(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) signature ORDSET = sig type set type elem exception Select_arb val app : (elem -> unit) -> set -> unit and card: set -> int and closure: set * (elem -> set) -> set and difference: set * set -> set and elem_eq: (elem * elem -> bool) and elem_gt : (elem * elem -> bool) and empty: set and exists: (elem * set) -> bool and find : (elem * set) -> elem option and fold: ((elem * 'b) -> 'b) -> set -> 'b -> 'b and insert: (elem * set) -> set and is_empty: set -> bool and make_list: set -> elem list and make_set: (elem list -> set) and partition: (elem -> bool) -> (set -> set * set) and remove: (elem * set) -> set and revfold: ((elem * 'b) -> 'b) -> set -> 'b -> 'b and select_arb: set -> elem and set_eq: (set * set) -> bool and set_gt: (set * set) -> bool and singleton: (elem -> set) and union: set * set -> set end signature TABLE = sig type 'a table type key val size : 'a table -> int val empty: 'a table val exists: (key * 'a table) -> bool val find : (key * 'a table) -> 'a option val insert: ((key * 'a) * 'a table) -> 'a table val make_table : (key * 'a ) list -> 'a table val make_list : 'a table -> (key * 'a) list val fold : ((key * 'a) * 'b -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b -> 'b end signature HASH = sig type table type elem val size : table -> int val add : elem * table -> table val find : elem * table -> int option val exists : elem * table -> bool val empty : table end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:42 george * Version 109 * *) (* base.sig: Base signature file for SML-Yacc. This file contains signatures that must be loaded before any of the files produced by ML-Yacc are loaded *) (* STREAM: signature for a lazy stream.*) signature STREAM = sig type 'xa stream val streamify : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a stream val cons : 'a * 'a stream -> 'a stream val get : 'a stream -> 'a * 'a stream end (* LR_TABLE: signature for an LR Table. The list of actions and gotos passed to mkLrTable must be ordered by state number. The values for state 0 are the first in the list, the values for state 1 are next, etc. *) signature LR_TABLE = sig datatype ('a,'b) pairlist = EMPTY | PAIR of 'a * 'b * ('a,'b) pairlist datatype state = STATE of int datatype term = T of int datatype nonterm = NT of int datatype action = SHIFT of state | REDUCE of int | ACCEPT | ERROR type table val numStates : table -> int val numRules : table -> int val describeActions : table -> state -> (term,action) pairlist * action val describeGoto : table -> state -> (nonterm,state) pairlist val action : table -> state * term -> action val goto : table -> state * nonterm -> state val initialState : table -> state exception Goto of state * nonterm val mkLrTable : {actions : ((term,action) pairlist * action) array, gotos : (nonterm,state) pairlist array, numStates : int, numRules : int, initialState : state} -> table end (* TOKEN: signature revealing the internal structure of a token. This signature TOKEN distinct from the signature {parser name}_TOKENS produced by ML-Yacc. The {parser name}_TOKENS structures contain some types and functions to construct tokens from values and positions. The representation of token was very carefully chosen here to allow the polymorphic parser to work without knowing the types of semantic values or line numbers. This has had an impact on the TOKENS structure produced by SML-Yacc, which is a structure parameter to lexer functors. We would like to have some type 'a token which functions to construct tokens would create. A constructor function for a integer token might be INT: int * 'a * 'a -> 'a token. This is not possible because we need to have tokens with the representation given below for the polymorphic parser. Thus our constructur functions for tokens have the form: INT: int * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token This in turn has had an impact on the signature that lexers for SML-Yacc must match and the types that a user must declare in the user declarations section of lexers. *) signature TOKEN = sig structure LrTable : LR_TABLE datatype ('a,'b) token = TOKEN of LrTable.term * ('a * 'b * 'b) val sameToken : ('a,'b) token * ('a,'b) token -> bool end (* LR_PARSER: signature for a polymorphic LR parser *) signature LR_PARSER = sig structure Stream: STREAM structure LrTable : LR_TABLE structure Token : TOKEN sharing LrTable = Token.LrTable exception ParseError val parse : {table : LrTable.table, lexer : ('b,'c) Token.token Stream.stream, arg: 'arg, saction : int * 'c * (LrTable.state * ('b * 'c * 'c)) list * 'arg -> LrTable.nonterm * ('b * 'c * 'c) * ((LrTable.state *('b * 'c * 'c)) list), void : 'b, ec : { is_keyword : LrTable.term -> bool, noShift : LrTable.term -> bool, preferred_change : (LrTable.term list * LrTable.term list) list, errtermvalue : LrTable.term -> 'b, showTerminal : LrTable.term -> string, terms: LrTable.term list, error : string * 'c * 'c -> unit }, lookahead : int (* max amount of lookahead used in *) (* error correction *) } -> 'b * (('b,'c) Token.token Stream.stream) end (* LEXER: a signature that most lexers produced for use with SML-Yacc's output will match. The user is responsible for declaring type token, type pos, and type svalue in the UserDeclarations section of a lexer. Note that type token is abstract in the lexer. This allows SML-Yacc to create a TOKENS signature for use with lexers produced by ML-Lex that treats the type token abstractly. Lexers that are functors parametrized by a Tokens structure matching a TOKENS signature cannot examine the structure of tokens. *) signature LEXER = sig structure UserDeclarations : sig type ('a,'b) token type pos type svalue end val makeLexer : (int -> string) -> unit -> (UserDeclarations.svalue,UserDeclarations.pos) UserDeclarations.token end (* ARG_LEXER: the %arg option of ML-Lex allows users to produce lexers which also take an argument before yielding a function from unit to a token *) signature ARG_LEXER = sig structure UserDeclarations : sig type ('a,'b) token type pos type svalue type arg end val makeLexer : (int -> string) -> UserDeclarations.arg -> unit -> (UserDeclarations.svalue,UserDeclarations.pos) UserDeclarations.token end (* PARSER_DATA: the signature of ParserData structures in {parser name}LrValsFun produced by SML-Yacc. All such structures match this signature. The {parser name}LrValsFun produces a structure which contains all the values except for the lexer needed to call the polymorphic parser mentioned before. *) signature PARSER_DATA = sig (* the type of line numbers *) type pos (* the type of semantic values *) type svalue (* the type of the user-supplied argument to the parser *) type arg (* the intended type of the result of the parser. This value is produced by applying extract from the structure Actions to the final semantic value resultiing from a parse. *) type result structure LrTable : LR_TABLE structure Token : TOKEN sharing Token.LrTable = LrTable (* structure Actions contains the functions which mantain the semantic values stack in the parser. Void is used to provide a default value for the semantic stack. *) structure Actions : sig val actions : int * pos * (LrTable.state * (svalue * pos * pos)) list * arg-> LrTable.nonterm * (svalue * pos * pos) * ((LrTable.state *(svalue * pos * pos)) list) val void : svalue val extract : svalue -> result end (* structure EC contains information used to improve error recovery in an error-correcting parser *) structure EC : sig val is_keyword : LrTable.term -> bool val noShift : LrTable.term -> bool val preferred_change : (LrTable.term list * LrTable.term list) list val errtermvalue : LrTable.term -> svalue val showTerminal : LrTable.term -> string val terms: LrTable.term list end (* table is the LR table for the parser *) val table : LrTable.table end (* signature PARSER is the signature that most user parsers created by SML-Yacc will match. *) signature PARSER = sig structure Token : TOKEN structure Stream : STREAM exception ParseError (* type pos is the type of line numbers *) type pos (* type result is the type of the result from the parser *) type result (* the type of the user-supplied argument to the parser *) type arg (* type svalue is the type of semantic values for the semantic value stack *) type svalue (* val makeLexer is used to create a stream of tokens for the parser *) val makeLexer : (int -> string) -> (svalue,pos) Token.token Stream.stream (* val parse takes a stream of tokens and a function to print errors and returns a value of type result and a stream containing the unused tokens *) val parse : int * ((svalue,pos) Token.token Stream.stream) * (string * pos * pos -> unit) * arg -> result * (svalue,pos) Token.token Stream.stream val sameToken : (svalue,pos) Token.token * (svalue,pos) Token.token -> bool end (* signature ARG_PARSER is the signature that will be matched by parsers whose lexer takes an additional argument. *) signature ARG_PARSER = sig structure Token : TOKEN structure Stream : STREAM exception ParseError type arg type lexarg type pos type result type svalue val makeLexer : (int -> string) -> lexarg -> (svalue,pos) Token.token Stream.stream val parse : int * ((svalue,pos) Token.token Stream.stream) * (string * pos * pos -> unit) * arg -> result * (svalue,pos) Token.token Stream.stream val sameToken : (svalue,pos) Token.token * (svalue,pos) Token.token -> bool end (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989, 1991 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:38 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) signature HEADER = sig type pos (*= int 1998-5-14 STW: taken out because leads to nonstandard sharing constraint on line 3386 *) val lineno : pos ref val text : string list ref type inputSource val newSource : string * TextIO.instream * TextIO.outstream -> inputSource val error : inputSource -> pos -> string -> unit val warn : inputSource -> pos -> string -> unit val errorOccurred : inputSource -> unit -> bool datatype symbol = SYMBOL of string * pos val symbolName : symbol -> string val symbolPos : symbol -> pos val symbolMake : string * int -> symbol type ty val tyName : ty -> string val tyMake : string -> ty (* associativities: each kind of associativity is assigned a unique integer *) datatype prec = LEFT | RIGHT | NONASSOC datatype control = NODEFAULT | VERBOSE | PARSER_NAME of symbol | FUNCTOR of string | START_SYM of symbol | NSHIFT of symbol list | POS of string | PURE | PARSE_ARG of string * string datatype rule = RULE of {lhs : symbol, rhs : symbol list, code : string, prec : symbol option} datatype declData = DECL of {eop : symbol list, keyword : symbol list, nonterm : (symbol * ty option) list option, prec : (prec * (symbol list)) list, change: (symbol list * symbol list) list, term : (symbol * ty option) list option, control : control list, value : (symbol * string) list} val join_decls : declData * declData * inputSource * pos -> declData type parseResult val getResult : parseResult -> string * declData * rule list end; signature PARSE_GEN_PARSER = sig structure Header : HEADER val parse : string -> Header.parseResult * Header.inputSource end; signature PARSE_GEN = sig val parseGen : string -> unit end; signature GRAMMAR = sig datatype term = T of int datatype nonterm = NT of int datatype symbol = TERM of term | NONTERM of nonterm (* grammar: terminals should be numbered from 0 to terms-1, nonterminals should be numbered from 0 to nonterms-1, rules should be numbered between 0 and (length rules) - 1, higher precedence binds tighter, start nonterminal should not occur on the rhs of any rule *) datatype grammar = GRAMMAR of {rules: {lhs : nonterm, rhs : symbol list, precedence : int option, rulenum : int } list, terms: int, nonterms: int, start : nonterm, eop : term list, noshift : term list, precedence : term -> int option, termToString : term -> string, nontermToString : nonterm -> string} end (* signature for internal version of grammar *) signature INTGRAMMAR = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure SymbolAssoc : TABLE structure NontermAssoc : TABLE sharing type SymbolAssoc.key = Grammar.symbol sharing type NontermAssoc.key = Grammar.nonterm datatype rule = RULE of {lhs : Grammar.nonterm, rhs : Grammar.symbol list, (* internal number of rule - convenient for producing LR graph *) num : int, rulenum : int, precedence : int option} val gtTerm : Grammar.term * Grammar.term -> bool val eqTerm : Grammar.term * Grammar.term -> bool val gtNonterm : Grammar.nonterm * Grammar.nonterm -> bool val eqNonterm : Grammar.nonterm * Grammar.nonterm -> bool val gtSymbol : Grammar.symbol * Grammar.symbol -> bool val eqSymbol : Grammar.symbol * Grammar.symbol -> bool (* Debugging information will be generated only if DEBUG is true. *) val DEBUG : bool val prRule : (Grammar.symbol -> string) * (Grammar.nonterm -> string) * (string -> 'b) -> rule -> unit val prGrammar : (Grammar.symbol -> string)*(Grammar.nonterm -> string) * (string -> unit) -> Grammar.grammar -> unit end signature CORE = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR sharing Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar datatype item = ITEM of { rule : IntGrammar.rule, dot : int, (* rhsAfter: The portion of the rhs of a rule that lies after the dot *) rhsAfter: Grammar.symbol list } (* eqItem and gtItem compare items *) val eqItem : item * item -> bool val gtItem : item * item -> bool (* functions for maintaining ordered item lists *) val insert : item * item list -> item list val union : item list * item list -> item list (* core: a set of items. It is represented by an ordered list of items. The list is in ascending order The rule numbers and the positions of the dots are used to order the items. *) datatype core = CORE of item list * int (* state # *) (* gtCore and eqCore compare the lists of items *) val gtCore : core * core -> bool val eqCore : core * core -> bool (* functions for debugging *) val prItem : (Grammar.symbol -> string) * (Grammar.nonterm -> string) * (string -> unit) -> item -> unit val prCore : (Grammar.symbol -> string) * (Grammar.nonterm -> string) * (string -> unit) -> core -> unit end signature CORE_UTILS = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure Core : CORE sharing Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar = Core.Grammar sharing IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar (* mkFuncs: create functions for the set of productions derived from a nonterminal, the cores that result from shift/gotos from a core, and return a list of rules *) val mkFuncs : Grammar.grammar -> { produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list, (* shifts: take a core and compute all the cores that result from shifts/gotos on symbols *) shifts : Core.core -> (Grammar.symbol*Core.item list) list, rules: IntGrammar.rule list, (* epsProds: take a core compute epsilon productions for it *) epsProds : Core.core -> IntGrammar.rule list} end signature LRGRAPH = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure Core : CORE sharing Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar = Core.Grammar sharing IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar type graph val edges : Core.core * graph -> {edge:Grammar.symbol,to:Core.core} list val nodes : graph -> Core.core list val shift : graph -> int * Grammar.symbol -> int (* int = state # *) val core : graph -> int -> Core.core (* get core for a state *) (* mkGraph: compute the LR(0) sets of items *) val mkGraph : Grammar.grammar -> {graph : graph, produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list, rules : IntGrammar.rule list, epsProds: Core.core -> IntGrammar.rule list} val prGraph: (Grammar.symbol -> string)*(Grammar.nonterm -> string) * (string -> unit) -> graph -> unit end signature LOOK = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR sharing Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar val union : Grammar.term list * Grammar.term list -> Grammar.term list val make_set : Grammar.term list -> Grammar.term list val mkFuncs : {rules : IntGrammar.rule list, nonterms : int, produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list} -> {nullable: Grammar.nonterm -> bool, first : Grammar.symbol list -> Grammar.term list} val prLook : (Grammar.term -> string) * (string -> unit) -> Grammar.term list -> unit end signature LALR_GRAPH = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure Core : CORE structure Graph : LRGRAPH sharing Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar = Core.Grammar = Graph.Grammar sharing IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar = Graph.IntGrammar sharing Core = Graph.Core datatype lcore = LCORE of (Core.item * Grammar.term list) list * int val addLookahead : {graph : Graph.graph, first : Grammar.symbol list -> Grammar.term list, eop : Grammar.term list, nonterms : int, nullable: Grammar.nonterm -> bool, produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list, rules : IntGrammar.rule list, epsProds : Core.core -> IntGrammar.rule list, print : string -> unit, (* for debugging *) termToString : Grammar.term -> string, nontermToString : Grammar.nonterm -> string} -> lcore list val prLcore : (Grammar.symbol -> string) * (Grammar.nonterm -> string) * (Grammar.term -> string) * (string -> unit) -> lcore -> unit end (* LR_ERRS: errors found while constructing an LR table *) signature LR_ERRS = sig structure LrTable : LR_TABLE (* RR = reduce/reduce, SR = shift/reduce NS: non-shiftable terminal found on the rhs of a rule NOT_REDUCED n: rule number n was not reduced START n : start symbol found on the rhs of rule n *) datatype err = RR of LrTable.term * LrTable.state * int * int | SR of LrTable.term * LrTable.state * int | NS of LrTable.term * int | NOT_REDUCED of int | START of int val summary : err list -> {rr : int, sr: int, not_reduced : int, start : int,nonshift : int} val printSummary : (string -> unit) -> err list -> unit end (* PRINT_STRUCT: prints a structure which includes a value 'table' and a structure Table whose signature matches LR_TABLE. The table in the printed structure will contain the same information as the one passed to printStruct, although the representation may be different. It returns the number of entries left in the table after compaction.*) signature PRINT_STRUCT = sig structure LrTable : LR_TABLE val makeStruct : {table : LrTable.table, name : string, print: string -> unit, verbose : bool } -> int end (* VERBOSE: signature for a structure which takes a table and creates a verbose description of it *) signature VERBOSE = sig structure Errs : LR_ERRS val printVerbose : {table : Errs.LrTable.table, entries : int, termToString : Errs.LrTable.term -> string, nontermToString : Errs.LrTable.nonterm -> string, stateErrs : Errs.LrTable.state -> Errs.err list, errs : Errs.err list, print: string -> unit, printCores : (string -> unit) -> Errs.LrTable.state -> unit, printRule : (string -> unit) -> int -> unit} -> unit end (* MAKE_LR_TABLE: signature for a structure which includes a structure matching the signature LR_TABLE and a function which maps grammars to tables *) signature MAKE_LR_TABLE = sig structure Grammar : GRAMMAR structure Errs : LR_ERRS structure LrTable : LR_TABLE sharing Errs.LrTable = LrTable sharing type LrTable.term = Grammar.term sharing type LrTable.nonterm = Grammar.nonterm (* boolean value determines whether default reductions will be used. If it is true, reductions will be used. *) val mkTable : Grammar.grammar * bool -> LrTable.table * (LrTable.state -> Errs.err list) * (* errors in a state *) ((string -> unit) -> LrTable.state -> unit) * Errs.err list (* list of all errors *) end; (* SHRINK_LR_TABLE: finds unique action entry rows in the action table for the LR parser *) signature SHRINK_LR_TABLE = sig (* Takes an action table represented as a list of action rows. It returns the number of unique rows left in the action table, a list of integers which maps each original row to a unique row, and a list of unique rows *) structure LrTable : LR_TABLE val shrinkActionList : LrTable.table * bool -> (int * int list * ((LrTable.term,LrTable.action) LrTable.pairlist * LrTable.action) list) * int end (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:34 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) functor HeaderFun () : HEADER = struct val DEBUG = true type pos = int val lineno = ref 0 val text = ref (nil: string list) type inputSource = {name : string, errStream : TextIO.outstream, inStream : TextIO.instream, errorOccurred : bool ref} val newSource = fn (s : string,i : TextIO.instream ,errs : TextIO.outstream) => {name=s,errStream=errs,inStream=i, errorOccurred = ref false} val errorOccurred = fn (s : inputSource) =>fn () => !(#errorOccurred s) val pr = fn out : TextIO.outstream => fn s : string => TextIO.output(out,s) val error = fn {name,errStream, errorOccurred,...} : inputSource => let val pr = pr errStream in fn l : pos => fn msg : string => (pr name; pr ", line "; pr (Int.toString l); pr ": Error: "; pr msg; pr "\n"; errorOccurred := true) end val warn = fn {name,errStream, errorOccurred,...} : inputSource => let val pr = pr errStream in fn l : pos => fn msg : string => (pr name; pr ", line "; pr (Int.toString l); pr ": Warning: "; pr msg; pr "\n") end datatype prec = LEFT | RIGHT | NONASSOC datatype symbol = SYMBOL of string * pos val symbolName = fn SYMBOL(s,_) => s val symbolPos = fn SYMBOL(_,p) => p val symbolMake = fn sp => SYMBOL sp type ty = string val tyName = fn i => i val tyMake = fn i => i datatype control = NODEFAULT | VERBOSE | PARSER_NAME of symbol | FUNCTOR of string | START_SYM of symbol | NSHIFT of symbol list | POS of string | PURE | PARSE_ARG of string * string datatype declData = DECL of {eop : symbol list, keyword : symbol list, nonterm : (symbol*ty option) list option, prec : (prec * (symbol list)) list, change: (symbol list * symbol list) list, term : (symbol* ty option) list option, control : control list, value : (symbol * string) list} type rhsData = {rhs:symbol list,code:string, prec:symbol option} list datatype rule = RULE of {lhs : symbol, rhs : symbol list, code : string, prec : symbol option} type parseResult = string * declData * rule list val getResult = fn p => p fun join_decls (DECL {eop=e,control=c,keyword=k,nonterm=n,prec, change=su,term=t,value=v}:declData, DECL {eop=e',control=c',keyword=k',nonterm=n',prec=prec', change=su',term=t',value=v'} : declData, inputSource,pos) = let val ignore = fn s => (warn inputSource pos ("ignoring duplicate " ^ s ^ " declaration")) val join = fn (e,NONE,NONE) => NONE | (e,NONE,a) => a | (e,a,NONE) => a | (e,a,b) => (ignore e; a) fun mergeControl (nil,a) = [a] | mergeControl (l as h::t,a) = case (h,a) of (PARSER_NAME _,PARSER_NAME n1) => (ignore "%name"; l) | (FUNCTOR _,FUNCTOR _) => (ignore "%header"; l) | (PARSE_ARG _,PARSE_ARG _) => (ignore "%arg"; l) | (START_SYM _,START_SYM s) => (ignore "%start"; l) | (POS _,POS _) => (ignore "%pos"; l) | (NSHIFT a,NSHIFT b) => (NSHIFT (a@b)::t) | _ => h :: mergeControl(t,a) fun loop (nil,r) = r | loop (h::t,r) = loop(t,mergeControl(r,h)) in DECL {eop=e@e',control=loop(c',c),keyword=k'@k, nonterm=join("%nonterm",n,n'), prec=prec@prec', change=su@su', term=join("%term",t,t'),value=v@v'} : declData end end; structure Header = HeaderFun(); signature Mlyacc_TOKENS = sig type ('a,'b) token type svalue val BOGUS_VALUE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val UNKNOWN: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val VALUE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val VERBOSE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val TYVAR: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val TERM: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val START: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val SUBST: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val RPAREN: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val RBRACE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PROG: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PREFER: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PREC_TAG: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PREC: (Header.prec) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PERCENT_ARG: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PERCENT_POS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PERCENT_PURE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PERCENT_EOP: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val OF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val NOSHIFT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val NONTERM: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val NODEFAULT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val NAME: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val LPAREN: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val LBRACE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val KEYWORD: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val INT: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val PERCENT_HEADER: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val IDDOT: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val ID: (string*int) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val HEADER: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val FOR: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val EOF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val DELIMITER: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val COMMA: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val COLON: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val CHANGE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val BAR: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val BLOCK: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val ASTERISK: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token val ARROW: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token end signature Mlyacc_LRVALS= sig structure Tokens : Mlyacc_TOKENS structure ParserData:PARSER_DATA sharing type ParserData.Token.token = Tokens.token sharing type ParserData.svalue = Tokens.svalue end functor MlyaccLrValsFun(structure Hdr : HEADER where type prec = Header.prec structure Token : TOKEN) = struct structure ParserData= struct structure Header = struct (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi *) (* parser for the ML parser generator *) open Hdr end structure LrTable = Token.LrTable structure Token = Token local open LrTable in val table=let val actionRows = "\ \\001\000\001\000\074\000\000\000\ \\001\000\005\000\024\000\008\000\023\000\014\000\022\000\016\000\021\000\ \\019\000\020\000\020\000\019\000\021\000\018\000\022\000\017\000\ \\024\000\016\000\025\000\015\000\026\000\014\000\027\000\013\000\ \\028\000\012\000\030\000\011\000\034\000\010\000\035\000\009\000\ \\036\000\008\000\038\000\007\000\039\000\006\000\000\000\ \\001\000\006\000\061\000\000\000\ \\001\000\006\000\072\000\000\000\ \\001\000\006\000\084\000\000\000\ \\001\000\006\000\096\000\000\000\ \\001\000\007\000\083\000\032\000\082\000\000\000\ \\001\000\009\000\000\000\000\000\ \\001\000\010\000\059\000\000\000\ \\001\000\011\000\003\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\025\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\027\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\028\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\031\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\017\000\040\000\031\000\039\000\ \\037\000\038\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\046\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\051\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\069\000\015\000\068\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\069\000\015\000\068\000\032\000\067\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\075\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\078\000\000\000\ \\001\000\012\000\099\000\000\000\ \\001\000\031\000\035\000\000\000\ \\001\000\031\000\048\000\000\000\ \\001\000\031\000\055\000\000\000\ \\001\000\031\000\098\000\000\000\ \\001\000\031\000\102\000\000\000\ \\104\000\012\000\051\000\000\000\ \\105\000\000\000\ \\106\000\000\000\ \\107\000\004\000\056\000\000\000\ \\108\000\004\000\056\000\000\000\ \\109\000\000\000\ \\110\000\000\000\ \\111\000\000\000\ \\112\000\000\000\ \\113\000\000\000\ \\114\000\000\000\ \\115\000\000\000\ \\116\000\000\000\ \\117\000\000\000\ \\118\000\000\000\ \\119\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\120\000\000\000\ \\121\000\000\000\ \\122\000\000\000\ \\123\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\124\000\000\000\ \\125\000\000\000\ \\126\000\004\000\073\000\000\000\ \\127\000\000\000\ \\128\000\000\000\ \\129\000\004\000\058\000\000\000\ \\130\000\000\000\ \\131\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\132\000\023\000\089\000\000\000\ \\133\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\134\000\023\000\057\000\000\000\ \\135\000\004\000\092\000\000\000\ \\136\000\000\000\ \\137\000\000\000\ \\138\000\000\000\ \\139\000\012\000\033\000\000\000\ \\140\000\000\000\ \\141\000\000\000\ \\142\000\000\000\ \\143\000\000\000\ \\144\000\000\000\ \\145\000\000\000\ \\146\000\000\000\ \\147\000\000\000\ \\148\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\149\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\150\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\151\000\001\000\064\000\002\000\063\000\012\000\042\000\013\000\041\000\000\000\ \\152\000\000\000\ \\153\000\000\000\ \\154\000\000\000\ \\155\000\000\000\ \\156\000\000\000\ \\157\000\029\000\094\000\000\000\ \" val actionRowNumbers = "\009\000\030\000\001\000\029\000\ \\010\000\044\000\011\000\012\000\ \\013\000\063\000\063\000\023\000\ \\015\000\046\000\063\000\063\000\ \\011\000\045\000\016\000\063\000\ \\024\000\017\000\063\000\025\000\ \\031\000\058\000\034\000\053\000\ \\039\000\008\000\037\000\063\000\ \\033\000\002\000\047\000\071\000\ \\066\000\069\000\019\000\014\000\ \\076\000\035\000\040\000\032\000\ \\042\000\036\000\041\000\028\000\ \\061\000\003\000\050\000\038\000\ \\000\000\048\000\020\000\015\000\ \\013\000\021\000\062\000\015\000\ \\070\000\015\000\015\000\006\000\ \\004\000\068\000\079\000\078\000\ \\077\000\060\000\063\000\063\000\ \\063\000\056\000\057\000\052\000\ \\054\000\043\000\072\000\073\000\ \\067\000\018\000\015\000\059\000\ \\081\000\049\000\051\000\015\000\ \\005\000\075\000\063\000\026\000\ \\022\000\055\000\015\000\081\000\ \\064\000\080\000\074\000\027\000\ \\065\000\007\000" val gotoT = "\ \\001\000\101\000\000\000\ \\006\000\002\000\000\000\ \\005\000\003\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\002\000\024\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\013\000\028\000\014\000\027\000\000\000\ \\003\000\030\000\000\000\ \\003\000\032\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\034\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\003\000\041\000\000\000\ \\003\000\042\000\000\000\ \\002\000\043\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\003\000\045\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\010\000\048\000\011\000\047\000\000\000\ \\003\000\052\000\015\000\051\000\016\000\050\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\003\000\058\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\004\000\064\000\008\000\063\000\000\000\ \\007\000\068\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\010\000\069\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\074\000\000\000\ \\013\000\075\000\014\000\027\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\077\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\078\000\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\079\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\003\000\084\000\009\000\083\000\000\000\ \\003\000\052\000\015\000\085\000\016\000\050\000\000\000\ \\003\000\086\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\004\000\088\000\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\089\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\012\000\091\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\093\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\003\000\095\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\007\000\035\000\017\000\098\000\000\000\ \\012\000\099\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\060\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \" val numstates = 102 val numrules = 54 val s = ref "" and index = ref 0 val string_to_int = fn () => let val i = !index in index := i+2; Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i)) + Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i+1)) * 256 end val string_to_list = fn s' => let val len = String.size s' fun f () = if !index < len then string_to_int() :: f() else nil in index := 0; s := s'; f () end val string_to_pairlist = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) => let fun f () = case string_to_int() of 0 => EMPTY | n => PAIR(conv_key (n-1),conv_entry (string_to_int()),f()) in f end val string_to_pairlist_default = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) => let val conv_row = string_to_pairlist(conv_key,conv_entry) in fn () => let val default = conv_entry(string_to_int()) val row = conv_row() in (row,default) end end val string_to_table = fn (convert_row,s') => let val len = String.size s' fun f ()= if !index < len then convert_row() :: f() else nil in (s := s'; index := 0; f ()) end local val memo = Array.array(numstates+numrules,ERROR) val _ =let fun g i=(Array.update(memo,i,REDUCE(i-numstates)); g(i+1)) fun f i = if i=numstates then g i else (Array.update(memo,i,SHIFT (STATE i)); f (i+1)) in f 0 handle Subscript => () end in val entry_to_action = fn 0 => ACCEPT | 1 => ERROR | j => Array.sub(memo,(j-2)) end val gotoT=Array.fromList(string_to_table(string_to_pairlist(NT,STATE),gotoT)) val actionRows=string_to_table(string_to_pairlist_default(T,entry_to_action),actionRows) val actionRowNumbers = string_to_list actionRowNumbers val actionT = let val actionRowLookUp= let val a=Array.fromList(actionRows) in fn i=>Array.sub(a,i) end in Array.fromList(map actionRowLookUp actionRowNumbers) end in LrTable.mkLrTable {actions=actionT,gotos=gotoT,numRules=numrules, numStates=numstates,initialState=STATE 0} end end local open Header in type pos = int type arg = Hdr.inputSource structure MlyValue = struct datatype svalue = VOID | ntVOID of unit -> unit | UNKNOWN of unit -> (string) | TYVAR of unit -> (string) | PROG of unit -> (string) | PREC of unit -> (Header.prec) | INT of unit -> (string) | IDDOT of unit -> (string) | ID of unit -> (string*int) | HEADER of unit -> (string) | TY of unit -> (string) | CHANGE_DEC of unit -> ( ( Hdr.symbol list * Hdr.symbol list ) ) | CHANGE_DECL of unit -> ( ( Hdr.symbol list * Hdr.symbol list ) list) | SUBST_DEC of unit -> ( ( Hdr.symbol list * Hdr.symbol list ) ) | SUBST_DECL of unit -> ( ( Hdr.symbol list * Hdr.symbol list ) list) | G_RULE_PREC of unit -> (Hdr.symbol option) | G_RULE_LIST of unit -> (Hdr.rule list) | G_RULE of unit -> (Hdr.rule list) | RHS_LIST of unit -> ({ rhs:Hdr.symbol list,code:string,prec:Hdr.symbol option } list) | RECORD_LIST of unit -> (string) | QUAL_ID of unit -> (string) | MPC_DECLS of unit -> (Hdr.declData) | MPC_DECL of unit -> (Hdr.declData) | LABEL of unit -> (string) | ID_LIST of unit -> (Hdr.symbol list) | CONSTR_LIST of unit -> ( ( Hdr.symbol * Hdr.ty option ) list) | BEGIN of unit -> (string*Hdr.declData* ( Hdr.rule list ) ) end type svalue = MlyValue.svalue type result = string*Hdr.declData* ( Hdr.rule list ) end structure EC= struct open LrTable val is_keyword = fn _ => false val preferred_change = nil val noShift = fn (T 8) => true | _ => false val showTerminal = fn (T 0) => "ARROW" | (T 1) => "ASTERISK" | (T 2) => "BLOCK" | (T 3) => "BAR" | (T 4) => "CHANGE" | (T 5) => "COLON" | (T 6) => "COMMA" | (T 7) => "DELIMITER" | (T 8) => "EOF" | (T 9) => "FOR" | (T 10) => "HEADER" | (T 11) => "ID" | (T 12) => "IDDOT" | (T 13) => "PERCENT_HEADER" | (T 14) => "INT" | (T 15) => "KEYWORD" | (T 16) => "LBRACE" | (T 17) => "LPAREN" | (T 18) => "NAME" | (T 19) => "NODEFAULT" | (T 20) => "NONTERM" | (T 21) => "NOSHIFT" | (T 22) => "OF" | (T 23) => "PERCENT_EOP" | (T 24) => "PERCENT_PURE" | (T 25) => "PERCENT_POS" | (T 26) => "PERCENT_ARG" | (T 27) => "PREC" | (T 28) => "PREC_TAG" | (T 29) => "PREFER" | (T 30) => "PROG" | (T 31) => "RBRACE" | (T 32) => "RPAREN" | (T 33) => "SUBST" | (T 34) => "START" | (T 35) => "TERM" | (T 36) => "TYVAR" | (T 37) => "VERBOSE" | (T 38) => "VALUE" | (T 39) => "UNKNOWN" | (T 40) => "BOGUS_VALUE" | _ => "bogus-term" local open Header in val errtermvalue= fn _ => MlyValue.VOID end val terms = (T 0) :: (T 1) :: (T 2) :: (T 3) :: (T 4) :: (T 5) :: (T 6 ) :: (T 7) :: (T 8) :: (T 9) :: (T 13) :: (T 15) :: (T 16) :: (T 17) :: (T 18) :: (T 19) :: (T 20) :: (T 21) :: (T 22) :: (T 23) :: (T 24) :: (T 25) :: (T 26) :: (T 28) :: (T 29) :: (T 31) :: (T 32) :: (T 33) :: (T 34) :: (T 35) :: (T 37) :: (T 38) :: (T 40) :: nil end structure Actions = struct exception mlyAction of int local open Header in val actions = fn (i392,defaultPos,stack, (inputSource):arg) => case (i392,stack) of (0,(_,(MlyValue.G_RULE_LIST G_RULE_LIST1,_,G_RULE_LIST1right))::_:: (_,(MlyValue.MPC_DECLS MPC_DECLS1,_,_))::(_,(MlyValue.HEADER HEADER1, HEADER1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.BEGIN(fn _ => let val HEADER as HEADER1=HEADER1 () val MPC_DECLS as MPC_DECLS1=MPC_DECLS1 () val G_RULE_LIST as G_RULE_LIST1=G_RULE_LIST1 () in (HEADER,MPC_DECLS,rev G_RULE_LIST) end ) in (LrTable.NT 0,(result,HEADER1left,G_RULE_LIST1right),rest671) end | (1,(_,(MlyValue.MPC_DECL MPC_DECL1,MPC_DECLleft,MPC_DECL1right))::(_ ,(MlyValue.MPC_DECLS MPC_DECLS1,MPC_DECLS1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECLS(fn _ => let val MPC_DECLS as MPC_DECLS1= MPC_DECLS1 () val MPC_DECL as MPC_DECL1=MPC_DECL1 () in (join_decls(MPC_DECLS,MPC_DECL,inputSource,MPC_DECLleft)) end ) in (LrTable.NT 5,(result,MPC_DECLS1left,MPC_DECL1right),rest671) end | (2,rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECLS(fn _ => ( DECL {prec=nil,nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil,control=nil, keyword=nil,change=nil, value=nil} )) in (LrTable.NT 5,(result,defaultPos,defaultPos),rest671) end | (3,(_,(MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST CONSTR_LIST1,_,CONSTR_LIST1right))::(_,( _,TERM1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val CONSTR_LIST as CONSTR_LIST1=CONSTR_LIST1 () in ( DECL { prec=nil,nonterm=NONE, term = SOME CONSTR_LIST, eop =nil,control=nil, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,TERM1left,CONSTR_LIST1right),rest671) end | (4,(_,(MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST CONSTR_LIST1,_,CONSTR_LIST1right))::(_,( _,NONTERM1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val CONSTR_LIST as CONSTR_LIST1=CONSTR_LIST1 () in ( DECL { prec=nil,control=nil,nonterm= SOME CONSTR_LIST, term = NONE, eop=nil,change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,NONTERM1left,CONSTR_LIST1right),rest671) end | (5,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,ID_LIST1right))::(_,( MlyValue.PREC PREC1,PREC1left,_))::rest671) => let val result= MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val PREC as PREC1=PREC1 () val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () in ( DECL {prec= [(PREC,ID_LIST)],control=nil, nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil,change=nil, keyword=nil,value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PREC1left,ID_LIST1right),rest671) end | (6,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,_,ID1right))::(_,(_,START1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[START_SYM (symbolMake ID)],nonterm=NONE, term = NONE, eop = nil,change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,START1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (7,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,ID_LIST1right))::(_,(_, PERCENT_EOP1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=nil,nonterm=NONE,term=NONE, eop=ID_LIST, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PERCENT_EOP1left,ID_LIST1right),rest671) end | (8,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,ID_LIST1right))::(_,(_, KEYWORD1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=nil,nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=nil,keyword=ID_LIST, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,KEYWORD1left,ID_LIST1right),rest671) end | (9,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,ID_LIST1right))::(_,(_, PREFER1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=nil,nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=map (fn i=>([],[i])) ID_LIST,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PREFER1left,ID_LIST1right),rest671) end | (10,(_,(MlyValue.CHANGE_DECL CHANGE_DECL1,_,CHANGE_DECL1right))::(_, (_,CHANGE1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val CHANGE_DECL as CHANGE_DECL1=CHANGE_DECL1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=nil,nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=CHANGE_DECL,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,CHANGE1left,CHANGE_DECL1right),rest671) end | (11,(_,(MlyValue.SUBST_DECL SUBST_DECL1,_,SUBST_DECL1right))::(_,(_, SUBST1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val SUBST_DECL as SUBST_DECL1=SUBST_DECL1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=nil,nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=SUBST_DECL,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,SUBST1left,SUBST_DECL1right),rest671) end | (12,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,ID_LIST1right))::(_,(_, NOSHIFT1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[NSHIFT ID_LIST],nonterm=NONE,term=NONE, eop=nil,change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,NOSHIFT1left,ID_LIST1right),rest671) end | (13,(_,(MlyValue.PROG PROG1,_,PROG1right))::(_,(_, PERCENT_HEADER1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL( fn _ => let val PROG as PROG1=PROG1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[FUNCTOR PROG],nonterm=NONE,term=NONE, eop=nil,change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PERCENT_HEADER1left,PROG1right),rest671) end | (14,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,_,ID1right))::(_,(_,NAME1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[PARSER_NAME (symbolMake ID)], nonterm=NONE,term=NONE, eop=nil,change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,NAME1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (15,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,_,TY1right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.PROG PROG1,_,_ ))::(_,(_,PERCENT_ARG1left,_))::rest671) => let val result= MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val PROG as PROG1=PROG1 () val TY as TY1=TY1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[PARSE_ARG(PROG,TY)],nonterm=NONE, term=NONE,eop=nil,change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PERCENT_ARG1left,TY1right),rest671) end | (16,(_,(_,VERBOSE1left,VERBOSE1right))::rest671) => let val result= MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[Hdr.VERBOSE], nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} )) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,VERBOSE1left,VERBOSE1right),rest671) end | (17,(_,(_,NODEFAULT1left,NODEFAULT1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[Hdr.NODEFAULT], nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} )) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,NODEFAULT1left,NODEFAULT1right),rest671) end | (18,(_,(_,PERCENT_PURE1left,PERCENT_PURE1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[Hdr.PURE], nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} )) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PERCENT_PURE1left,PERCENT_PURE1right), rest671) end | (19,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,_,TY1right))::(_,(_,PERCENT_POS1left,_)):: rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL(fn _ => let val TY as TY1 =TY1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=[Hdr.POS TY], nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=nil} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,PERCENT_POS1left,TY1right),rest671) end | (20,(_,(MlyValue.PROG PROG1,_,PROG1right))::(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,_,_) )::(_,(_,VALUE1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.MPC_DECL( fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () val PROG as PROG1=PROG1 () in ( DECL {prec=nil,control=nil, nonterm=NONE,term=NONE,eop=nil, change=nil,keyword=nil, value=[(symbolMake ID,PROG)]} ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 4,(result,VALUE1left,PROG1right),rest671) end | (21,(_,(MlyValue.CHANGE_DECL CHANGE_DECL1,_,CHANGE_DECL1right))::_:: (_,(MlyValue.CHANGE_DEC CHANGE_DEC1,CHANGE_DEC1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.CHANGE_DECL(fn _ => let val CHANGE_DEC as CHANGE_DEC1=CHANGE_DEC1 () val CHANGE_DECL as CHANGE_DECL1=CHANGE_DECL1 () in (CHANGE_DEC :: CHANGE_DECL) end ) in (LrTable.NT 14,(result,CHANGE_DEC1left,CHANGE_DECL1right),rest671) end | (22,(_,(MlyValue.CHANGE_DEC CHANGE_DEC1,CHANGE_DEC1left, CHANGE_DEC1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.CHANGE_DECL( fn _ => let val CHANGE_DEC as CHANGE_DEC1=CHANGE_DEC1 () in ([CHANGE_DEC]) end ) in (LrTable.NT 14,(result,CHANGE_DEC1left,CHANGE_DEC1right),rest671) end | (23,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST2,_,ID_LIST2right))::_::(_,( MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,ID_LIST1left,_))::rest671) => let val result =MlyValue.CHANGE_DEC(fn _ => let val ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () val ID_LIST2=ID_LIST2 () in (ID_LIST1, ID_LIST2) end ) in (LrTable.NT 15,(result,ID_LIST1left,ID_LIST2right),rest671) end | (24,(_,(MlyValue.SUBST_DECL SUBST_DECL1,_,SUBST_DECL1right))::_::(_, (MlyValue.SUBST_DEC SUBST_DEC1,SUBST_DEC1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.SUBST_DECL(fn _ => let val SUBST_DEC as SUBST_DEC1 =SUBST_DEC1 () val SUBST_DECL as SUBST_DECL1=SUBST_DECL1 () in (SUBST_DEC :: SUBST_DECL) end ) in (LrTable.NT 12,(result,SUBST_DEC1left,SUBST_DECL1right),rest671) end | (25,(_,(MlyValue.SUBST_DEC SUBST_DEC1,SUBST_DEC1left,SUBST_DEC1right ))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.SUBST_DECL(fn _ => let val SUBST_DEC as SUBST_DEC1=SUBST_DEC1 () in ([SUBST_DEC]) end ) in (LrTable.NT 12,(result,SUBST_DEC1left,SUBST_DEC1right),rest671) end | (26,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID2,_,ID2right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left ,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.SUBST_DEC(fn _ => let val ID1=ID1 () val ID2=ID2 () in ([symbolMake ID2],[symbolMake ID1]) end ) in (LrTable.NT 13,(result,ID1left,ID2right),rest671) end | (27,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,_,TY1right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,_,_)):: _::(_,(MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST CONSTR_LIST1,CONSTR_LIST1left,_))::rest671 ) => let val result=MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST(fn _ => let val CONSTR_LIST as CONSTR_LIST1=CONSTR_LIST1 () val ID as ID1=ID1 () val TY as TY1=TY1 () in ((symbolMake ID,SOME (tyMake TY))::CONSTR_LIST) end ) in (LrTable.NT 1,(result,CONSTR_LIST1left,TY1right),rest671) end | (28,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,_,ID1right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST CONSTR_LIST1,CONSTR_LIST1left,_))::rest671) => let val result= MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST(fn _ => let val CONSTR_LIST as CONSTR_LIST1= CONSTR_LIST1 () val ID as ID1=ID1 () in ((symbolMake ID,NONE)::CONSTR_LIST) end ) in (LrTable.NT 1,(result,CONSTR_LIST1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (29,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,_,TY1right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left ,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () val TY as TY1=TY1 () in ([(symbolMake ID,SOME (tyMake TY))]) end ) in (LrTable.NT 1,(result,ID1left,TY1right),rest671) end | (30,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left,ID1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.CONSTR_LIST(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () in ([(symbolMake ID,NONE)]) end ) in (LrTable.NT 1,(result,ID1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (31,(_,(MlyValue.RHS_LIST RHS_LIST1,_,RHS_LIST1right))::_::(_,( MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left,_))::rest671) => let val result= MlyValue.G_RULE(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () val RHS_LIST as RHS_LIST1=RHS_LIST1 () in ( map (fn {rhs,code,prec} => Hdr.RULE {lhs=symbolMake ID,rhs=rhs, code=code,prec=prec}) RHS_LIST ) end ) in (LrTable.NT 9,(result,ID1left,RHS_LIST1right),rest671) end | (32,(_,(MlyValue.G_RULE G_RULE1,_,G_RULE1right))::(_,( MlyValue.G_RULE_LIST G_RULE_LIST1,G_RULE_LIST1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.G_RULE_LIST(fn _ => let val G_RULE_LIST as G_RULE_LIST1=G_RULE_LIST1 () val G_RULE as G_RULE1=G_RULE1 () in (G_RULE@G_RULE_LIST) end ) in (LrTable.NT 10,(result,G_RULE_LIST1left,G_RULE1right),rest671) end | (33,(_,(MlyValue.G_RULE G_RULE1,G_RULE1left,G_RULE1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.G_RULE_LIST(fn _ => let val G_RULE as G_RULE1=G_RULE1 () in (G_RULE) end ) in (LrTable.NT 10,(result,G_RULE1left,G_RULE1right),rest671) end | (34,(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,ID_LIST1right))::(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.ID_LIST(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () in (symbolMake ID :: ID_LIST) end ) in (LrTable.NT 2,(result,ID1left,ID_LIST1right),rest671) end | (35,rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.ID_LIST(fn _ => (nil)) in (LrTable.NT 2,(result,defaultPos,defaultPos),rest671) end | (36,(_,(MlyValue.PROG PROG1,_,PROG1right))::(_,(MlyValue.G_RULE_PREC G_RULE_PREC1,_,_))::(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,ID_LIST1left,_)):: rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.RHS_LIST(fn _ => let val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () val G_RULE_PREC as G_RULE_PREC1=G_RULE_PREC1 () val PROG as PROG1=PROG1 () in ([{rhs=ID_LIST,code=PROG,prec=G_RULE_PREC}]) end ) in (LrTable.NT 8,(result,ID_LIST1left,PROG1right),rest671) end | (37,(_,(MlyValue.PROG PROG1,_,PROG1right))::(_,(MlyValue.G_RULE_PREC G_RULE_PREC1,_,_))::(_,(MlyValue.ID_LIST ID_LIST1,_,_))::_::(_,( MlyValue.RHS_LIST RHS_LIST1,RHS_LIST1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.RHS_LIST(fn _ => let val RHS_LIST as RHS_LIST1= RHS_LIST1 () val ID_LIST as ID_LIST1=ID_LIST1 () val G_RULE_PREC as G_RULE_PREC1=G_RULE_PREC1 () val PROG as PROG1=PROG1 () in ({rhs=ID_LIST,code=PROG,prec=G_RULE_PREC}::RHS_LIST) end ) in (LrTable.NT 8,(result,RHS_LIST1left,PROG1right),rest671) end | (38,(_,(MlyValue.TYVAR TYVAR1,TYVAR1left,TYVAR1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val TYVAR as TYVAR1=TYVAR1 () in (TYVAR) end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,TYVAR1left,TYVAR1right),rest671) end | (39,(_,(_,_,RBRACE1right))::(_,(MlyValue.RECORD_LIST RECORD_LIST1,_, _))::(_,(_,LBRACE1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val RECORD_LIST as RECORD_LIST1=RECORD_LIST1 () in ("{ "^RECORD_LIST^" } ") end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,LBRACE1left,RBRACE1right),rest671) end | (40,(_,(_,_,RBRACE1right))::(_,(_,LBRACE1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => ("{}")) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,LBRACE1left,RBRACE1right),rest671) end | (41,(_,(MlyValue.PROG PROG1,PROG1left,PROG1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val PROG as PROG1=PROG1 () in (" ( "^PROG^" ) ") end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,PROG1left,PROG1right),rest671) end | (42,(_,(MlyValue.QUAL_ID QUAL_ID1,_,QUAL_ID1right))::(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,TY1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val TY as TY1=TY1 () val QUAL_ID as QUAL_ID1=QUAL_ID1 () in (TY^" "^QUAL_ID) end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,TY1left,QUAL_ID1right),rest671) end | (43,(_,(MlyValue.QUAL_ID QUAL_ID1,QUAL_ID1left,QUAL_ID1right)):: rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val QUAL_ID as QUAL_ID1=QUAL_ID1 () in (QUAL_ID) end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,QUAL_ID1left,QUAL_ID1right),rest671) end | (44,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY2,_,TY2right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,TY1left ,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val TY1=TY1 () val TY2=TY2 () in (TY1^"*"^TY2) end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,TY1left,TY2right),rest671) end | (45,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY2,_,TY2right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,TY1left ,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.TY(fn _ => let val TY1=TY1 () val TY2=TY2 () in (TY1 ^ " -> " ^ TY2) end ) in (LrTable.NT 16,(result,TY1left,TY2right),rest671) end | (46,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,_,TY1right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.LABEL LABEL1,_ ,_))::_::(_,(MlyValue.RECORD_LIST RECORD_LIST1,RECORD_LIST1left,_)):: rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.RECORD_LIST(fn _ => let val RECORD_LIST as RECORD_LIST1=RECORD_LIST1 () val LABEL as LABEL1=LABEL1 () val TY as TY1=TY1 () in (RECORD_LIST^","^LABEL^":"^TY) end ) in (LrTable.NT 7,(result,RECORD_LIST1left,TY1right),rest671) end | (47,(_,(MlyValue.TY TY1,_,TY1right))::_::(_,(MlyValue.LABEL LABEL1, LABEL1left,_))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.RECORD_LIST(fn _ => let val LABEL as LABEL1=LABEL1 () val TY as TY1=TY1 () in (LABEL^":"^TY) end ) in (LrTable.NT 7,(result,LABEL1left,TY1right),rest671) end | (48,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left,ID1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.QUAL_ID(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () in ((fn (a,_) => a) ID) end ) in (LrTable.NT 6,(result,ID1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (49,(_,(MlyValue.QUAL_ID QUAL_ID1,_,QUAL_ID1right))::(_,( MlyValue.IDDOT IDDOT1,IDDOT1left,_))::rest671) => let val result= MlyValue.QUAL_ID(fn _ => let val IDDOT as IDDOT1=IDDOT1 () val QUAL_ID as QUAL_ID1=QUAL_ID1 () in (IDDOT^QUAL_ID) end ) in (LrTable.NT 6,(result,IDDOT1left,QUAL_ID1right),rest671) end | (50,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,ID1left,ID1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.LABEL(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () in ((fn (a,_) => a) ID) end ) in (LrTable.NT 3,(result,ID1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (51,(_,(MlyValue.INT INT1,INT1left,INT1right))::rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.LABEL(fn _ => let val INT as INT1=INT1 () in (INT) end ) in (LrTable.NT 3,(result,INT1left,INT1right),rest671) end | (52,(_,(MlyValue.ID ID1,_,ID1right))::(_,(_,PREC_TAG1left,_)):: rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.G_RULE_PREC(fn _ => let val ID as ID1=ID1 () in (SOME (symbolMake ID)) end ) in (LrTable.NT 11,(result,PREC_TAG1left,ID1right),rest671) end | (53,rest671) => let val result=MlyValue.G_RULE_PREC(fn _ => (NONE)) in (LrTable.NT 11,(result,defaultPos,defaultPos),rest671) end | _ => raise (mlyAction i392) end val void = MlyValue.VOID val extract = fn a => (fn MlyValue.BEGIN x => x | _ => let exception ParseInternal in raise ParseInternal end) a () end end structure Tokens : Mlyacc_TOKENS = struct type svalue = ParserData.svalue type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Token.token fun ARROW (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 0,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun ASTERISK (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 1,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun BLOCK (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 2,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun BAR (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 3,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun CHANGE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 4,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun COLON (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 5,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun COMMA (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 6,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun DELIMITER (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 7,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun EOF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 8,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun FOR (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 9,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun HEADER (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 10,( ParserData.MlyValue.HEADER (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun ID (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 11,( ParserData.MlyValue.ID (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun IDDOT (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 12,( ParserData.MlyValue.IDDOT (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun PERCENT_HEADER (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 13,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun INT (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 14,( ParserData.MlyValue.INT (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun KEYWORD (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 15,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun LBRACE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 16,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun LPAREN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 17,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun NAME (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 18,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun NODEFAULT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 19,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun NONTERM (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 20,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun NOSHIFT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 21,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun OF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 22,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PERCENT_EOP (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 23,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PERCENT_PURE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 24,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PERCENT_POS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 25,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PERCENT_ARG (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 26,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PREC (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 27,( ParserData.MlyValue.PREC (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun PREC_TAG (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 28,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PREFER (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 29,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PROG (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 30,( ParserData.MlyValue.PROG (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun RBRACE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 31,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun RPAREN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 32,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun SUBST (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 33,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun START (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 34,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun TERM (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 35,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun TYVAR (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 36,( ParserData.MlyValue.TYVAR (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun VERBOSE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 37,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun VALUE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 38,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun UNKNOWN (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 39,( ParserData.MlyValue.UNKNOWN (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun BOGUS_VALUE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 40,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) end end (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:42 george * Version 109 * *) structure LrTable : LR_TABLE = struct open Array List infix 9 sub datatype ('a,'b) pairlist = EMPTY | PAIR of 'a * 'b * ('a,'b) pairlist datatype term = T of int datatype nonterm = NT of int datatype state = STATE of int datatype action = SHIFT of state | REDUCE of int (* rulenum from grammar *) | ACCEPT | ERROR exception Goto of state * nonterm type table = {states: int, rules : int,initialState: state, action: ((term,action) pairlist * action) array, goto : (nonterm,state) pairlist array} val numStates = fn ({states,...} : table) => states val numRules = fn ({rules,...} : table) => rules val describeActions = fn ({action,...} : table) => fn (STATE s) => action sub s val describeGoto = fn ({goto,...} : table) => fn (STATE s) => goto sub s fun findTerm (T term,row,default) = let fun find (PAIR (T key,data,r)) = if key < term then find r else if key=term then data else default | find EMPTY = default in find row end fun findNonterm (NT nt,row) = let fun find (PAIR (NT key,data,r)) = if key < nt then find r else if key=nt then SOME data else NONE | find EMPTY = NONE in find row end val action = fn ({action,...} : table) => fn (STATE state,term) => let val (row,default) = action sub state in findTerm(term,row,default) end val goto = fn ({goto,...} : table) => fn (a as (STATE state,nonterm)) => case findNonterm(nonterm,goto sub state) of SOME state => state | NONE => raise (Goto a) val initialState = fn ({initialState,...} : table) => initialState val mkLrTable = fn {actions,gotos,initialState,numStates,numRules} => ({action=actions,goto=gotos, states=numStates, rules=numRules, initialState=initialState} : table) end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:43 george * Version 109 * *) (* Stream: a structure implementing a lazy stream. The signature STREAM is found in base.sig *) structure Stream :> STREAM = struct datatype 'a str = EVAL of 'a * 'a str ref | UNEVAL of (unit->'a) type 'a stream = 'a str ref fun get(ref(EVAL t)) = t | get(s as ref(UNEVAL f)) = let val t = (f(), ref(UNEVAL f)) in s := EVAL t; t end fun streamify f = ref(UNEVAL f) fun cons(a,s) = ref(EVAL(a,s)) end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 1996/10/03 03:36:58 jhr * Qualified identifiers that are no-longer top-level (quot, rem, min, max). * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:29 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:42 george * Version 109 * *) (* parser.sml: This is a parser driver for LR tables with an error-recovery routine added to it. The routine used is described in detail in this article: 'A Practical Method for LR and LL Syntactic Error Diagnosis and Recovery', by M. Burke and G. Fisher, ACM Transactions on Programming Langauges and Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 1987, pp. 164-197. This program is an implementation is the partial, deferred method discussed in the article. The algorithm and data structures used in the program are described below. This program assumes that all semantic actions are delayed. A semantic action should produce a function from unit -> value instead of producing the normal value. The parser returns the semantic value on the top of the stack when accept is encountered. The user can deconstruct this value and apply the unit -> value function in it to get the answer. It also assumes that the lexer is a lazy stream. Data Structures: ---------------- * The parser: The state stack has the type (state * (semantic value * line # * line #)) list The parser keeps a queue of (state stack * lexer pair). A lexer pair consists of a terminal * value pair and a lexer. This allows the parser to reconstruct the states for terminals to the left of a syntax error, and attempt to make error corrections there. The queue consists of a pair of lists (x,y). New additions to the queue are cons'ed onto y. The first element of x is the top of the queue. If x is nil, then y is reversed and used in place of x. Algorithm: ---------- * The steady-state parser: This parser keeps the length of the queue of state stacks at a steady state by always removing an element from the front when another element is placed on the end. It has these arguments: stack: current stack queue: value of the queue lexPair ((terminal,value),lex stream) When SHIFT is encountered, the state to shift to and the value are are pushed onto the state stack. The state stack and lexPair are placed on the queue. The front element of the queue is removed. When REDUCTION is encountered, the rule is applied to the current stack to yield a triple (nonterm,value,new stack). A new stack is formed by adding (goto(top state of stack,nonterm),value) to the stack. When ACCEPT is encountered, the top value from the stack and the lexer are returned. When an ERROR is encountered, fixError is called. FixError takes the arguments to the parser, fixes the error if possible and returns a new set of arguments. * The distance-parser: This parser includes an additional argument distance. It pushes elements on the queue until it has parsed distance tokens, or an ACCEPT or ERROR occurs. It returns a stack, lexer, the number of tokens left unparsed, a queue, and an action option. *) signature FIFO = sig type 'a queue val empty : 'a queue exception Empty val get : 'a queue -> 'a * 'a queue val put : 'a * 'a queue -> 'a queue end (* drt (12/15/89) -- the functor should be used in development work, but it wastes space in the release version. functor ParserGen(structure LrTable : LR_TABLE structure Stream : STREAM) : LR_PARSER = *) structure LrParser :> LR_PARSER = struct structure LrTable = LrTable structure Stream = Stream structure Token : TOKEN = struct structure LrTable = LrTable datatype ('a,'b) token = TOKEN of LrTable.term * ('a * 'b * 'b) val sameToken = fn (TOKEN(t,_),TOKEN(t',_)) => t=t' end open LrTable open Token val DEBUG1 = false val DEBUG2 = false exception ParseError exception ParseImpossible of int structure Fifo :> FIFO = struct type 'a queue = ('a list * 'a list) val empty = (nil,nil) exception Empty fun get(a::x, y) = (a, (x,y)) | get(nil, nil) = raise Empty | get(nil, y) = get(rev y, nil) fun put(a,(x,y)) = (x,a::y) end type ('a,'b) elem = (state * ('a * 'b * 'b)) type ('a,'b) stack = ('a,'b) elem list type ('a,'b) lexv = ('a,'b) token type ('a,'b) lexpair = ('a,'b) lexv * (('a,'b) lexv Stream.stream) type ('a,'b) distanceParse = ('a,'b) lexpair * ('a,'b) stack * (('a,'b) stack * ('a,'b) lexpair) Fifo.queue * int -> ('a,'b) lexpair * ('a,'b) stack * (('a,'b) stack * ('a,'b) lexpair) Fifo.queue * int * action option type ('a,'b) ecRecord = {is_keyword : term -> bool, preferred_change : (term list * term list) list, error : string * 'b * 'b -> unit, errtermvalue : term -> 'a, terms : term list, showTerminal : term -> string, noShift : term -> bool} local val print = fn s => TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut,s) val println = fn s => (print s; print "\n") val showState = fn (STATE s) => "STATE " ^ (Int.toString s) in fun printStack(stack: ('a,'b) stack, n: int) = case stack of (state,_) :: rest => (print("\t" ^ Int.toString n ^ ": "); println(showState state); printStack(rest, n+1)) | nil => () fun prAction showTerminal (stack as (state,_) :: _, next as (TOKEN (term,_),_), action) = (println "Parse: state stack:"; printStack(stack, 0); print(" state=" ^ showState state ^ " next=" ^ showTerminal term ^ " action=" ); case action of SHIFT state => println ("SHIFT " ^ (showState state)) | REDUCE i => println ("REDUCE " ^ (Int.toString i)) | ERROR => println "ERROR" | ACCEPT => println "ACCEPT") | prAction _ (_,_,action) = () end (* ssParse: parser which maintains the queue of (state * lexvalues) in a steady-state. It takes a table, showTerminal function, saction function, and fixError function. It parses until an ACCEPT is encountered, or an exception is raised. When an error is encountered, fixError is called with the arguments of parseStep (lexv,stack,and queue). It returns the lexv, and a new stack and queue adjusted so that the lexv can be parsed *) val ssParse = fn (table,showTerminal,saction,fixError,arg) => let val prAction = prAction showTerminal val action = LrTable.action table val goto = LrTable.goto table fun parseStep(args as (lexPair as (TOKEN (terminal, value as (_,leftPos,_)), lexer ), stack as (state,_) :: _, queue)) = let val nextAction = action (state,terminal) val _ = if DEBUG1 then prAction(stack,lexPair,nextAction) else () in case nextAction of SHIFT s => let val newStack = (s,value) :: stack val newLexPair = Stream.get lexer val (_,newQueue) =Fifo.get(Fifo.put((newStack,newLexPair), queue)) in parseStep(newLexPair,(s,value)::stack,newQueue) end | REDUCE i => (case saction(i,leftPos,stack,arg) of (nonterm,value,stack as (state,_) :: _) => parseStep(lexPair,(goto(state,nonterm),value)::stack, queue) | _ => raise (ParseImpossible 197)) | ERROR => parseStep(fixError args) | ACCEPT => (case stack of (_,(topvalue,_,_)) :: _ => let val (token,restLexer) = lexPair in (topvalue,Stream.cons(token,restLexer)) end | _ => raise (ParseImpossible 202)) end | parseStep _ = raise (ParseImpossible 204) in parseStep end (* distanceParse: parse until n tokens are shifted, or accept or error are encountered. Takes a table, showTerminal function, and semantic action function. Returns a parser which takes a lexPair (lex result * lexer), a state stack, a queue, and a distance (must be > 0) to parse. The parser returns a new lex-value, a stack with the nth token shifted on top, a queue, a distance, and action option. *) val distanceParse = fn (table,showTerminal,saction,arg) => let val prAction = prAction showTerminal val action = LrTable.action table val goto = LrTable.goto table fun parseStep(lexPair,stack,queue,0) = (lexPair,stack,queue,0,NONE) | parseStep(lexPair as (TOKEN (terminal, value as (_,leftPos,_)), lexer ), stack as (state,_) :: _, queue,distance) = let val nextAction = action(state,terminal) val _ = if DEBUG1 then prAction(stack,lexPair,nextAction) else () in case nextAction of SHIFT s => let val newStack = (s,value) :: stack val newLexPair = Stream.get lexer in parseStep(newLexPair,(s,value)::stack, Fifo.put((newStack,newLexPair),queue),distance-1) end | REDUCE i => (case saction(i,leftPos,stack,arg) of (nonterm,value,stack as (state,_) :: _) => parseStep(lexPair,(goto(state,nonterm),value)::stack, queue,distance) | _ => raise (ParseImpossible 240)) | ERROR => (lexPair,stack,queue,distance,SOME nextAction) | ACCEPT => (lexPair,stack,queue,distance,SOME nextAction) end | parseStep _ = raise (ParseImpossible 242) in parseStep : ('a,'b) distanceParse end (* mkFixError: function to create fixError function which adjusts parser state so that parse may continue in the presence of an error *) fun mkFixError({is_keyword,terms,errtermvalue, preferred_change,noShift, showTerminal,error,...} : ('a,'b) ecRecord, distanceParse : ('a,'b) distanceParse, minAdvance,maxAdvance) (lexv as (TOKEN (term,value as (_,leftPos,_)),_),stack,queue) = let val _ = if DEBUG2 then error("syntax error found at " ^ (showTerminal term), leftPos,leftPos) else () fun tokAt(t,p) = TOKEN(t,(errtermvalue t,p,p)) val minDelta = 3 (* pull all the state * lexv elements from the queue *) val stateList = let fun f q = let val (elem,newQueue) = Fifo.get q in elem :: (f newQueue) end handle Fifo.Empty => nil in f queue end (* now number elements of stateList, giving distance from error token *) val (_, numStateList) = List.foldr (fn (a,(num,r)) => (num+1,(a,num)::r)) (0, []) stateList (* Represent the set of potential changes as a linked list. Values of datatype Change hold information about a potential change. oper = oper to be applied pos = the # of the element in stateList that would be altered. distance = the number of tokens beyond the error token which the change allows us to parse. new = new terminal * value pair at that point orig = original terminal * value pair at the point being changed. *) datatype ('a,'b) change = CHANGE of {pos : int, distance : int, leftPos: 'b, rightPos: 'b, new : ('a,'b) lexv list, orig : ('a,'b) lexv list} val showTerms = concat o map (fn TOKEN(t,_) => " " ^ showTerminal t) val printChange = fn c => let val CHANGE {distance,new,orig,pos,...} = c in (print ("{distance= " ^ (Int.toString distance)); print (",orig ="); print(showTerms orig); print (",new ="); print(showTerms new); print (",pos= " ^ (Int.toString pos)); print "}\n") end val printChangeList = app printChange (* parse: given a lexPair, a stack, and the distance from the error token, return the distance past the error token that we are able to parse.*) fun parse (lexPair,stack,queuePos : int) = case distanceParse(lexPair,stack,Fifo.empty,queuePos+maxAdvance+1) of (_,_,_,distance,SOME ACCEPT) => if maxAdvance-distance-1 >= 0 then maxAdvance else maxAdvance-distance-1 | (_,_,_,distance,_) => maxAdvance - distance - 1 (* catList: concatenate results of scanning list *) fun catList l f = List.foldr (fn(a,r)=> f a @ r) [] l fun keywordsDelta new = if List.exists (fn(TOKEN(t,_))=>is_keyword t) new then minDelta else 0 fun tryChange{lex,stack,pos,leftPos,rightPos,orig,new} = let val lex' = List.foldr (fn (t',p)=>(t',Stream.cons p)) lex new val distance = parse(lex',stack,pos+length new-length orig) in if distance >= minAdvance + keywordsDelta new then [CHANGE{pos=pos,leftPos=leftPos,rightPos=rightPos, distance=distance,orig=orig,new=new}] else [] end (* tryDelete: Try to delete n terminals. Return single-element [success] or nil. Do not delete unshiftable terminals. *) fun tryDelete n ((stack,lexPair as (TOKEN(term,(_,l,r)),_)),qPos) = let fun del(0,accum,left,right,lexPair) = tryChange{lex=lexPair,stack=stack, pos=qPos,leftPos=left,rightPos=right, orig=rev accum, new=[]} | del(n,accum,left,right,(tok as TOKEN(term,(_,_,r)),lexer)) = if noShift term then [] else del(n-1,tok::accum,left,r,Stream.get lexer) in del(n,[],l,r,lexPair) end (* tryInsert: try to insert tokens before the current terminal; return a list of the successes *) fun tryInsert((stack,lexPair as (TOKEN(_,(_,l,_)),_)),queuePos) = catList terms (fn t => tryChange{lex=lexPair,stack=stack, pos=queuePos,orig=[],new=[tokAt(t,l)], leftPos=l,rightPos=l}) (* trySubst: try to substitute tokens for the current terminal; return a list of the successes *) fun trySubst ((stack,lexPair as (orig as TOKEN (term,(_,l,r)),lexer)), queuePos) = if noShift term then [] else catList terms (fn t => tryChange{lex=Stream.get lexer,stack=stack, pos=queuePos, leftPos=l,rightPos=r,orig=[orig], new=[tokAt(t,r)]}) (* do_delete(toks,lexPair) tries to delete tokens "toks" from "lexPair". If it succeeds, returns SOME(toks',l,r,lp), where toks' is the actual tokens (with positions and values) deleted, (l,r) are the (leftmost,rightmost) position of toks', lp is what remains of the stream after deletion *) fun do_delete(nil,lp as (TOKEN(_,(_,l,_)),_)) = SOME(nil,l,l,lp) | do_delete([t],(tok as TOKEN(t',(_,l,r)),lp')) = if t=t' then SOME([tok],l,r,Stream.get lp') else NONE | do_delete(t::rest,(tok as TOKEN(t',(_,l,r)),lp')) = if t=t' then case do_delete(rest,Stream.get lp') of SOME(deleted,l',r',lp'') => SOME(tok::deleted,l,r',lp'') | NONE => NONE else NONE fun tryPreferred((stack,lexPair),queuePos) = catList preferred_change (fn (delete,insert) => if List.exists noShift delete then [] (* should give warning at parser-generation time *) else case do_delete(delete,lexPair) of SOME(deleted,l,r,lp) => tryChange{lex=lp,stack=stack,pos=queuePos, leftPos=l,rightPos=r,orig=deleted, new=map (fn t=>(tokAt(t,r))) insert} | NONE => []) val changes = catList numStateList tryPreferred @ catList numStateList tryInsert @ catList numStateList trySubst @ catList numStateList (tryDelete 1) @ catList numStateList (tryDelete 2) @ catList numStateList (tryDelete 3) val findMaxDist = fn l => foldr (fn (CHANGE {distance,...},high) => Int.max(distance,high)) 0 l (* maxDist: max distance past error taken that we could parse *) val maxDist = findMaxDist changes (* remove changes which did not parse maxDist tokens past the error token *) val changes = catList changes (fn(c as CHANGE{distance,...}) => if distance=maxDist then [c] else []) in case changes of (l as change :: _) => let fun print_msg (CHANGE {new,orig,leftPos,rightPos,...}) = let val s = case (orig,new) of (_::_,[]) => "deleting " ^ (showTerms orig) | ([],_::_) => "inserting " ^ (showTerms new) | _ => "replacing " ^ (showTerms orig) ^ " with " ^ (showTerms new) in error ("syntax error: " ^ s,leftPos,rightPos) end val _ = (if length l > 1 andalso DEBUG2 then (print "multiple fixes possible; could fix it by:\n"; app print_msg l; print "chosen correction:\n") else (); print_msg change) (* findNth: find nth queue entry from the error entry. Returns the Nth queue entry and the portion of the queue from the beginning to the nth-1 entry. The error entry is at the end of the queue. Examples: queue = a b c d e findNth 0 = (e,a b c d) findNth 1 = (d,a b c) *) val findNth = fn n => let fun f (h::t,0) = (h,rev t) | f (h::t,n) = f(t,n-1) | f (nil,_) = let exception FindNth in raise FindNth end in f (rev stateList,n) end val CHANGE {pos,orig,new,...} = change val (last,queueFront) = findNth pos val (stack,lexPair) = last val lp1 = foldl(fn (_,(_,r)) => Stream.get r) lexPair orig val lp2 = foldr(fn(t,r)=>(t,Stream.cons r)) lp1 new val restQueue = Fifo.put((stack,lp2), foldl Fifo.put Fifo.empty queueFront) val (lexPair,stack,queue,_,_) = distanceParse(lp2,stack,restQueue,pos) in (lexPair,stack,queue) end | nil => (error("syntax error found at " ^ (showTerminal term), leftPos,leftPos); raise ParseError) end val parse = fn {arg,table,lexer,saction,void,lookahead, ec=ec as {showTerminal,...} : ('a,'b) ecRecord} => let val distance = 15 (* defer distance tokens *) val minAdvance = 1 (* must parse at least 1 token past error *) val maxAdvance = Int.max(lookahead,0)(* max distance for parse check *) val lexPair = Stream.get lexer val (TOKEN (_,(_,leftPos,_)),_) = lexPair val startStack = [(initialState table,(void,leftPos,leftPos))] val startQueue = Fifo.put((startStack,lexPair),Fifo.empty) val distanceParse = distanceParse(table,showTerminal,saction,arg) val fixError = mkFixError(ec,distanceParse,minAdvance,maxAdvance) val ssParse = ssParse(table,showTerminal,saction,fixError,arg) fun loop (lexPair,stack,queue,_,SOME ACCEPT) = ssParse(lexPair,stack,queue) | loop (lexPair,stack,queue,0,_) = ssParse(lexPair,stack,queue) | loop (lexPair,stack,queue,distance,SOME ERROR) = let val (lexPair,stack,queue) = fixError(lexPair,stack,queue) in loop (distanceParse(lexPair,stack,queue,distance)) end | loop _ = let exception ParseInternal in raise ParseInternal end in loop (distanceParse(lexPair,startStack,startQueue,distance)) end end; (* drt (12/15/89) -- needed only when the code above is functorized structure LrParser = ParserGen(structure LrTable=LrTable structure Stream=Stream); *) functor LexMLYACC(structure Tokens : Mlyacc_TOKENS structure Hdr : HEADER where type prec = Header.prec and type inputSource = Header.inputSource and type pos = int) : ARG_LEXER = struct structure UserDeclarations = struct (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi yacc.lex: Lexer specification *) structure Tokens = Tokens type svalue = Tokens.svalue type pos = int type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Tokens.token type lexresult = (svalue,pos) token type lexarg = Hdr.inputSource type arg = lexarg open Tokens val error = Hdr.error val lineno = Hdr.lineno val text = Hdr.text val pcount = ref 0 val commentLevel = ref 0 val actionstart = ref 0 val eof = fn i => (if (!pcount)>0 then error i (!actionstart) " eof encountered in action beginning here !" else (); EOF(!lineno,!lineno)) val Add = fn s => (text := s::(!text)) local val dict = [("%prec",PREC_TAG),("%term",TERM), ("%nonterm",NONTERM), ("%eop",PERCENT_EOP),("%start",START), ("%prefer",PREFER),("%subst",SUBST),("%change",CHANGE), ("%keyword",KEYWORD),("%name",NAME), ("%verbose",VERBOSE), ("%nodefault",NODEFAULT), ("%value",VALUE), ("%noshift",NOSHIFT), ("%header",PERCENT_HEADER),("%pure",PERCENT_PURE), ("%arg",PERCENT_ARG), ("%pos",PERCENT_POS)] in val lookup = fn (s,left,right) => let fun f ((a,d)::b) = if a=s then d(left,right) else f b | f nil = UNKNOWN(s,left,right) in f dict end end fun inc (ri as ref i) = (ri := i+1) fun dec (ri as ref i) = (ri := i-1) end (* end of user routines *) exception LexError (* raised if illegal leaf action tried *) structure Internal = struct datatype yyfinstate = N of int type statedata = {fin : yyfinstate list, trans: string} (* transition & final state table *) val tab = let val s0 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s1 = "\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\021\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\019\015\015\017\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\015\ \\015" val s3 = "\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\065\067\022\022\022\022\022\ \\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\ \\065\022\022\022\022\045\022\043\041\022\040\022\039\037\022\022\ \\035\035\035\035\035\035\035\035\035\035\034\022\022\022\022\022\ \\022\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\ \\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\022\022\022\022\022\ \\022\026\026\026\026\026\031\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\029\ \\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\026\025\024\023\022\022\ \\022" val s5 = "\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\021\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\072\068\068\068\068\068\070\069\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068" val s7 = "\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\075\021\073\073\073\073\073\ \\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\ \\075\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\ \\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\ \\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\ \\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\074\073\073\073\ \\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\ \\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\073\ \\073" val s9 = "\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\021\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\081\080\078\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077" val s11 = "\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\088\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ 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\\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\046\ \\000\046\046\046\046\061\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\ \\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s61 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\046\ \\000\046\046\046\046\046\062\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\ \\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s62 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\046\ \\000\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\046\ \\046\046\046\046\063\046\046\046\046\046\046\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s65 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\066\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\066\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s68 = "\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\000\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\000\068\068\068\068\068\000\000\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\068\ \\068" val s70 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\071\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s75 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\076\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\076\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s77 = "\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\000\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\000\000\000\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\077\ \\077" val s78 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\079\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s81 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\082\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s83 = "\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\000\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\000\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\000\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\083\ \\083" val s84 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\086\086\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\086\000\085\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s89 = "\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\000\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\000\000\000\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\089\ \\089" val s90 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\091\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" val s93 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\094\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\000" in Vector.fromList [{fin = [], trans = s0}, {fin = [], trans = s1}, {fin = [], trans = s1}, {fin = [], trans = s3}, {fin = [], trans = s3}, {fin = [], trans = s5}, {fin = [], trans = s5}, {fin = [], trans = s7}, {fin = [], trans = s7}, {fin = [], trans = s9}, {fin = [], trans = s9}, {fin = [], trans = s11}, {fin = [], trans = s11}, {fin = [], trans = s13}, {fin = [], trans = s13}, {fin = [(N 11),(N 18)], trans = s15}, {fin = [(N 11)], trans = s15}, {fin = [(N 11),(N 18)], trans = s17}, {fin = [(N 2),(N 11)], trans = s15}, {fin = [(N 18)], trans = s19}, {fin = [(N 14)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 16)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 36),(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 87),(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 34),(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 90),(N 94)], trans = s26}, {fin = [(N 90)], trans = s26}, {fin = [(N 77)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 90),(N 94)], trans = s29}, {fin = [(N 28),(N 90)], trans = s26}, {fin = [(N 90),(N 94)], trans = s31}, {fin = [(N 90)], trans = s32}, {fin = [(N 32),(N 90)], trans = s26}, {fin = [(N 85),(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 80),(N 94)], trans = s35}, {fin = [(N 80)], trans = s35}, {fin = [(N 94)], trans = s37}, {fin = [(N 43)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 38),(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 40),(N 94)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 92),(N 94)], trans = s41}, {fin = [(N 5)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 73),(N 94)], trans = s43}, {fin = [(N 73)], trans = s43}, {fin = [(N 94)], trans = s45}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s46}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s47}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s48}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s49}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s50}, {fin = [(N 56),(N 70)], trans = s46}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s52}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s53}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s54}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s55}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s56}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s57}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s58}, {fin = [(N 66),(N 70)], trans = s46}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s60}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s61}, {fin = [(N 70)], trans = s62}, {fin = [(N 49),(N 70)], trans = s46}, {fin = [(N 83)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 25),(N 94)], trans = s65}, {fin = [(N 25)], trans = s65}, {fin = [(N 20)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 103)], trans = s68}, {fin = [(N 98)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 96)], trans = s70}, {fin = [(N 8)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 100)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 147)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 145),(N 147)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 143),(N 147)], trans = s75}, {fin = [(N 143)], trans = s75}, {fin = [(N 114)], trans = s77}, {fin = [(N 105)], trans = s78}, {fin = [(N 108)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 105)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 105)], trans = s81}, {fin = [(N 111)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 134)], trans = s83}, {fin = [(N 129)], trans = s84}, {fin = [(N 137)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 140)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 127)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 131)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 125)], trans = s89}, {fin = [(N 116)], trans = s90}, {fin = [(N 119)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 116)], trans = s0}, {fin = [(N 116)], trans = s93}, {fin = [(N 122)], trans = s0}] end structure StartStates = struct datatype yystartstate = STARTSTATE of int (* start state definitions *) val A = STARTSTATE 3; val CODE = STARTSTATE 5; val COMMENT = STARTSTATE 9; val EMPTYCOMMENT = STARTSTATE 13; val F = STARTSTATE 7; val INITIAL = STARTSTATE 1; val STRING = STARTSTATE 11; end type result = UserDeclarations.lexresult exception LexerError (* raised if illegal leaf action tried *) end fun makeLexer yyinput = let val yyb = ref "\n" (* buffer *) val yybl = ref 1 (*buffer length *) val yybufpos = ref 1 (* location of next character to use *) val yygone = ref 1 (* position in file of beginning of buffer *) val yydone = ref false (* eof found yet? *) val yybegin = ref 1 (*Current 'start state' for lexer *) val YYBEGIN = fn (Internal.StartStates.STARTSTATE x) => yybegin := x fun lex (yyarg as (inputSource)) = let fun continue() : Internal.result = let fun scan (s,AcceptingLeaves : Internal.yyfinstate list list,l,i0) = let fun action (i,nil) = raise LexError | action (i,nil::l) = action (i-1,l) | action (i,(node::acts)::l) = case node of Internal.N yyk => (let val yytext = substring(!yyb,i0,i-i0) val yypos = i0+ !yygone open UserDeclarations Internal.StartStates in (yybufpos := i; case yyk of (* Application actions *) 100 => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN STRING; continue()) | 103 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 105 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 108 => (Add yytext; dec commentLevel; if !commentLevel=0 then BOGUS_VALUE(!lineno,!lineno) else continue() ) | 11 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 111 => (Add yytext; inc commentLevel; continue()) | 114 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 116 => (continue()) | 119 => (dec commentLevel; if !commentLevel=0 then YYBEGIN A else (); continue ()) | 122 => (inc commentLevel; continue()) | 125 => (continue()) | 127 => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN CODE; continue()) | 129 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 131 => (Add yytext; error inputSource (!lineno) "unclosed string"; inc lineno; YYBEGIN CODE; continue()) | 134 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 137 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 14 => (YYBEGIN A; HEADER (concat (rev (!text)),!lineno,!lineno)) | 140 => (Add yytext; if substring(yytext,1,1)="\n" then inc lineno else (); YYBEGIN F; continue()) | 143 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 145 => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN STRING; continue()) | 147 => (Add yytext; error inputSource (!lineno) "unclosed string"; YYBEGIN CODE; continue()) | 16 => (Add yytext; inc lineno; continue()) | 18 => (Add yytext; continue()) | 2 => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN COMMENT; commentLevel := 1; continue() before YYBEGIN INITIAL) | 20 => (inc lineno; continue ()) | 25 => (continue()) | 28 => (OF(!lineno,!lineno)) | 32 => (FOR(!lineno,!lineno)) | 34 => (LBRACE(!lineno,!lineno)) | 36 => (RBRACE(!lineno,!lineno)) | 38 => (COMMA(!lineno,!lineno)) | 40 => (ASTERISK(!lineno,!lineno)) | 43 => (ARROW(!lineno,!lineno)) | 49 => (PREC(Hdr.LEFT,!lineno,!lineno)) | 5 => (YYBEGIN EMPTYCOMMENT; commentLevel := 1; continue()) | 56 => (PREC(Hdr.RIGHT,!lineno,!lineno)) | 66 => (PREC(Hdr.NONASSOC,!lineno,!lineno)) | 70 => (lookup(yytext,!lineno,!lineno)) | 73 => (TYVAR(yytext,!lineno,!lineno)) | 77 => (IDDOT(yytext,!lineno,!lineno)) | 8 => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN COMMENT; commentLevel := 1; continue() before YYBEGIN CODE) | 80 => (INT (yytext,!lineno,!lineno)) | 83 => (DELIMITER(!lineno,!lineno)) | 85 => (COLON(!lineno,!lineno)) | 87 => (BAR(!lineno,!lineno)) | 90 => (ID ((yytext,!lineno),!lineno,!lineno)) | 92 => (pcount := 1; actionstart := (!lineno); text := nil; YYBEGIN CODE; continue() before YYBEGIN A) | 94 => (UNKNOWN(yytext,!lineno,!lineno)) | 96 => (inc pcount; Add yytext; continue()) | 98 => (dec pcount; if !pcount = 0 then PROG (concat (rev (!text)),!lineno,!lineno) else (Add yytext; continue())) | _ => raise Internal.LexerError ) end ) val {fin,trans} = Vector.sub(Internal.tab, s) val NewAcceptingLeaves = fin::AcceptingLeaves in if l = !yybl then if trans = #trans(Vector.sub(Internal.tab,0)) then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves ) else let val newchars= if !yydone then "" else yyinput 1024 in if (size newchars)=0 then (yydone := true; if (l=i0) then UserDeclarations.eof yyarg else action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves)) else (if i0=l then yyb := newchars else yyb := substring(!yyb,i0,l-i0)^newchars; yygone := !yygone+i0; yybl := size (!yyb); scan (s,AcceptingLeaves,l-i0,0)) end else let val NewChar = Char.ord(String.sub(!yyb,l)) val NewState = if NewChar<128 then Char.ord(String.sub(trans,NewChar)) else Char.ord(String.sub(trans,128)) in if NewState=0 then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves) else scan(NewState,NewAcceptingLeaves,l+1,i0) end end (* val start= if substring(!yyb,!yybufpos-1,1)="\n" then !yybegin+1 else !yybegin *) in scan(!yybegin (* start *),nil,!yybufpos,!yybufpos) end in continue end in lex end end (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:42 george * Version 109 * *) (* functor Join creates a user parser by putting together a Lexer structure, an LrValues structure, and a polymorphic parser structure. Note that the Lexer and LrValues structure must share the type pos (i.e. the type of line numbers), the type svalues for semantic values, and the type of tokens. *) functor Join(structure Lex : LEXER structure ParserData: PARSER_DATA structure LrParser : LR_PARSER sharing ParserData.LrTable = LrParser.LrTable sharing ParserData.Token = LrParser.Token sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.svalue = ParserData.svalue sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.pos = ParserData.pos sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.token = ParserData.Token.token) : PARSER = struct structure Token = ParserData.Token structure Stream = LrParser.Stream exception ParseError = LrParser.ParseError type arg = ParserData.arg type pos = ParserData.pos type result = ParserData.result type svalue = ParserData.svalue val makeLexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify o Lex.makeLexer val parse = fn (lookahead,lexer,error,arg) => (fn (a,b) => (ParserData.Actions.extract a,b)) (LrParser.parse {table = ParserData.table, lexer=lexer, lookahead=lookahead, saction = ParserData.Actions.actions, arg=arg, void= ParserData.Actions.void, ec = {is_keyword = ParserData.EC.is_keyword, noShift = ParserData.EC.noShift, preferred_change = ParserData.EC.preferred_change, errtermvalue = ParserData.EC.errtermvalue, error=error, showTerminal = ParserData.EC.showTerminal, terms = ParserData.EC.terms}} ) val sameToken = Token.sameToken end (* functor JoinWithArg creates a variant of the parser structure produced above. In this case, the makeLexer take an additional argument before yielding a value of type unit -> (svalue,pos) token *) functor JoinWithArg(structure Lex : ARG_LEXER structure ParserData: PARSER_DATA structure LrParser : LR_PARSER sharing ParserData.LrTable = LrParser.LrTable sharing ParserData.Token = LrParser.Token sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.svalue = ParserData.svalue sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.pos = ParserData.pos sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.token = ParserData.Token.token) : ARG_PARSER = struct structure Token = ParserData.Token structure Stream = LrParser.Stream exception ParseError = LrParser.ParseError type arg = ParserData.arg type lexarg = Lex.UserDeclarations.arg type pos = ParserData.pos type result = ParserData.result type svalue = ParserData.svalue val makeLexer = fn s => fn arg => LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer s arg) val parse = fn (lookahead,lexer,error,arg) => (fn (a,b) => (ParserData.Actions.extract a,b)) (LrParser.parse {table = ParserData.table, lexer=lexer, lookahead=lookahead, saction = ParserData.Actions.actions, arg=arg, void= ParserData.Actions.void, ec = {is_keyword = ParserData.EC.is_keyword, noShift = ParserData.EC.noShift, preferred_change = ParserData.EC.preferred_change, errtermvalue = ParserData.EC.errtermvalue, error=error, showTerminal = ParserData.EC.showTerminal, terms = ParserData.EC.terms}} ) val sameToken = Token.sameToken end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:38 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) functor ParseGenParserFun(S : sig structure Parser : ARG_PARSER structure Header : HEADER sharing type Parser.pos = Header.pos sharing type Parser.result = Header.parseResult sharing type Parser.arg = Header.inputSource = Parser.lexarg end where type Header.pos = int ) : PARSE_GEN_PARSER = struct open S structure Header = Header val parse = fn file => let val in_str = TextIO.openIn file val source = Header.newSource(file,in_str,TextIO.stdOut) val error = fn (s : string,i:int,_) => Header.error source i s val stream = Parser.makeLexer (fn i => (TextIO.inputN(in_str,i))) source val (result,_) = (Header.lineno := 1; Header.text := nil; Parser.parse(15,stream,error,source)) in (TextIO.closeIn in_str; (result,source)) end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:47 george * Version 109 * *) (* Implementation of ordered sets using ordered lists and red-black trees. The code for red-black trees was originally written by Norris Boyd, which was modified for use here. *) (* ordered sets implemented using ordered lists. Upper bound running times for functions implemented here: app = O(n) card = O(n) closure = O(n^2) difference = O(n+m), where n,m = the size of the two sets used here. empty = O(1) exists = O(n) find = O(n) fold = O(n) insert = O(n) is_empty = O(1) make_list = O(1) make_set = O(n^2) partition = O(n) remove = O(n) revfold = O(n) select_arb = O(1) set_eq = O(n), where n = the cardinality of the smaller set set_gt = O(n), ditto singleton = O(1) union = O(n+m) *) functor ListOrdSet(B : sig type elem val gt : elem * elem -> bool val eq : elem * elem -> bool end ) : ORDSET = struct type elem = B.elem val elem_gt = B.gt val elem_eq = B.eq type set = elem list exception Select_arb val empty = nil val insert = fn (key,s) => let fun f (l as (h::t)) = if elem_gt(key,h) then h::(f t) else if elem_eq(key,h) then key::t else key::l | f nil = [key] in f s end val select_arb = fn nil => raise Select_arb | a::b => a val exists = fn (key,s) => let fun f (h::t) = if elem_gt(key,h) then f t else elem_eq(h,key) | f nil = false in f s end val find = fn (key,s) => let fun f (h::t) = if elem_gt(key,h) then f t else if elem_eq(h,key) then SOME h else NONE | f nil = NONE in f s end fun revfold f lst init = List.foldl f init lst fun fold f lst init = List.foldr f init lst val app = List.app fun set_eq(h::t,h'::t') = (case elem_eq(h,h') of true => set_eq(t,t') | a => a) | set_eq(nil,nil) = true | set_eq _ = false fun set_gt(h::t,h'::t') = (case elem_gt(h,h') of false => (case (elem_eq(h,h')) of true => set_gt(t,t') | a => a) | a => a) | set_gt(_::_,nil) = true | set_gt _ = false fun union(a as (h::t),b as (h'::t')) = if elem_gt(h',h) then h::union(t,b) else if elem_eq(h,h') then h::union(t,t') else h'::union(a,t') | union(nil,s) = s | union(s,nil) = s val make_list = fn s => s val is_empty = fn nil => true | _ => false val make_set = fn l => List.foldr insert [] l val partition = fn f => fn s => fold (fn (e,(yes,no)) => if (f e) then (e::yes,no) else (e::no,yes)) s (nil,nil) val remove = fn (e,s) => let fun f (l as (h::t)) = if elem_gt(h,e) then l else if elem_eq(h,e) then t else h::(f t) | f nil = nil in f s end (* difference: X-Y *) fun difference (nil,_) = nil | difference (r,nil) = r | difference (a as (h::t),b as (h'::t')) = if elem_gt (h',h) then h::difference(t,b) else if elem_eq(h',h) then difference(t,t') else difference(a,t') fun singleton X = [X] fun card(S) = fold (fn (a,count) => count+1) S 0 local fun closure'(from, f, result) = if is_empty from then result else let val (more,result) = fold (fn (a,(more',result')) => let val more = f a val new = difference(more,result) in (union(more',new),union(result',new)) end) from (empty,result) in closure'(more,f,result) end in fun closure(start, f) = closure'(start, f, start) end end (* ordered set implemented using red-black trees: Upper bound running time of the functions below: app: O(n) card: O(n) closure: O(n^2 ln n) difference: O(n ln n) empty: O(1) exists: O(ln n) find: O(ln n) fold: O(n) insert: O(ln n) is_empty: O(1) make_list: O(n) make_set: O(n ln n) partition: O(n ln n) remove: O(n ln n) revfold: O(n) select_arb: O(1) set_eq: O(n) set_gt: O(n) singleton: O(1) union: O(n ln n) *) functor RbOrdSet (B : sig type elem val eq : (elem*elem) -> bool val gt : (elem*elem) -> bool end ) : ORDSET = struct type elem = B.elem val elem_gt = B.gt val elem_eq = B.eq datatype Color = RED | BLACK abstype set = EMPTY | TREE of (B.elem * Color * set * set) with exception Select_arb val empty = EMPTY fun insert(key,t) = let fun f EMPTY = TREE(key,RED,EMPTY,EMPTY) | f (TREE(k,BLACK,l,r)) = if elem_gt (key,k) then case f r of r as TREE(rk,RED, rl as TREE(rlk,RED,rll,rlr),rr) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rlk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rll), TREE(rk,RED,rlr,rr))) | r as TREE(rk,RED,rl, rr as TREE(rrk,RED,rrl,rrr)) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rl),rr)) | r => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else if elem_gt(k,key) then case f l of l as TREE(lk,RED,ll, lr as TREE(lrk,RED,lrl,lrr)) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lrk,BLACK,TREE(lk,RED,ll,lrl), TREE(k,RED,lrr,r))) | l as TREE(lk,RED, ll as TREE(llk,RED,lll,llr), lr) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,TREE(k,RED,lr,r))) | l => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else TREE(key,BLACK,l,r) | f (TREE(k,RED,l,r)) = if elem_gt(key,k) then TREE(k,RED,l, f r) else if elem_gt(k,key) then TREE(k,RED, f l, r) else TREE(key,RED,l,r) in case f t of TREE(k,RED, l as TREE(_,RED,_,_), r) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | TREE(k,RED, l, r as TREE(_,RED,_,_)) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | t => t end fun select_arb (TREE(k,_,l,r)) = k | select_arb EMPTY = raise Select_arb fun exists(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = false | look (TREE(k,_,l,r)) = if elem_gt(k,key) then look l else if elem_gt(key,k) then look r else true in look t end fun find(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = NONE | look (TREE(k,_,l,r)) = if elem_gt(k,key) then look l else if elem_gt(key,k) then look r else SOME k in look t end fun revfold f t start = let fun scan (EMPTY,value) = value | scan (TREE(k,_,l,r),value) = scan(r,f(k,scan(l,value))) in scan(t,start) end fun fold f t start = let fun scan(EMPTY,value) = value | scan(TREE(k,_,l,r),value) = scan(l,f(k,scan(r,value))) in scan(t,start) end fun app f t = let fun scan EMPTY = () | scan(TREE(k,_,l,r)) = (scan l; f k; scan r) in scan t end (* equal_tree : test if two trees are equal. Two trees are equal if the set of leaves are equal *) fun set_eq (tree1 as (TREE _),tree2 as (TREE _)) = let datatype pos = L | R | M exception Done fun getvalue(stack as ((a,position)::b)) = (case a of (TREE(k,_,l,r)) => (case position of L => getvalue ((l,L)::(a,M)::b) | M => (k,case r of EMPTY => b | _ => (a,R)::b) | R => getvalue ((r,L)::b) ) | EMPTY => getvalue b ) | getvalue(nil) = raise Done fun f (nil,nil) = true | f (s1 as (_ :: _),s2 as (_ :: _ )) = let val (v1,news1) = getvalue s1 and (v2,news2) = getvalue s2 in (elem_eq(v1,v2)) andalso f(news1,news2) end | f _ = false in f ((tree1,L)::nil,(tree2,L)::nil) handle Done => false end | set_eq (EMPTY,EMPTY) = true | set_eq _ = false (* gt_tree : Test if tree1 is greater than tree 2 *) fun set_gt (tree1,tree2) = let datatype pos = L | R | M exception Done fun getvalue(stack as ((a,position)::b)) = (case a of (TREE(k,_,l,r)) => (case position of L => getvalue ((l,L)::(a,M)::b) | M => (k,case r of EMPTY => b | _ => (a,R)::b) | R => getvalue ((r,L)::b) ) | EMPTY => getvalue b ) | getvalue(nil) = raise Done fun f (nil,nil) = false | f (s1 as (_ :: _),s2 as (_ :: _ )) = let val (v1,news1) = getvalue s1 and (v2,news2) = getvalue s2 in (elem_gt(v1,v2)) orelse (elem_eq(v1,v2) andalso f(news1,news2)) end | f (_,nil) = true | f (nil,_) = false in f ((tree1,L)::nil,(tree2,L)::nil) handle Done => false end fun is_empty S = (let val _ = select_arb S in false end handle Select_arb => true) fun make_list S = fold (op ::) S nil fun make_set l = List.foldr insert empty l fun partition F S = fold (fn (a,(Yes,No)) => if F(a) then (insert(a,Yes),No) else (Yes,insert(a,No))) S (empty,empty) fun remove(X, XSet) = let val (YSet, _) = partition (fn a => not (elem_eq (X, a))) XSet in YSet end fun difference(Xs, Ys) = fold (fn (p as (a,Xs')) => if exists(a,Ys) then Xs' else insert p) Xs empty fun singleton X = insert(X,empty) fun card(S) = fold (fn (_,count) => count+1) S 0 fun union(Xs,Ys)= fold insert Ys Xs local fun closure'(from, f, result) = if is_empty from then result else let val (more,result) = fold (fn (a,(more',result')) => let val more = f a val new = difference(more,result) in (union(more',new),union(result',new)) end) from (empty,result) in closure'(more,f,result) end in fun closure(start, f) = closure'(start, f, start) end end end (* signature TABLE = sig type 'a table type key val size : 'a table -> int val empty: 'a table val exists: (key * 'a table) -> bool val find : (key * 'a table) -> 'a option val insert: ((key * 'a) * 'a table) -> 'a table val make_table : (key * 'a ) list -> 'a table val make_list : 'a table -> (key * 'a) list val fold : ((key * 'a) * 'b -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b -> 'b end *) functor Table (B : sig type key val gt : (key * key) -> bool end ) : TABLE = struct datatype Color = RED | BLACK type key = B.key abstype 'a table = EMPTY | TREE of ((B.key * 'a ) * Color * 'a table * 'a table) with val empty = EMPTY fun insert(elem as (key,data),t) = let val key_gt = fn (a,_) => B.gt(key,a) val key_lt = fn (a,_) => B.gt(a,key) fun f EMPTY = TREE(elem,RED,EMPTY,EMPTY) | f (TREE(k,BLACK,l,r)) = if key_gt k then case f r of r as TREE(rk,RED, rl as TREE(rlk,RED,rll,rlr),rr) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rlk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rll), TREE(rk,RED,rlr,rr))) | r as TREE(rk,RED,rl, rr as TREE(rrk,RED,rrl,rrr)) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rl),rr)) | r => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else if key_lt k then case f l of l as TREE(lk,RED,ll, lr as TREE(lrk,RED,lrl,lrr)) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lrk,BLACK,TREE(lk,RED,ll,lrl), TREE(k,RED,lrr,r))) | l as TREE(lk,RED, ll as TREE(llk,RED,lll,llr), lr) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,TREE(k,RED,lr,r))) | l => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else TREE(elem,BLACK,l,r) | f (TREE(k,RED,l,r)) = if key_gt k then TREE(k,RED,l, f r) else if key_lt k then TREE(k,RED, f l, r) else TREE(elem,RED,l,r) in case f t of TREE(k,RED, l as TREE(_,RED,_,_), r) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | TREE(k,RED, l, r as TREE(_,RED,_,_)) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | t => t end fun exists(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = false | look (TREE((k,_),_,l,r)) = if B.gt(k,key) then look l else if B.gt(key,k) then look r else true in look t end fun find(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = NONE | look (TREE((k,data),_,l,r)) = if B.gt(k,key) then look l else if B.gt(key,k) then look r else SOME data in look t end fun fold f t start = let fun scan(EMPTY,value) = value | scan(TREE(k,_,l,r),value) = scan(l,f(k,scan(r,value))) in scan(t,start) end fun make_table l = List.foldr insert empty l fun size S = fold (fn (_,count) => count+1) S 0 fun make_list table = fold (op ::) table nil end end; (* assumes that a functor Table with signature TABLE from table.sml is in the environment *) (* signature HASH = sig type table type elem val size : table -> int val add : elem * table -> table val find : elem * table -> int option val exists : elem * table -> bool val empty : table end *) (* hash: creates a hash table of size n which assigns each distinct member a unique integer between 0 and n-1 *) functor Hash(B : sig type elem val gt : elem * elem -> bool end) : HASH = struct type elem=B.elem structure HashTable = Table(type key=B.elem val gt = B.gt) type table = {count : int, table : int HashTable.table} val empty = {count=0,table=HashTable.empty} val size = fn {count,table} => count val add = fn (e,{count,table}) => {count=count+1,table=HashTable.insert((e,count),table)} val find = fn (e,{table,count}) => HashTable.find(e,table) val exists = fn (e,{table,count}) => HashTable.exists(e,table) end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:31 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:44 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkCore(structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR) : CORE = struct open IntGrammar open Grammar structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar structure Grammar = Grammar datatype item = ITEM of { rule : rule, dot : int, rhsAfter : symbol list } val eqItem = fn (ITEM{rule=RULE{num=n,...},dot=d,...}, ITEM{rule=RULE{num=m,...},dot=e,...}) => n=m andalso d=e val gtItem = fn (ITEM{rule=RULE{num=n,...},dot=d,...}, ITEM{rule=RULE{num=m,...},dot=e,...}) => n>m orelse (n=m andalso d>e) structure ItemList = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = item val eq = eqItem val gt = gtItem end) open ItemList datatype core = CORE of item list * int val gtCore = fn (CORE (a,_),CORE (b,_)) => ItemList.set_gt(a,b) val eqCore = fn (CORE (a,_),CORE (b,_)) => ItemList.set_eq(a,b) (* functions for printing and debugging *) val prItem = fn (symbolToString,nontermToString,print) => let val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) val prSymbol = print o symbolToString val prNonterm = print o nontermToString fun showRest nil = () | showRest (h::t) = (prSymbol h; print " "; showRest t) fun showRhs (l,0) = (print ". "; showRest l) | showRhs (nil,_) = () | showRhs (h::t,n) = (prSymbol h; print " "; showRhs(t,n-1)) in fn (ITEM {rule=RULE {lhs,rhs,rulenum,num,...}, dot,rhsAfter,...}) => (prNonterm lhs; print " : "; showRhs(rhs,dot); case rhsAfter of nil => (print " (reduce by rule "; printInt rulenum; print ")") | _ => (); if DEBUG then (print " (num "; printInt num; print ")") else ()) end val prCore = fn a as (_,_,print) => let val prItem = prItem a in fn (CORE (items,state)) => (print "state "; print (Int.toString state); print ":\n\n"; app (fn i => (print "\t"; prItem i; print "\n")) items; print "\n") end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkCoreUtils(structure Core : CORE) : CORE_UTILS = struct open Array List infix 9 sub val DEBUG = true structure Core = Core structure IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar open Grammar IntGrammar Core structure Assoc = SymbolAssoc structure NtList = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = nonterm val eq = eqNonterm val gt = gtNonterm end) val mkFuncs = fn (GRAMMAR {rules,terms,nonterms,...}) => let val derives=array(nonterms,nil : rule list) (* sort rules by their lhs nonterminal by placing them in an array indexed in their lhs nonterminal *) val _ = let val f = fn {lhs=lhs as (NT n), rhs, precedence,rulenum} => let val rule=RULE{lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs,precedence=precedence, rulenum=rulenum,num=0} in update(derives,n,rule::(derives sub n)) end in app f rules end (* renumber rules so that rule numbers increase monotonically with the number of their lhs nonterminal, and so that rules are numbered sequentially. **Functions below assume that this number is true**, i.e. productions for nonterm i are numbered from j to k, productions for nonterm i+1 are numbered from k+1 to m, and productions for nonterm 0 start at 0 *) val _ = let val f = fn (RULE{lhs,rhs,precedence,rulenum,num}, (l,i)) => (RULE{lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs, precedence=precedence, rulenum=rulenum, num=i}::l,i+1) fun g(i,num) = if i if DEBUG andalso (n<0 orelse n>=nonterms) then let exception Produces of int in raise (Produces n) end else derives sub n val memoize = fn f => let fun loop i = if i = nonterms then nil else f (NT i) :: (loop (i+1)) val data = Array.fromList(loop 0) in fn (NT i) => data sub i end (* compute nonterminals which must be added to a closure when a given nonterminal is added, i.e all nonterminals C for each nonterminal A such that A =*=> Cx *) val nontermClosure = let val collectNonterms = fn n => List.foldr (fn (r,l) => case r of RULE {rhs=NONTERM n :: _,...} => NtList.insert(n,l) | _ => l) NtList.empty (produces n) val closureNonterm = fn n => NtList.closure(NtList.singleton n, collectNonterms) in memoize closureNonterm end (* ntShifts: Take the items produced by a nonterminal, and sort them by their first symbol. For each first symbol, make sure the item list associated with the symbol is sorted also. ** This function assumes that the item list returned by produces is sorted ** Create a table of item lists keyed by symbols. Scan the list of items produced by a nonterminal, and insert those with a first symbol on to the beginning of the item list for that symbol, creating a list if necessary. Since produces returns an item list that is already in order, the list for each symbol will also end up in order. *) fun sortItems nt = let fun add_item (a as RULE{rhs=symbol::rest,...},r) = let val item = ITEM{rule=a,dot=1,rhsAfter=rest} in Assoc.insert((symbol,case Assoc.find (symbol,r) of SOME l => item::l | NONE => [item]),r) end | add_item (_,r) = r in List.foldr add_item Assoc.empty (produces nt) end val ntShifts = memoize sortItems (* getNonterms: get the nonterminals with a . before them in a core. Returns a list of nonterminals in ascending order *) fun getNonterms l = List.foldr (fn (ITEM {rhsAfter=NONTERM sym ::_, ...},r) => NtList.insert(sym,r) | (_,r) => r) [] l (* closureNonterms: compute the nonterminals that would have a . before them in the closure of the core. Returns a list of nonterminals in ascending order *) fun closureNonterms a = let val nonterms = getNonterms a in List.foldr (fn (nt,r) => NtList.union(nontermClosure nt,r)) nonterms nonterms end (* shifts: compute the core sets that result from shift/gotoing on the closure of a kernal set. The items in core sets are sorted, of course. (1) compute the core sets that result just from items added through the closure operation. (2) then add the shift/gotos on kernal items. We can do (1) the following way. Keep a table which for each shift/goto symbol gives the list of items that result from shifting or gotoing on the symbol. Compute the nonterminals that would have dots before them in the closure of the kernal set. For each of these nonterminals, we already have an item list in sorted order for each possible shift symbol. Scan the nonterminal list from back to front. For each nonterminal, prepend the shift/goto list for each shift symbol to the list already in the table. We end up with the list of items in correct order for each shift/goto symbol. We have kept the item lists in order, scanned the nonterminals from back to front (=> that the items end up in ascending order), and never had any duplicate items (each item is derived from only one nonterminal). *) fun shifts (CORE (itemList,_)) = let (* mergeShiftItems: add an item list for a shift/goto symbol to the table *) fun mergeShiftItems (args as ((k,l),r)) = case Assoc.find(k,r) of NONE => Assoc.insert args | SOME old => Assoc.insert ((k,l@old),r) (* mergeItems: add all items derived from a nonterminal to the table. We've kept these items sorted by their shift/goto symbol (the first symbol on their rhs) *) fun mergeItems (n,r) = Assoc.fold mergeShiftItems (ntShifts n) r (* nonterms: a list of nonterminals that are in a core after the closure operation *) val nonterms = closureNonterms itemList (* now create a table which for each shift/goto symbol gives the sorted list of closure items which would result from first taking all the closure items and then sorting them by the shift/goto symbols *) val newsets = List.foldr mergeItems Assoc.empty nonterms (* finally prepare to insert the kernal items of a core *) fun insertItem ((k,i),r) = case (Assoc.find(k,r)) of NONE => Assoc.insert((k,[i]),r) | SOME l => Assoc.insert((k,Core.insert(i,l)),r) fun shiftCores(ITEM{rule,dot,rhsAfter=symbol::rest},r) = insertItem((symbol, ITEM{rule=rule,dot=dot+1,rhsAfter=rest}),r) | shiftCores(_,r) = r (* insert the kernal items of a core *) val newsets = List.foldr shiftCores newsets itemList in Assoc.make_list newsets end (* nontermEpsProds: returns a list of epsilon productions produced by a nonterminal sorted by rule number. ** Depends on produces returning an ordered list **. It does not alter the order in which the rules were returned by produces; it only removes non-epsilon productions *) val nontermEpsProds = let val f = fn nt => List.foldr (fn (rule as RULE {rhs=nil,...},results) => rule :: results | (_,results) => results) [] (produces nt) in memoize f end (* epsProds: take a core and compute a list of epsilon productions for it sorted by rule number. ** Depends on closureNonterms returning a list of nonterminals sorted by nonterminal #, rule numbers increasing monotonically with their lhs production #, and nontermEpsProds returning an ordered item list for each production *) fun epsProds (CORE (itemList,state)) = let val prods = map nontermEpsProds (closureNonterms itemList) in List.concat prods end in {produces=produces,shifts=shifts,rules=rules,epsProds=epsProds} end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:34 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkGraph(structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure Core : CORE structure CoreUtils : CORE_UTILS sharing IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar = CoreUtils.IntGrammar sharing CoreUtils.Core = Core ) : LRGRAPH = struct open Array List infix 9 sub structure Core = Core structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar open Core Core.Grammar CoreUtils IntGrammar structure NodeSet = RbOrdSet (struct type elem = core val eq = eqCore val gt = gtCore end) open NodeSet exception Shift of int * symbol type graph = {edges: {edge:symbol,to:core} list array, nodes: core list,nodeArray : core array} val edges = fn (CORE (_,i),{edges,...}:graph) => edges sub i val nodes = fn ({nodes,...} : graph) => nodes val shift = fn ({edges,nodes,...} : graph) => fn a as (i,sym) => let fun find nil = raise (Shift a) | find ({edge,to=CORE (_,state)} :: r) = if gtSymbol(sym,edge) then find r else if eqSymbol(edge,sym) then state else raise (Shift a) in find (edges sub i) end val core = fn ({nodeArray,...} : graph) => fn i => nodeArray sub i val mkGraph = fn (g as (GRAMMAR {start,...})) => let val {shifts,produces,rules,epsProds} = CoreUtils.mkFuncs g fun add_goto ((symbol,a),(nodes,edges,future,num)) = case find(CORE (a,0),nodes) of NONE => let val core =CORE (a,num) val edge = {edge=symbol,to=core} in (insert(core,nodes),edge::edges, core::future,num+1) end | (SOME c) => let val edge={edge=symbol,to=c} in (nodes,edge::edges,future,num) end fun f (nodes,node_list,edge_list,nil,nil,num) = let val nodes=rev node_list in {nodes=nodes, edges=Array.fromList (rev edge_list), nodeArray = Array.fromList nodes } end | f (nodes,node_list,edge_list,nil,y,num) = f (nodes,node_list,edge_list,rev y,nil,num) | f (nodes,node_list,edge_list,h::t,y,num) = let val (nodes,edges,future,num) = List.foldr add_goto (nodes,[],y,num) (shifts h) in f (nodes,h::node_list, edges::edge_list,t,future,num) end in {graph= let val makeItem = fn (r as (RULE {rhs,...})) => ITEM{rule=r,dot=0,rhsAfter=rhs} val initialItemList = map makeItem (produces start) val orderedItemList = List.foldr Core.insert [] initialItemList val initial = CORE (orderedItemList,0) in f(empty,nil,nil,[initial],nil,1) end, produces=produces, rules=rules, epsProds=epsProds} end val prGraph = fn a as (nontermToString,termToString,print) => fn g => let val printCore = prCore a val printSymbol = print o nontermToString val nodes = nodes g val printEdges = fn n => List.app (fn {edge,to=CORE (_,state)} => (print "\tshift on "; printSymbol edge; print " to "; print (Int.toString state); print "\n")) (edges (n,g)) in List.app (fn c => (printCore c; print "\n"; printEdges c)) nodes end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkLook (structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR) : LOOK = struct open Array List infix 9 sub structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar open Grammar IntGrammar structure TermSet = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = term val eq = eqTerm val gt = gtTerm end) val union = TermSet.union val make_set = TermSet.make_set val prLook = fn (termToString,print) => let val printTerm = print o termToString fun f nil = print " " | f (a :: b) = (printTerm a; print " "; f b) in f end structure NontermSet = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = nonterm val eq = eqNonterm val gt = gtNonterm end) val mkFuncs = fn {rules : rule list, nonterms : int, produces : nonterm -> rule list} => let (* nullable: create a function which tells if a nonterminal is nullable or not. Method: Keep an array of booleans. The nth entry is true if NT i is nullable. If is false if we don't know whether NT i is nullable. Keep a list of rules whose remaining rhs we must prove to be null. First, scan the list of rules and remove those rules whose rhs contains a terminal. These rules are not nullable. Now iterate through the rules that were left: (1) if there is no remaining rhs we have proved that the rule is nullable, mark the nonterminal for the rule as nullable (2) if the first element of the remaining rhs is nullable, place the rule back on the list with the rest of the rhs (3) if we don't know whether the nonterminal is nullable, place it back on the list (4) repeat until the list does not change. We have found all the possible nullable rules. *) val nullable = let fun ok_rhs nil = true | ok_rhs ((TERM _)::_) = false | ok_rhs ((NONTERM i)::r) = ok_rhs r fun add_rule (RULE {lhs,rhs,...},r) = if ok_rhs rhs then (lhs,map (fn (NONTERM (NT i)) => i) rhs)::r else r val items = List.foldr add_rule [] rules val nullable = array(nonterms,false) val f = fn ((NT i,nil),(l,_)) => (update(nullable,i,true); (l,true)) | (a as (lhs,(h::t)),(l,change)) => case (nullable sub h) of false => (a::l,change) | true => ((lhs,t)::l,true) fun prove(l,true) = prove(List.foldr f (nil,false) l) | prove(_,false) = () in (prove(items,true); fn (NT i) => nullable sub i) end (* scanRhs : look at a list of symbols, scanning past nullable nonterminals, applying addSymbol to the symbols scanned *) fun scanRhs addSymbol = let fun f (nil,result) = result | f ((sym as NONTERM nt) :: rest,result) = if nullable nt then f (rest,addSymbol(sym,result)) else addSymbol(sym,result) | f ((sym as TERM _) :: _,result) = addSymbol(sym,result) in f end (* accumulate: look at the start of the right-hand-sides of rules, looking past nullable nonterminals, applying addObj to the visible symbols. *) fun accumulate(rules, empty, addObj) = List.foldr (fn (RULE {rhs,...},r) =>(scanRhs addObj) (rhs,r)) empty rules val nontermMemo = fn f => let val lookup = array(nonterms,nil) fun g i = if i=nonterms then () else (update(lookup,i,f (NT i)); g (i+1)) in (g 0; fn (NT j) => lookup sub j) end (* first1: the FIRST set of a nonterminal in the grammar. Only looks at other terminals, but it is clever enough to move past nullable nonterminals at the start of a production. *) fun first1 nt = accumulate(produces nt, TermSet.empty, fn (TERM t, set) => TermSet.insert (t,set) | (_, set) => set) val first1 = nontermMemo(first1) (* starters1: given a nonterminal "nt", return the set of nonterminals which can start its productions. Looks past nullables, but doesn't recurse *) fun starters1 nt = accumulate(produces nt, nil, fn (NONTERM nt, set) => NontermSet.insert(nt,set) | (_, set) => set) val starters1 = nontermMemo(starters1) (* first: maps a nonterminal to its first-set. Get all the starters of the nonterminal, get the first1 terminal set of each of these, union the whole lot together *) fun first nt = List.foldr (fn (a,r) => TermSet.union(r,first1 a)) [] (NontermSet.closure (NontermSet.singleton nt, starters1)) val first = nontermMemo(first) (* prefix: all possible terminals starting a symbol list *) fun prefix symbols = scanRhs (fn (TERM t,r) => TermSet.insert(t,r) | (NONTERM nt,r) => TermSet.union(first nt,r)) (symbols,nil) fun nullable_string ((TERM t) :: r) = false | nullable_string ((NONTERM nt) :: r) = (case (nullable nt) of true => nullable_string r | f => f) | nullable_string nil = true in {nullable = nullable, first = prefix} end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 1996/10/03 03:37:12 jhr * Qualified identifiers that are no-longer top-level (quot, rem, min, max). * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:35 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkLalr ( structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure Core : CORE structure Graph : LRGRAPH structure Look: LOOK sharing Graph.Core = Core sharing Graph.IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar = Look.IntGrammar = IntGrammar) : LALR_GRAPH = struct open Array List infix 9 sub open IntGrammar.Grammar IntGrammar Core Graph Look structure Graph = Graph structure Core = Core structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar datatype tmpcore = TMPCORE of (item * term list ref) list * int datatype lcore = LCORE of (item * term list) list * int val prLcore = fn a as (SymbolToString,nontermToString,termToString,print) => let val printItem = prItem (SymbolToString,nontermToString,print) val printLookahead = prLook(termToString,print) in fn (LCORE (items,state)) => (print "\n"; print "state "; print (Int.toString state); print " :\n\n"; List.app (fn (item,lookahead) => (print "{"; printItem item; print ","; printLookahead lookahead; print "}\n")) items) end exception Lalr of int structure ItemList = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = item * term list ref val eq = fn ((a,_),(b,_)) => eqItem(a,b) val gt = fn ((a,_),(b,_)) => gtItem(a,b) end) structure NontermSet = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = nonterm val gt = gtNonterm val eq = eqNonterm end) (* NTL: nonterms with lookahead *) structure NTL = RbOrdSet (struct type elem = nonterm * term list val gt = fn ((i,_),(j,_)) => gtNonterm(i,j) val eq = fn ((i,_),(j,_)) => eqNonterm(i,j) end) val DEBUG = false val addLookahead = fn {graph,nullable,first,eop, rules,produces,nonterms,epsProds, print,termToString,nontermToString} => let val eop = Look.make_set eop val symbolToString = fn (TERM t) => termToString t | (NONTERM t) => nontermToString t val print = if DEBUG then print else fn _ => () val prLook = if DEBUG then prLook (termToString,print) else fn _ => () val prNonterm = print o nontermToString val prRule = if DEBUG then prRule(symbolToString,nontermToString,print) else fn _ => () val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) val printItem = prItem(symbolToString,nontermToString,print) (* look_pos: position in the rhs of a rule at which we should start placing lookahead ref cells, i.e. the minimum place at which A -> x .B y, where B is a nonterminal and y =*=> epsilon, or A -> x. is true. Positions are given by the number of symbols before the place. The place before the first symbol is 0, etc. *) val look_pos = let val positions = array(length rules,0) (* rule_pos: calculate place in the rhs of a rule at which we should start placing lookahead ref cells *) val rule_pos = fn (RULE {rhs,...}) => case (rev rhs) of nil => 0 | (TERM t) :: r => length rhs | (l as (NONTERM n) :: r) => (* f assumes that everything after n in the rule has proven to be nullable so far. Remember that the rhs has been reversed, implying that this is true initially *) (* A -> .z t B y, where y is nullable *) let fun f (NONTERM b :: (r as (TERM _ :: _))) = (length r) (* A -> .z B C y *) | f (NONTERM c :: (r as (NONTERM b :: _))) = if nullable c then f r else (length r) (* A -> .B y, where y is nullable *) | f (NONTERM b :: nil) = 0 in f l end val check_rule = fn (rule as RULE {num,...}) => let val pos = rule_pos rule in (print "look_pos: "; prRule rule; print " = "; printInt pos; print "\n"; update(positions,num,rule_pos rule)) end in app check_rule rules; fn RULE{num,...} => (positions sub num) end (* rest_is_null: true for items of the form A -> x .B y, where y is nullable *) val rest_is_null = fn (ITEM{rule,dot, rhsAfter=NONTERM _ :: _}) => dot >= (look_pos rule) | _ => false (* map core to a new core including only items of the form A -> x. or A -> x. B y, where y =*=> epsilon. It also adds epsilon productions to the core. Each item is given a ref cell to hold the lookahead nonterminals for it.*) val map_core = let val f = fn (item as ITEM {rhsAfter=nil,...},r) => (item,ref nil) :: r | (item,r) => if (rest_is_null item) then (item,ref nil)::r else r in fn (c as CORE (items,state)) => let val epsItems = map (fn rule=>(ITEM{rule=rule,dot=0,rhsAfter=nil}, ref (nil : term list)) ) (epsProds c) in TMPCORE(ItemList.union(List.foldr f [] items,epsItems),state) end end val new_nodes = map map_core (nodes graph) exception Find (* findRef: state * item -> lookahead ref cell for item *) val findRef = let val states = Array.fromList new_nodes val dummy = ref nil in fn (state,item) => let val TMPCORE (l,_) = states sub state in case ItemList.find((item,dummy),l) of SOME (_,look_ref) => look_ref | NONE => (print "find failed: state "; printInt state; print "\nitem =\n"; printItem item; print "\nactual items =\n"; app (fn (i,_) => (printItem i; print "\n")) l; raise Find) end end (* findRuleRefs: state -> rule -> lookahead refs for rule. *) val findRuleRefs = let val shift = shift graph in fn state => (* handle epsilon productions *) fn (rule as RULE {rhs=nil,...}) => [findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule,dot=0,rhsAfter=nil})] | (rule as RULE {rhs=sym::rest,...}) => let val pos = Int.max(look_pos rule,1) fun scan'(state,nil,pos,result) = findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule, dot=pos, rhsAfter=nil}) :: result | scan'(state,rhs as sym::rest,pos,result) = scan'(shift(state,sym), rest, pos+1, findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule, dot=pos, rhsAfter=rhs})::result) (* find first item of the form A -> x .B y, where y =*=> epsilon and x is not epsilon, or A -> x. use scan' to pick up all refs after this point *) fun scan(state,nil,_) = [findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule,dot=pos,rhsAfter=nil})] | scan(state,rhs,0) = scan'(state,rhs,pos,nil) | scan(state,sym::rest,place) = scan(shift(state,sym),rest,place-1) in scan(shift(state,sym),rest,pos-1) end end (* function to compute for some nonterminal n the set of nonterminals A added through the closure of nonterminal n such that n =c*=> .A x, where x is nullable *) val nonterms_w_null = fn nt => let val collect_nonterms = fn n => List.foldr (fn (rule as RULE {rhs=rhs as NONTERM n :: _,...},r) => (case (rest_is_null(ITEM {dot=0,rhsAfter=rhs,rule=rule})) of true => n :: r | false => r) | (_,r) => r) [] (produces n) fun dfs(a as (n,r)) = if (NontermSet.exists a) then r else List.foldr dfs (NontermSet.insert(n,r)) (collect_nonterms n) in dfs(nt,NontermSet.empty) end val nonterms_w_null = let val data = array(nonterms,NontermSet.empty) fun f n = if n=nonterms then () else (update(data,n,nonterms_w_null (NT n)); f (n+1)) in (f 0; fn (NT nt) => data sub nt) end (* look_info: for some nonterminal n the set of nonterms A added through the closure of the nonterminal such that n =c+=> .Ax and the lookahead accumlated for each nonterm A *) val look_info = fn nt => let val collect_nonterms = fn n => List.foldr (fn (RULE {rhs=NONTERM n :: t,...},r) => (case NTL.find ((n,nil),r) of SOME (key,data) => NTL.insert((n,Look.union(data,first t)),r) | NONE => NTL.insert ((n,first t),r)) | (_,r) => r) NTL.empty (produces n) fun dfs(a as ((key1,data1),r)) = case (NTL.find a) of SOME (_,data2) => NTL.insert((key1,Look.union(data1,data2)),r) | NONE => NTL.fold dfs (collect_nonterms key1) (NTL.insert a) in dfs((nt,nil),NTL.empty) end val look_info = if not DEBUG then look_info else fn nt => (print "look_info of "; prNonterm nt; print "=\n"; let val info = look_info nt in (NTL.app (fn (nt,lookahead) => (prNonterm nt; print ": "; prLook lookahead; print "\n\n")) info; info) end) (* prop_look: propagate lookaheads for nonterms added in the closure of a nonterm. Lookaheads must be propagated from each nonterminal m to all nonterminals { n | m =c+=> nx, where x=*=>epsilon} *) val prop_look = fn ntl => let val upd_lookhd = fn new_look => fn (nt,r) => case NTL.find ((nt,new_look),r) of SOME (_,old_look) => NTL.insert((nt, Look.union(new_look,old_look)),r) | NONE => raise (Lalr 241) val upd_nonterm = fn ((nt,look),r) => NontermSet.fold (upd_lookhd look) (nonterms_w_null nt) r in NTL.fold upd_nonterm ntl ntl end val prop_look = if not DEBUG then prop_look else fn ntl => (print "prop_look =\n"; let val info = prop_look ntl in (NTL.app (fn (nt,lookahead) => (prNonterm nt; print ": "; prLook lookahead; print "\n\n")) info; info) end) (* now put the information from these functions together. Create a function which takes a nonterminal n and returns a list of triplets of (a nonterm added through closure, the lookahead for the nonterm, whether the nonterm should include the lookahead for the nonterminal whose closure is being taken (i.e. first(y) for an item j of the form A -> x .n y and lookahead(j) if y =*=> epsilon) *) val closure_nonterms = let val data = array(nonterms,nil: (nonterm * term list * bool) list) val do_nonterm = fn i => let val nonterms_followed_by_null = nonterms_w_null i val nonterms_added_through_closure = NTL.make_list (prop_look (look_info i)) val result = map (fn (nt,l) => (nt,l,NontermSet.exists (nt,nonterms_followed_by_null)) ) nonterms_added_through_closure in if DEBUG then (print "closure_nonterms = "; prNonterm i; print "\n"; app (fn (nt,look,nullable) => (prNonterm nt; print ":"; prLook look; case nullable of false => print "(false)\n" | true => print "(true)\n")) result; print "\n") else (); result end fun f i = if i=nonterms then () else (update(data,i,do_nonterm (NT i)); f (i+1)) val _ = f 0 in fn (NT i) => data sub i end (* add_nonterm_lookahead: Add lookahead to all completion items for rules added when the closure of a given nonterm in some state is taken. It returns a list of lookahead refs to which the given nonterm's lookahead should be propagated. For each rule, it must trace the shift/gotos in the LR(0) graph to find all items of the form A-> x .B y where y =*=> epsilon or A -> x. *) val add_nonterm_lookahead = fn (nt,state) => let val f = fn ((nt,lookahead,nullable),r) => let val refs = map (findRuleRefs state) (produces nt) val refs = List.concat refs val _ = app (fn r => r := (Look.union (!r,lookahead))) refs in if nullable then refs @ r else r end in List.foldr f [] (closure_nonterms nt) end (* scan_core: Scan a core for all items of the form A -> x .B y. Applies add_nonterm_lookahead to each such B, and then merges first(y) into the list of refs returned by add_nonterm_lookahead. It returns a list of ref * ref list for all the items where y =*=> epsilon *) val scan_core = fn (CORE (l,state)) => let fun f ((item as ITEM{rhsAfter= NONTERM b :: y, dot,rule})::t,r) = (case (add_nonterm_lookahead(b,state)) of nil => r | l => let val first_y = first y val newr = if dot >= (look_pos rule) then (findRef(state,item),l)::r else r in (app (fn r => r := Look.union(!r,first_y)) l; f (t,newr)) end) | f (_ :: t,r) = f (t,r) | f (nil,r) = r in f (l,nil) end (* add end-of-parse symbols to set of items consisting of all items immediately derived from the start symbol *) val add_eop = fn (c as CORE (l,state),eop) => let fun f (item as ITEM {rule,dot,...}) = let val refs = findRuleRefs state rule in (* first take care of kernal items. Add the end-of-parse symbols to the lookahead sets for these items. Epsilon productions of the start symbol do not need to be handled specially because they will be in the kernal also *) app (fn r => r := Look.union(!r,eop)) refs; (* now take care of closure items. These are all nonterminals C which have a derivation S =+=> .C x, where x is nullable *) if dot >= (look_pos rule) then case item of ITEM{rhsAfter=NONTERM b :: _,...} => (case add_nonterm_lookahead(b,state) of nil => () | l => app (fn r => r := Look.union(!r,eop)) l) | _ => () else () end in app f l end val iterate = fn l => let fun f lookahead (nil,done) = done | f lookahead (h::t,done) = let val old = !h in h := Look.union (old,lookahead); if (length (!h)) <> (length old) then f lookahead (t,false) else f lookahead(t,done) end fun g ((from,to)::rest,done) = let val new_done = f (!from) (to,done) in g (rest,new_done) end | g (nil,done) = done fun loop true = () | loop false = loop (g (l,true)) in loop false end val lookahead = List.concat (map scan_core (nodes graph)) (* used to scan the item list of a TMPCORE and remove the items not being reduced *) val create_lcore_list = fn ((item as ITEM {rhsAfter=nil,...},ref l),r) => (item,l) :: r | (_,r) => r in add_eop(Graph.core graph 0,eop); iterate lookahead; map (fn (TMPCORE (l,state)) => LCORE (List.foldr create_lcore_list [] l, state)) new_nodes end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 1996/05/31 14:05:01 dbm * Rewrote definition of convert_to_pairlist to conform to value restriction. * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:36 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkMakeLrTable (structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure LrTable : LR_TABLE sharing type LrTable.term = IntGrammar.Grammar.term sharing type LrTable.nonterm = IntGrammar.Grammar.nonterm ) : MAKE_LR_TABLE = struct open Array List infix 9 sub structure Core = mkCore(structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar) structure CoreUtils = mkCoreUtils(structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar structure Core = Core) structure Graph = mkGraph(structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar structure Core = Core structure CoreUtils = CoreUtils) structure Look = mkLook(structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar) structure Lalr = mkLalr(structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar structure Core = Core structure Graph = Graph structure Look = Look) structure LrTable = LrTable structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar structure GotoList = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = Grammar.nonterm * LrTable.state val eq = fn ((Grammar.NT a,_),(Grammar.NT b,_)) => a=b val gt = fn ((Grammar.NT a,_),(Grammar.NT b,_)) => a>b end) structure Errs : LR_ERRS = struct structure LrTable = LrTable datatype err = RR of LrTable.term * LrTable.state * int * int | SR of LrTable.term * LrTable.state * int | NOT_REDUCED of int | NS of LrTable.term * int | START of int val summary = fn l => let val numRR = ref 0 val numSR = ref 0 val numSTART = ref 0 val numNOT_REDUCED = ref 0 val numNS = ref 0 fun loop (h::t) = (case h of RR _ => numRR := !numRR+1 | SR _ => numSR := !numSR+1 | START _ => numSTART := !numSTART+1 | NOT_REDUCED _ => numNOT_REDUCED := !numNOT_REDUCED+1 | NS _ => numNS := !numNS+1; loop t) | loop nil = {rr = !numRR, sr = !numSR, start = !numSTART, not_reduced = !numNOT_REDUCED, nonshift = !numNS} in loop l end val printSummary = fn say => fn l => let val {rr,sr,start, not_reduced,nonshift} = summary l val say_plural = fn (i,s) => (say (Int.toString i); say " "; case i of 1 => (say s) | _ => (say s; say "s")) val say_error = fn (args as (i,s)) => case i of 0 => () | i => (say_plural args; say "\n") in say_error(rr,"reduce/reduce conflict"); say_error(sr,"shift/reduce conflict"); if nonshift<>0 then (say "non-shiftable terminal used on the rhs of "; say_plural(start,"rule"); say "\n") else (); if start<>0 then (say "start symbol used on the rhs of "; say_plural(start,"rule"); say "\n") else (); if not_reduced<>0 then (say_plural(not_reduced,"rule"); say " not reduced\n") else () end end open IntGrammar Grammar Errs LrTable Core (* rules for resolving conflicts: shift/reduce: If either the terminal or the rule has no precedence, a shift/reduce conflict is reported. A shift is chosen for the table. If both have precedences, the action with the higher precedence is chosen. If the precedences are equal, neither the shift nor the reduce is chosen. reduce/reduce: A reduce/reduce conflict is reported. The lowest numbered rule is chosen for reduction. *) (* method for filling tables - first compute the reductions called for in a state, then add the shifts for the state to this information. How to compute the reductions: A reduction initially is given as an item and a lookahead set calling for reduction by that item. The first reduction is mapped to a list of terminal * rule pairs. Each additional reduction is then merged into this list and reduce/reduce conflicts are resolved according to the rule given. Missed Errors: This method misses some reduce/reduce conflicts that exist because some reductions are removed from the list before conflicting reductions can be compared against them. All reduce/reduce conflicts, however, can be generated given a list of the reduce/reduce conflicts generated by this method. This can be done by taking the transitive closure of the relation given by the list. If reduce/reduce (a,b) and reduce/reduce (b,c) are true, then reduce/reduce (a,c) is true. The relation is symmetric and transitive. Adding shifts: Finally scan the list merging in shifts and resolving conflicts according to the rule given. Missed Shift/Reduce Errors: Some errors may be missed by this method because some reductions were removed as the result of reduce/reduce conflicts. For a shift/reduce conflict of term a, reduction by rule n, shift/reduce conficts exist for all rules y such that reduce/reduce (x,y) or reduce/reduce (y,x) is true. *) val mergeReduces = let val merge = fn state => let fun f (j as (pair1 as (T t1,action1)) :: r1, k as (pair2 as (T t2,action2)) :: r2,result,errs) = if t1 < t2 then f(r1,k,pair1::result,errs) else if t1 > t2 then f(j,r2,pair2::result,errs) else let val REDUCE num1 = action1 val REDUCE num2 = action2 val errs = RR(T t1,state,num1,num2) :: errs val action = if num1 < num2 then pair1 else pair2 in f(r1,r2,action::result,errs) end | f (nil,nil,result,errs) = (rev result,errs) | f (pair1::r,nil,result,errs) = f(r,nil,pair1::result,errs) | f (nil,pair2 :: r,result,errs) = f(nil,r,pair2::result,errs) in f end in fn state => fn ((ITEM {rule=RULE {rulenum,...},...}, lookahead), (reduces,errs)) => let val action = REDUCE rulenum val actions = map (fn a=>(a,action)) lookahead in case reduces of nil => (actions,errs) | _ => merge state (reduces,actions,nil,errs) end end val computeActions = fn (rules,precedence,graph,defaultReductions) => let val rulePrec = let val precData = array(length rules,NONE : int option) in app (fn RULE {rulenum=r,precedence=p,...} => update(precData,r,p)) rules; fn i => precData sub i end fun mergeShifts(state,shifts,nil) = (shifts,nil) | mergeShifts(state,nil,reduces) = (reduces,nil) | mergeShifts(state,shifts,reduces) = let fun f(shifts as (pair1 as (T t1,_)) :: r1, reduces as (pair2 as (T t2,action)) :: r2, result,errs) = if t1 < t2 then f(r1,reduces,pair1 :: result,errs) else if t1 > t2 then f(shifts,r2,pair2 :: result,errs) else let val REDUCE rulenum = action val (term1,_) = pair1 in case (precedence term1,rulePrec rulenum) of (SOME i,SOME j) => if i>j then f(r1,r2,pair1 :: result,errs) else if j>i then f(r1,r2,pair2 :: result,errs) else f(r1,r2,(T t1, ERROR)::result,errs) | (_,_) => f(r1,r2,pair1 :: result, SR (term1,state,rulenum)::errs) end | f (nil,nil,result,errs) = (rev result,errs) | f (nil,h::t,result,errs) = f (nil,t,h::result,errs) | f (h::t,nil,result,errs) = f (t,nil,h::result,errs) in f(shifts,reduces,nil,nil) end fun mapCore ({edge=symbol,to=CORE (_,state)}::r,shifts,gotos) = (case symbol of (TERM t) => mapCore (r,(t,SHIFT(STATE state))::shifts,gotos) | (NONTERM nt) => mapCore(r,shifts,(nt,STATE state)::gotos) ) | mapCore (nil,shifts,gotos) = (rev shifts,rev gotos) fun pruneError ((_,ERROR)::rest) = pruneError rest | pruneError (a::rest) = a :: pruneError rest | pruneError nil = nil in fn (Lalr.LCORE (reduceItems,state),c as CORE (shiftItems,state')) => if DEBUG andalso (state <> state') then let exception MkTable in raise MkTable end else let val (shifts,gotos) = mapCore (Graph.edges(c,graph),nil,nil) val tableState = STATE state in case reduceItems of nil => ((shifts,ERROR),gotos,nil) | h :: nil => let val (ITEM {rule=RULE {rulenum,...},...}, l) = h val (reduces,_) = mergeReduces tableState (h,(nil,nil)) val (actions,errs) = mergeShifts(tableState, shifts,reduces) val actions' = pruneError actions val (actions,default) = let fun hasReduce (nil,actions) = (rev actions,REDUCE rulenum) | hasReduce ((a as (_,SHIFT _)) :: r,actions) = hasReduce(r,a::actions) | hasReduce (_ :: r,actions) = hasReduce(r,actions) fun loop (nil,actions) = (rev actions,ERROR) | loop ((a as (_,SHIFT _)) :: r,actions) = loop(r,a::actions) | loop ((a as (_,REDUCE _)) :: r,actions) = hasReduce(r,actions) | loop (_ :: r,actions) = loop(r,actions) in if defaultReductions andalso length actions = length actions' then loop(actions,nil) else (actions',ERROR) end in ((actions,default), gotos,errs) end | l => let val (reduces,errs1) = List.foldr (mergeReduces tableState) (nil,nil) l val (actions,errs2) = mergeShifts(tableState,shifts,reduces) in ((pruneError actions,ERROR),gotos,errs1@errs2) end end end val mkTable = fn (grammar as GRAMMAR{rules,terms,nonterms,start, precedence,termToString,noshift, nontermToString,eop},defaultReductions) => let val symbolToString = fn (TERM t) => termToString t | (NONTERM nt) => nontermToString nt val {rules,graph,produces,epsProds,...} = Graph.mkGraph grammar val {nullable,first} = Look.mkFuncs{rules=rules,produces=produces,nonterms=nonterms} val lcores = Lalr.addLookahead {graph=graph, nullable=nullable, produces=produces, eop=eop, nonterms=nonterms, first=first, rules=rules, epsProds=epsProds, print=(fn s=>TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut,s)), termToString = termToString, nontermToString = nontermToString} fun zip (h::t,h'::t') = (h,h') :: zip(t,t') | zip (nil,nil) = nil | zip _ = let exception MkTable in raise MkTable end fun unzip l = let fun f ((a,b,c)::r,j,k,l) = f(r,a::j,b::k,c::l) | f (nil,j,k,l) = (rev j,rev k,rev l) in f(l,nil,nil,nil) end val (actions,gotos,errs) = let val doState = computeActions(rules,precedence,graph, defaultReductions) in unzip (map doState (zip(lcores,Graph.nodes graph))) end (* add goto from state 0 to a new state. The new state has accept actions for all of the end-of-parse symbols *) val (actions,gotos,errs) = case gotos of nil => (actions,gotos,errs) | h :: t => let val newStateActions = (map (fn t => (t,ACCEPT)) (Look.make_set eop),ERROR) val state0Goto = GotoList.insert((start,STATE (length actions)),h) in (actions @ [newStateActions], state0Goto :: (t @ [nil]), errs @ [nil]) end val startErrs = List.foldr (fn (RULE {rhs,rulenum,...},r) => if (exists (fn NONTERM a => a=start | _ => false) rhs) then START rulenum :: r else r) [] rules val nonshiftErrs = List.foldr (fn (RULE {rhs,rulenum,...},r) => (List.foldr (fn (nonshift,r) => if (exists (fn TERM a => a=nonshift | _ => false) rhs) then NS(nonshift,rulenum) :: r else r) r noshift) ) [] rules val notReduced = let val ruleReduced = array(length rules,false) val test = fn REDUCE i => update(ruleReduced,i,true) | _ => () val _ = app (fn (actions,default) => (app (fn (_,r) => test r) actions; test default) ) actions; fun scan (i,r) = if i >= 0 then scan(i-1, if ruleReduced sub i then r else NOT_REDUCED i :: r) else r in scan(Array.length ruleReduced-1,nil) end handle Subscript => (if DEBUG then print "rules not numbered correctly!" else (); nil) val numstates = length actions val allErrs = startErrs @ notReduced @ nonshiftErrs @ (List.concat errs) fun convert_to_pairlist(nil : ('a * 'b) list): ('a,'b) pairlist = EMPTY | convert_to_pairlist ((a,b) :: r) = PAIR(a,b,convert_to_pairlist r) in (mkLrTable {actions=Array.fromList(map (fn (a,b) => (convert_to_pairlist a,b)) actions), gotos=Array.fromList (map convert_to_pairlist gotos), numRules=length rules,numStates=length actions, initialState=STATE 0}, let val errArray = Array.fromList errs in fn (STATE state) => errArray sub state end, fn print => let val printCore = prCore(symbolToString,nontermToString,print) val core = Graph.core graph in fn STATE state => printCore (if state=(numstates-1) then Core.CORE (nil,state) else (core state)) end, allErrs) end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:33 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) structure Grammar : GRAMMAR = struct (* define types term and nonterm using those in LrTable datatype term = T of int datatype nonterm = NT of int *) open LrTable datatype symbol = TERM of term | NONTERM of nonterm datatype grammar = GRAMMAR of {rules: {lhs: nonterm, rhs: symbol list, precedence: int option, rulenum: int} list, noshift : term list, eop : term list, terms: int, nonterms: int, start : nonterm, precedence : term -> int option, termToString : term -> string, nontermToString : nonterm -> string} end; structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR = struct structure Grammar = Grammar open Grammar datatype rule = RULE of {lhs: nonterm, rhs: symbol list, num: int,(* internal # assigned by coreutils *) rulenum: int, precedence: int option} val eqTerm = (op =) val gtTerm = fn (T i,T j) => i>j val eqNonterm = (op =) val gtNonterm = fn (NT i,NT j) => i>j val eqSymbol = (op =) val gtSymbol = fn (TERM (T i),TERM (T j)) => i>j | (NONTERM (NT i),NONTERM (NT j)) => i>j | (TERM _,NONTERM _) => false | (NONTERM _,TERM _) => true structure SymbolAssoc = Table(type key = symbol val gt = gtSymbol) structure NontermAssoc = Table(type key = nonterm val gt = gtNonterm) val DEBUG = false val prRule = fn (a as symbolToString,nontermToString,print) => let val printSymbol = print o symbolToString fun printRhs (h::t) = (printSymbol h; print " "; printRhs t) | printRhs nil = () in fn (RULE {lhs,rhs,num,rulenum,precedence,...}) => ((print o nontermToString) lhs; print " : "; printRhs rhs; if DEBUG then (print " num = "; print (Int.toString num); print " rulenum = "; print (Int.toString rulenum); print " precedence = "; case precedence of NONE => print " none" | (SOME i) => print (Int.toString i); ()) else ()) end val prGrammar = fn (a as (symbolToString,nontermToString,print)) => fn (GRAMMAR {rules,terms,nonterms,start,...}) => let val printRule = let val prRule = prRule a in fn {lhs,rhs,precedence,rulenum} => (prRule (RULE {lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs,num=0, rulenum=rulenum, precedence=precedence}); print "\n") end in print "grammar = \n"; List.app printRule rules; print "\n"; print (" terms = " ^ (Int.toString terms) ^ " nonterms = " ^ (Int.toString nonterms) ^ " start = "); (print o nontermToString) start; () end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:39 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:47 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkVerbose(structure Errs : LR_ERRS) : VERBOSE = struct structure Errs = Errs open Errs Errs.LrTable val mkPrintAction = fn print => let val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) in fn (SHIFT (STATE i)) => (print "\tshift "; printInt i; print "\n") | (REDUCE rulenum) => (print "\treduce by rule "; printInt rulenum; print "\n") | ACCEPT => print "\taccept\n" | ERROR => print "\terror\n" end val mkPrintGoto = fn (printNonterm,print) => let val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) in fn (nonterm,STATE i) => (print "\t"; printNonterm nonterm; print "\tgoto "; printInt i; print "\n") end val mkPrintTermAction = fn (printTerm,print) => let val printAction = mkPrintAction print in fn (term,action) => (print "\t"; printTerm term; printAction action) end val mkPrintGoto = fn (printNonterm,print) => fn (nonterm,STATE i) => let val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) in (print "\t"; printNonterm nonterm; print "\tgoto "; printInt i; print "\n") end val mkPrintError = fn (printTerm,printRule,print) => let val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) val printState = fn STATE s => (print " state "; printInt s) in fn (RR (term,state,r1,r2)) => (print "error: "; printState state; print ": reduce/reduce conflict between rule "; printInt r1; print " and rule "; printInt r2; print " on "; printTerm term; print "\n") | (SR (term,state,r1)) => (print "error: "; printState state; print ": shift/reduce conflict "; print "(shift "; printTerm term; print ", reduce by rule "; printInt r1; print ")\n") | NOT_REDUCED i => (print "warning: rule <"; printRule i; print "> will never be reduced\n") | START i => (print "warning: start symbol appears on the rhs of "; print "<"; printRule i; print ">\n") | NS (term,i) => (print "warning: non-shiftable terminal "; printTerm term; print "appears on the rhs of "; print "<"; printRule i; print ">\n") end structure PairList : sig val app : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> ('a,'b) pairlist -> unit val length : ('a,'b) pairlist -> int end = struct val app = fn f => let fun g EMPTY = () | g (PAIR(a,b,r)) = (f(a,b); g r) in g end val length = fn l => let fun g(EMPTY,len) = len | g(PAIR(_,_,r),len) = g(r,len+1) in g(l,0) end end val printVerbose = fn {termToString,nontermToString,table,stateErrs,entries:int, print,printRule,errs,printCores} => let val printTerm = print o termToString val printNonterm = print o nontermToString val printCore = printCores print val printTermAction = mkPrintTermAction(printTerm,print) val printAction = mkPrintAction print val printGoto = mkPrintGoto(printNonterm,print) val printError = mkPrintError(printTerm,printRule print,print) val gotos = LrTable.describeGoto table val actions = LrTable.describeActions table val states = numStates table val gotoTableSize = ref 0 val actionTableSize = ref 0 val _ = if length errs > 0 then (printSummary print errs; print "\n"; app printError errs) else () fun loop i = if i=states then () else let val s = STATE i in (app printError (stateErrs s); print "\n"; printCore s; let val (actionList,default) = actions s val gotoList = gotos s in (PairList.app printTermAction actionList; print "\n"; PairList.app printGoto gotoList; print "\n"; print "\t."; printAction default; print "\n"; gotoTableSize:=(!gotoTableSize)+ PairList.length gotoList; actionTableSize := (!actionTableSize) + PairList.length actionList + 1 ) end; loop (i+1)) end in loop 0; print (Int.toString entries ^ " of " ^ Int.toString (!actionTableSize)^ " action table entries left after compaction\n"); print (Int.toString (!gotoTableSize)^ " goto table entries\n") end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:37 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkPrintStruct(structure LrTable : LR_TABLE structure ShrinkLrTable : SHRINK_LR_TABLE sharing LrTable = ShrinkLrTable.LrTable):PRINT_STRUCT = struct open Array List infix 9 sub structure LrTable = LrTable open ShrinkLrTable LrTable (* lineLength = approximately the largest number of characters to allow on a line when printing out an encode string *) val lineLength = 72 (* maxLength = length of a table entry. All table entries are encoded using two 16-bit integers, one for the terminal number and the other for the entry. Each integer is printed as two characters (low byte, high byte), using the ML ascii escape sequence. We need 4 characters for each escape sequence and 16 characters for each entry *) val maxLength = 16 (* number of entries we can fit on a row *) val numEntries = lineLength div maxLength (* convert integer between 0 and 255 to the three character ascii decimal escape sequence for it *) val chr = let val lookup = Array.array(256,"\000") val intToString = fn i => if i>=100 then "\\" ^ (Int.toString i) else if i>=10 then "\\0" ^ (Int.toString i) else "\\00" ^ (Int.toString i) fun loop n = if n=256 then () else (Array.update(lookup,n,intToString n); loop (n+1)) in loop 0; fn i => lookup sub i end val makeStruct = fn {table,name,print,verbose} => let val states = numStates table val rules = numRules table fun printPairList (prEntry : 'a * 'b -> unit) l = let fun f (EMPTY,_) = () | f (PAIR(a,b,r),count) = if count >= numEntries then (print "\\\n\\"; prEntry(a,b); f(r,1)) else (prEntry(a,b); f(r,(count+1))) in f(l,0) end val printList : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit = fn prEntry => fn l => let fun f (nil,_) = () | f (a :: r,count) = if count >= numEntries then (print "\\\n\\"; prEntry a; f(r,1)) else (prEntry a; f(r,count+1)) in f(l,0) end val prEnd = fn _ => print "\\000\\000\\\n\\" fun printPairRow prEntry = let val printEntries = printPairList prEntry in fn l => (printEntries l; prEnd()) end fun printPairRowWithDefault (prEntry,prDefault) = let val f = printPairRow prEntry in fn (l,default) => (prDefault default; f l) end fun printTable (printRow,count) = (print "\"\\\n\\"; let fun f i = if i=count then () else (printRow i; f (i+1)) in f 0 end; print"\"\n") val printChar = print o chr (* print an integer between 0 and 2^16-1 as a 2-byte character, with the low byte first *) val printInt = fn i => (printChar (i mod 256); printChar (i div 256)) (* encode actions as integers: ACCEPT => 0 ERROR => 1 SHIFT i => 2 + i REDUCE rulenum => numstates+2+rulenum *) val printAction = fn (REDUCE rulenum) => printInt (rulenum+states+2) | (SHIFT (STATE i)) => printInt (i+2) | ACCEPT => printInt 0 | ERROR => printInt 1 val printTermAction = fn (T t,action) => (printInt (t+1); printAction action) val printGoto = fn (NT n,STATE s) => (printInt (n+1); printInt s) val ((rowCount,rowNumbers,actionRows),entries)= shrinkActionList(table,verbose) val getActionRow = let val a = Array.fromList actionRows in fn i => a sub i end val printGotoRow : int -> unit = let val f = printPairRow printGoto val g = describeGoto table in fn i => f (g (STATE i)) end val printActionRow = let val f = printPairRowWithDefault(printTermAction,printAction) in fn i => f (getActionRow i) end in print "val "; print name; print "="; print "let val actionRows =\n"; printTable(printActionRow,rowCount); print "val actionRowNumbers =\n\""; printList (fn i => printInt i) rowNumbers; print "\"\n"; print "val gotoT =\n"; printTable(printGotoRow,states); print "val numstates = "; print (Int.toString states); print "\nval numrules = "; print (Int.toString rules); print "\n\ \val s = ref \"\" and index = ref 0\n\ \val string_to_int = fn () => \n\ \let val i = !index\n\ \in index := i+2; Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i)) + Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i+1)) * 256\n\ \end\n\ \val string_to_list = fn s' =>\n\ \ let val len = String.size s'\n\ \ fun f () =\n\ \ if !index < len then string_to_int() :: f()\n\ \ else nil\n\ \ in index := 0; s := s'; f ()\n\ \ end\n\ \val string_to_pairlist = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) =>\n\ \ let fun f () =\n\ \ case string_to_int()\n\ \ of 0 => EMPTY\n\ \ | n => PAIR(conv_key (n-1),conv_entry (string_to_int()),f())\n\ \ in f\n\ \ end\n\ \val string_to_pairlist_default = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) =>\n\ \ let val conv_row = string_to_pairlist(conv_key,conv_entry)\n\ \ in fn () =>\n\ \ let val default = conv_entry(string_to_int())\n\ \ val row = conv_row()\n\ \ in (row,default)\n\ \ end\n\ \ end\n\ \val string_to_table = fn (convert_row,s') =>\n\ \ let val len = String.size s'\n\ \ fun f ()=\n\ \ if !index < len then convert_row() :: f()\n\ \ else nil\n\ \ in (s := s'; index := 0; f ())\n\ \ end\n\ \local\n\ \ val memo = Array.array(numstates+numrules,ERROR)\n\ \ val _ =let fun g i=(Array.update(memo,i,REDUCE(i-numstates)); g(i+1))\n\ \ fun f i =\n\ \ if i=numstates then g i\n\ \ else (Array.update(memo,i,SHIFT (STATE i)); f (i+1))\n\ \ in f 0 handle Subscript => ()\n\ \ end\n\ \in\n\ \val entry_to_action = fn 0 => ACCEPT | 1 => ERROR | j => Array.sub(memo,(j-2))\n\ \end\n\ \val gotoT=Array.fromList(string_to_table(string_to_pairlist(NT,STATE),gotoT))\n\ \val actionRows=string_to_table(string_to_pairlist_default(T,entry_to_action),actionRows)\n\ \val actionRowNumbers = string_to_list actionRowNumbers\n\ \val actionT = let val actionRowLookUp=\n\ \let val a=Array.fromList(actionRows) in fn i=>Array.sub(a,i) end\n\ \in Array.fromList(map actionRowLookUp actionRowNumbers)\n\ \end\n\ \in LrTable.mkLrTable {actions=actionT,gotos=gotoT,numRules=numrules,\n\ \numStates=numstates,initialState=STATE "; print (Int.toString ((fn (STATE i) => i) (initialState table))); print "}\nend\n"; entries end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1991 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 1996/05/30 17:52:58 dbm * Lifted a let to a local in definition of createEquivalences to conform with * value restriction. * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:46 george * Version 109 * *) signature SORT_ARG = sig type entry val gt : entry * entry -> bool end signature SORT = sig type entry val sort : entry list -> entry list end signature EQUIV_ARG = sig type entry val gt : entry * entry -> bool val eq : entry * entry -> bool end signature EQUIV = sig type entry (* equivalences: take a list of entries and divides them into equivalence classes numbered 0 to n-1. It returns a triple consisting of: * the number of equivalence classes * a list which maps each original entry to an equivalence class. The nth entry in this list gives the equivalence class for the nth entry in the original entry list. * a list which maps equivalence classes to some representative element. The nth entry in this list is an element from the nth equivalence class *) val equivalences : entry list -> (int * int list * entry list) end (* An O(n lg n) merge sort routine *) functor MergeSortFun(A : SORT_ARG) : SORT = struct type entry = A.entry (* sort: an O(n lg n) merge sort routine. We create a list of lists and then merge these lists in passes until only one list is left.*) fun sort nil = nil | sort l = let (* merge: merge two lists *) fun merge (l as a::at,r as b::bt) = if A.gt(a,b) then b :: merge(l,bt) else a :: merge(at,r) | merge (l,nil) = l | merge (nil,r) = r (* scan: merge pairs of lists on a list of lists. Reduces the number of lists by about 1/2 *) fun scan (a :: b :: rest) = merge(a,b) :: scan rest | scan l = l (* loop: calls scan on a list of lists until only one list is left. It terminates only if the list of lists is nonempty. (The pattern match for sort ensures this.) *) fun loop (a :: nil) = a | loop l = loop (scan l) in loop (map (fn a => [a]) l) end end (* an O(n lg n) routine for placing items in equivalence classes *) functor EquivFun(A : EQUIV_ARG) : EQUIV = struct open Array List infix 9 sub (* Our algorithm for finding equivalence class is simple. The basic idea is to sort the entries and place duplicates entries in the same equivalence class. Let the original entry list be E. We map E to a list of a pairs consisting of the entry and its position in E, where the positions are numbered 0 to n-1. Call this list of pairs EP. We then sort EP on the original entries. The second elements in the pairs now specify a permutation that will return us to EP. We then scan the sorted list to create a list R of representative entries, a list P of integers which permutes the sorted list back to the original list and a list SE of integers which gives the equivalence class for the nth entry in the sorted list . We then return the length of R, R, and the list that results from permuting SE by P. *) type entry = A.entry val gt = fn ((a,_),(b,_)) => A.gt(a,b) structure Sort = MergeSortFun(type entry = A.entry * int val gt = gt) val assignIndex = fn l => let fun loop (index,nil) = nil | loop (index,h :: t) = (h,index) :: loop(index+1,t) in loop (0,l) end local fun loop ((e,_) :: t, prev, class, R , SE) = if A.eq(e,prev) then loop(t,e,class,R, class :: SE) else loop(t,e,class+1,e :: R, (class + 1) :: SE) | loop (nil,_,_,R,SE) = (rev R, rev SE) in val createEquivalences = fn nil => (nil,nil) | (e,_) :: t => loop(t, e, 0, [e],[0]) end val inversePermute = fn permutation => fn nil => nil | l as h :: _ => let val result = array(length l,h) fun loop (elem :: r, dest :: s) = (update(result,dest,elem); loop(r,s)) | loop _ = () fun listofarray i = if i < Array.length result then (result sub i) :: listofarray (i+1) else nil in loop (l,permutation); listofarray 0 end fun makePermutation x = map (fn (_,b) => b) x val equivalences = fn l => let val EP = assignIndex l val sorted = Sort.sort EP val P = makePermutation sorted val (R, SE) = createEquivalences sorted in (length R, inversePermute P SE, R) end end functor ShrinkLrTableFun(structure LrTable : LR_TABLE) : SHRINK_LR_TABLE = struct structure LrTable = LrTable open LrTable val gtAction = fn (a,b) => case a of SHIFT (STATE s) => (case b of SHIFT (STATE s') => s>s' | _ => true) | REDUCE i => (case b of SHIFT _ => false | REDUCE i' => i>i' | _ => true) | ACCEPT => (case b of ERROR => true | _ => false) | ERROR => false structure ActionEntryList = struct type entry = (term,action) pairlist * action val rec eqlist = fn (EMPTY,EMPTY) => true | (PAIR (T t,d,r),PAIR(T t',d',r')) => t=t' andalso d=d' andalso eqlist(r,r') | _ => false val rec gtlist = fn (PAIR _,EMPTY) => true | (PAIR(T t,d,r),PAIR(T t',d',r')) => t>t' orelse (t=t' andalso (gtAction(d,d') orelse (d=d' andalso gtlist(r,r')))) | _ => false val eq = fn ((l,a),(l',a')) => a=a' andalso eqlist(l,l') val gt = fn ((l,a),(l',a')) => gtAction(a,a') orelse (a=a' andalso gtlist(l,l')) end (* structure GotoEntryList = struct type entry = (nonterm,state) pairlist val rec eq = fn (EMPTY,EMPTY) => true | (PAIR (t,d,r),PAIR(t',d',r')) => t=t' andalso d=d' andalso eq(r,r') | _ => false val rec gt = fn (PAIR _,EMPTY) => true | (PAIR(NT t,STATE d,r),PAIR(NT t',STATE d',r')) => t>t' orelse (t=t' andalso (d>d' orelse (d=d' andalso gt(r,r')))) | _ => false end *) structure EquivActionList = EquivFun(ActionEntryList) val states = fn max => let fun f i=if i int = fn l => let fun g(EMPTY,len) = len | g(PAIR(_,_,r),len) = g(r,len+1) in g(l,0) end val size : (('a,'b) pairlist * 'c) list -> int = fn l => let val c = ref 0 in (app (fn (row,_) => c := !c + length row) l; !c) end val shrinkActionList = fn (table,verbose) => case EquivActionList.equivalences (map (describeActions table) (states (numStates table))) of result as (_,_,l) => (result,if verbose then size l else 0) end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:44 george * Version 109 * *) signature ABSYN = sig datatype exp = EVAR of string | EAPP of exp * exp | ETUPLE of exp list | EINT of int | FN of pat * exp | LET of decl list * exp | UNIT | SEQ of exp * exp | CODE of string and pat = PVAR of string | PAPP of string * pat | PTUPLE of pat list | PLIST of pat list | PINT of int | WILD | AS of pat * pat and decl = VB of pat * exp and rule = RULE of pat * exp val printRule : ((string -> unit) * (string -> unit)) -> rule -> unit end (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989, 1990 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 1996/05/30 18:05:09 dbm * Made changes to generate code that conforms to the value restriction by * lifting lets to locals in the code generated to define errtermvalue and action. * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:40 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:48 george * Version 109 * *) functor ParseGenFun(structure ParseGenParser : PARSE_GEN_PARSER where type Header.pos = int structure MakeTable : MAKE_LR_TABLE structure Verbose : VERBOSE structure PrintStruct : PRINT_STRUCT sharing MakeTable.LrTable = PrintStruct.LrTable sharing MakeTable.Errs = Verbose.Errs structure Absyn : ABSYN ) : PARSE_GEN = struct open Array List infix 9 sub structure Grammar = MakeTable.Grammar structure Header = ParseGenParser.Header open Header Grammar (* approx. maximum length of a line *) val lineLength = 70 (* record type describing names of structures in the program being generated *) datatype names = NAMES of {miscStruct : string, (* Misc{n} struct name *) tableStruct : string, (* LR table structure *) tokenStruct : string, (* Tokens{n} struct name *) actionsStruct : string, (* Actions structure *) valueStruct: string, (* semantic value structure *) ecStruct : string, (* error correction structure *) arg: string, (* user argument for parser *) tokenSig : string, (* TOKENS{n} signature *) miscSig :string, (* Signature for Misc structure *) dataStruct:string, (* name of structure in Misc *) (* which holds parser data *) dataSig:string (* signature for this structure *) } val DEBUG = true exception Semantic (* common functions and values used in printing out program *) datatype values = VALS of {say : string -> unit, saydot : string -> unit, sayln : string -> unit, pureActions: bool, pos_type : string, arg_type : string, ntvoid : string, termvoid : string, start : Grammar.nonterm, hasType : Grammar.symbol -> bool, (* actual (user) name of terminal *) termToString : Grammar.term -> string, symbolToString : Grammar.symbol -> string, (* type symbol comes from the HDR structure, and is now abstract *) term : (Header.symbol * ty option) list, nonterm : (Header.symbol * ty option) list, terms : Grammar.term list} structure SymbolHash = Hash(type elem = string val gt = (op >) : string*string -> bool) structure TermTable = Table(type key = Grammar.term val gt = fn (T i,T j) => i > j) structure SymbolTable = Table( type key = Grammar.symbol val gt = fn (TERM(T i),TERM(T j)) => i>j | (NONTERM(NT i),NONTERM(NT j)) => i>j | (NONTERM _,TERM _) => true | (TERM _,NONTERM _) => false) (* printTypes: function to print the following types in the LrValues structure and a structure containing the datatype svalue: type svalue -- it holds semantic values on the parse stack type pos -- the type of line numbers type result -- the type of the value that results from the parse The type svalue is set equal to the datatype svalue declared in the structure named by valueStruct. The datatype svalue is declared inside the structure named by valueStruct to deal with the scope of constructors. *) val printTypes = fn (VALS {say,sayln,term,nonterm,symbolToString,pos_type, arg_type, termvoid,ntvoid,saydot,hasType,start, pureActions,...}, NAMES {valueStruct,...},symbolType) => let val prConstr = fn (symbol,SOME s) => say (" | " ^ (symbolName symbol) ^ " of " ^ (if pureActions then "" else "unit -> ") ^ " (" ^ tyName s ^ ")" ) | _ => () in sayln "local open Header in"; sayln ("type pos = " ^ pos_type); sayln ("type arg = " ^ arg_type); sayln ("structure " ^ valueStruct ^ " = "); sayln "struct"; say ("datatype svalue = " ^ termvoid ^ " | " ^ ntvoid ^ " of" ^ (if pureActions then "" else " unit -> ") ^ " unit"); app prConstr term; app prConstr nonterm; sayln "\nend"; sayln ("type svalue = " ^ valueStruct ^ ".svalue"); say "type result = "; case symbolType (NONTERM start) of NONE => sayln "unit" | SOME t => (say (tyName t); sayln ""); sayln "end" end (* function to print Tokens{n} structure *) val printTokenStruct = fn (VALS {say, sayln, termToString, hasType,termvoid,terms, pureActions,...}, NAMES {miscStruct,tableStruct,valueStruct, tokenStruct,tokenSig,dataStruct,...}) => (sayln ("structure " ^ tokenStruct ^ " : " ^ tokenSig ^ " ="); sayln "struct"; sayln ("type svalue = " ^ dataStruct ^ ".svalue"); sayln "type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Token.token"; let val f = fn term as T i => (say "fun "; say (termToString term); say " ("; if (hasType (TERM term)) then say "i," else (); say "p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN ("; say (dataStruct ^ "." ^ tableStruct ^ ".T "); say (Int.toString i); say ",("; say (dataStruct ^ "." ^ valueStruct ^ "."); if (hasType (TERM term)) then (say (termToString term); if pureActions then say " i" else say " (fn () => i)") else say termvoid; say ","; sayln "p1,p2))") in app f terms end; sayln "end") (* function to print signatures out - takes print function which does not need to insert line breaks *) val printSigs = fn (VALS {term,...}, NAMES {tokenSig,tokenStruct,miscSig, dataStruct, dataSig, ...}, say) => say ("signature " ^ tokenSig ^ " =\nsig\n\ \type ('a,'b) token\ntype svalue\n" ^ (List.foldr (fn ((s,ty),r) => String.concat [ "val ", symbolName s, (case ty of NONE => ": " | SOME l => ": (" ^ (tyName l) ^ ") * "), " 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token\n", r]) "" term) ^ "end\nsignature " ^ miscSig ^ "=\nsig\nstructure Tokens : " ^ tokenSig ^ "\nstructure " ^ dataStruct ^ ":" ^ dataSig ^ "\nsharing type " ^ dataStruct ^ ".Token.token = Tokens.token\nsharing type " ^ dataStruct ^ ".svalue = Tokens.svalue\nend\n") (* function to print structure for error correction *) val printEC = fn (keyword : term list, preferred_change : (term list * term list) list, noshift : term list, value : (term * string) list, VALS {termToString, say,sayln,terms,saydot,hasType, termvoid,pureActions,...}, NAMES {ecStruct,tableStruct,valueStruct,...}) => let val sayterm = fn (T i) => (say "(T "; say (Int.toString i); say ")") val printBoolCase = fn ( l : term list) => (say "fn "; app (fn t => (sayterm t; say " => true"; say " | ")) l; sayln "_ => false") val printTermList = fn (l : term list) => (app (fn t => (sayterm t; say " :: ")) l; sayln "nil") fun printChange () = (sayln "val preferred_change = "; app (fn (d,i) => (say"("; printTermList d; say ","; printTermList i; sayln ")::" ) ) preferred_change; sayln "nil") val printErrValues = fn (l : (term * string) list) => (sayln "local open Header in"; sayln "val errtermvalue="; say "fn "; app (fn (t,s) => (sayterm t; say " => "; saydot valueStruct; say (termToString t); say "("; if pureActions then () else say "fn () => "; say "("; say s; say "))"; sayln " | " ) ) l; say "_ => "; say (valueStruct ^ "."); sayln termvoid; sayln "end") val printNames = fn () => let val f = fn term => (sayterm term; say " => "; say "\""; say (termToString term); sayln "\""; say " | ") in (sayln "val showTerminal ="; say "fn "; app f terms; sayln "_ => \"bogus-term\"") end val ecTerms = List.foldr (fn (t,r) => if hasType (TERM t) orelse exists (fn (a,_)=>a=t) value then r else t::r) [] terms in say "structure "; say ecStruct; sayln "="; sayln "struct"; say "open "; sayln tableStruct; sayln "val is_keyword ="; printBoolCase keyword; printChange(); sayln "val noShift = "; printBoolCase noshift; printNames (); printErrValues value; say "val terms = "; printTermList ecTerms; sayln "end" end val printAction = fn (rules, VALS {hasType,say,sayln,termvoid,ntvoid, symbolToString,saydot,start,pureActions,...}, NAMES {actionsStruct,valueStruct,tableStruct,arg,...}) => let val printAbsynRule = Absyn.printRule(say,sayln) val is_nonterm = fn (NONTERM i) => true | _ => false val numberRhs = fn r => List.foldl (fn (e,(r,table)) => let val num = case SymbolTable.find(e,table) of SOME i => i | NONE => 1 in ((e,num,hasType e orelse is_nonterm e)::r, SymbolTable.insert((e,num+1),table)) end) (nil,SymbolTable.empty) r val saySym = symbolToString val printCase = fn (i:int, r as {lhs=lhs as (NT lhsNum),prec, rhs,code,rulenum}) => (* mkToken: Build an argument *) let open Absyn val mkToken = fn (sym,num : int,typed) => let val symString = symbolToString sym val symNum = symString ^ (Int.toString num) in PTUPLE[WILD, PTUPLE[if not (hasType sym) then (if is_nonterm sym then PAPP(valueStruct^"."^ntvoid, PVAR symNum) else WILD) else PAPP(valueStruct^"."^symString, if num=1 andalso pureActions then AS(PVAR symNum,PVAR symString) else PVAR symNum), if num=1 then AS(PVAR (symString^"left"), PVAR(symNum^"left")) else PVAR(symNum^"left"), if num=1 then AS(PVAR(symString^"right"), PVAR(symNum^"right")) else PVAR(symNum^"right")]] end val numberedRhs = #1 (numberRhs rhs) (* construct case pattern *) val pat = PTUPLE[PINT i,PLIST(map mkToken numberedRhs @ [PVAR "rest671"])] (* remove terminals in argument list w/o types *) val argsWithTypes = List.foldr (fn ((_,_,false),r) => r | (s as (_,_,true),r) => s::r) nil numberedRhs (* construct case body *) val defaultPos = EVAR "defaultPos" val resultexp = EVAR "result" val resultpat = PVAR "result" val code = CODE code val rest = EVAR "rest671" val body = LET([VB(resultpat, EAPP(EVAR(valueStruct^"."^ (if hasType (NONTERM lhs) then saySym(NONTERM lhs) else ntvoid)), if pureActions then code else if argsWithTypes=nil then FN(WILD,code) else FN(WILD, let val body = LET(map (fn (sym,num:int,_) => let val symString = symbolToString sym val symNum = symString ^ Int.toString num in VB(if num=1 then AS(PVAR symString,PVAR symNum) else PVAR symNum, EAPP(EVAR symNum,UNIT)) end) (rev argsWithTypes), code) in if hasType (NONTERM lhs) then body else SEQ(body,UNIT) end)))], ETUPLE[EAPP(EVAR(tableStruct^".NT"),EINT(lhsNum)), case rhs of nil => ETUPLE[resultexp,defaultPos,defaultPos] | r =>let val (rsym,rnum,_) = hd(numberedRhs) val (lsym,lnum,_) = hd(rev numberedRhs) in ETUPLE[resultexp, EVAR (symbolToString lsym ^ Int.toString lnum ^ "left"), EVAR (symbolToString rsym ^ Int.toString rnum ^ "right")] end, rest]) in printAbsynRule (RULE(pat,body)) end val prRules = fn () => (sayln "fn (i392,defaultPos,stack,"; say " ("; say arg; sayln "):arg) =>"; sayln "case (i392,stack)"; say "of "; app (fn (rule as {rulenum,...}) => (printCase(rulenum,rule); say "| ")) rules; sayln "_ => raise (mlyAction i392)") in say "structure "; say actionsStruct; sayln " ="; sayln "struct "; sayln "exception mlyAction of int"; sayln "local open Header in"; sayln "val actions = "; prRules(); sayln "end"; say "val void = "; saydot valueStruct; sayln termvoid; say "val extract = "; say "fn a => (fn "; saydot valueStruct; if hasType (NONTERM start) then say (symbolToString (NONTERM start)) else say "ntVOID"; sayln " x => x"; sayln "| _ => let exception ParseInternal"; say "\tin raise ParseInternal end) a "; sayln (if pureActions then "" else "()"); sayln "end" end val make_parser = fn ((header, DECL {eop,change,keyword,nonterm,prec, term, control,value} : declData, rules : rule list),spec,error : pos -> string -> unit, wasError : unit -> bool) => let val verbose = List.exists (fn VERBOSE=>true | _ => false) control val defaultReductions = not (List.exists (fn NODEFAULT=>true | _ => false) control) val pos_type = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((POS s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val start = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((START_SYM s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val name = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((PARSER_NAME s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val header_decl = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((FUNCTOR s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val arg_decl = let fun f nil = ("()","unit") | f ((PARSE_ARG s)::r) = s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val noshift = let fun f nil = nil | f ((NSHIFT s)::r) = s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val pureActions = let fun f nil = false | f ((PURE)::r) = true | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val term = case term of NONE => (error 1 "missing %term definition"; nil) | SOME l => l val nonterm = case nonterm of NONE => (error 1 "missing %nonterm definition"; nil) | SOME l => l val pos_type = case pos_type of NONE => (error 1 "missing %pos definition"; "") | SOME l => l val termHash = List.foldr (fn ((symbol,_),table) => let val name = symbolName symbol in if SymbolHash.exists(name,table) then (error (symbolPos symbol) ("duplicate definition of " ^ name ^ " in %term"); table) else SymbolHash.add(name,table) end) SymbolHash.empty term val isTerm = fn name => SymbolHash.exists(name,termHash) val symbolHash = List.foldr (fn ((symbol,_),table) => let val name = symbolName symbol in if SymbolHash.exists(name,table) then (error (symbolPos symbol) (if isTerm name then name ^ " is defined as a terminal and a nonterminal" else "duplicate definition of " ^ name ^ " in %nonterm"); table) else SymbolHash.add(name,table) end) termHash nonterm fun makeUniqueId s = if SymbolHash.exists(s,symbolHash) then makeUniqueId (s ^ "'") else s val _ = if wasError() then raise Semantic else () val numTerms = SymbolHash.size termHash val numNonterms = SymbolHash.size symbolHash - numTerms val symError = fn sym => fn err => fn symbol => error (symbolPos symbol) (symbolName symbol^" in "^err^" is not defined as a " ^ sym) val termNum : string -> Header.symbol -> term = let val termError = symError "terminal" in fn stmt => let val stmtError = termError stmt in fn symbol => case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => (stmtError symbol; T ~1) | SOME i => T (if i Header.symbol -> nonterm = let val nontermError = symError "nonterminal" in fn stmt => let val stmtError = nontermError stmt in fn symbol => case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => (stmtError symbol; NT ~1) | SOME i => if i>=numTerms then NT (i-numTerms) else (stmtError symbol;NT ~1) end end val symbolNum : string -> Header.symbol -> Grammar.symbol = let val symbolError = symError "symbol" in fn stmt => let val stmtError = symbolError stmt in fn symbol => case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => (stmtError symbol; NONTERM (NT ~1)) | SOME i => if i>=numTerms then NONTERM(NT (i-numTerms)) else TERM(T i) end end (* map all symbols in the following values to terminals and check that the symbols are defined as terminals: eop : symbol list keyword: symbol list prec: (lexvalue * (symbol list)) list change: (symbol list * symbol list) list *) val eop = map (termNum "%eop") eop val keyword = map (termNum "%keyword") keyword val prec = map (fn (a,l) => (a,case a of LEFT => map (termNum "%left") l | RIGHT => map (termNum "%right") l | NONASSOC => map (termNum "%nonassoc") l )) prec val change = let val mapTerm = termNum "%prefer, %subst, or %change" in map (fn (a,b) => (map mapTerm a, map mapTerm b)) change end val noshift = map (termNum "%noshift") noshift val value = let val mapTerm = termNum "%value" in map (fn (a,b) => (mapTerm a,b)) value end val (rules,_) = let val symbolNum = symbolNum "rule" val nontermNum = nontermNum "rule" val termNum = termNum "%prec tag" in List.foldr (fn (RULE {lhs,rhs,code,prec},(l,n)) => ( {lhs=nontermNum lhs,rhs=map symbolNum rhs, code=code,prec=case prec of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME (termNum t), rulenum=n}::l,n-1)) (nil,length rules-1) rules end val _ = if wasError() then raise Semantic else () (* termToString: map terminals back to strings *) val termToString = let val data = array(numTerms,"") val unmap = fn (symbol,_) => let val name = symbolName symbol in update(data, case SymbolHash.find(name,symbolHash) of SOME i => i,name) end val _ = app unmap term in fn T i => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numTerms) then "bogus-num" ^ (Int.toString i) else data sub i end val nontermToString = let val data = array(numNonterms,"") val unmap = fn (symbol,_) => let val name = symbolName symbol in update(data, case SymbolHash.find(name,symbolHash) of SOME i => i-numTerms,name) end val _ = app unmap nonterm in fn NT i => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numNonterms) then "bogus-num" ^ (Int.toString i) else data sub i end (* create functions mapping terminals to precedence numbers and rules to precedence numbers. Precedence statements are listed in order of ascending (tighter binding) precedence in the specification. We receive a list composed of pairs containing the kind of precedence (left,right, or assoc) and a list of terminals associated with that precedence. The list has the same order as the corresponding declarations did in the specification. Internally, a tighter binding has a higher precedence number. We give precedences using multiples of 3: p+2 = right associative (force shift of symbol) p+1 = precedence for rule p = left associative (force reduction of rule) Nonassociative terminals are given also given a precedence of p+1. The table generator detects when the associativity of a nonassociative terminal is being used to resolve a shift/reduce conflict by checking if the precedences of the rule and the terminal are equal. A rule is given the precedence of its rightmost terminal *) val termPrec = let val precData = array(numTerms, NONE : int option) val addPrec = fn termPrec => fn term as (T i) => case precData sub i of SOME _ => error 1 ("multiple precedences specified for terminal " ^ (termToString term)) | NONE => update(precData,i,termPrec) val termPrec = fn ((LEFT,_) ,i) => i | ((RIGHT,_),i) => i+2 | ((NONASSOC,l),i) => i+1 val _ = List.foldl (fn (args as ((_,l),i)) => (app (addPrec (SOME (termPrec args))) l; i+3)) 0 prec in fn (T i) => if DEBUG andalso (i < 0 orelse i >= numTerms) then NONE else precData sub i end val elimAssoc = fn i => (i - (i mod 3) + 1) val rulePrec = let fun findRightTerm (nil,r) = r | findRightTerm (TERM t :: tail,r) = findRightTerm(tail,SOME t) | findRightTerm (_ :: tail,r) = findRightTerm(tail,r) in fn rhs => case findRightTerm(rhs,NONE) of NONE => NONE | SOME term => case termPrec term of SOME i => SOME (elimAssoc i) | a => a end val grammarRules = let val conv = fn {lhs,rhs,code,prec,rulenum} => {lhs=lhs,rhs =rhs,precedence= case prec of SOME t => (case termPrec t of SOME i => SOME(elimAssoc i) | a => a) | _ => rulePrec rhs, rulenum=rulenum} in map conv rules end (* get start symbol *) val start = case start of NONE => #lhs (hd grammarRules) | SOME name => nontermNum "%start" name val symbolType = let val data = array(numTerms+numNonterms,NONE : ty option) val unmap = fn (symbol,ty) => update(data, case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of SOME i => i,ty) val _ = (app unmap term; app unmap nonterm) in fn NONTERM(NT i) => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numNonterms) then NONE else data sub (i+numTerms) | TERM (T i) => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numTerms) then NONE else data sub i end val symbolToString = fn NONTERM i => nontermToString i | TERM i => termToString i val grammar = GRAMMAR {rules=grammarRules, terms=numTerms,nonterms=numNonterms, eop = eop, start=start,noshift=noshift, termToString = termToString, nontermToString = nontermToString, precedence = termPrec} val name' = case name of NONE => "" | SOME s => symbolName s val names = NAMES {miscStruct=name' ^ "LrValsFun", valueStruct="MlyValue", tableStruct="LrTable", tokenStruct="Tokens", actionsStruct="Actions", ecStruct="EC", arg= #1 arg_decl, tokenSig = name' ^ "_TOKENS", miscSig = name' ^ "_LRVALS", dataStruct = "ParserData", dataSig = "PARSER_DATA"} val (table,stateErrs,corePrint,errs) = MakeTable.mkTable(grammar,defaultReductions) val entries = ref 0 (* save number of action table entries here *) in let val result = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sml") val sigs = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sig") val pos = ref 0 val pr = fn s => TextIO.output(result,s) val say = fn s => let val l = String.size s val newPos = (!pos) + l in if newPos > lineLength then (pr "\n"; pos := l) else (pos := newPos); pr s end val saydot = fn s => (say (s ^ ".")) val sayln = fn t => (pr t; pr "\n"; pos := 0) val termvoid = makeUniqueId "VOID" val ntvoid = makeUniqueId "ntVOID" val hasType = fn s => case symbolType s of NONE => false | _ => true val terms = let fun f n = if n=numTerms then nil else (T n) :: f(n+1) in f 0 end val values = VALS {say=say,sayln=sayln,saydot=saydot, termvoid=termvoid, ntvoid = ntvoid, hasType=hasType, pos_type = pos_type, arg_type = #2 arg_decl, start=start,pureActions=pureActions, termToString=termToString, symbolToString=symbolToString,term=term, nonterm=nonterm,terms=terms} val (NAMES {miscStruct,tableStruct,dataStruct,tokenSig,tokenStruct,dataSig,...}) = names in case header_decl of NONE => (say "functor "; say miscStruct; sayln "(structure Token : TOKEN)"; say " : sig structure "; say dataStruct; say " : "; sayln dataSig; say " structure "; say tokenStruct; say " : "; sayln tokenSig; sayln " end") | SOME s => say s; sayln " = "; sayln "struct"; sayln ("structure " ^ dataStruct ^ "="); sayln "struct"; sayln "structure Header = "; sayln "struct"; sayln header; sayln "end"; sayln "structure LrTable = Token.LrTable"; sayln "structure Token = Token"; sayln "local open LrTable in "; entries := PrintStruct.makeStruct{table=table,print=pr, name = "table", verbose=verbose}; sayln "end"; printTypes(values,names,symbolType); printEC (keyword,change,noshift,value,values,names); printAction(rules,values,names); sayln "end"; printTokenStruct(values,names); sayln "end"; printSigs(values,names,fn s => TextIO.output(sigs,s)); TextIO.closeOut sigs; TextIO.closeOut result; MakeTable.Errs.printSummary (fn s => () (* commented out by sweeks so it runs silently TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut,s) *)) errs end; if verbose then let val f = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".desc") val say = fn s=> TextIO.output(f,s) val printRule = let val rules = Array.fromList grammarRules in fn say => let val prRule = fn {lhs,rhs,precedence,rulenum} => ((say o nontermToString) lhs; say " : "; app (fn s => (say (symbolToString s); say " ")) rhs) in fn i => prRule (rules sub i) end end in Verbose.printVerbose {termToString=termToString,nontermToString=nontermToString, table=table, stateErrs=stateErrs,errs = errs,entries = !entries, print=say, printCores=corePrint,printRule=printRule}; TextIO.closeOut f end else () end val parseGen = fn spec => let val (result,inputSource) = ParseGenParser.parse spec in make_parser(getResult result,spec,Header.error inputSource, errorOccurred inputSource) end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1991 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 1996/02/26 15:02:30 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/15 01:51:38 jhr * Replaced character predicates (isalpha, isnum) with functions from Char. * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:44 george * Version 109 * *) structure Absyn : ABSYN = struct datatype exp = CODE of string | EAPP of exp * exp | EINT of int | ETUPLE of exp list | EVAR of string | FN of pat * exp | LET of decl list * exp | SEQ of exp * exp | UNIT and pat = PVAR of string | PAPP of string * pat | PINT of int | PLIST of pat list | PTUPLE of pat list | WILD | AS of pat * pat and decl = VB of pat * exp and rule = RULE of pat * exp fun idchar #"'" = true | idchar #"_" = true | idchar c = Char.isAlpha c orelse Char.isDigit c fun code_to_ids s = let fun g(nil,r) = r | g(a as (h::t),r) = if Char.isAlpha h then f(t,[h],r) else g(t,r) and f(nil,accum,r)= implode(rev accum)::r | f(a as (h::t),accum,r) = if idchar h then f(t,h::accum,r) else g(a,implode (rev accum) :: r) in g(explode s,nil) end val simplifyRule : rule -> rule = fn (RULE(p,e)) => let val used : (string -> bool) = let fun f(CODE s) = code_to_ids s | f(EAPP(a,b)) = f a @ f b | f(ETUPLE l) = List.concat (map f l) | f(EVAR s) = [s] | f(FN(_,e)) = f e | f(LET(dl,e)) = (List.concat (map (fn VB(_,e) => f e) dl)) @ f e | f(SEQ(a,b)) = f a @ f b | f _ = nil val identifiers = f e in fn s => List.exists (fn a=>a=s) identifiers end val simplifyPat : pat -> pat = let fun f a = case a of (PVAR s) => if used s then a else WILD | (PAPP(s,pat)) => (case f pat of WILD => WILD | pat' => PAPP(s,pat')) | (PLIST l) => let val l' = map f l in if List.exists(fn WILD=>false | _ => true) l' then PLIST l' else WILD end | (PTUPLE l) => let val l' = map f l in if List.exists(fn WILD=>false | _ => true) l' then PTUPLE l' else WILD end | (AS(a,b)) => let val a'=f a val b'=f b in case(a',b') of (WILD,_) => b' | (_,WILD) => a' | _ => AS(a',b') end | _ => a in f end val simplifyExp : exp -> exp = let fun f(EAPP(a,b)) = EAPP(f a,f b) | f(ETUPLE l) = ETUPLE(map f l) | f(FN(p,e)) = FN(simplifyPat p,f e) | f(LET(dl,e)) = LET(map (fn VB(p,e) => VB(simplifyPat p,f e)) dl, f e) | f(SEQ(a,b)) = SEQ(f a,f b) | f a = a in f end in RULE(simplifyPat p,simplifyExp e) end fun printRule (say : string -> unit, sayln:string -> unit) = let val lp = ["("] val rp = [")"] val sp = [" "] val sm = [";"] val cm = [","] val cr = ["\n"] val unit = ["()"] fun printExp c = let fun f (CODE c) = ["(",c,")"] | f (EAPP(EVAR a,UNIT)) = [a," ","()"] | f (EAPP(EVAR a,EINT i)) = [a," ",Int.toString i] | f (EAPP(EVAR a,EVAR b)) = [a," ",b] | f (EAPP(EVAR a,b)) = List.concat[[a],lp,f b,rp] | f (EAPP(a,b)) = List.concat [lp,f a,rp,lp,f b,rp] | f (EINT i) = [Int.toString i] | f (ETUPLE (a::r)) = let fun scan nil = [rp] | scan (h :: t) = cm :: f h :: scan t in List.concat (lp :: f a :: scan r) end | f (ETUPLE _) = [""] | f (EVAR s) = [s] | f (FN (p,b)) = List.concat[["fn "],printPat p,[" => "],f b] | f (LET (nil,body)) = f body | f (LET (dl,body)) = let fun scan nil = [[" in "],f body,[" end"],cr] | scan (h :: t) = printDecl h :: scan t in List.concat(["let "] :: scan dl) end | f (SEQ (a,b)) = List.concat [lp,f a,sm,f b,rp] | f (UNIT) = unit in f c end and printDecl (VB (pat,exp)) = List.concat[["val "],printPat pat,["="],printExp exp,cr] and printPat c = let fun f (AS(PVAR a,PVAR b)) = [a," as ",b] | f (AS(a,b)) = List.concat [lp,f a,[") as ("],f b,rp] | f (PAPP(a,WILD)) = [a," ","_"] | f (PAPP(a,PINT i)) = [a," ",Int.toString i] | f (PAPP(a,PVAR b)) = [a," ",b] | f (PAPP(a,b)) = List.concat [lp,[a],sp,f b,rp] | f (PINT i) = [Int.toString i] | f (PLIST nil) = [""] | f (PLIST l) = let fun scan (h :: nil) = [f h] | scan (h :: t) = f h :: ["::"] :: scan t in List.concat (scan l) end | f (PTUPLE (a::r)) = let fun scan nil = [rp] | scan (h :: t) = cm :: f h :: scan t in List.concat (lp :: f a :: scan r) end | f (PTUPLE nil) = [""] | f (PVAR a) = [a] | f WILD = ["_"] in f c end fun oursay "\n" = sayln "" | oursay a = say a in fn a => let val RULE(p,e) = simplifyRule a in app oursay (printPat p); say " => "; app oursay (printExp e) end end end; (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) local (* create parser *) structure LrVals = MlyaccLrValsFun(structure Token = LrParser.Token structure Hdr = Header) structure Lex = LexMLYACC(structure Tokens = LrVals.Tokens structure Hdr = Header) structure Parser = JoinWithArg(structure Lex=Lex structure ParserData = LrVals.ParserData structure LrParser= LrParser) structure ParseGenParser = ParseGenParserFun(structure Parser = Parser structure Header = Header) (* create structure for computing LALR table from a grammar *) structure MakeLrTable = mkMakeLrTable(structure IntGrammar =IntGrammar structure LrTable = LrTable) (* create structures for printing LALR tables: Verbose prints a verbose description of an lalr table PrintStruct prints an ML structure representing that is an lalr table *) structure Verbose = mkVerbose(structure Errs = MakeLrTable.Errs) structure PrintStruct = mkPrintStruct(structure LrTable = MakeLrTable.LrTable structure ShrinkLrTable = ShrinkLrTableFun(structure LrTable=LrTable)) in (* returns function which takes a file name, invokes the parser on the file, does semantic checks, creates table, and prints it *) structure ParseGen = ParseGenFun(structure ParseGenParser = ParseGenParser structure MakeTable = MakeLrTable structure Verbose = Verbose structure PrintStruct = PrintStruct structure Absyn = Absyn) end signature BMARK = sig val doit : int -> unit val testit : TextIO.outstream -> unit end; (* main.sml *) structure Main : BMARK = struct val s = OS.FileSys.getDir() fun doit size = let fun loop n = if n = 0 then () else (ParseGen.parseGen(s^"/DATA/ml.grm"); loop(n - 1)) in loop size end fun testit _ = ParseGen.parseGen(s^"/DATA/ml.grm") end