#!/usr/bin/perl # decode-panic - decode a Mac OS panic log to show source line numbers # see the end of the file for full documentation and license. use Carp; use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ; use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw( tempdir ); use Getopt::Long; use IO::Dir; use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use bigint qw/hex/; use warnings; use strict; my $panic_file = "/Library/Logs/panic.log"; my %crash_info; my $backtrace; my $debugkit = ""; my $archive = ""; my $dmgutil = ""; my $kextload = "/sbin/kextload"; my $kextutil = "/usr/bin/kextutil"; my $kextprog; my $gdb = "/usr/bin/gdb"; my $gdbarch = ""; my $kextarch = ""; my $gdb_file = "gdb.input"; my $temp_dir = tempdir( "afsdebugXXXXXX", DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir, TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 ); my $dump_file = "/var/db/openafs/logs/crash.dump"; my $kernel = "/mach_kernel"; my $kextpath = "/Library/OpenAFS/Tools/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afs.kext"; my $sysextpath = ""; my $option_quiet; my $option_verbose; my $option_help; my $result = GetOptions ("input=s" => \$panic_file, "output=s" => \$dump_file, "sysexts=s" => \$sysextpath, "kernel=s" => \$kernel, "debugkit=s" => \$debugkit, "archive=s"=> \$archive, "util=s" => \$dmgutil, "verbose" => \$option_verbose, "quiet" => \$option_quiet, "help" => \$option_help ); if ( !$result ) { pod2usage(-message => "Syntax error.", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 1, -output => \*STDERR); exit; } if ($option_help) { pod2usage(-message => "", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 3, -output => \*STDERR); exit; } # check for necessary programs & panic file for my $program ( $gdb, $kextload ) { if ( ! -x $program ) { if ( $option_quiet ) { exit 1; } else { croak "Can't find $program!\n" } } } if ( -x $kextutil ) { $kextprog = $kextutil; } else { $kextprog = $kextload; } croak "Can't find panic file: $panic_file!\n" if ( ! -r $panic_file ); $crash_info{"warning"} = ""; read_panic( $panic_file, \%crash_info ); if ($crash_info{"kernel_version"} =~ /X86_64/ ) { $gdbarch="-a x86_64"; $kextarch="x86_64"; } else { if ($crash_info{"kernel_version"} =~ /I386/ ) { $gdbarch="-a i386"; $kextarch="i386"; } else { if ($crash_info{"kernel_version"} =~ /PPC/ ) { $gdbarch="-a ppc"; $kextarch="ppc"; } } } if (-d $debugkit && -f $dmgutil ) { extract_kernel( $crash_info{"kernel_version"}, $temp_dir, $debugkit, $dmgutil ); $kernel = "$temp_dir/mach_kernel"; } if (-d $archive && -f $dmgutil ) { extract_openafs( $crash_info{"afs_info"}, $temp_dir, $archive, $crash_info{"kernel_version"}, $dmgutil ); if (-d "$temp_dir/Library/OpenAFS/Debug/afs.kext" ) { $kextpath = "$temp_dir/Library/OpenAFS/Debug/afs.kext"; } else { $kextpath = "$temp_dir/Library/OpenAFS/Tools/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afs.kext"; } } generate_symbol_files( $crash_info{"afs_kernel_address"}, $crash_info{"kernel_shift"}, $temp_dir, $kextarch , $kernel, $kextpath, $sysextpath); write_gdb_input_file( $temp_dir, $gdb_file, $crash_info{ "backtrace" }, $crash_info{ "kernel_shift" } ); # needed so we can put the sym file where the kext is. ick. if ($kextprog eq $kextutil) { `cp -R $kextpath $temp_dir`; } if ($option_verbose) { print "$gdb $gdbarch $kernel -batch -x $temp_dir/$gdb_file\n"; my $gdbi_fh = IO::File->new( $temp_dir . "/" . $gdb_file, '<' ) or croak "Can't open backtrace file $gdb_file: $OS_ERROR\n"; while (my $line = <$gdbi_fh> ) { print $line; } $gdbi_fh->close() or croak "Can't close file $gdb_file: $OS_ERROR\n"; } my $gdb_output = `$gdb $gdbarch $kernel -batch -x $temp_dir/$gdb_file`; croak "gdb failed!\n" if $CHILD_ERROR; write_dump_file( $dump_file, \%crash_info, $gdb_output ); sub extract_openafs { my $oversion = shift; my $tempdir = shift; my $oarchive = shift; my $kversion = shift; my $hdutil = shift; $kversion =~ /Darwin Kernel Version ([0-9]+).[0-9]+.[0-9]+:/; my $major = $1; $major -= 4; $oversion =~ /org.openafs.filesystems.afs\(([0-9.abcf]+)\)/; my $vers = $1; $vers =~ s/fc/pre/; $vers =~ s/f/pre/; my $dmgvers = $vers; if ($vers =~ /([0-9]+)f([0-9]+)/) { $dmgvers = "$1" . "." . "$2"; $vers = "$1"; } my $odmg = "$oarchive/$vers/macos-10.${major}/OpenAFS-$vers-\*.dmg"; if ($option_verbose) { print "$hdutil $odmg extractall OpenAFS.pkg $tempdir/OpenAFS.pkg\n"; } `$hdutil $odmg extractall OpenAFS.pkg $tempdir/OpenAFS.pkg`; if ($option_verbose) { print "cd $tempdir && gzcat $tempdir/OpenAFS.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r ./Library/OpenAFS/Tools/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afs.kext\n"; } `cd $tempdir && gzcat $tempdir/OpenAFS.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r ./Library/OpenAFS/Tools/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afs.kext`; if ($option_verbose) { print "$hdutil $odmg extractall OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg $tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg\n"; } `$hdutil $odmg extractall OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg $tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg`; if (-f "$tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz" ) { if ($option_verbose) { print "cd $tempdir && gzcat $tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r ./Library/OpenAFS/Debug/afs.kext.dSYM\n"; } `cd $tempdir && gzcat $tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r ./Library/OpenAFS/Debug/afs.kext.dSYM`; if ($option_verbose) { print "cd $tempdir && gzcat $tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r ./Library/OpenAFS/Debug/afs.kext\n"; } `cd $tempdir && gzcat $tempdir/OpenAFS-debug-extension.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | pax -r ./Library/OpenAFS/Debug/afs.kext`; } } sub extract_kernel { my $kversion = shift; my $tempdir = shift; my $debugarchive = shift; my $hdutil = shift; $kversion =~ /Darwin Kernel Version ([0-9]+).([0-9]+).[0-9]+:/; my $minor = $2; my $major = $1; $major -= 4; my $kdk = "$debugarchive/kernel_debug_kit_10.${major}.${minor}_\*.dmg"; if ($option_verbose) { print "$hdutil $kdk extractall System.kext $tempdir/System.kext\n"; } `$hdutil $kdk extractall System.kext $tempdir/System.kext`; if ($option_verbose) { print "$hdutil $kdk extractall mach_kernel.dSYM $tempdir/mach_kernel.dSYM\n"; } `$hdutil $kdk extractall mach_kernel.dSYM $tempdir/mach_kernel.dSYM`; if ($option_verbose) { print "$hdutil $kdk extract mach_kernel $tempdir/mach_kernel\n"; } `$hdutil $kdk extract mach_kernel $tempdir/mach_kernel`; } # read the panic file and parse out the addresses sub read_panic { my $filename = shift; my $hash_ref = shift; my $kernel_line; my $line; my @panic_section_positions = ( 0 ); my $panic_fh = IO::File->new( $filename, '<' ) or croak "Can't open backtrace file $filename: $OS_ERROR\n"; # find the last panic section as denoted by "*********" while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; if ( $line eq "*********" ) { # skip a line $line = <$panic_fh>; push @panic_section_positions, $panic_fh->tell; } } # ignore the empty last section if ( @panic_section_positions > 2 ) { pop @panic_section_positions } # Seek to last full panic section # or the beginning of the file if appropriate $panic_fh->seek( $panic_section_positions[-1], 0 ); $hash_ref->{ "date" } = <$panic_fh>; chomp $hash_ref->{ "date" }; while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; #skip lines until "Backtrace" is seen $line =~ /^\s*(Backtrace,|Backtrace:|Backtrace \()/; $backtrace = $1; last if $backtrace; } if ( !$backtrace ) { if ( $option_quiet ) { exit 1; } else { croak "Couldn't find a backtrace in $filename\n"; } } # gather the backtrace addresses if ( $backtrace eq "Backtrace:" ) { # ppc format panic while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; last if $line !~ /^\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/; my @memory_addresses = split /\s+/, $line; # add non-empty array elements to the list push @{ $hash_ref->{ "backtrace" } }, grep { /0x/ } @memory_addresses; } } else { # intel format panic while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; last if $line !~ /^\s*0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ : (0x[0-9a-fA-F]*)/; push @{ $hash_ref->{ "backtrace" } }, $1; } } # now we need the address for the afs kernel module while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; last if ($line =~ /^BSD\s+process/ ); next if ( $line !~ /org\.openafs\.filesystems\.afs/ ); $kernel_line = $line; $line =~ /\@(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/; $hash_ref->{ "afs_kernel_address" } = $1; $kernel_line =~ /^\s+([^@]+)@.+/; $hash_ref->{ "afs_info" } = $1; last; } $hash_ref->{ "kernel_shift" } = "0x0"; # grab the kernel version while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /^Darwin Kernel Version/ ) { $hash_ref->{ "kernel_version" } = $line; next; } if ($line =~ /^Kernel slide:\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/ ) { $hash_ref->{ "kernel_shift" } = $1; next; } next if (! $hash_ref->{ "kernel_version" }); last if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) } if (! $kernel_line ) { #unloaded? while ( $line = <$panic_fh> ) { chomp $line; last if ( $line =~ /^loaded\s+kexts:/ ); next if ( $line !~ /org\.openafs\.filesystems\.afs/ ); $kernel_line = $line; $line =~ /org\.openafs\.filesystems\.afs\s+([^@]+)\s+\(addr\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),/; $hash_ref->{ "afs_kernel_address" } = $2; $hash_ref->{ "afs_info" } = "org.openafs.filesystems.afs(" . $1 . ")\@0x" . $2; $hash_ref->{ "warning" } = "MODULE WAS UNLOADED!\n"; } } $panic_fh->close() or croak "Can't close file $filename: $OS_ERROR\n"; if ( !$kernel_line ) { if ( $option_quiet ) { exit 1; } else { croak "No OpenAFS reference found in latest panic!"; } } } # generate the symbol files that will be read by gdb sub generate_symbol_files { my $kernel_address = shift; my $kernel_shift = shift; my $symbol_write_dir = shift; my $kextarch = shift; my $kernel = shift; my $kext = shift; my $sysext = shift; my $kaddress = sprintf("0x%x", hex($kernel_address) - hex($kernel_shift)); if ($kextprog eq $kextload) { if ($kernel eq "/mach_kernel") { if ($option_verbose) { print "$kextprog -k $kernel -s $temp_dir -a org.openafs.filesystems.afs\@${kaddress} -n $kext\n"; } system( $kextprog, "-k", $kernel, "-s", $temp_dir, "-a", 'org.openafs.filesystems.afs@' . $kaddress, "-n", $kext ); } else { if ($option_verbose) { print "$kextprog -c -e -r $temp_dir -k $kernel -s $temp_dir -a org.openafs.filesystems.afs\@${kaddress} -n $kext\n"; } system( $kextprog, "-c", "-e", "-r", $temp_dir, "-k", $kernel, "-s", $temp_dir, "-a", 'org.openafs.filesystems.afs@' . $kaddress, "-n", $kext ); } } else { if ($kernel eq "/mach_kernel") { if ($option_verbose) { print "$kextprog -k $kernel -s $temp_dir -arch $kextarch -a org.openafs.filesystems.afs\@${kaddress} -n $kext\n"; } system( $kextprog, "-k", $kernel, "-s", $temp_dir, "-arch", $kextarch, "-a", 'org.openafs.filesystems.afs@' . $kaddress, "-n", $kext ); } else { if ($option_verbose) { if ($sysextpath) { print "$kextprog -c -e -r $sysextpath -r $temp_dir -k $kernel -s $temp_dir -arch $kextarch -a org.openafs.filesystems.afs\@${kaddress} -n $kext\n"; } else { print "$kextprog -c -e -r $temp_dir -k $kernel -s $temp_dir -arch $kextarch -a org.openafs.filesystems.afs\@${kaddress} -n $kext\n"; } } if ($sysextpath) { system( $kextprog, "-c", "-e", "-r", $temp_dir, "-r", $sysextpath, "-k", $kernel, "-s", $temp_dir, "-arch", $kextarch, "-a", 'org.openafs.filesystems.afs@' . $kaddress, "-n", $kext ); } else { system( $kextprog, "-c", "-e", "-r", $temp_dir, "-k", $kernel, "-s", $temp_dir, "-arch", $kextarch, "-a", 'org.openafs.filesystems.afs@' . $kaddress, "-n", $kext ); } } } if ( $CHILD_ERROR ) { # error croak "kextload failed to run: $OS_ERROR\n"; } } sub write_gdb_input_file { my $write_dir = shift; my $filename = shift; my $backtrace_ref = shift; my $kernel_shift = shift; my @symbol_files = ( $write_dir . "/org.openafs.filesystems.afs.sym" ); my $fh = IO::File->new( $write_dir . "/" . $filename, '>' ) or croak "Can't open gdb file $filename for writing: $OS_ERROR\n"; if ($kextprog eq $kextutil) { print $fh "add-kext " . $write_dir . "/afs.kext\n"; } else { for my $symbol ( @symbol_files ) { print $fh "add-symbol-file $symbol\n"; } } print $fh "set print asm-demangle on\n"; for my $address ( @{ $backtrace_ref } ) { my $kaddress = sprintf("0x%x", hex($address) - hex($kernel_shift)); print $fh "x/i $kaddress\n"; } $fh->close() or croak "Can't close file $filename: $OS_ERROR\n"; } # write out the pertinent details to a file. sub write_dump_file { my $filename = shift; my $hash_ref = shift; my $output = shift; my $log_dir = dirname $filename; if ( ! -d $log_dir ) { mkdir $log_dir, 0755; croak "Can't create directory $log_dir: $OS_ERROR\n" if $CHILD_ERROR; } croak "Can't write to folder $log_dir." if ( ! -w $log_dir ); my $fh = IO::File->new( $filename, '>', 0664 ) or croak "Can't open dump file $filename for writing: $OS_ERROR\n"; print $fh "Panic Date: ", $hash_ref->{ "date" }, "\n"; print $fh "Kernel Version: ", $hash_ref->{ "kernel_version" }, "\n"; print $fh "OpenAFS Version: ", $hash_ref->{ "afs_info" }, "\n"; print $fh $hash_ref->{ "warning" }; print $fh "=============\n"; print $fh $output; $fh->close() or croak "Can't close file $filename: $OS_ERROR\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME decode-panic - decode a Mac OS panic log to show source line numbers =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to decode-panic version $Revision$ =head1 SYNOPSIS decode-panic [-i ] [-o ] [-k ] [-d ] [-a ] [-u ] [-q] [-v] =head1 OPTIONS -i The path to the panic log that should be read -o The path to where the decoded panic log should be written -k The path to the kernel image corresponding to the panic -d The path to a directory containing kernel debug kit dmgs -a The path to an archive of OpenAFS installer dmgs -u The path to the hdutil dmg utility program -q Quiet mode - don't complain if there is a problem. -v Verbose mode - print all commands. -h print full help =head1 DESCRIPTION This tool parses the panic log for Mac OS X kernel panics that are caused by openafs in order to produce a human-readable backtrace. This program uses crash isolation procedure as outlined in http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2002/tn2063.html#IsolatingCrash Here is an example file that is fed to gdb: add-symbol-file /tmp/afsdebugt8dGOb/org.openafs.filesystems.afs.sym set print asm-demangle on x/i 0x2ED1F7C0 x/i 0x2ED0D1A4 Panic logs can be found in /Library/Logs/panic.log in 10.4 (Tiger), /Library/Logs/PanicReporter/YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.panic in 10.5 (Leopard), and /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.panic in 10.6 (SnowLeopard). =head1 DEPENDENCIES This program needs gdb and kextload; Starting in SnowLeopard, it needs kextutil. Batch decoding requires a directory of Kernel Debug Kit DMGs, a directory of OpenAFS installer DMGs, and the DMG extraction utility currently available in source form at http://www.dementia.org/~shadow/dmgutil-0.1.tar.gz =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS decode-panic clobbers the output file. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2008-2010. Jason Edgecombe and others. This documentation is covered by the BSD License as written in the doc/LICENSE file in the OpenAFS source tree. This program was originally written by Jason Edgecombe for OpenAFS.