Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / libacl / aclprocs.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 */
10 /*
11 Information Technology Center
12 Carnegie-Mellon University
13 */
16 #include <afsconfig.h>
17 #include <afs/param.h>
19 #include <roken.h>
20 #include <afs/opr.h>
22 #include <limits.h>
23 #include <rx/xdr.h>
24 #include <rx/rx.h>
25 #include <afs/ptclient.h>
26 #include <afs/ptuser.h>
28 #include "acl.h"
30 #include <pthread.h>
31 pthread_mutex_t acl_list_mutex;
32 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
34 struct freeListEntry {
35 struct freeListEntry *next;
36 int size;
37 char body[1];
38 };
40 struct freeListEntry *freeList;
42 static int AddToList(struct freeListEntry **, struct freeListEntry *);
43 static int GetFromList(struct freeListEntry **, struct freeListEntry **,
44 afs_int32);
46 /*todo: for sorting acls - make sure they work with new groups lists 10/5*/
47 static int
48 CmpPlus(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
49 {
50 const struct acl_accessEntry *a = (struct acl_accessEntry *) arg1;
51 const struct acl_accessEntry *b = (struct acl_accessEntry *) arg2;
52 if (a->id < b->id)
53 return (-1);
54 if (a->id == b->id)
55 return (0);
56 return (1);
57 }
59 static int
60 CmpMinus(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
61 {
62 const struct acl_accessEntry *a = (struct acl_accessEntry *) arg1;
63 const struct acl_accessEntry *b = (struct acl_accessEntry *) arg2;
65 if (a->id > b->id)
66 return (-1);
67 if (a->id == b->id)
68 return (0);
69 return (1);
70 }
72 static int
73 CmpInt(int x, int y)
74 {
75 if (x < y)
76 return (-1);
77 if (x == y)
78 return (0);
79 return (1);
80 }
83 int
84 acl_NewACL(int nEntries, struct acl_accessList **acl)
85 {
86 /* Creates an access list capable of holding at least nEntries entries.
87 * Returns 0 on success; aborts if we run out of memory. */
89 int t;
90 struct freeListEntry *e;
92 t = sizeof(struct acl_accessList) + (nEntries -
93 1) * sizeof(struct acl_accessEntry);
94 if (GetFromList(&freeList, &e, t) < 0) {
95 e = malloc(t + sizeof(int) + sizeof(struct freeListEntry *));
96 if (e == NULL) {
97 perror("acl_NewACL: malloc() failed");
98 abort();
99 }
100 e->size = t;
101 *acl = (struct acl_accessList *)(e->body);
102 } else
103 *acl = (struct acl_accessList *)(e->body);
105 (*acl)->size = t; /* May be less than actual size of storage */
106 (*acl)->version = ACL_ACLVERSION;
107 (*acl)->total = nEntries;
108 (*acl)->positive = (*acl)->negative = 0;
109 return (0);
110 }
113 int
114 acl_FreeACL(struct acl_accessList **acl)
115 {
116 /* Releases the access list defined by acl. Returns 0 always. */
117 struct freeListEntry *x;
119 x = (struct freeListEntry *)
120 ((char *)*acl - sizeof(struct freeListEntry *) - sizeof(int));
121 *acl = NULL;
122 return (AddToList(&freeList, x));
123 }
125 int
126 acl_NewExternalACL(int nEntries, char **r)
127 {
128 /* Puts an external acl big enough to hold nEntries in r. Returns 0 on success, aborts if insufficient memory. */
130 int t;
131 struct freeListEntry *e;
133 t = 20 + (nEntries) * (PR_MAXNAMELEN + 20);
134 /* Conservative estimate: enough space in each entry for longest
135 * name plus decimal 2**32 (for largest rights mask) plus some formatting */
137 if (GetFromList(&freeList, &e, t)) {
138 e = malloc(t + sizeof(int) + sizeof(struct freeListEntry *));
139 if (e == NULL) {
140 perror("acl_NewExternalACL(): malloc() failed");
141 abort();
142 }
143 e->size = t;
144 }
146 *r = e->body;
147 sprintf(*r, "0\n0\n");
148 return (0);
149 }
151 int
152 acl_FreeExternalACL(char **r)
153 {
154 /* Releases the external access list defined by r. Returns 0 always. */
156 struct freeListEntry *x;
158 x = (struct freeListEntry *)
159 ((char *)*r - sizeof(struct freeListEntry *) - sizeof(int));
160 *r = NULL;
161 return (AddToList(&freeList, x));
162 }
164 int
165 acl_Externalize_pr(int (*func)(idlist *ids, namelist *names), struct acl_accessList *acl, char **elist)
166 {
167 /* Converts the access list defined by acl into the external access list
168 * in elist. Non-translatable id's are converted to their ASCII string
169 * representations. Returns 0 on success, -1 if number of entries
170 * exceeds ACL_MAXENTRIES, or a failure code from the protection server
171 * if the problem occured there. */
173 int i;
174 int j;
175 int code;
176 char *nextc;
177 idlist lids;
178 namelist lnames;
180 if (acl->total > ACL_MAXENTRIES)
181 return (-1);
182 acl_NewExternalACL(acl->total, elist);
183 nextc = *elist;
184 lids.idlist_val = calloc(ACL_MAXENTRIES, sizeof(afs_int32));
185 lids.idlist_len = acl->total;
186 lnames.namelist_len = 0;
187 lnames.namelist_val = (prname *) 0;
188 sprintf(nextc, "%d\n%d\n", acl->positive, acl->negative);
189 nextc += strlen(nextc);
190 for (i = 0; i < acl->positive; i++)
191 lids.idlist_val[i] = acl->entries[i].id;
192 j = i;
193 for (i = acl->total - 1; i >= acl->total - acl->negative; i--, j++)
194 lids.idlist_val[j] = acl->entries[i].id;
195 code = (*func)(&lids, &lnames);
196 if (code != 0) {
197 if (lids.idlist_val)
198 free(lids.idlist_val);
199 if (lnames.namelist_val)
200 free(lnames.namelist_val);
201 return code;
202 }
203 for (i = 0; i < acl->positive; i++) {
204 sprintf(nextc, "%s", lnames.namelist_val[i]);
205 nextc += strlen(nextc);
206 sprintf(nextc, "\t%d\n", acl->entries[i].rights);
207 nextc += strlen(nextc);
208 }
209 j = i;
210 for (i = acl->total - 1; i >= acl->total - acl->negative; i--, j++) {
211 sprintf(nextc, "%s", lnames.namelist_val[j]);
212 nextc += strlen(nextc);
213 sprintf(nextc, "\t%d\n", acl->entries[i].rights);
214 nextc += strlen(nextc);
215 }
216 if (lids.idlist_val)
217 free(lids.idlist_val);
218 if (lnames.namelist_val)
219 free(lnames.namelist_val);
220 return (0);
221 }
223 int
224 acl_Externalize(struct acl_accessList *acl, char **elist)
225 {
226 return acl_Externalize_pr(pr_IdToName, acl, elist);
227 }
229 int
230 acl_Internalize_pr(int (*func)(namelist *names, idlist *ids), char *elist, struct acl_accessList **acl)
231 {
232 /* Converts the external access list elist into the access list acl.
233 * Returns 0 on success, -1 if ANY name is not translatable, or if
234 * the number of entries exceeds al_maxExtEntries. */
235 int i;
236 int j;
237 char *nextc;
238 afs_int32 code;
239 int p, n;
240 namelist lnames;
241 idlist lids;
243 if (sscanf(elist, "%d\n%d\n", &p, &n) != 2)
244 return -1;
245 if (p < 0 || n < 0 || p > INT_MAX - n || p + n > ACL_MAXENTRIES)
246 return (-1);
247 acl_NewACL(p + n, acl);
248 (*acl)->total = p + n;
249 (*acl)->positive = p;
250 (*acl)->negative = n;
251 if ((*acl)->total == 0) {
252 /* Empty acl entry; simply return success */
253 return 0;
254 }
255 lnames.namelist_len = (*acl)->total;
256 lnames.namelist_val = calloc(lnames.namelist_len, PR_MAXNAMELEN);
257 if (lnames.namelist_val == 0) {
258 return -1;
259 }
260 nextc = elist;
261 while (*nextc && *nextc != '\n')
262 nextc++;
263 nextc++;
264 while (*nextc && *nextc != '\n')
265 nextc++;
266 nextc++; /* now at the beginning of the entry list */
267 for (i = 0; i < (*acl)->positive; i++) {
268 int k;
269 if (sscanf(nextc, "%63s\t%d\n", lnames.namelist_val[i], &k) != 2) {
270 free(lnames.namelist_val);
271 return (-1);
272 }
273 (*acl)->entries[i].rights = k;
274 nextc = strchr(nextc, '\n');
275 nextc++; /* 1 + index can cast ptr to integer */
276 }
277 j = i;
278 for (i = (*acl)->total - 1; i >= (*acl)->total - (*acl)->negative;
279 i--, j++) {
280 if (sscanf
281 (nextc, "%63s\t%d\n", lnames.namelist_val[j],
282 &((*acl)->entries[j].rights)) != 2) {
283 free(lnames.namelist_val);
284 return (-1);
285 }
286 nextc = strchr(nextc, '\n');
287 nextc++;
288 }
289 lids.idlist_len = 0;
290 lids.idlist_val = 0;
292 code = (*func)(&lnames, &lids);
293 if (code) {
294 free(lnames.namelist_val);
295 if (lids.idlist_val)
296 free(lids.idlist_val);
297 return -1;
298 }
299 for (i = 0; i < (*acl)->positive; i++) {
300 if (lids.idlist_val[i] == ANONYMOUSID) {
301 free(lnames.namelist_val);
302 if (lids.idlist_val)
303 free(lids.idlist_val);
304 return -1;
305 }
306 (*acl)->entries[i].id = lids.idlist_val[i];
307 }
308 for (i = (*acl)->total - 1; i >= (*acl)->total - (*acl)->negative; i--) {
309 if (lids.idlist_val[i] == ANONYMOUSID) {
310 free(lnames.namelist_val);
311 if (lids.idlist_val)
312 free(lids.idlist_val);
313 return -1;
314 }
315 (*acl)->entries[i].id = lids.idlist_val[i];
316 }
317 /* sort for easier lookup */
318 qsort(&((*acl)->entries[0]), (*acl)->positive,
319 sizeof(struct acl_accessEntry), CmpPlus);
320 qsort(&((*acl)->entries[(*acl)->total - (*acl)->negative]),
321 (*acl)->negative, sizeof(struct acl_accessEntry), CmpMinus);
322 free(lnames.namelist_val);
323 if (lids.idlist_val)
324 free(lids.idlist_val);
325 return (0);
326 }
328 int
329 acl_Internalize(char *elist, struct acl_accessList **acl)
330 {
331 return acl_Internalize_pr(pr_NameToId, elist, acl);
332 }
334 int
335 acl_CheckRights(struct acl_accessList *acl, prlist *groups, int *rights)
336 {
337 /* Returns the rights given by acl to groups */
339 int temprights; /* positive rights accumulated so far */
340 int negrights; /* negative rights accumulated so far */
341 int a; /* index into next entry in acl */
342 int c; /* index into next entry in CPS */
344 /* more sanity checks */
345 if (acl->total > ACL_MAXENTRIES)
346 return 1;
347 if (acl->total < 0)
348 return 1;
349 if (acl->size > 192)
350 return 1; /* 192 is the room in a 256 byte vnode reserved for the ACL */
352 if (acl->total <= 0 || groups->prlist_len <= 0) {
353 *rights = 0;
354 return (0);
355 }
356 if (groups->prlist_val[groups->prlist_len - 1] == SYSADMINID) {
357 *rights = -1;
358 return 0;
359 }
361 /* Each iteration eats up exactly one entry from either acl or groups.
362 * Duplicate Entries in access list ==> accumulated rights are obtained.
363 * Duplicate Entries in groups ==> irrelevant */
364 temprights = 0;
365 c = a = 0;
366 while ((a < acl->positive) && (c < groups->prlist_len))
367 switch (CmpInt(acl->entries[a].id, groups->prlist_val[c])) {
368 case -1:
369 a += 1;
370 break;
372 case 0:
373 temprights |= acl->entries[a].rights;
374 a += 1;
375 break;
377 case 1:
378 c += 1;
379 break;
381 default:
382 printf("CmpInt() returned bogus value. Aborting ...\n");
383 abort();
384 }
385 negrights = 0;
386 c = 0;
387 a = acl->total - 1;
388 while ((c < groups->prlist_len) && (a > acl->total - acl->negative - 1))
389 switch (CmpInt(acl->entries[a].id, groups->prlist_val[c])) {
390 case -1:
391 a -= 1;
392 break;
393 case 0:
394 negrights |= acl->entries[a].rights;
395 a -= 1;
396 break;
397 case 1:
398 c += 1;
399 break;
400 }
401 *rights = temprights & (~negrights);
402 return (0);
403 }
405 int
406 acl_Initialize(char *version)
407 {
408 /* I'm sure we need to do some initialization, I'm just not quite sure what yet! */
409 if (strcmp(version, ACL_VERSION) != 0) {
410 fprintf(stderr, "Wrong version of acl package!\n");
411 fprintf(stderr, "This is version %s, file server passed in %s.\n",
412 ACL_VERSION, version);
413 }
414 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
415 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_init(&acl_list_mutex, NULL) == 0);
416 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
417 return 0;
418 }
420 int
421 acl_IsAMember(afs_int32 aid, prlist *cps)
422 {
423 afs_int32 i;
425 for (i = 0; i < cps->prlist_len; i++)
426 if (cps->prlist_val[i] == aid)
427 return 1;
428 return 0;
429 }
432 static int
433 AddToList(struct freeListEntry **pflist, struct freeListEntry *elem)
434 {
435 /* Adds elem to the freelist flist; returns 0 */
436 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
437 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
438 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
439 elem->next = *pflist;
440 *pflist = elem;
441 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
442 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
443 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
444 return 0;
445 }
447 static int
448 GetFromList(struct freeListEntry **pflist, struct freeListEntry **elem,
449 afs_int32 minsize)
450 {
451 /* Looks for an element whose body is at least minsize bytes in the
452 * freelist flist. If found, unlinks it, puts its address in elem,
453 * and returns 0, else returns -1. A trivial first-fit algorithm is
454 * used. */
456 struct freeListEntry *y, *z;
458 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
459 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
460 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
461 if (*pflist == NULL) {
462 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
463 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
464 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
465 return -1;
466 }
467 for (y = *pflist, z = NULL; y != NULL; z = y, y = y->next) {
468 if (y->size >= minsize) {
469 *elem = y;
470 if (z == NULL) { /* pulling off the head */
471 *pflist = y->next;
472 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
473 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
474 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
475 return 0;
476 }
477 z->next = y->next;
478 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
479 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
480 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
481 return 0;
482 }
483 }
484 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
485 opr_Verify(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_list_mutex) == 0);
486 #endif /* AFS_PTHREAD_ENV */
487 return -1;
488 }