val toString = Int.toString (* Ported to kit 23/4/97 by Mads. Commented out module phrases and changed a couple of sml/nj things (like makestring) No rewriting to please region inference. Still it uses less that 100Kb when it runs (see *) (* This is a quickly written type checker for subtyping, using the MATCH and TYPE algorithms from the Fuh and Mishra paper. The code is ugly at places, and no consideration has been given to effeciency -- please accept my apologies -- Mads*) (* structure List = (* list utilities *) struct *) type 'a set = 'a list; (* sets are represented by lists without repeated elements *) val emptyset = [] fun isin(x,[])=false | isin(x,(y::rest)) = x=y orelse isin(x,rest) fun union([],l) = l | union((x::rest),l) = if isin(x,l) then union(rest,l) else x:: union(rest,l); fun intersect([],l) = [] | intersect((x::rest),l) = if isin(x,l) then x:: intersect(rest,l) else intersect(rest,l); fun setminus([],l) = [] | setminus(x::l,l') = if isin(x,l') then setminus(l,l') else x:: setminus(l,l'); fun foldr f b [] = b | foldr f b (x::rest) = f(x,foldr f b rest); fun foldl f base [] = base | foldl f base (x::xs) = foldl f (f(x, base)) xs (* function for finding transitive closure. Culled from other application. DO NOT READ (CRUDE AND INEFFICIENT) *) fun transClos (eq: 'a * 'a -> bool) (insert_when_eq: bool) (newsets: 'a set list, oldsets: 'a set list): bool * 'a set list = (* The lists in oldsets are pairwise disjoint, but nothing is known about the lists in newsets. The resulting sets are pairwise disjoint, and moreover, the resulting boolean is true if and only if every member (i.e. list) of newsets, is contained in some member (i.e., list) of oldsets *) let val any: bool = true (* could be false, for that matter *) fun isin(x,[]) = false | isin(x,x'::rest) = eq(x,x') orelse isin(x,rest) (* In the following function, L is a list of pairwise disjoint sets. S' is the set currently under construction; it is also disjoint from the sets in L. x will be added to S' if x is not in any set in L. *) fun add(x:'a, (found_fixpt: bool, found_class: bool, L as [], S')): bool * bool * 'a list list * 'a list = if isin(x,S') then if insert_when_eq then (found_fixpt andalso found_class, found_class,[],x::S') else (found_fixpt andalso found_class, found_class,[],S') else (false, any, [], x::S') | add(x,(found_fixpt,found_class,(S::L), S')) = if isin(x,S) then if insert_when_eq then (found_fixpt andalso not found_class,true, L, x::(S @ S')) else (found_fixpt andalso not found_class,true, L, S @ S') else let val (found_fixpt1, found_class1, L1, S1)= add(x,(found_fixpt,found_class,L,S')) in (found_fixpt andalso found_fixpt1, found_class orelse found_class1, S::L1, S1 ) end fun add_S (S,(found_fixpt, oldsets)) : bool * 'a set list = let val (found_fixpt1, _, L1, S1) = foldl add (found_fixpt, false, oldsets, emptyset) S in case S1 of [] => (found_fixpt andalso found_fixpt1, L1) | _ => (found_fixpt andalso found_fixpt1, S1::L1) end in foldl add_S (true, oldsets) newsets end (* end; *) (* structure Variables = (* program variables *) struct *) type var = string (* end; *) (*structure Type = (* Types, substitutions and matching *) struct local (* open List Variables*) in *) datatype ty = INT | REAL | ARROW of ty * ty | PROD of ty * ty | TYVAR of int type subst = ty -> ty fun mk_subst_ty(i: int,ty:ty):subst = let fun S(INT) = INT | S(REAL) = REAL | S(ARROW(ty1,ty2)) = ARROW(S ty1, S ty2) | S(PROD(ty1,ty2)) = PROD(S ty1, S ty2) | S(tv as TYVAR j) = if i=j then ty else tv in S end; val Id = fn x => x; val r = ref 0; (* counter for fresh type variables *) fun fresh() = (r:= !r + 1; ! r); fun fresh_ty() = TYVAR(fresh()); (* free variables *) fun fv_ty (INT,acc) = acc | fv_ty (REAL,acc) = acc | fv_ty(ARROW(t1,t2), acc) = fv_ty(t1,fv_ty(t2,acc)) | fv_ty(PROD(t1,t2), acc) = fv_ty(t1,fv_ty(t2,acc)) | fv_ty((TYVAR i),acc) = if isin(i,acc) then acc else i :: acc; fun tyvars(t:ty) = fv_ty(t,[]) fun fv_tyenv TE = foldr (fn((i,tau),acc)=> fv_ty(tau,acc)) [] TE (* ALLNEW, page 168: create a fresh copy of a type, using type variables at the leaves of the type *) fun allnew(INT) = fresh_ty() | allnew(REAL) = fresh_ty() | allnew(ARROW(t1,t2)) = ARROW(allnew(t1),allnew(t2)) | allnew(PROD(t1,t2)) = PROD(allnew(t1),allnew(t2)) | allnew(TYVAR _) = fresh_ty(); (* PAIR, page 168: create list of atomic types that occur in the same places of t1 and t2 *) fun pair(ARROW(t1,t2),ARROW(t1',t2')) = pair(t1,t1') @ pair (t2,t2') | pair(PROD(t1,t2),PROD(t1',t2')) = pair(t1,t1') @ pair (t2,t2') | pair(t1,t2) = [[t1,t2]] (* dealing with equivalence classes of atomic types -- for algorithm MATCH *) (* M_v, page 168: removing that equivalence class containing v from M *) fun remove([], v) = [] | remove((class::rest), v) = if isin(v,class) then rest else class:: remove(rest,v); (* [a]_M, page 168: the equivalence class containing a *) exception ClassOff fun class_of([],a) = raise ClassOff | class_of((class::rest), a) = if isin(a,class) then class else class_of(rest,a); (* [t]^M, page 168: the set of type variables eqivalent to some type variable occurring in non-atomic type t *) fun equiv_tyvars(t,M): ty list = foldr union [] ((map (fn a=> class_of(M,TYVAR a)) (tyvars(t))): ty list list) ; fun transitive_closure(oldsets,newsets) = #2(transClos(op = : ty*ty-> bool)(false)(newsets,oldsets)) (* Coercion sets *) type coercion = ty * ty type coercion_set = coercion list fun on_C(S,C) = map (fn(t1,t2) => (S t1, S t2)) C fun atomic t = case t of INT => true | REAL => true | TYVAR _ => true | _ => false; (* diagonal is used in match to create initial equivalence relation*) fun diagonal(C: coercion_set) = let fun diag(t,acc) = case t of INT => union([INT],acc) | REAL => union([REAL],acc) | PROD(t1,t2) => diag(t1,diag(t2,acc)) | ARROW(t1,t2) => diag(t1,diag(t2,acc)) | TYVAR _ => union([t],acc) fun diag2((t1,t2),acc) = diag(t1,diag(t2,acc)) val atomics = foldr diag2 [] C in map (fn atomic => [atomic,atomic]) atomics end fun ground_atomic t = case t of INT => true | REAL => true | _ => false; fun contains_no_type_constant [] = true | contains_no_type_constant (t::rest) = not (ground_atomic t) andalso contains_no_type_constant rest; exception MATCH local fun match1([]:coercion_set,S:subst,M) = S | match1((t1,t2)::C, S, M) = if atomic t1 andalso atomic t2 then atomicElimination(t1,t2,C,S,M) else if atomic t1 then expansion(t1,t2,C,S,M) else if atomic t2 then expansion(t2,t1,C,S,M) else decomposition(t1,t2,C,S,M) and atomicElimination(t1,t2,C,S,M) = match1(C,S,transitive_closure(M,[[t1,t2]])) and decomposition(ARROW(t1,t2),ARROW(t1',t2'),C,S,M)= match1((t1',t1)::(t2,t2')::C, S, M) | decomposition(PROD(t1,t2),PROD(t1',t2'),C,S,M)= match1((t1,t1')::(t2,t2')::C, S, M) | decomposition(_) = raise MATCH and expansion(t1:ty,t2:ty,C,S,M) = case intersect(class_of(M,t1), equiv_tyvars(t2,M)) (* occurs check *) of []=> if contains_no_type_constant(class_of(M,t1)) then (* not matching of int or real with arrow or prod *) let fun loop([],C,S,M) = match1(C,S,M) | loop((TYVAR alpha)::tyvars, C, S, M) = let val t' = allnew t2 val delta = mk_subst_ty(alpha,t') in loop(tyvars, on_C(delta,C), delta o S, transitive_closure(M,pair(t2,t'))) end | loop((_::tyvars), C, S, M) = (* skip atomic types, that are not variables *) loop(tyvars, C, S, M) in loop(class_of(M,t1),C,S,M) end else (* matching of int or real with arrow or prod *) raise MATCH | _ => (* occurs check failed *) raise MATCH in fun match(C) = match1(C,Id,diagonal C); end (* Type Environments *) type tyenv = (var * ty)list (* no polymorphism! *) (* looking up variables in the type environement *) exception Lookup; fun lookup(i,[]) = raise Lookup | lookup(i,((j,sigma)::rest)) = if i=j then sigma else lookup(i,rest); fun on_tyenv(S:subst,TE:tyenv) = map (fn(i,tau) => (i, S tau)) TE (* pretty printing -- actually not very pretty, but it will do *) (* precedences: -> : 1 * : 2 *) fun pp_ty' (context:int,INT) = "INT" | pp_ty'(_,REAL) = "REAL" | pp_ty'(context,ARROW(ty1, ty2)) = let val s = pp_ty'(2,ty1) ^ "->" ^ pp_ty'(1, ty2) in if context > 1 then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s end | pp_ty'(context,PROD(ty1, ty2)) = let val s = pp_ty'(3,ty1) ^ "*" ^ pp_ty'(3,ty2) in if context > 2 then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s end | pp_ty'(context,(TYVAR i)) = "'a" ^ toString i; fun pp_ty ty = pp_ty'(0,ty) local fun filter [] = [] | filter ((x,sigma)::rest) = if isin(x,["fst","snd","floor"]) (* hack to avoid printing of built-in variables fst, snd and floor *) then filter rest else (x,sigma)::filter rest fun pp_tyenv [] = "" | pp_tyenv ([(x,sigma)]) = x ^ ":" ^ pp_ty sigma ^ " " | pp_tyenv ((x,sigma)::rest) = x ^ ":" ^ pp_ty sigma ^ "," ^ pp_tyenv rest; in val pp_tyenv = pp_tyenv o filter end fun pp_coercion(tau1,tau2) = "\n " ^ pp_ty tau1 ^ " |> " ^ pp_ty tau2 fun pp_coercion_set [] = "" | pp_coercion_set[coercion] = pp_coercion coercion | pp_coercion_set(coercion::rest) = pp_coercion coercion ^ ", " ^ pp_coercion_set rest (* end (* local *) end; *) (*structure Expressions = struct local open List Variables in *) datatype exp = VAR of var | INTCON of int | REALCON of real | LAM of var * exp | APP of exp * exp | LET of var * exp * exp | PLUS of exp | MINUS of exp | PAIR of exp * exp; (* pretty printing *) fun pp_exp(VAR x) = x | pp_exp(LAM(x,e')) = "(fn " ^ x ^ " =>" ^ pp_exp e' ^ ")" | pp_exp(APP(e1,e2)) = "(" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ " @ " ^ pp_exp e2 ^ ")" | pp_exp(LET(x,e1,e2)) = "let " ^ x ^ "=" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ " in " ^ pp_exp e2 ^ "end" | pp_exp(INTCON i) = toString i | pp_exp(REALCON r) = toString(floor r) ^ ".?" | pp_exp(PLUS(e1)) = "(+" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ ")" | pp_exp(MINUS(e1)) = "(-" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ ")" | pp_exp(PAIR(e1,e2)) = "(" ^ pp_exp e1 ^ "," ^ pp_exp e2 ^ ")" (* end (* local *) end; *) (*structure TypeChecker= struct local open List Variables Type Expressions in *) type job = tyenv * exp * ty fun TYPE(TE:tyenv,e:exp) : ty * coercion_set = let val alpha0 = fresh_ty() val C = TY([(TE,e,alpha0)],[]) in (alpha0, C) end and TY([]: job list, C: coercion_set)= C | TY((job as (TE,e,tau)) :: rest, C: coercion_set)= case e of VAR x => TY(rest, (lookup(x,TE),tau)::C) | LAM(x,e') => let val (new_ty1,new_ty2) = (fresh_ty(),fresh_ty()); val TE' = (x,(new_ty1))::TE in TY((TE',e',new_ty2)::rest, (ARROW(new_ty1,new_ty2), tau):: C) end | APP(e1,e2) => let val (new_ty1,new_ty2) = (fresh_ty(),fresh_ty()); in TY((TE,e1,ARROW(new_ty1,new_ty2))::(TE,e2,new_ty1)::rest, (new_ty2,tau)::C) end | LET(x,e1,e2) => let val (new_ty1,new_ty2) = (fresh_ty(),fresh_ty()); in TY((TE,e1,new_ty1)::((x,new_ty1)::TE,e2,new_ty2)::rest, (new_ty2,tau)::C) end | INTCON i => TY(rest, (INT, tau):: C) | REALCON i => TY(rest, (REAL, tau):: C) | PLUS e1 => TY((TE,e1, PROD(INT,INT))::rest, (PROD(INT,INT),tau):: C) | MINUS e1 => TY((TE,e1, PROD(INT,INT))::rest, (PROD(INT,INT),tau):: C) | PAIR(e1,e2) => let val (new_ty1,new_ty2) = (fresh_ty(),fresh_ty()); in TY((TE,e1,new_ty1)::(TE,e2,new_ty2)::rest, (PROD(new_ty1,new_ty2),tau)::C) end type judgement = coercion_set * tyenv * exp * ty fun pp_judgement(C,TE,e,tau) = "\nCoersion set: " ^ pp_coercion_set C ^ "\nType environment: " ^ pp_tyenv TE ^ "\nExpression: " ^ pp_exp e ^ "\nType: " ^ pp_ty tau; (* end (* local *) end; *) (*structure Run = struct local open List Variables Type Expressions TypeChecker in *) val e0 = (* let val Id = fn x => x in (Id 3, Id 4.0) end *) let val Id = LAM("x",VAR "x") val pair = PAIR(APP(VAR "Id", INTCON 3), APP(VAR "Id", REALCON 4.0)) in LET("Id",Id, pair) end; val e1 = (* let val makepair = fn x => (x,x) in makepair 3.14 *) let val makepair = LAM("x",PAIR(VAR "x", VAR "x")) in LET("makepair", makepair, APP(VAR "makepair", REALCON 3.14)) end val e2 = (* let fun mappair = fn f => fn x => (f (fst x), f (snd x)) in mappair floor (3.14,2.18) end *) let val mappair = LAM("f",LAM("x", PAIR(APP(VAR "f",APP(VAR "fst", VAR "x")), APP(VAR "f",APP(VAR "snd", VAR "x"))))) in LET("mappair",mappair, APP(APP(VAR "mappair", VAR "floor"), PAIR(REALCON 3.14, REALCON 2.18))) end; val e3 = (* fn x => x *) LAM("x",VAR "x") val e4 = (* fn f => fn x => f x *) LAM("f",LAM("x",APP(VAR "f", VAR "x"))); val e5 = (* fn f => fn x => f(f x) *) LAM("f",LAM("x",APP(VAR "f", APP(VAR "f", VAR "x")))); fun run(e: exp, outfilename: string) = let val _ = r:= 5; (* reset counter for type variables *) val _ = print("\nprocessing " ^ outfilename ^ "...") val TE0 = [("fst", (ARROW(PROD(TYVAR 0,TYVAR 1),TYVAR 0))), (* the type of fst *) ("snd", (ARROW(PROD(TYVAR 0,TYVAR 1),TYVAR 1))), (* the type of snd *) ("floor", (ARROW(REAL,INT)))] (* the type of floor *) val _ = print("running TYPE...") val (ty,C) = TYPE(TE0,e) ; val os = TextIO.openOut outfilename; val _ = TextIO.output(os, "\nResult of TYPE:\n\n\n " ^ pp_judgement(C,TE0,e,ty)); val _ = print("running MATCH...") val S = match C val judgem' as (C',TE',e',ty') = (on_C(S,C),on_tyenv(S,TE0),e,S ty) val _ = TextIO.output(os, "\n\n\nResult of MATCH:\n\n\n " ^ pp_judgement judgem'); in TextIO.closeOut os end; val _ = run(e0,"outFuhMishra0"); val _ = run(e1,"outFuhMishra1"); val _ = run(e2,"outFuhMishra2"); val _ = run(e3,"outFuhMishra3"); val _ = run(e4,"outFuhMishra4"); val _ = run(e5,"outFuhMishra5"); (* end (* local *) end (*struct*); *) val _ = print "\n"