Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / lwp / test / selclient.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 */
10 /* selclient.c tests the IOMGR_Select interface. Specifically it verifies
11 * that the read/write/exception lists work correctly with file descriptors
12 * larger than 31. Generally, the calls to IOMGR_Select pass in all the
13 * read, write and exception fd_sets. When handling is complete, the file
14 * descriptor is cleared from the set. Then if fd_set is checked to make sure
15 * there are no other bits set. The fd_sets which should have had nothing set
16 * are also checked.
17 *
18 * The client can send one of the following:
19 * -end - shoots the selserver.
20 * -delay n - The selserver thread handling this request should sleep for
21 * n seconds before accepting data. Used in conjuction with -write
22 * so that the write STREAM can fill. This tests the IOMGR_Select
23 * write fd_sets.
24 * -write n - writes n bytes to the selserver. If -delay is not set, a default
25 * of 5 seconds is used.
26 * -soob - Send an out-of-band message to selserver. Tests the exception
27 * fd_set.
28 */
30 /* Typical test scanario:
31 * selclient -soob : used to test exception fd's on selserver.
32 * selclient -delay 20 -write 150000 : used to test read/write fd's.
33 * Adjust delay to 40 seconds if running loopback. Times and sizes derived
34 * on IRIX 6.2 and 6.4.
35 */
37 #include <afsconfig.h>
38 #include <afs/param.h>
41 #include <unistd.h>
42 #include <stdio.h>
43 #include <stdarg.h>
44 #include <errno.h>
45 #include <sys/select.h>
46 #include <sys/types.h>
47 #include <sys/socket.h>
48 #include <string.h>
49 #include <sys/time.h>
50 #include <netinet/in.h>
51 #include <netdb.h>
52 #include <signal.h>
53 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
54 #include <assert.h>
55 #include <time.h>
58 #include "lwp.h"
59 #include "seltest.h"
61 /* Put this in lwp.h? */
62 extern int IOMGR_Select(int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *);
65 void sendTest(int, int, int, int);
66 void sendEnd(int);
68 int nSigIO = 0;
69 void
70 sigIO()
71 {
72 nSigIO++;
73 }
75 char *program;
78 Usage()
79 {
80 printf
81 ("Usage: selclient [-fd n] [-oob] [-soob] [-delay n] [-end] [-write n] host port\n");
82 printf("\t-fd n\tUse file descriptor n for socket.\n");
83 printf("\t-oob\tRequest a MSG_OOB from server.\n");
84 printf("\t-soob\tSend a MSG_OOB to server.\n");
85 printf("\t-delay n\tAsk server to delay n seconds for my writes.\n");
86 printf("\t-end\tAsk server to terminate.\n");
87 printf("\t-write\tWrite n bytes to server, verify reply.\n");
88 exit(1);
89 }
91 main(int ac, char **av)
92 {
93 int i;
94 int on = 1;
95 char *hostname = 0;
96 struct hostent *hostent;
97 int host; /* net order. */
98 short port = -1; /* host order. */
99 int setFD = 0;
100 int sockFD;
101 struct sockaddr_in saddr;
102 int reqOOB = 0;
103 int putOOB = 0;
104 int delay = 5;
105 int doEnd = 0;
106 int doWrite = 0;
107 int writeSize = 0;
109 program = av[0];
111 signal(SIGIO, sigIO);
114 for (i = 1; i < ac; i++) {
115 if (!strcmp("-fd", av[i])) {
116 if (++i >= ac) {
117 printf("Missing number for -fd option.\n");
118 Usage();
119 }
120 setFD = atoi(av[i]);
121 if (setFD <= 2) {
122 printf("%s: %d: file descriptor must be at least 3.\n",
123 program, setFD);
124 Usage();
125 }
126 } else if (!strcmp("-end", av[i])) {
127 doEnd = 1;
128 } else if (!strcmp("-delay", av[i])) {
129 if (++i >= ac) {
130 printf("%s: Missing time for -delay option.\n", program);
131 Usage();
132 }
133 delay = atoi(av[i]);
134 if (delay < 0) {
135 printf("%s: %s: delay must be at least 0 seconds.\n", program,
136 av[i]);
137 Usage();
138 }
139 } else if (!strcmp("-write", av[i])) {
140 doWrite = 1;
141 if (++i >= ac) {
142 printf("%s: Missing size for -write option.\n", program);
143 Usage();
144 }
145 writeSize = atoi(av[i]);
146 if (writeSize < 1) {
147 printf("%s: %s: Write size must be at least 1 byte.\n",
148 program, av[i]);
149 Usage();
150 }
151 } else if (!strcmp("-oob", av[i])) {
152 reqOOB = 1;
153 } else if (!strcmp("-soob", av[i])) {
154 putOOB = 1;
155 } else {
156 if (!hostname) {
157 hostname = av[i];
158 } else if (port == -1) {
159 port = atoi(av[i]);
160 if (port <= 0) {
161 printf("%s: %s: port must be at least 1\n", program,
162 av[i]);
163 Usage();
164 }
165 } else {
166 printf("%s: %s: Unknown argument.\n", program, av[i]);
167 }
168 }
169 }
171 if (!hostname) {
172 printf("%s: Missing hostname and port.\n", program);
173 Usage();
174 }
175 if (port == -1) {
176 printf("%s: Missing port.\n", program);
177 Usage();
178 }
180 if (writeSize == 0 && doEnd == 0 && putOOB == 0) {
181 printf("%s: Missing action.\n", program);
182 Usage();
183 }
185 if (!setFD) {
186 setFD = 31;
187 printf("%s: Using default socket of %d.\n", program, setFD);
188 }
190 if (!(hostent = gethostbyname(hostname))) {
191 printf("%s: Failed to find host entry for %s.\n", program, hostname);
192 exit(1);
193 }
195 memcpy((void *)&host, (const void *)hostent->h_addr, sizeof(host));
197 OpenFDs(setFD);
199 /* Connect to server. */
200 sockFD = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
201 if (sockFD < 0) {
202 Die(0, "socket");
203 }
204 printf("%s: Using socket at file descriptor %d.\n", program, sockFD);
206 memset((void *)&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
207 saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
208 saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = host; /* already in network byte order. */
209 saddr.sin_port = htons(port);
211 if (connect(sockFD, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0) {
212 assert(0);
213 }
216 if (doEnd) {
217 sendEnd(sockFD);
218 } else if (putOOB) {
219 Log("Will send OOB in 2 seconds.\n");
220 sleep(2);
221 sendOOB(sockFD);
222 Log("Sent OOB, sleeping for 5 seconds.\n");
223 sleep(5);
224 Log("Sent OOB, exiting.\n");
225 } else {
226 IOMGR_Initialize();
227 sendTest(sockFD, delay, reqOOB, writeSize);
228 }
229 close(sockFD);
230 }
232 /* sendTest
233 */
234 int writeIndex;
235 void
236 sendTest(int sockFD, int delay, int reqOOB, int size)
237 {
238 char *buf, *bufTest;
239 fd_set *rfds, *wfds, *efds;
240 int i, j;
241 int nbytes, code;
242 selcmd_t selCmd;
243 time_t stime, etime;
245 buf = malloc(size);
246 assert(buf);
247 bufTest = malloc(size);
248 assert(bufTest);
250 for (j = i = 0; i < size; i++, j++) {
251 if (j == END_DATA)
252 j++;
253 if (j > 255)
254 j = 0;
255 buf[i] = (char)j;
256 }
258 selCmd.sc_cmd = SC_WRITE;
259 selCmd.sc_info = size;
260 selCmd.sc_delay = delay;
261 selCmd.sc_flags = SC_WAIT_ONLY;
263 nbytes = write(sockFD, (char *)&selCmd, sizeof(selCmd));
264 assert(nbytes == sizeof(selCmd));
266 Log("Starting to write %d bytes.\n", size);
267 if (!delay) {
268 nbytes = write(sockFD, buf, size);
269 assert(nbytes == size);
270 } else {
271 rfds = IOMGR_AllocFDSet();
272 wfds = IOMGR_AllocFDSet();
273 efds = IOMGR_AllocFDSet();
274 if (!rfds || !wfds || !efds) {
275 printf("%s: Could not allocate all fd_sets.\n", program);
276 exit(1);
277 }
279 for (writeIndex = i = 0; i < size; writeIndex++, i++) {
280 FD_ZERO(rfds);
281 FD_ZERO(wfds);
282 FD_ZERO(efds);
283 FD_SET(sockFD, wfds);
284 FD_SET(sockFD, efds);
285 (void)time(&stime);
286 code =
287 IOMGR_Select(sockFD + 1, rfds, wfds, efds,
288 NULL);
289 assert(code > 0);
291 if (FD_ISSET(sockFD, wfds)) {
292 (void)time(&etime);
293 if (etime - stime > 1) {
294 Log("Waited %d seconds to write at offset %d.\n",
295 etime - stime, i);
296 }
297 stime = etime;
298 nbytes = write(sockFD, &buf[i], 1);
299 (void)time(&etime);
300 if (etime - stime > 1) {
301 Log("Waited %d seconds IN write.\n", etime - stime);
302 }
303 assert(nbytes == 1);
304 FD_CLR(sockFD, wfds);
305 }
306 assertNullFDSet(0, rfds);
307 assertNullFDSet(0, wfds);
308 assertNullFDSet(0, efds);
309 }
310 }
312 Log("Wrote %d bytes.\n", size);
313 i = 0;
314 while (i < size) {
315 nbytes = read(sockFD, &bufTest[i], size);
316 i += nbytes;
317 }
318 Log("Read %d bytes.\n", size);
320 assert(memcmp(buf, bufTest, size) == 0);
321 Log("Compared %d bytes.\n", size);
322 }
324 void
325 sendEnd(int fd)
326 {
327 selcmd_t sc;
329 sc.sc_cmd = SC_END;
331 if (write(fd, (char *)&sc, sizeof(sc)) != sizeof(sc)) {
332 Die(1, "(sendEnd) write failed: ");
333 }
334 }