fun find cache x = case (List.find (fn (y,_) => x = y) (!cache)) of NONE => NONE | SOME (_,r) => SOME r fun remove cache x = cache := (List.filter (fn (y,_) => not (x = y)) (!cache)) fun insert cache (x,r) = cache := (x,r)::(!cache) val cache = ref [] fun lookup (x : int) = case find cache x of SOME r => (case MLton.Weak.get r of SOME r' => r' | NONE => (remove cache x; lookup x)) | NONE => let val res = x + 1 val wres = res in insert cache (x, wres); res end val _ = (fn x => print (concat [Int.toString (lookup x), "\n"])) [5,4,3,2,1]