SSASimplify =========== The optimization passes for the <:SSA:> <:IntermediateLanguage:> are collected and controlled by the `Simplify` functor (, ). The following optimization passes are implemented: * <:CombineConversions:> * <:CommonArg:> * <:CommonBlock:> * <:CommonSubexp:> * <:ConstantPropagation:> * <:Contify:> * <:Flatten:> * <:Inline:> * <:IntroduceLoops:> * <:KnownCase:> * <:LocalFlatten:> * <:LocalRef:> * <:LoopInvariant:> * <:LoopUnfoll:> * <:LoopUnswitch:> * <:Redundant:> * <:RedundantTests:> * <:RemoveUnused:> * <:ShareZeroVec:> * <:SimplifyTypes:> * <:Useless:> The following implementation passes are implemented: * <:PolyEqual:> * <:PolyHash:> There are additional analysis and rewrite passes that augment many of the other optimization passes: * <:Multi:> * <:Restore:> * <:Shrink:> The optimization passes can be controlled from the command-line by the options: * `-diag-pass ` -- keep diagnostic info for pass * `-disable-pass ` -- skip optimization pass (if normally performed) * `-enable-pass ` -- perform optimization pass (if normally skipped) * `-keep-pass ` -- keep the results of pass * `-loop-passes ` -- loop optimization passes * `-ssa-passes ` -- ssa optimization passes