[hcoop/domtool2.git] / src / plugins / firewall.sml
1 (* HCoop Domtool (http://hcoop.sourceforge.net/)
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Adam Chlipala
3 * Copyright (c) 2011,2012,2013,2014,2018 Clinton Ebadi
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 *)
20 (* Firewall management *)
22 (* Contains portions from Fwtool Copyright (C) 2005 Adam Chlipala, GPL v2 or later *)
24 structure Firewall :> FIREWALL = struct
26 datatype user = User of string
28 datatype fwnode = FirewallNode of string
30 datatype fwrule = Client of int list * string list
31 | Server of int list * string list
32 | ProxiedServer of int list
33 | LocalServer of int list
35 type firewall_rules = (user * fwnode * fwrule) list
37 datatype fwip = FwIPv4
38 | FwIPv6
40 structure StringMap = DataStructures.StringMap
42 fun parseRules () =
43 let
44 val inf = TextIO.openIn Config.Firewall.firewallRules
46 fun parsePorts ports =
47 List.mapPartial Int.fromString (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #",") ports)
48 (* Just drop bad ports for now *)
50 fun parseNodes nodes = String.fields (fn ch => ch = #",") nodes
52 fun loop parsedRules =
53 case TextIO.inputLine inf of
54 NONE => parsedRules
55 | SOME line =>
56 case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
57 nodes :: uname :: rest =>
58 let
59 val nodes = parseNodes nodes
60 in
61 case rest of
62 "Client" :: ports :: hosts => loop (map (fn node => (User uname, FirewallNode node, Client (parsePorts ports, hosts))) nodes) @ parsedRules
63 | "Server" :: ports :: hosts => loop (map (fn node => (User uname, FirewallNode node, Server (parsePorts ports, hosts))) nodes) @ parsedRules
64 | ["ProxiedServer", ports] => loop (map (fn node => (User uname, FirewallNode node, ProxiedServer (parsePorts ports))) nodes) @ parsedRules
65 | ["LocalServer", ports] => loop (map (fn node => (User uname, FirewallNode node, LocalServer (parsePorts ports))) nodes) @ parsedRules
66 | _ => (print "Invalid config line\n"; loop parsedRules)
67 end
68 | _ => loop parsedRules
69 in
70 loop []
71 end
73 fun formatQueryRule (Client (ports, hosts)) =
74 "Client " ^ String.concatWith "," (map Int.toString ports) ^ " " ^ String.concatWith " " hosts
75 | formatQueryRule (Server (ports, hosts)) =
76 "Server " ^ String.concatWith "," (map Int.toString ports) ^ " " ^ String.concatWith " " hosts
77 | formatQueryRule (ProxiedServer ports) =
78 "ProxiedServer " ^ String.concatWith "," (map Int.toString ports)
79 | formatQueryRule (LocalServer ports) =
80 "LocalServer " ^ String.concatWith "," (map Int.toString ports)
82 fun query (node, uname) =
83 (* completely broken *)
84 let
85 val rules = parseRules ()
86 in
87 map (fn (_, _, r) => formatQueryRule r)
88 (List.filter (fn (User u, FirewallNode n, _) => u = uname andalso n = node) rules)
89 end
91 fun dnsExists dnsRR dnsRecord =
92 let
93 val dnsRR_string = case dnsRR of
94 FwIPv6 => "AAAA"
95 | FwIPv4 => "A"
96 in
97 (* timeout chosen arbitrarilty, shorter is better if it's reliable *)
98 (* dig outputs true even if the lookup fails, but no output in short mode should work *)
99 case Slave.runOutput (Config.Firewall.dig, ["+short", "+timeout=3", "-t", dnsRR_string, dnsRecord]) of
100 (_, SOME s) => (case Domain.validDomain (substring (s, 0, size s - 2)) of (* delete trailing . from cname *)
101 true => dnsExists dnsRR s (* dig will return CNAME, must recurse *)
102 | false => true) (* maybe also double check ip? use size s - 1 if so! *)
104 | (_, NONE) => false
105 end
107 fun filterHosts (hosts, ipv6) =
108 List.filter (fn host => if (Domain.validIpv6 host orelse Domain.validIp host)
109 then
110 true
111 else
112 dnsExists ipv6 host)
113 hosts
116 fun formatPorts ports = "(" ^ String.concatWith " " (map Int.toString ports) ^ ")"
117 fun formatHosts (hosts, ipv6) = "(" ^ String.concatWith " " (filterHosts (hosts, ipv6)) ^ ")"
119 fun formatOutputRule (Client (ports, hosts), ipv6) = "dport " ^ formatPorts ports ^ (case hosts of
120 [] => ""
121 | _ => " daddr " ^ formatHosts (hosts, ipv6)) ^ " ACCEPT;"
122 | formatOutputRule _ = ""
124 fun formatInputRule (Server (ports, hosts), ipv6) = "dport " ^ formatPorts ports ^ (case hosts of
125 [] => ""
126 | _ => " saddr " ^ formatHosts (hosts, ipv6)) ^ " ACCEPT;"
127 | formatInputRule _ = ""
129 type ferm_lines = { input_rules : (string list) DataStructures.StringMap.map,
130 output_rules : (string list) DataStructures.StringMap.map }
132 fun generateNodeFermRules rules =
133 let
134 fun filter_node_rules rules =
135 List.filter (fn (uname, FirewallNode node, rule) => node = Slave.hostname () orelse case rule of
136 ProxiedServer _ => List.exists (fn (h,_) => h = Slave.hostname ()) Config.Apache.webNodes_all
137 | _ => false)
138 rules
140 val inputLines = ref StringMap.empty
141 val outputLines = ref StringMap.empty
142 val inputLines_v6 = ref StringMap.empty
143 val outputLines_v6 = ref StringMap.empty
145 fun confLine r (User uname, line) =
146 let
147 val line = "\t" ^ line ^ "\n"
148 val lines = case StringMap.find (!r, uname) of
149 NONE => []
150 | SOME lines => lines
151 in
152 r := StringMap.insert (!r, uname, line :: lines)
153 end
155 fun confLine_in (uname, rule) = confLine inputLines (uname, formatInputRule (rule, FwIPv4))
156 fun confLine_out (uname, rule) = confLine outputLines (uname, formatOutputRule (rule, FwIPv4))
157 fun confLine_in_v6 (uname, rule) = confLine inputLines_v6 (uname, formatInputRule (rule, FwIPv6))
158 fun confLine_out_v6 (uname, rule) = confLine outputLines_v6 (uname, formatOutputRule (rule, FwIPv6))
160 fun insertConfLine (uname, ruleNode, rule) =
161 case rule of
162 Client (ports, hosts) => (confLine_out (uname, rule); confLine_out_v6 (uname, rule))
163 | Server (ports, hosts) => (confLine_in (uname, rule); confLine_in_v6 (uname, rule))
164 | LocalServer ports => (insertConfLine (uname, ruleNode, Client (ports, ["", ":::1"]));
165 insertConfLine (uname, ruleNode, Server (ports, ["", ":::1"])))
166 | ProxiedServer ports => if (fn FirewallNode r => r) ruleNode = Slave.hostname () then
167 (insertConfLine (uname, ruleNode, Server (ports, ["$WEBNODES"]));
168 insertConfLine (uname, ruleNode, Client (ports, [(fn FirewallNode r => r) ruleNode])))
169 else (* we are a web server *)
170 (insertConfLine (uname, ruleNode, Client (ports, [(fn FirewallNode r => r) ruleNode]));
171 insertConfLine (User "www-data", ruleNode, Client (ports, [(fn FirewallNode r => r) ruleNode])))
173 val _ = map insertConfLine (filter_node_rules rules)
174 in
175 { input_rules = !inputLines,
176 output_rules = !outputLines,
177 input6_rules = !inputLines_v6,
178 output6_rules = !outputLines_v6 }
181 end
183 fun generateFirewallConfig rules =
184 (* rule generation must happen on the node (mandating the even
185 service users be pts users would make it possible to do on the
186 server, but that's not happening any time soon) *)
187 let
188 val users_tcp_out_conf = TextIO.openOut (Config.Firewall.firewallDir ^ "/users_tcp_out.conf")
189 val users_tcp_in_conf = TextIO.openOut (Config.Firewall.firewallDir ^ "/users_tcp_in.conf")
190 val user_chains_conf = TextIO.openOut (Config.Firewall.firewallDir ^ "/user_chains.conf")
192 val users_tcp6_out_conf = TextIO.openOut (Config.Firewall.firewallDir ^ "/users_tcp6_out.conf")
193 val users_tcp6_in_conf = TextIO.openOut (Config.Firewall.firewallDir ^ "/users_tcp6_in.conf")
194 val user_chains6_conf = TextIO.openOut (Config.Firewall.firewallDir ^ "/user_chains6.conf")
196 val nodeFermRules = generateNodeFermRules rules
198 fun write_tcp_in_conf_preamble outf =
199 (* no ipv6 support yet, but use @ipfilter() in ferm to prepare *)
200 TextIO.output (outf, String.concat ["@def $WEBNODES = @ipfilter((",
201 (String.concatWith " " (List.map (fn (_, ip) => ip)
202 (List.filter (fn (node, _) => List.exists (fn (n) => n = node) (List.map (fn (node, _) => node) (Config.Apache.webNodes_all @ Config.Apache.webNodes_admin)))
203 Config.nodeIps))),
204 "));\n\n"])
206 fun writeUserInRules tcp_inf (uname, lines) =
207 (* We can't match the user when listening; SELinux or
208 similar would let us manage this with better
209 granularity.*)
210 let
211 val _ = SysWord.toInt (Posix.ProcEnv.uidToWord (Posix.SysDB.Passwd.uid (Posix.SysDB.getpwnam uname)))
212 in
213 TextIO.output (tcp_inf, "proto tcp {\n");
214 TextIO.output (tcp_inf, concat lines);
215 TextIO.output (tcp_inf, "\n}\n\n")
216 end handle OS.SysErr _ => print "Invalid user in firewall config, skipping.\n" (* no sense in opening ports for bad users *)
218 fun writeUserOutRules tcp_outf chains_outf (uname, lines) =
219 let
220 val uid = SysWord.toInt (Posix.ProcEnv.uidToWord (Posix.SysDB.Passwd.uid (Posix.SysDB.getpwnam uname)))
221 in
222 TextIO.output (tcp_outf, "mod owner uid-owner " ^ (Int.toString uid)
223 ^ " { jump user_" ^ uname ^ "_tcp_out"
224 ^ "; DROP; }\n");
226 TextIO.output (chains_outf, "chain user_" ^ uname ^ "_tcp_out"
227 ^ " proto tcp {\n");
228 TextIO.output (chains_outf, concat lines);
229 TextIO.output (chains_outf, "\n}\n\n")
230 end handle OS.SysErr _ => print "Invalid user in firewall config, skipping.\n"
232 in
233 write_tcp_in_conf_preamble (users_tcp_in_conf);
234 StringMap.appi (writeUserOutRules users_tcp_out_conf user_chains_conf) (#output_rules nodeFermRules);
235 StringMap.appi (writeUserInRules users_tcp_in_conf) (#input_rules nodeFermRules);
237 write_tcp_in_conf_preamble (users_tcp6_in_conf);
238 StringMap.appi (writeUserOutRules users_tcp6_out_conf user_chains6_conf) (#output6_rules nodeFermRules);
239 StringMap.appi (writeUserInRules users_tcp6_in_conf) (#input6_rules nodeFermRules);
241 TextIO.closeOut user_chains_conf;
242 TextIO.closeOut users_tcp_out_conf;
243 TextIO.closeOut users_tcp_in_conf;
245 TextIO.closeOut user_chains6_conf;
246 TextIO.closeOut users_tcp6_out_conf;
247 TextIO.closeOut users_tcp6_in_conf;
249 true
250 end
252 fun publishConfig _ =
253 Slave.shell [Config.Firewall.reload]
254 end