fun run(f: unit -> unit) = case Posix.Process.fork() of SOME pid => let open Posix.Process val (pid', status) = waitpid(W_CHILD pid, []) in if pid = pid' andalso status = W_EXITED then () else raise Fail "child failed" end | NONE => let open OS.Process in exit((f(); success) handle _ => failure) end fun succeed() = let open OS.Process in exit success end open MLton.World val (w, out) = MLton.TextIO.mkstemp "/tmp/world" val _ = TextIO.closeOut out val _ = case save w of Clone => let fun p s = (print s; print "\n") in p ( ()) ; p (CommandLine.arguments ()) ; succeed () end | Original => () val _ = OS.Process.system (concat[ (), " @MLton load-world ", w, " -- a b c"]) val _ = OS.FileSys.remove w