structure Bug = struct structure F = MLton.Finalizable fun new_t () = let val p = 0 val t = p fun finalize x = () in F.addFinalizer(t,finalize); t end fun from_string (_:string) = let val x = new_t () in F.withValue(x,fn p => ()); x end val zero = from_string "0.0" (* NOTE: I removed the F.withValue lines in an attempt to make the code simpler, but the bug didn't manifest itself. So I think these lines are critical. *) fun plus (x,y) = let val z = new_t () in F.withValue(x,fn xp => F.withValue(y,fn yp => F.withValue(z,fn zp => let in z end))) end end structure B = Bug fun bigsum (n,store) = if n = 0 then store else let val _ = if Int.mod(n,10000) = 0 then print (Int.toString n ^ "\n") else () in bigsum(Int.-(n,1),,B.from_string(Int.toString n ^ ".0"))) end val bigsum = (fn n => bigsum(n, val x = bigsum 5000000