domain.currentDomains ())))
864 val () = Env.action_none "serverAliasDefault"
865 (fn () =>
866 (app
867 (fn dom =>
868 (write "\tServerAlias ";
869 write dom;
870 write "\n";
871 !aliaser dom))
872 (Domain.currentDomains ())))
874 val authType = fn (EVar "basic", _) => SOME "basic"
875 | (EVar "digest", _) => SOME "digest"
876 | (EVar "kerberos", _) => SOME "kerberos"
877 | _ => NONE
879 fun allowAuthType "kerberos" = !sslEnabled
880 | allowAuthType _ = true
882 val () = Env.action_one "authType"
883 ("type", authType)
884 (fn ty =>
885 if allowAuthType ty then
886 (write "\tAuthType ";
887 write ty;
888 write "\n";
889 case ty of
890 "kerberos" =>
891 write "\tKrbMethodNegotiate off\n\tKrbMethodK5Passwd on\n\tKrbVerifyKDC off\n\tKrbAuthRealms HCOOP.NET\n\tKrbSaveCredentials on\n"
892 | _ => ())
893 else
894 print "WARNING: Skipped Kerberos authType because this isn't an SSL vhost.\n")
896 val () = Env.action_one "authName"
897 ("name", Env.string)
898 (fn name =>
899 (write "\tAuthName \"";
900 write name;
901 write "\"\n"))
903 val () = Env.action_one "authUserFile"
904 ("file", Env.string)
905 (fn name =>
906 (write "\tAuthUserFile ";
907 write name;
908 write "\n"))
910 val () = Env.action_none "requireValidUser"
911 (fn () => write "\tRequire valid-user\n")
913 val () = Env.action_one "requireUser"
914 ("users", Env.list Env.string)
915 (fn names =>
916 case names of
917 [] => ()
918 | _ => (write "\tRequire user";
919 app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names;
920 write "\n"))
922 val () = Env.action_one "requireGroup"
923 ("groups", Env.list Env.string)
924 (fn names =>
925 case names of
926 [] => ()
927 | _ => (write "\tRequire group";
928 app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names;
929 write "\n"))
931 val () = Env.action_none "orderAllowDeny"
932 (fn () => write "\tOrder allow,deny\n")
934 val () = Env.action_none "orderDenyAllow"
935 (fn () => write "\tOrder deny,allow\n")
937 val () = Env.action_none "allowFromAll"
938 (fn () => write "\tAllow from all\n")
940 val () = Env.action_one "allowFrom"
941 ("entries", Env.list Env.string)
942 (fn names =>
943 case names of
944 [] => ()
945 | _ => (write "\tAllow from";
946 app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names;
947 write "\n"))
949 val () = Env.action_none "denyFromAll"
950 (fn () => write "\tDeny from all\n")
952 val () = Env.action_one "denyFrom"
953 ("entries", Env.list Env.string)
954 (fn names =>
955 case names of
956 [] => ()
957 | _ => (write "\tDeny from";
958 app (fn name => (write " "; write name)) names;
959 write "\n"))
961 val () = Env.action_none "satisfyAll"
962 (fn () => write "\tSatisfy all\n")
964 val () = Env.action_none "satisfyAny"
965 (fn () => write "\tSatisfy any\n")
967 val () = Env.action_one "forceType"
968 ("type", Env.string)
969 (fn ty => (write "\tForceType ";
970 write ty;
971 write "\n"))
973 val () = Env.action_none "forceTypeOff"
974 (fn () => write "\tForceType None\n")
976 val () = Env.action_two "action"
977 ("what", Env.string, "how", Env.string)
978 (fn (what, how) => (write "\tAction ";
979 write what;
980 write " ";
981 write how;
982 write "\n"))
984 val () = Env.action_one "addDefaultCharset"
985 ("charset", Env.string)
986 (fn ty => (write "\tAddDefaultCharset ";
987 write ty;
988 write "\n"))
990 (*val () = Env.action_one "davSvn"
991 ("path", Env.string)
992 (fn path => (write "\tDAV svn\n\tSVNPath ";
993 write path;
994 write "\n"))
996 val () = Env.action_one "authzSvnAccessFile"
997 ("path", Env.string)
998 (fn path => (write "\tAuthzSVNAccessFile ";
999 write path;
1000 write "\n"))*)
1002 val () = Env.action_none "davFilesystem"
1003 (fn path => write "\tDAV filesystem\n")
1005 val () = Env.action_two "addDescription"
1006 ("description", Env.string, "patterns", Env.list Env.string)
1007 (fn (desc, pats) =>
1008 case pats of
1009 [] => ()
1010 | _ => (write "\tAddDescription \"";
1011 write (String.toString desc);
1012 write "\"";
1013 app (fn pat => (write " "; write pat)) pats;
1014 write "\n"))
1016 val () = Env.action_two "addIcon"
1017 ("icon", Env.string, "patterns", Env.list Env.string)
1018 (fn (icon, pats) =>
1019 case pats of
1020 [] => ()
1021 | _ => (write "\tAddIcon \"";
1022 write icon;
1023 write "\"";
1024 app (fn pat => (write " "; write pat)) pats;
1025 write "\n"))
1027 val () = Env.action_one "indexOptions"
1028 ("options", Env.list autoindex_option)
1029 (fn opts =>
1030 case opts of
1031 [] => ()
1032 | _ => (write "\tIndexOptions";
1033 app (fn (opt, arg) =>
1034 (write " ";
1035 write opt;
1036 Option.app (fn arg =>
1037 (write "="; write arg)) arg)) opts;
1038 write "\n"))
1040 val () = Env.action_one "indexIgnore"
1041 ("patterns", Env.list Env.string)
1042 (fn pats =>
1043 case pats of
1044 [] => ()
1045 | _ => (write "\tIndexIgnore";
1046 app (fn pat => (write " "; write pat)) pats;
1047 write "\n"))
1049 val () = Env.action_one "set_indexOptions"
1050 ("options", Env.list autoindex_option)
1051 (fn opts =>
1052 case opts of
1053 [] => ()
1054 | _ => (write "\tIndexOptions";
1055 app (fn (opt, arg) =>
1056 (write " +";
1057 write opt;
1058 Option.app (fn arg =>
1059 (write "="; write arg)) arg)) opts;
1060 write "\n"))
1062 val () = Env.action_one "unset_indexOptions"
1063 ("options", Env.list autoindex_option)
1064 (fn opts =>
1065 case opts of
1066 [] => ()
1067 | _ => (write "\tIndexOptions";
1068 app (fn (opt, _) =>
1069 (write " -";
1070 write opt)) opts;
1071 write "\n"))
1073 val () = Env.action_one "headerName"
1074 ("name", Env.string)
1075 (fn name => (write "\tHeaderName ";
1076 write name;
1077 write "\n"))
1079 val () = Env.action_one "readmeName"
1080 ("name", Env.string)
1081 (fn name => (write "\tReadmeName ";
1082 write name;
1083 write "\n"))
1085 val () = Env.action_two "setEnv"
1086 ("key", Env.string, "value", Env.string)
1087 (fn (key, value) => (write "\tSetEnv \"";
1088 write key;
1089 write "\" \"";
1090 write (String.translate (fn #"\"" => "\\\""
1091 | ch => str ch) value);
1092 write "\"\n"))
1094 val () = Env.action_one "diskCache"
1095 ("path", Env.string)
1096 (fn path => (write "\tCacheEnable disk \"";
1097 write path;
1098 write "\"\n"))
1100 val () = Env.action_one "phpVersion"
1101 ("version", php_version)
1102 (fn version => (write "\tAddHandler x-httpd-php";
1103 write (Int.toString version);
1104 write " .php .phtml\n"))
1106 val () = Env.action_two "addType"
1107 ("mime type", Env.string, "extension", Env.string)
1108 (fn (mt, ext) => (write "\tAddType ";
1109 write mt;
1110 write " ";
1111 write ext;
1112 write "\n"))
1114 val filter = fn (EVar "includes", _) => SOME "INCLUDES"
1115 | (EVar "deflate", _) => SOME "DEFLATE"
1116 | _ => NONE
1118 val () = Env.action_two "addOutputFilter"
1119 ("filters", Env.list filter, "extensions", Env.list Env.string)
1120 (fn (f :: fs, exts as (_ :: _)) =>
1121 (write "\tAddOutputFilter ";
1122 write f;
1123 app (fn f => (write ";"; write f)) fs;
1124 app (fn ext => (write " "; write ext)) exts;
1125 write "\n")
1126 | _ => ())
1128 val () = Domain.registerResetLocal (fn () =>
1129 ignore (OS.Process.system (Config.rm ^ " -rf /var/domtool/vhosts/*")))
1131 val () = Domain.registerDescriber (Domain.considerAll
1132 [Domain.Extension {extension = "vhost",
1133 heading = fn host => "Web vhost " ^ host ^ ":"},
1134 Domain.Extension {extension = "vhost_ssl",
1135 heading = fn host => "SSL web vhost " ^ host ^ ":"}])
1137 val () = Env.action_none "testNoHtaccess"
1138 (fn path => write "\tAllowOverride None\n")
1140 fun writeWaklogUserFile () =
1141 let
1142 val users = Acl.users ()
1143 val outf = TextIO.openOut Config.Apache.waklogUserFile
1144 in
1145 app (fn user => if String.isSuffix "_admin" user then
1146 ()
1147 else
1148 (TextIO.output (outf, "<Location /~");
1149 TextIO.output (outf, user);
1150 TextIO.output (outf, ">\n\tWaklogEnabled on\n\tWaklogLocationPrincipal ");
1151 TextIO.output (outf, user);
1152 TextIO.output (outf, "/daemon@HCOOP.NET /etc/keytabs/user.daemon/");
1153 TextIO.output (outf, user);
1154 TextIO.output (outf, "\n</Location>\n\n"))) users;
1155 TextIO.closeOut outf
1156 end
1158 val () = Domain.registerOnUsersChange writeWaklogUserFile
1160 end