Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / platform / DARWIN / AFSPreference / English.lproj / Localizable.strings
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
3 <plist version="1.0">
4 <dict>
5 <key>AfsButtonShutdown</key>
6 <string>Shutdown</string>
7 <key>AfsButtonStartup</key>
8 <string>Startup</string>
9 <key>AfsOff</key>
10 <string>Afs is off</string>
11 <key>AfsOn</key>
12 <string>Afs is on</string>
13 <key>ConfFileNotExits</key>
14 <string>Configuration files not found</string>
15 <key>ConfigurationSaved</key>
16 <string>Configuration file has been saved</string>
17 <key>DevelopInfo</key>
18 <string>Developed by Claudio Bisegni</string>
19 <key>NewCellComment</key>
20 <string>Cell comment</string>
21 <key>NewCellName</key>
22 <string>Cell name</string>
23 <key>PathDontContainAfsInstallation</key>
24 <string>Installation path doesn't contain an afs installation</string>
25 <key>PathNotEmpty</key>
26 <string>Path can't be empty</string>
27 <key>ThisCellFOError</key>
28 <string>ThisCell file open error</string>
29 <key>UserNotAuth</key>
30 <string>User not autenticated</string>
31 <key>MenuLogin</key>
32 <string>Get token</string>
33 <key>MenuUnlog</key>
34 <string>Release token</string>
35 <key>SavedCacheConfiguration</key>
36 <string>Cache Configuration File Saved</string>
37 <key>BadAfsRootMountPoint</key>
38 <string>Error in afs volume mount point</string>
39 <key>KerberosAuthError</key>
40 <string>Error in Kerberos Authetincation</string>
41 <key>BadAfsPath</key>
42 <string>Bad AFS mount point</string>
43 <key>DoYouWantCreateTheDirectory</key>
44 <string>Do you want create the directory </string>
45 <key>DirectoryCreated</key>
46 <string>Directory and launchd configuration file created</string>
47 <key>ErrorCreatingDirectory</key>
48 <string>Error creating directory</string>
49 </dict>
50 </plist>