Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / aklog / linked_list.c
1 /*
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * This file contains general linked list routines.
5 *
6 * Copyright 1990,1991 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
7 * For distribution and copying rights, see the file "mit-copyright.h"
8 */
10 #include <afsconfig.h>
11 #include <afs/param.h>
13 #include <roken.h>
15 #include "linked_list.h"
17 #ifndef TRUE
18 #define TRUE 1
19 #endif
21 #ifndef FALSE
22 #define FALSE 0
23 #endif
25 void ll_init(linked_list *list)
26 /*
27 * Requires:
28 * List must point to a linked list structure. It is not acceptable
29 * to pass a null pointer to this routine.
30 * Modifies:
31 * list
32 * Effects:
33 * Initializes the list to be one with no elements. If list is
34 * NULL, prints an error message and causes the program to crash.
35 */
36 {
37 if (list == NULL) {
38 fprintf(stderr, "Error: calling ll_init with null pointer.\n");
39 abort();
40 }
42 /* This sets everything to zero, which is what we want. */
43 bzero((char *)list, sizeof(linked_list));
44 }
46 ll_node *ll_add_node(linked_list *list, ll_end which_end)
47 /*
48 * Modifies:
49 * list
50 * Effects:
51 * Adds a node to one end of the list (as specified by which_end)
52 * and returns a pointer to the node added. which_end is of type
53 * ll_end and should be either ll_head or ll_tail as specified in
54 * list.h. If there is not enough memory to allocate a node,
55 * the program returns NULL.
56 */
57 {
58 ll_node *node = NULL;
60 if ((node = calloc(1, sizeof(ll_node))) != NULL) {
61 if (list->nelements == 0) {
62 list->first = node;
63 list->last = node;
64 list->nelements = 1;
65 }
66 else {
67 switch (which_end) {
68 case ll_head:
69 list->first->prev = node;
70 node->next = list->first;
71 list->first = node;
72 break;
73 case ll_tail:
74 list->last->next = node;
75 node->prev = list->last;
76 list->last = node;
77 break;
78 default:
79 fprintf(stderr, "%s%s",
80 "ll_add_node got a which_end parameter that ",
81 "it can't handle.\n");
82 abort();
83 }
84 list->nelements++;
85 }
86 }
88 return(node);
89 }
92 int ll_delete_node(linked_list *list, ll_node *node)
93 /*
94 * Modifies:
95 * list
96 * Effects:
97 * If node is in list, deletes node and returns LL_SUCCESS.
98 * Otherwise, returns LL_FAILURE. If node contains other data,
99 * it is the responsibility of the caller to free it. Also, since
100 * this routine frees node, after the routine is called, "node"
101 * won't point to valid data.
102 */
103 {
104 ll_node *cur_node = NULL;
106 if (list->nelements == 0)
107 return LL_FAILURE;
109 for (cur_node = list->first; cur_node != NULL; cur_node = cur_node->next) {
110 if (cur_node == node) {
112 if (cur_node->prev)
113 cur_node->prev->next = cur_node->next;
114 else
115 list->first = cur_node->next;
117 if (cur_node->next)
118 cur_node->next->prev = cur_node->prev;
119 else
120 list->last = cur_node->prev;
122 free(cur_node);
123 list->nelements--;
124 return LL_SUCCESS;
125 }
126 }
128 return LL_FAILURE;
129 }
132 /* ll_add_data is a macro defined in linked_list.h */
134 /* This routine maintains a list of strings preventing duplication. */
135 int ll_string(linked_list *list, ll_s_action action, char *string)
136 {
137 int status = LL_SUCCESS;
138 ll_node *cur_node;
140 switch(action) {
141 case ll_s_check:
142 /* Scan the list until we find the string in question */
143 for (cur_node = list->first; cur_node && (status == FALSE);
144 cur_node = cur_node->next)
145 status = (strcmp(string, cur_node->data) == 0);
146 break;
147 case ll_s_add:
148 /* Add a string to the list. */
149 if (!ll_string(list, ll_s_check, string)) {
150 if ((cur_node = ll_add_node(list, ll_tail))) {
151 char *new_string;
152 if ((new_string = calloc(strlen(string) + 1, sizeof(char)))) {
153 strcpy(new_string, string);
154 ll_add_data(cur_node, new_string);
155 }
156 else
157 status = LL_FAILURE;
158 }
159 else
160 status = LL_FAILURE;
161 }
162 break;
163 default:
164 /* This should never happen */
165 status = LL_FAILURE;
166 break;
167 }
169 return(status);
170 }