Developers ========== Here is a picture of the MLton team at a meeting in Chicago in August 2003. From left to right we have: [align="center",frame="none",cols="^"] |===== |<:StephenWeeks:> -- <:MatthewFluet:> -- <:HenryCejtin:> -- <:SureshJagannathan:> |===== image::Developers.attachments/team.jpg[align="center"] Also see the <:Credits:> for a list of specific contributions. == Developers list == A number of people read the developers mailing list,[``], and make contributions there. Here's a list of those who have a page here. * <:AndreiFormiga:> * <:JesperLouisAndersen:> * <:JohnnyAndersen:> * <:MichaelNorrish:> * <:MikeThomas:> * <:RayRacine:> * <:WesleyTerpstra:> * <:VesaKarvonen:>