Import Debian changes 1.8.5-1
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / debian / afs-rootvol
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # Copyright (C) 2000 by Sam Hartman
3 # This file may be copied either under the terms of the GNU GPL or the IBM
4 # Public License either version 2 or later of the GPL or version 1.0 or later
5 # of the IPL.
7 use strict;
8 use Debian::OpenAFS::ConfigUtils;
9 use Term::ReadLine;
10 use Getopt::Long;
11 use vars qw($rl $server $part $requirements_met);
13 =head1 NAME
15 afs-rootvol - Generate and populate root volumes for new AFS cells.
17 =head1 SYNOPSIS
19 B<afs-rootvol> [B<--requirements-met>] [B<--server> I<server-name>]
20 [B<--partition> I<partition-letter>]
24 This script sets up an AFS cell's root volumes. It assumes that you already
25 have a fileserver and database servers. The fileserver should have an empty
26 root.afs. This script creates root.cell, user, and service and populates
27 root.afs.
29 =head1 AUTHOR
31 Sam Hartman <>
33 =cut
34 #'# cperl-mode
36 # This subroutine creates a volume, mounts it and then sets the access
37 # to allow read by anyuser. The volume is scheduled for deletion in
38 # case of error.
39 sub mkvol($$) {
40 my ($vol, $mnt) = @_;
41 run("vos create $server $part $vol -localauth");
42 unwind("vos remove $server $part $vol -localauth");
43 run("fs mkm $mnt $vol ");
44 run("fs sa $mnt system:anyuser rl");
45 }
47 # Main script. Flush all output immediately.
48 $| = 1;
49 $rl = new Term::ReadLine('AFS');
50 GetOptions ("requirements-met" => \$requirements_met,
51 "server=s" => \$server,
52 "partition=s" => \$part);
53 unless ($requirements_met) {
54 print <<eotext;
55 Prerequisites
57 In order to set up the root.afs volume, you must meet the following
58 pre-conditions:
60 1) The cell must be configured, running a database server with a
61 volume location and protection server. The afs-newcell script will
62 set up these services.
64 2) You must be logged into the cell with tokens in for a user in
65 system:administrators and with a principal that is in the UserList
66 file of the servers in the cell.
68 3) You need a fileserver in the cell with partitions mounted and a
69 root.afs volume created. Presumably, it has no volumes on it,
70 although the script will work so long as nothing besides root.afs
71 exists. The afs-newcell script will set up the file server.
73 4) The AFS client must be running pointed at the new cell.
74 eotext
76 $_ = $rl->readline("Do you meet these conditions? (y/n) ");
77 unless (/^y/i ) {
78 print "Please restart the script when you meet these conditions.\n";
79 exit(1);
80 }
81 if ($> != 0) {
82 die "This script should almost always be run as root. Use the\n"
83 . "--requirements-met option to run as non-root.\n";
84 }
85 }
87 # Get configuration information we need.
88 open(CELL, "/etc/openafs/server/ThisCell")
89 or die "Unable to find out what cell this machine serves: $!\n";
90 my $cell = <CELL>;
91 close CELL;
92 chomp $cell;
94 unless ($server) {
95 print <<eotext;
97 You will need to select a server (hostname) and AFS partition on which to
98 create the root volumes.
100 eotext
102 $server = $rl->readline("What AFS Server should volumes be placed on? ");
103 die "Please select a server.\n" unless $server;
104 }
105 unless ($part) {
106 $part = $rl->readline("What partition? [a] ");
107 $part = "a" unless $part;
108 }
109 print "\n";
111 # Make sure the user has tokens. Forgetting to do this is a common error.
112 my $status = system("tokens | grep Expires > /dev/null");
113 if ($status != 0) {
114 die "You appear to not have AFS tokens. Obtain tokens (with aklog,\n"
115 . "for example) and then run this script again.\n";
116 }
118 # Figure out where root.afs is. There are two possibilities: either we aren't
119 # running with dynroot, and root.afs is therefore accessible as /afs, or we
120 # are running with dynroot, in which case we have to create root.cell first
121 # and then mount root.afs under it.
122 #
123 # Always create root.cell first; we may need it if running with dynroot, and
124 # it doesn't hurt to do it now regardless.
125 my $rootmnt = "/afs";
126 run("vos create $server $part root.cell -localauth");
127 unwind("vos remove $server $part root.cell -localauth");
128 my $dynroot = (-d "$rootmnt/$cell/.");
129 if ($dynroot) {
130 run("fs mkm /afs/$cell/.root.afs root.afs -rw");
131 unwind("fs rmm /afs/$cell/.root.afs");
132 $rootmnt = "/afs/$cell/.root.afs";
133 }
134 run("fs sa $rootmnt system:anyuser rl");
136 # Scan CellServDB and create the cell mount points for every cell found there.
137 # Force these commands to succeed, since it's possible to end up with
138 # duplicate entries in CellServDB (and the second fs mkm will fail).
139 open(CELLSERVDB, "/etc/openafs/CellServDB")
140 or die "Unable to open /etc/openafs/CellServDB: $!\n";
141 while (<CELLSERVDB>) {
142 chomp;
143 if (/^>\s*([a-z0-9_\-.]+)/) {
144 run("fs mkm $rootmnt/$1 root.cell -cell $1 -fast || true");
145 unwind("fs rmm $rootmnt/$1 || true");
146 }
147 }
149 # Now, create the read/write mount points for root.cell and root.afs and set
150 # root.cell system:anyuser read.
151 run("fs sa /afs/$cell system:anyuser rl");
152 run("fs mkm $rootmnt/.$cell root.cell -cell $cell -rw");
153 unwind("fs rmm $rootmnt/.$cell");
154 run("fs mkm $rootmnt/.root.afs root.afs -rw");
155 unwind("fs rmm $rootmnt/.root.afs");
157 # Create the user and service mount point volumes to fit the semi-standard AFS
158 # cell layout.
159 mkvol("user", "/afs/$cell/user");
160 mkvol("service", "/afs/$cell/service");
162 # Strip the domain off of the cell name and create the short symlinks.
163 $cell =~ /^([^.]+)/;
164 my $cellpart = $1;
165 if ($cellpart && $cellpart ne $cell) {
166 run("ln -s $cell $rootmnt/$cellpart");
167 unwind("rm $rootmnt/$cellpart");
168 run("ln -s .$cell $rootmnt/.$cellpart");
169 unwind("rm $rootmnt/.$cellpart");
170 }
171 if ($dynroot) {
172 run("fs rmm /afs/$cell/.root.afs");
173 unwind("fs mkm /afs/$cell/.root.afs root.afs -rw");
174 }
176 # Now, replicate the infrastructure volumes.
177 run("vos addsite $server $part root.afs -localauth");
178 run("vos addsite $server $part root.cell -localauth");
179 run("vos release root.afs -localauth");
180 run("vos release root.cell -localauth");
181 unwind("vos remove $server $part root.cell.readonly -localauth");
182 unwind("vos remove $server $part root.afs.readonly -localauth");
184 # Success, so clear the unwind commands.
185 @unwinds = ();
187 # If we fail before all the instances are created, we need to back out of
188 # everything we did as much as possible.
189 END {
190 if (@unwinds) {
191 print "\nRoot volume setup failed, ABORTING\n";
192 }
193 run(pop @unwinds) while @unwinds;
194 }