(* Copyright (C) 2009,2011,2017 Matthew Fluet. * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks. * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute. * * MLton is released under a BSD-style license. * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details. *) functor Shrink (S: SHRINK_STRUCTS): SHRINK = struct open S structure Exp = struct open Exp val isProfile = fn Profile _ => true | _ => false end structure Statement = struct open Statement fun isProfile (T {exp, ...}) = Exp.isProfile exp end structure Array = struct open Array fun inc (a: int t, i: int): unit = update (a, i, 1 + sub (a, i)) fun dec (a: int t, i: int): unit = update (a, i, sub (a, i) - 1) end datatype z = datatype Exp.t datatype z = datatype Transfer.t structure VarInfo = struct datatype t = T of {isUsed: bool ref, numOccurrences: int ref, ty: Type.t option, value: value option ref, var: Var.t} and value = Con of {con: Con.t, args: t vector} | Const of Const.t | Select of {tuple: t, offset: int} | Tuple of t vector fun equals (T {var = x, ...}, T {var = y, ...}) = Var.equals (x, y) fun layout (T {isUsed, numOccurrences, ty, value, var}) = let open Layout in record [("isUsed", Bool.layout (!isUsed)), ("numOccurrences", Int.layout (!numOccurrences)), ("ty", Option.layout Type.layout ty), ("value", Option.layout layoutValue (!value)), ("var", Var.layout var)] end and layoutValue v = let open Layout in case v of Con {con, args} => seq [Con.layout con, Vector.layout layout args] | Const c => Const.layout c | Select {tuple, offset} => seq [str "#", Int.layout (offset + 1), str " ", layout tuple] | Tuple vis => Vector.layout layout vis end fun new (x: Var.t, ty: Type.t option) = T {isUsed = ref false, numOccurrences = ref 0, ty = ty, value = ref NONE, var = x} fun setValue (T {value, ...}, v) = (Assert.assert ("Ssa.Shrink.VarInfo.setValue", fn () => Option.isNone (!value)) ; value := SOME v) fun numOccurrences (T {numOccurrences = r, ...}) = r fun ty (T {ty, ...}): Type.t option = ty fun value (T {value, ...}): value option = !value fun var (T {var, ...}): Var.t = var end structure Value = struct datatype t = datatype VarInfo.value end structure Position = struct datatype t = Formal of int | Free of Var.t fun layout (p: t) = case p of Formal i => Int.layout i | Free x => Var.layout x val equals = fn (Formal i, Formal i') => i = i' | (Free x, Free x') => Var.equals (x, x') | _ => false end structure Positions = MonoVector (Position) structure LabelMeaning = struct datatype t = T of {aux: aux, blockIndex: int, (* The index of the block *) label: Label.t} (* redundant, the label of the block *) and aux = Block | Bug | Case of {canMove: Statement.t list, cases: Cases.t, default: Label.t option} | Goto of {canMove: Statement.t list, dst: t, args: Positions.t} | Raise of {args: Positions.t, canMove: Statement.t list} | Return of {args: Positions.t, canMove: Statement.t list} local fun make f (T r) = f r in val aux = make #aux val blockIndex = make #blockIndex end fun layout (T {aux, label, ...}) = let open Layout in seq [Label.layout label, str " ", case aux of Block => str "Block " | Bug => str "Bug" | Case _ => str "Case" | Goto {dst, args, ...} => seq [str "Goto ", tuple [layout dst, Positions.layout args]] | Raise {args, ...} => seq [str "Raise ", Positions.layout args] | Return {args, ...} => seq [str "Return ", Positions.layout args]] end end structure State = struct datatype state = Unvisited | Visited of LabelMeaning.t | Visiting val layout = let open Layout in fn Unvisited => str "Unvisited" | Visited m => LabelMeaning.layout m | Visiting => str "Visiting" end end val traceApplyInfo = Trace.info "Ssa.Shrink.Prim.apply" fun shrinkFunction {globals: Statement.t vector} = let fun use (VarInfo.T {isUsed, var, ...}): Var.t = (isUsed := true ; var) fun uses (vis: VarInfo.t vector): Var.t vector = Vector.map (vis, use) (* varInfo can't be getSetOnce because of setReplacement. *) val {get = varInfo: Var.t -> VarInfo.t, set = setVarInfo, ...} = Property.getSet (Var.plist, Property.initFun (fn x => VarInfo.new (x, NONE))) (* Property.getSet (Var.plist, Property.initFun VarInfo.new) *) val setVarInfo = Trace.trace2 ("Ssa.Shrink.setVarInfo", Var.layout, VarInfo.layout, Unit.layout) setVarInfo fun varInfos xs = Vector.map (xs, varInfo) fun simplifyVar (x: Var.t) = use (varInfo x) val simplifyVar = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.simplifyVar", Var.layout, Var.layout) simplifyVar fun simplifyVars xs = Vector.map (xs, simplifyVar) fun incVarInfo (x: VarInfo.t): unit = Int.inc (VarInfo.numOccurrences x) fun incVar (x: Var.t): unit = incVarInfo (varInfo x) fun incVars xs = Vector.foreach (xs, incVar) fun numVarOccurrences (x: Var.t): int = ! (VarInfo.numOccurrences (varInfo x)) val _ = Vector.foreach (globals, fn Statement.T {var, exp, ty} => let val _ = Option.app (var, fn x => setVarInfo (x, VarInfo.new (x, SOME ty))) fun construct v = Option.app (var, fn x => VarInfo.setValue (varInfo x, v)) in case exp of ConApp {con, args} => construct (Value.Con {con = con, args = Vector.map (args, varInfo)}) | Const c => construct (Value.Const c) | Select {tuple, offset} => construct (Value.Select {tuple = varInfo tuple, offset = offset}) | Tuple xs => construct (Value.Tuple (Vector.map (xs, varInfo))) | Var y => Option.app (var, fn x => setVarInfo (x, varInfo y)) | _ => () end) in fn f: Function.t => let val _ = Function.clear f val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start, ...} = Function.dest f val _ = Vector.foreach (args, fn (x, ty) => setVarInfo (x, VarInfo.new (x, SOME ty))) (* Index the labels by their defining block in blocks. *) val {get = labelIndex, set = setLabelIndex, ...} = Property.getSetOnce (Label.plist, Property.initRaise ("index", Label.layout)) val _ = Vector.foreachi (blocks, fn (i, Block.T {label, ...}) => setLabelIndex (label, i)) val numBlocks = Vector.length blocks (* Do a DFS to compute occurrence counts and set label meanings *) val states = Array.array (numBlocks, State.Unvisited) val inDegree = Array.array (numBlocks, 0) fun addLabelIndex i = Array.inc (inDegree, i) val isHeader = Array.array (numBlocks, false) val numHandlerUses = Array.array (numBlocks, 0) fun layoutLabel (l: Label.t): Layout.t = let val i = labelIndex l in Layout.record [("label", Label.layout l), ("inDegree", Int.layout (Array.sub (inDegree, i)))] end fun incAux aux = case aux of LabelMeaning.Goto {dst, ...} => addLabelIndex (LabelMeaning.blockIndex dst) | _ => () fun incLabel (l: Label.t): unit = incLabelMeaning (labelMeaning l) and incLabelMeaning (LabelMeaning.T {aux, blockIndex, ...}): unit = let val i = blockIndex val n = Array.sub (inDegree, i) val _ = Array.update (inDegree, i, 1 + n) in if n = 0 then incAux aux else () end and labelMeaning (l: Label.t): LabelMeaning.t = let val i = labelIndex l in case Array.sub (states, i) of State.Visited m => m | State.Visiting => (Array.update (isHeader, i, true) ; (LabelMeaning.T {aux = LabelMeaning.Block, blockIndex = i, label = Block.label (Vector.sub (blocks, i))})) | State.Unvisited => let val _ = Array.update (states, i, State.Visiting) val m = computeMeaning i val _ = Array.update (states, i, State.Visited m) in m end end and computeMeaning (i: int): LabelMeaning.t = let val Block.T {args, statements, transfer, ...} = Vector.sub (blocks, i) val _ = Vector.foreach (args, fn (x, ty) => setVarInfo (x, VarInfo.new (x, SOME ty))) val _ = Vector.foreach (statements, fn s => Exp.foreachVar (Statement.exp s, incVar)) fun extract (actuals: Var.t vector): Positions.t = let val {get: Var.t -> Position.t, set, destroy} = Property.destGetSetOnce (Var.plist, Property.initFun Position.Free) val _ = Vector.foreachi (args, fn (i, (x, _)) => set (x, Position.Formal i)) val ps = Vector.map (actuals, get) val _ = destroy () in ps end fun doit aux = LabelMeaning.T {aux = aux, blockIndex = i, label = Block.label (Vector.sub (blocks, i))} fun normal () = doit LabelMeaning.Block fun canMove () = Vector.toListMap (statements, fn Statement.T {exp, ty, ...} => Statement.T {exp = exp, ty = ty, var = NONE}) fun rr (xs: Var.t vector, make) = let val _ = incVars xs (* val n = Vector.length statements fun loop (i, ac) = if i = n then if 0 = Vector.length xs orelse 0 < Vector.length args then doit (make {args = extract xs, canMove = rev ac}) else normal () else let val Statement.T {exp, ty, ...} = Vector.sub (statements, i) in if Exp.isProfile exp then loop (i + 1, Statement.T {exp = exp, ty = ty, var = NONE} :: ac) else normal () end in loop (0, []) end *) in if Vector.forall (statements, Statement.isProfile) andalso (0 = Vector.length xs orelse 0 < Vector.length args) then doit (make {args = extract xs, canMove = canMove ()}) else normal () end in case transfer of Arith {args, overflow, success, ...} => (incVars args ; incLabel overflow ; incLabel success ; normal ()) | Bug => if Vector.forall (statements, Statement.isProfile) andalso (case returns of NONE => true | SOME ts => Vector.equals (ts, args, fn (t, (_, t')) => Type.equals (t, t'))) then doit LabelMeaning.Bug else normal () | Call {args, return, ...} => let val _ = incVars args val _ = Return.foreachHandler (return, fn l => Array.inc (numHandlerUses, labelIndex l)) val _ = Return.foreachLabel (return, incLabel) in normal () end | Case {test, cases, default} => let val _ = incVar test val _ = Cases.foreach (cases, incLabel) val _ = Option.app (default, incLabel) in if Vector.forall (statements, Statement.isProfile) andalso not (Array.sub (isHeader, i)) andalso 1 = Vector.length args andalso 1 = numVarOccurrences test andalso Var.equals (test, #1 (Vector.first args)) then doit (LabelMeaning.Case {canMove = canMove (), cases = cases, default = default}) else normal () end | Goto {dst, args = actuals} => let val _ = incVars actuals val m = labelMeaning dst in if Vector.exists (statements, not o Statement.isProfile) orelse Array.sub (isHeader, i) then (incLabelMeaning m ; normal ()) else if Vector.isEmpty statements andalso Vector.equals (args, actuals, fn ((x, _), x') => Var.equals (x, x') andalso 1 = numVarOccurrences x) then m (* It's an eta. *) else let val ps = extract actuals val n = Vector.fold (args, 0, fn ((x, _), n) => n + numVarOccurrences x) val n' = Vector.fold (ps, 0, fn (p, n) => case p of Position.Formal _ => n + 1 | _ => n) datatype z = datatype LabelMeaning.aux in if n <> n' then (incLabelMeaning m ; normal ()) else let fun extract (ps': Positions.t) : Positions.t = Vector.map (ps', fn p => let datatype z = datatype Position.t in case p of Free x => Free x | Formal i => Vector.sub (ps, i) end) val canMove' = canMove () val a = case LabelMeaning.aux m of Block => Goto {canMove = canMove', dst = m, args = ps} | Bug => if (case returns of NONE => true | SOME ts => Vector.equals (ts, args, fn (t, (_, t')) => Type.equals (t, t'))) then Bug else Goto {canMove = canMove', dst = m, args = ps} | Case _ => Goto {canMove = canMove', dst = m, args = ps} | Goto {canMove, dst, args} => Goto {canMove = canMove' @ canMove, dst = dst, args = extract args} | Raise {args, canMove} => Raise {args = extract args, canMove = canMove' @ canMove} | Return {args, canMove} => Return {args = extract args, canMove = canMove' @ canMove} in doit a end end end | Raise xs => rr (xs, LabelMeaning.Raise) | Return xs => rr (xs, LabelMeaning.Return) | Runtime {args, return, ...} => (incVars args ; incLabel return ; normal ()) end val _ = incLabel start fun indexMeaning i = case Array.sub (states, i) of State.Visited m => m | _ => Error.bug "Ssa.Shrink.indexMeaning: not computed" val indexMeaning = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.indexMeaning", Int.layout, LabelMeaning.layout) indexMeaning val labelMeaning = indexMeaning o labelIndex val labelMeaning = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.labelMeaning", Label.layout, LabelMeaning.layout) labelMeaning fun meaningLabel m = Block.label (Vector.sub (blocks, LabelMeaning.blockIndex m)) fun labelArgs l = Block.args (Vector.sub (blocks, labelIndex l)) fun meaningArgs m = Block.args (Vector.sub (blocks, LabelMeaning.blockIndex m)) fun save (f, s) = let val {destroy, controlFlowGraph, ...} = Function.layoutDot (f, Var.layout) in File.withOut (concat ["/tmp/", Func.toString (Function.name f), ".", s, ".dot"], fn out => Layout.outputl (controlFlowGraph, out)) ; destroy () end val _ = if true then () else save (f, "pre") (* *) val _ = if true then () else Layout.outputl (Vector.layout (fn i => (Layout.record [("label", Label.layout (Block.label (Vector.sub (blocks, i)))), ("inDegree", Int.layout (Array.sub (inDegree, i))), ("state", State.layout (Array.sub (states, i)))])) (Vector.tabulate (numBlocks, fn i => i)), Out.error) val _ = Assert.assert ("Ssa.Shrink.labelMeanings", fn () => let val inDegree' = Array.array (numBlocks, 0) fun bumpIndex i = Array.inc (inDegree', i) fun bumpMeaning m = bumpIndex (LabelMeaning.blockIndex m) val bumpLabel = bumpMeaning o labelMeaning fun doit (LabelMeaning.T {aux, blockIndex, ...}) = let datatype z = datatype LabelMeaning.aux in case aux of Block => Transfer.foreachLabel (Block.transfer (Vector.sub (blocks, blockIndex)), bumpLabel) | Bug => () | Case {cases, default, ...} => (Cases.foreach (cases, bumpLabel) ; Option.app (default, bumpLabel)) | Goto {dst, ...} => bumpMeaning dst | Raise _ => () | Return _ => () end val _ = Array.foreachi (states, fn (i, s) => if Array.sub (inDegree, i) > 0 then (case s of State.Visited m => doit m | _ => ()) else ()) val _ = bumpMeaning (labelMeaning start) in Array.equals (inDegree, inDegree', Int.equals) orelse let val _ = Layout.outputl (Vector.layout (fn i => (Layout.record [("label", Label.layout (Block.label (Vector.sub (blocks, i)))), ("inDegree", Int.layout (Array.sub (inDegree, i))), ("inDegree'", Int.layout (Array.sub (inDegree', i))), ("state", State.layout (Array.sub (states, i)))])) (Vector.tabulate (numBlocks, fn i => i)), Out.error) in false end end) val isBlock = Array.array (numBlocks, false) (* Functions for maintaining inDegree. *) val addLabelIndex = fn i => (Assert.assert ("Ssa.Shrink.addLabelIndex", fn () => Array.sub (inDegree, i) > 0) ; addLabelIndex i) val addLabelMeaning = addLabelIndex o LabelMeaning.blockIndex fun layoutLabelMeaning m = Layout.record [("inDegree", Int.layout (Array.sub (inDegree, LabelMeaning.blockIndex m))), ("meaning", LabelMeaning.layout m)] val traceDeleteLabelMeaning = Trace.trace ("SSa.Shrink.deleteLabelMeaning", layoutLabelMeaning, Unit.layout) fun deleteLabel l = deleteLabelMeaning (labelMeaning l) and deleteLabelMeaning arg: unit = traceDeleteLabelMeaning (fn (m: LabelMeaning.t) => let val i = LabelMeaning.blockIndex m val n = Array.sub (inDegree, i) - 1 val _ = Array.update (inDegree, i, n) val _ = Assert.assert ("Ssa.Shrink.deleteLabelMeaning", fn () => n >= 0) in if n = 0 (* andalso not (Array.sub (isBlock, i)) *) then let datatype z = datatype LabelMeaning.aux in case LabelMeaning.aux m of Block => let val t = Block.transfer (Vector.sub (blocks, i)) val _ = Transfer.foreachLabel (t, deleteLabel) val _ = case t of Transfer.Call {return, ...} => Return.foreachHandler (return, fn l => Array.dec (numHandlerUses, (LabelMeaning.blockIndex (labelMeaning l)))) | _ => () in () end | Bug => () | Case {cases, default, ...} => (Cases.foreach (cases, deleteLabel) ; Option.app (default, deleteLabel)) | Goto {dst, ...} => deleteLabelMeaning dst | Raise _ => () | Return _ => () end else () end) arg fun primApp (prim: Type.t Prim.t, args: VarInfo.t vector) : (Type.t, VarInfo.t) Prim.ApplyResult.t = let val args' = Vector.map (args, fn vi => case vi of VarInfo.T {value = ref (SOME v), ...} => (case v of Value.Con {con, args} => if Vector.isEmpty args then Prim.ApplyArg.Con {con = con, hasArg = false} else Prim.ApplyArg.Var vi | Value.Const c => Prim.ApplyArg.Const c | _ => Prim.ApplyArg.Var vi) | _ => Prim.ApplyArg.Var vi) in Trace.traceInfo' (traceApplyInfo, fn (p, args, _) => let open Layout in seq [Prim.layout p, str " ", List.layout (Prim.ApplyArg.layout (Var.layout o VarInfo.var)) args] end, Prim.ApplyResult.layout (Var.layout o VarInfo.var)) Prim.apply (prim, Vector.toList args', VarInfo.equals) end (* Another DFS, this time accumulating the new blocks. *) val traceForceMeaningBlock = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.forceMeaningBlock", layoutLabelMeaning, Unit.layout) val traceSimplifyBlock = Trace.trace2 ("Ssa.Shrink.simplifyBlock", List.layout Statement.layout, layoutLabel o Block.label, Layout.tuple2 (List.layout Statement.layout, Transfer.layout)) val traceGotoMeaning = Trace.trace3 ("Ssa.Shrink.gotoMeaning", List.layout Statement.layout, layoutLabelMeaning, Vector.layout VarInfo.layout, Layout.tuple2 (List.layout Statement.layout, Transfer.layout)) val traceEvalStatement = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.evalStatement", Statement.layout, Layout.ignore: (Statement.t list -> Statement.t list) -> Layout.t) val traceSimplifyTransfer = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.simplifyTransfer", Transfer.layout, Layout.tuple2 (List.layout Statement.layout, Transfer.layout)) val traceSimplifyCase = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink2.simplifyCase", fn {canMove, cases, default, test, ...} => Layout.record [("canMove", List.layout Statement.layout canMove), ("cantSimplify", Layout.str "fn () => ..."), ("gone", Layout.str "fn () => ..."), ("test", VarInfo.layout test), ("cases/default", (Transfer.layout o Transfer.Case) {cases = cases, default = default, test = VarInfo.var test})], Layout.tuple2 (List.layout Statement.layout, Transfer.layout)) val newBlocks = ref [] fun simplifyLabel l = let val m = labelMeaning l val _ = forceMeaningBlock m in meaningLabel m end and forceMeaningBlock arg = traceForceMeaningBlock (fn (LabelMeaning.T {aux, blockIndex = i, ...}) => if Array.sub (isBlock, i) then () else let val _ = Array.update (isBlock, i, true) val block as Block.T {label, args, ...} = Vector.sub (blocks, i) fun extract (p: Position.t): VarInfo.t = varInfo (case p of Position.Formal n => #1 (Vector.sub (args, n)) | Position.Free x => x) val (statements, transfer) = let fun rr ({args, canMove}, make) = (canMove, make (Vector.map (args, use o extract))) datatype z = datatype LabelMeaning.aux in case aux of Block => simplifyBlock ([], block) | Bug => ([], Transfer.Bug) | Case _ => simplifyBlock ([], block) | Goto {canMove, dst, args} => gotoMeaning (canMove, dst, Vector.map (args, extract)) | Raise z => rr (z, Transfer.Raise) | Return z => rr (z, Transfer.Return) end val _ = List.push (newBlocks, Block.T {label = label, args = args, statements = Vector.fromList statements, transfer = transfer}) in () end) arg and simplifyBlock arg : Statement.t list * Transfer.t = traceSimplifyBlock (fn (canMoveIn, Block.T {statements, transfer, ...}) => let val f = evalStatements statements val (ss, transfer) = simplifyTransfer transfer in (canMoveIn @ (f ss), transfer) end) arg and evalStatements (ss: Statement.t vector) : Statement.t list -> Statement.t list = let val fs = Vector.map (ss, evalStatement) in fn ss => Vector.foldr (fs, ss, fn (f, ss) => f ss) end and simplifyTransfer arg : Statement.t list * Transfer.t = traceSimplifyTransfer (fn (t: Transfer.t) => case t of Arith {prim, args, overflow, success, ty} => let val args = varInfos args in case primApp (prim, args) of Prim.ApplyResult.Const c => let val _ = deleteLabel overflow val x = Var.newNoname () val isUsed = ref false val vi = VarInfo.T {isUsed = isUsed, numOccurrences = ref 0, ty = SOME ty, value = ref (SOME (Value.Const c)), var = x} val (ss, t) = goto (success, Vector.new1 vi) val ss = if !isUsed then Statement.T {var = SOME x, ty = Type.ofConst c, exp = Exp.Const c} :: ss else ss in (ss, t) end | Prim.ApplyResult.Var x => let val _ = deleteLabel overflow in goto (success, Vector.new1 x) end | Prim.ApplyResult.Overflow => let val _ = deleteLabel success in goto (overflow, Vector.new0 ()) end | Prim.ApplyResult.Apply (prim, args) => let val args = Vector.fromList args in ([], Arith {prim = prim, args = uses args, overflow = simplifyLabel overflow, success = simplifyLabel success, ty = ty}) end | _ => ([], Arith {prim = prim, args = uses args, overflow = simplifyLabel overflow, success = simplifyLabel success, ty = ty}) end | Bug => ([], Bug) | Call {func, args, return} => let val (statements, return) = case return of Return.NonTail {cont, handler} => let fun isEta (m: LabelMeaning.t, ps: Position.t vector): bool = Vector.length ps = Vector.length (meaningArgs m) andalso Vector.foralli (ps, fn (i, Position.Formal i') => i = i' | _ => false) val m = labelMeaning cont fun nonTail () = let val _ = forceMeaningBlock m val handler = Handler.map (handler, fn l => let val m = labelMeaning l val _ = forceMeaningBlock m in meaningLabel m end) in ([], Return.NonTail {cont = meaningLabel m, handler = handler}) end fun tail statements = (deleteLabelMeaning m ; (statements, Return.Tail)) fun cont handlerEta = case LabelMeaning.aux m of LabelMeaning.Bug => (case handlerEta of NONE => nonTail () | SOME canMove => tail canMove) | LabelMeaning.Return {args, canMove} => if isEta (m, args) then tail canMove else nonTail () | _ => nonTail () in case handler of Handler.Caller => cont NONE | Handler.Dead => cont NONE | Handler.Handle l => let val m = labelMeaning l in case LabelMeaning.aux m of LabelMeaning.Bug => cont NONE | LabelMeaning.Raise {args, canMove} => if isEta (m, args) then cont (SOME canMove) else nonTail () | _ => nonTail () end end | _ => ([], return) in (statements, Call {func = func, args = simplifyVars args, return = return}) end | Case {test, cases, default} => let val test = varInfo test fun cantSimplify () = ([], Case {test = use test, cases = Cases.map (cases, simplifyLabel), default = Option.map (default, simplifyLabel)}) in simplifyCase {canMove = [], cantSimplify = cantSimplify, cases = cases, default = default, gone = fn () => (Cases.foreach (cases, deleteLabel) ; Option.app (default, deleteLabel)), test = test} end | Goto {dst, args} => goto (dst, varInfos args) | Raise xs => ([], Raise (simplifyVars xs)) | Return xs => ([], Return (simplifyVars xs)) | Runtime {prim, args, return} => ([], Runtime {prim = prim, args = simplifyVars args, return = simplifyLabel return}) ) arg and simplifyCase arg : Statement.t list * Transfer.t = traceSimplifyCase (fn {canMove, cantSimplify, cases, default, gone, test: VarInfo.t} => let (* tryToEliminate makes sure that the destination meaning * hasn't already been simplified. If it has, then we can't * simplify the case. *) fun tryToEliminate m = let val i = LabelMeaning.blockIndex m in if Array.sub (inDegree, i) = 0 then cantSimplify () else let val _ = addLabelIndex i val _ = gone () in gotoMeaning (canMove, m, Vector.new0 ()) end end in if Cases.isEmpty cases then (case default of NONE => (canMove, Bug) | SOME l => tryToEliminate (labelMeaning l)) else let val l = Cases.hd cases fun isOk (l': Label.t): bool = Label.equals (l, l') in if Vector.isEmpty (labelArgs l) andalso Cases.forall (cases, isOk) andalso (case default of NONE => true | SOME l => isOk l) then (* All cases the same -- eliminate the case. *) tryToEliminate (labelMeaning l) else let fun findCase (cases, isCon, args) = let val n = Vector.length cases fun doit (l, args) = let val m = labelMeaning l val _ = addLabelMeaning m val _ = gone () in gotoMeaning (canMove, m, args) end fun loop k = if k = n then (case default of NONE => (gone (); ([], Bug)) | SOME l => doit (l, Vector.new0 ())) else let val (con, l) = Vector.sub (cases, k) in if isCon con then doit (l, args) else loop (k + 1) end in loop 0 end in case (VarInfo.value test, cases) of (SOME (Value.Const c), _) => (case (cases, c) of (Cases.Word (_, cs), Const.Word w) => findCase (cs, fn w' => WordX.equals (w, w'), Vector.new0 ()) | _ => Error.bug "Ssa.Shrink.simplifyCases: strange constant") | (SOME (Value.Con {con, args}), Cases.Con cases) => findCase (cases, fn c => Con.equals (con, c), args) | _ => cantSimplify () end end end) arg and goto (dst: Label.t, args: VarInfo.t vector) : Statement.t list * Transfer.t = gotoMeaning ([], labelMeaning dst, args) and gotoMeaning arg : Statement.t list * Transfer.t = traceGotoMeaning (fn (canMoveIn, m as LabelMeaning.T {aux, blockIndex = i, ...}, args: VarInfo.t vector) => let val n = Array.sub (inDegree, i) val _ = Assert.assert ("Ssa.Shrink.gotoMeaning", fn () => n >= 1) fun normal () = if n = 1 then let val _ = Array.update (inDegree, i, 0) val b = Vector.sub (blocks, i) val _ = Vector.foreach2 (Block.args b, args, fn ((x, _), vi) => setVarInfo (x, vi)) in simplifyBlock (canMoveIn, b) end else let val _ = forceMeaningBlock m in (canMoveIn, Goto {dst = Block.label (Vector.sub (blocks, i)), args = uses args}) end fun extract p = case p of Position.Formal n => Vector.sub (args, n) | Position.Free x => varInfo x fun rr ({args, canMove}, make) = (canMoveIn @ canMove, make (Vector.map (args, use o extract))) datatype z = datatype LabelMeaning.aux in case aux of Block => normal () | Bug => ((*canMoveIn*)[], Transfer.Bug) | Case {canMove, cases, default} => simplifyCase {canMove = canMoveIn @ canMove, cantSimplify = normal, cases = cases, default = default, gone = fn () => deleteLabelMeaning m, test = Vector.first args} | Goto {canMove, dst, args} => if Array.sub (isHeader, i) orelse Array.sub (isBlock, i) then normal () else let val n' = n - 1 val _ = Array.update (inDegree, i, n') val _ = if n' > 0 then addLabelMeaning dst else () in gotoMeaning (canMoveIn @ canMove, dst, Vector.map (args, extract)) end | Raise z => rr (z, Transfer.Raise) | Return z => rr (z, Transfer.Return) end) arg and evalStatement arg : Statement.t list -> Statement.t list = traceEvalStatement (fn (Statement.T {var, ty, exp}) => let val _ = Option.app (var, fn x => setVarInfo (x, VarInfo.new (x, SOME ty))) fun delete ss = ss fun doit {makeExp: unit -> Exp.t, sideEffect: bool, value: Value.t option} = let fun make var = Statement.T {var = var, ty = ty, exp = makeExp ()} in case var of NONE => if sideEffect then (fn ss => make NONE :: ss) else delete | SOME x => let val VarInfo.T {isUsed, value = r, ...} = varInfo x val _ = r := value in fn ss => if !isUsed then make (SOME x) :: ss else if sideEffect then make NONE :: ss else ss end end fun setVar vi = (Option.app (var, fn x => setVarInfo (x, vi)) ; delete) fun construct (v: Value.t, makeExp) = doit {makeExp = makeExp, sideEffect = false, value = SOME v} in case exp of ConApp {con, args} => let val args = varInfos args in construct (Value.Con {con = con, args = args}, fn () => ConApp {con = con, args = uses args}) end | Const c => construct (Value.Const c, fn () => exp) | PrimApp {prim, targs, args} => let val args = varInfos args fun apply {prim, targs, args} = doit {sideEffect = Prim.maySideEffect prim, makeExp = fn () => PrimApp {prim = prim, targs = targs, args = uses args}, value = NONE} datatype z = datatype Prim.ApplyResult.t in case primApp (prim, args) of Apply (prim, args) => apply {prim = prim, targs = Vector.new0 (), args = Vector.fromList args} | Bool b => let val con = Con.fromBool b in construct (Value.Con {con = con, args = Vector.new0 ()}, fn () => ConApp {con = con, args = Vector.new0 ()}) end | Const c => construct (Value.Const c, fn () => Exp.Const c) | Var vi => setVar vi | _ => apply {prim = prim, targs = targs, args = args} end | Select {tuple, offset} => let val tuple as VarInfo.T {value, ...} = varInfo tuple in case !value of SOME (Value.Tuple vs) => setVar (Vector.sub (vs, offset)) | _ => construct (Value.Select {tuple = tuple, offset = offset}, fn () => Select {tuple = use tuple, offset = offset}) end | Tuple xs => let val xs = varInfos xs in case Exn.withEscape (fn escape => Vector.foldri (xs, NONE, fn (i, VarInfo.T {value, ...}, tuple') => case !value of SOME (Value.Select {offset, tuple}) => if offset = i then case tuple' of NONE => (case VarInfo.ty tuple of SOME ty => (case Type.deTupleOpt ty of SOME ts => if Vector.length xs = Vector.length ts then SOME tuple else escape NONE | NONE => escape NONE) | NONE => escape NONE) | SOME tuple'' => if VarInfo.equals (tuple'', tuple) then tuple' else escape NONE else escape NONE | _ => escape NONE)) of SOME tuple => setVar tuple | NONE => construct (Value.Tuple xs, fn () => Tuple (uses xs)) end | Var x => setVar (varInfo x) | _ => doit {makeExp = fn () => exp, sideEffect = true, value = NONE} end) arg val start = labelMeaning start val _ = forceMeaningBlock start val f = Function.new {args = args, blocks = Vector.fromList (!newBlocks), mayInline = mayInline, name = name, raises = raises, returns = returns, start = meaningLabel start} val _ = if true then () else save (f, "post") val _ = Function.clear f in f end end fun eliminateUselessProfile (f: Function.t): Function.t = if !Control.profile = Control.ProfileNone then f else let fun eliminateInBlock (b as Block.T {args, label, statements, transfer}) : Block.t = if not (Vector.exists (statements, Statement.isProfile)) then b else let datatype z = datatype Exp.t datatype z = datatype ProfileExp.t val stack = Vector.fold (statements, [], fn (s as Statement.T {exp, ...}, stack) => case exp of Profile (Leave si) => (case stack of Statement.T {exp = Profile (Enter si'), ...} :: rest => if SourceInfo.equals (si, si') then rest else Error.bug "Ssa.Shrink.eliminateUselessProfile: mismatched Leave" | _ => s :: stack) | _ => s :: stack) val statements = Vector.fromListRev stack in Block.T {args = args, label = label, statements = statements, transfer = transfer} end val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start} = Function.dest f val blocks = Vector.map (blocks, eliminateInBlock) in Function.new {args = args, blocks = blocks, mayInline = mayInline, name = name, raises = raises, returns = returns, start = start} end val traceShrinkFunction = Trace.trace ("Ssa.Shrink.shrinkFunction", Function.layout, Function.layout) val shrinkFunction = fn g => let val s = shrinkFunction g in fn f => traceShrinkFunction s (eliminateUselessProfile f) end fun shrink (Program.T {datatypes, globals, functions, main}) = let val s = shrinkFunction {globals = globals} in Program.T {datatypes = datatypes, globals = globals, functions = List.revMap (functions, s), main = main} end end