;; Copyright (C) 2007 Vesa Karvonen ;; ;; MLton is released under a BSD-style license. ;; See the file MLton-LICENSE for details. ;; This is a minor mode to support precisely identified definitions and ;; uses. See http://mlton.org/EmacsDefUseMode for further information. ;; XXX def-use-apropos ;; XXX mode specific on-off switching ;; XXX rename-variable (require 'def-use-data) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Prelude (defvar def-use-load-time t) (defun def-use-set-custom-and-update (sym val) (custom-set-default sym val) (unless def-use-load-time (def-use-update))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Customization (defgroup def-use nil "Minor mode to support precisely identified definitions and uses." :group 'matching) (defface def-use-def-face '((((class color)) (:background "darkseagreen3")) (t (:background "gray"))) "Face for highlighting definitions." :group 'faces :group 'def-use) (defface def-use-unused-def-face '((((class color)) (:background "pink")) (t (:background "gray"))) "Face for highlighting definitions that have no uses." :group 'faces :group 'def-use) (defface def-use-use-face '((((class color)) (:background "paleturquoise3")) (t (:background "gray"))) "Face for highlighting uses." :group 'faces :group 'def-use) (defface def-use-mark-face '((((class color)) (:background "orchid1")) (t (:background "gray"))) "Face for marking definitions and uses." :group 'faces :group 'def-use) (defface def-use-view-face '((((class color)) (:background "chocolate1")) (t (:background "gray"))) "Face for marking the definition or use currently being viewed." :group 'faces :group 'def-use) (defcustom def-use-delay 0.125 "Idle time in seconds to delay before updating highlighting or nil if you wish to disable highlighting. Note that because highlighting runs on an idle timer, it may take a while before highlighting is first applied after it has been enabled by changing this customization variable. " :type '(choice (const :tag "disable" nil) (number :tag "seconds")) :set (function def-use-set-custom-and-update) :group 'def-use) (defcustom def-use-priority 1000 "Priority of highlighting overlays." :type 'integer :group 'def-use) (defcustom def-use-marker-ring-length 16 "*Length of marker ring `def-use-marker-ring'." :type 'integer :set (function def-use-set-custom-and-update) :group 'def-use) (defcustom def-use-auto-show-symbol-messages t "Whether to show messages attached to symbols implicitly." :type '(choice (const :tag "disable" nil) (const :tag "enable" t)) :group 'def-use) (defcustom def-use-key-bindings '(("[(control c) (control d)]" . def-use-jump-to-def) ("[(control c) (control l)]" . def-use-list-all-refs) ("[(control c) (control m)]" . def-use-pop-ref-mark) ("[(control c) (control n)]" . def-use-jump-to-next) ("[(control c) (control p)]" . def-use-jump-to-prev) ("[(control c) (control s)]" . def-use-show-dus) ("[(control c) (control t)]" . def-use-show-msg) ("[(control c) (control v)]" . def-use-show-info)) "Key bindings for the def-use mode. The key specifications must be in a format accepted by the function `define-key'. Hint: You might want to type `M-x describe-function def-use ' to see the available commands." :type '(repeat (cons :tag "Key Binding" (string :tag "Key") (function :tag "Command"))) :set (function def-use-set-custom-and-update) :group 'def-use) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; High-level symbol lookup (defun def-use-sym-at-point (point &optional no-apology) "Returns symbol information for the symbol at the specified point." (let ((ref (def-use-ref-at-point point))) (when ref (def-use-sym-at-ref ref no-apology)))) (defun def-use-current-sym (&optional no-apology) "Returns symbol information for the symbol at the current point." (def-use-sym-at-point (point) no-apology)) (defun def-use-current-ref () "Returns a reference to the symbol at the current point." (def-use-ref-at-point (point))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Navigation (defvar def-use-marker-ring (make-ring def-use-marker-ring-length) "Ring of markers which are locations from which \\[def-use-jump-to-def], \\[def-use-jump-to-next], or \\[def-use-jump-to-prev] was invoked.") (defun def-use-create-marker-ring () (setq def-use-marker-ring (make-ring def-use-marker-ring-length))) (defun def-use-pop-ref-mark () "Pop back to where \\[def-use-jump-to-def], \\[def-use-jump-to-next], or \\[def-use-jump-to-prev] was last invoked." (interactive) (if (ring-empty-p def-use-marker-ring) (compat-error "No previous jump locations for invocation")) (let ((marker (ring-remove def-use-marker-ring 0))) (switch-to-buffer (or (marker-buffer marker) (compat-error "The marked buffer has been deleted"))) (goto-char (marker-position marker)) (set-marker marker nil nil))) (defun def-use-jump-to-def (&optional other-window) "Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor." (interactive "P") (let ((sym (def-use-current-sym))) (when sym (ring-insert def-use-marker-ring (point-marker)) (def-use-goto-ref (def-use-sym-ref sym) other-window)))) (defun def-use-jump-to-next (&optional other-window reverse) "Jumps to the next use (or def) of the symbol under the cursor." (interactive "P") (let* ((ref (def-use-current-ref)) (sym (def-use-sym-at-ref ref))) (when sym (let* ((refs (def-use-all-refs-sorted sym)) (refs (if reverse (reverse refs) refs)) (refs (append refs refs))) (while (not (equal (pop refs) ref))) (ring-insert def-use-marker-ring (point-marker)) (def-use-goto-ref (car refs) other-window))))) (defun def-use-jump-to-prev (&optional other-window) "Jumps to the prev use (or def) of the symbol under the cursor." (interactive "P") (def-use-jump-to-next other-window t)) (defun def-use-goto-ref (ref &optional other-window) "Finds the referenced source and moves point to the referenced position." (cond ((not (file-readable-p (def-use-ref-src ref))) (compat-error "Referenced file %s can not be read" (def-use-ref-src ref))) (other-window (def-use-find-file (def-use-ref-src ref) t)) ((not (equal (def-use-buffer-file-truename) (def-use-ref-src ref))) (def-use-find-file (def-use-ref-src ref)))) (def-use-goto-pos (def-use-ref-pos ref))) (defun def-use-goto-pos (pos) "Moves point to the specified position." (goto-char (def-use-pos-to-point pos))) (defun def-use-all-refs-sorted (sym) "Returns a sorted list of all references (including definition) to the symbol." (sort (cons (def-use-sym-ref sym) (copy-list (def-use-sym-to-uses sym))) (function def-use-ref<))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; List mode (defconst def-use-ref-regexp "\\([^ ]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\.\\([0-9]+\\)") (defconst def-use-list-mode-map (let ((result (make-sparse-keymap))) (mapc (function (lambda (key-command) (define-key result (read (car key-command)) (cdr key-command)))) `(("[(b)]" . ,(function bury-buffer)) ("[(m)]" . ,(function def-use-list-view-mark-all)) ("[(u)]" . ,(function def-use-list-view-unmark-all)) ("[(q)]" . ,(function def-use-kill-current-buffer)) ("[(return)]" . ,(function def-use-list-view-ref)))) result)) (define-derived-mode def-use-list-mode fundamental-mode "Def-Use-List" "Major mode for browsing def-use lists." :group 'def-use-list) (defvar def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist nil) (defvar def-use-list-sym nil) (defun def-use-list-all-refs (&optional reverse) "Lists all references to the symbol under the cursor." (interactive "P") (let* ((ref (def-use-current-ref)) (sym (def-use-sym-at-ref ref))) (when sym (let* ((name (concat "<:" (def-use-format-sym sym) ":>")) (buffer (get-buffer name))) (if buffer (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer) (setq buffer (get-buffer-create name)) (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer) (buffer-disable-undo) (def-use-list-mode) (compat-add-local-hook 'kill-buffer-hook (function def-use-list-view-unmark-all)) (set (make-local-variable 'def-use-list-sym) sym) (insert (def-use-format-sym sym) "\n" "\n") (let* ((refs (def-use-all-refs-sorted sym)) (refs (if reverse (reverse refs) refs))) (set (make-local-variable 'def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist) (mapcar (function list) refs)) (mapc (function (lambda (ref) (insert (def-use-format-ref ref) "\n"))) refs)) (goto-line 3) (setq buffer-read-only t)))))) (defun def-use-list-view-ref () "Finds references on the current line and shows in another window." (interactive) (beginning-of-line) (let ((b (current-buffer)) (idx (- (def-use-current-line) 3))) (when (and (<= 0 idx) (< idx (length def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist))) (forward-line) (def-use-goto-ref (car (nth idx def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist)) t) (switch-to-buffer-other-window b)))) (defun def-use-list-view-mark-all () "Visits all the references and marks them." (interactive) (when (and def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist def-use-list-sym) (save-window-excursion (let ((length (length (def-use-sym-name def-use-list-sym)))) (mapc (function (lambda (ref-overlay) (unless (cdr ref-overlay) (def-use-goto-ref (car ref-overlay) t) (setcdr ref-overlay (def-use-create-overlay length (def-use-ref-pos (car ref-overlay)) (- def-use-priority 1) 'def-use-mark-face))))) def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist))))) (defun def-use-list-view-unmark-all () "Kills all the marks associated with the list view." (interactive) (when def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist (mapc (function (lambda (ref-overlay) (when (cdr ref-overlay) (delete-overlay (cdr ref-overlay)) (setcdr ref-overlay nil)))) def-use-list-ref-to-overlay-alist))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Info (defun def-use-show-msg (&optional copy-to-kill-ring) "Shows the message for the symbol under the cursor. With a prefix argument the message is also inserted to the `kill-ring'." (interactive "P") (let ((sym (def-use-current-sym))) (when sym (message "%s" (or (def-use-sym-msg sym) "Sorry, no message attached to the symbol.")) (when (and (def-use-sym-msg sym)) (kill-new (def-use-sym-msg sym)))))) (defun def-use-show-info () "Shows info on the symbol under the cursor." (interactive) (let ((sym (def-use-current-sym))) (when sym (message "%s" (def-use-format-sym sym))))) (defun def-use-format-sym (sym) "Formats a string with some basic info on the symbol." (concat (def-use-format-sym-title sym) ", " (number-to-string (length (def-use-sym-to-uses sym))) " uses, defined at: " (def-use-format-ref (def-use-sym-ref sym)))) (defun def-use-format-sym-title (sym) "Formats a title for the symbol" (concat (def-use-add-face 'font-lock-keyword-face (copy-sequence (def-use-sym-class sym))) " " (def-use-add-face (def-use-sym-face sym) (copy-sequence (def-use-sym-name sym))) (if (def-use-sym-msg sym) (concat " : " (def-use-sym-msg sym)) ""))) (defun def-use-format-ref (ref) "Formats a references." (let ((pos (def-use-ref-pos ref))) (concat (def-use-ref-src ref) ":" (def-use-add-face 'font-lock-constant-face (number-to-string (def-use-pos-line pos))) "." (def-use-add-face 'font-lock-constant-face (number-to-string (def-use-pos-col pos)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Highlighting (defvar def-use-highlighted-sym nil) (defvar def-use-highlighted-buffer-file-truename nil) (defvar def-use-highlighted-overlays nil) (defun def-use-delete-highlighting () (mapc (function delete-overlay) def-use-highlighted-overlays) (setq def-use-highlighted-overlays nil def-use-highlighted-sym nil def-use-highlighted-buffer-file-truename nil)) (defun def-use-highlight-ref (sym ref face-attr) (push (def-use-create-overlay sym ref def-use-priority face-attr) def-use-highlighted-overlays)) (defun def-use-create-overlay (length pos priority face-attr) (let* ((begin (def-use-pos-to-point pos)) (beyond (+ begin length)) (overlay (make-overlay begin beyond))) (overlay-put overlay 'priority priority) (overlay-put overlay 'face face-attr) overlay)) (defun def-use-highlight-sym (sym) "Highlights the specified symbol." (let ((buffer-file-truename (def-use-buffer-file-truename))) (unless (and (equal def-use-highlighted-sym sym) (equal def-use-highlighted-buffer-file-truename buffer-file-truename)) (def-use-delete-highlighting) (when sym (setq def-use-highlighted-sym sym def-use-highlighted-buffer-file-truename buffer-file-truename) (let ((length (length (def-use-sym-name sym))) (file-to-poss (def-use-make-hash-table))) (mapc (function (lambda (ref) (puthash (def-use-ref-src ref) (cons (def-use-ref-pos ref) (gethash (def-use-ref-src ref) file-to-poss)) file-to-poss))) (def-use-sym-to-uses sym)) (mapc (function (lambda (buffer) (set-buffer buffer) (mapc (function (lambda (pos) (def-use-highlight-ref length pos 'def-use-use-face))) (gethash (def-use-buffer-file-truename) file-to-poss)))) (buffer-list)) (let* ((ref (def-use-sym-ref sym)) (buffer (def-use-find-buffer-visiting-file (def-use-ref-src ref)))) (when buffer (set-buffer buffer) (def-use-highlight-ref length (def-use-ref-pos ref) (if (def-use-sym-to-uses sym) 'def-use-def-face 'def-use-unused-def-face))))) (when def-use-auto-show-symbol-messages (let ((msg (def-use-sym-msg sym))) (when msg (message "%s" msg)))))))) (defun def-use-highlight-current () "Highlights the symbol at the point." (interactive) (save-excursion (save-window-excursion (def-use-highlight-sym (def-use-current-sym t))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Highlighting timer (defvar def-use-highlight-timer nil) (defun def-use-delete-highlight-timer () (when def-use-highlight-timer (compat-delete-timer def-use-highlight-timer) (setq def-use-highlight-timer nil))) (defun def-use-create-highlight-timer () (def-use-delete-highlight-timer) (when (and def-use-delay (def-use-mode-enabled-in-some-buffer)) (setq def-use-highlight-timer (run-with-idle-timer def-use-delay t (function def-use-highlight-current))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Mode (defun def-use-mode-enabled-in-some-buffer () (loop for buffer in (buffer-list) do (if (with-current-buffer buffer def-use-mode) (return t)))) (defvar def-use-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap for Def-Use mode. This variable is updated by `def-use-build-mode-map'.") (defun def-use-build-mode-map () (let ((result (make-sparse-keymap))) (mapc (function (lambda (key-command) (define-key result (read (car key-command)) (cdr key-command)))) def-use-key-bindings) (setq def-use-mode-map result)) (let ((cons (assoc 'def-use-mode minor-mode-map-alist))) (when cons (setcdr cons def-use-mode-map)))) (define-minor-mode def-use-mode "Minor mode for highlighting and navigating definitions and uses. \\{def-use-mode-map} " :lighter " DU" :group 'def-use :global t (def-use-delete-highlighting) (def-use-create-highlight-timer)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Finalization (setq def-use-load-time nil) (defun def-use-update () "Update data based on customization variables." (def-use-create-marker-ring) (def-use-create-highlight-timer) (def-use-build-mode-map)) (def-use-update) (provide 'def-use-mode)