functor Test (W: WORD) = struct structure LW = LargeWord val zero = W.fromInt 0 val one = W.fromInt 1 val two = W.fromInt 2 val max = W.~ one val words = [max, W.- (max, one), W.div (max, two), W.fromInt 0xF, two, one, zero] fun foreach (l, f) = f l fun for (f: W.word -> unit) = foreach (words, f) structure Answer = struct datatype t = Div | Overflow | Word of W.word val toString = fn Div => "Div" | Overflow => "Overflow" | Word w => W.toString w fun run (f: unit -> W.word): t = Word (f ()) handle General.Div => Div | General.Overflow => Overflow val equals: t * t -> bool = op = end val m = concat ["Word", Int.toString W.wordSize] val _ = print (concat ["Testing ", m, "\n"]) fun err msg = print (concat [m, ": ", concat msg, "\n"]) val _ = for (fn w => print (concat [W.toString w, "\n", "\t", W.fmt StringCvt.BIN w, "\n", "\t", W.fmt StringCvt.OCT w, "\n", "\t", W.fmt StringCvt.DEC w, "\n", "\t", W.fmt StringCvt.HEX w, "\n"])) val _ = foreach ([("+", W.+, LW.+), ("-", W.-, LW.-), ("*", W.*, LW.* ), ("andb", W.andb, LW.andb), ("div", W.div, LW.div), ("max", W.max, LW.max), ("min", W.min, LW.min), ("mod", W.mod, LW.mod), ("orb", W.orb, LW.orb), ("xorb", W.xorb, LW.xorb)], fn (name, f, f') => for (fn w => for (fn w' => let val a = (fn () => f (w, w')) val a' = (fn () => W.fromLarge (f' (W.toLarge w, W.toLarge w'))) in if Answer.equals (a, a') then () else err [W.toString w, " ", name, " ", W.toString w', " = ", Answer.toString a, " <> ", Answer.toString a'] end))) val _ = for (fn w => if w = valOf (W.fromString (W.toString w)) then () else err ["{from,to}String"]) val _ = foreach ([("<<", W.<<, LW.<<), (">>", W.>>, LW.>>)], fn (name, f, f') => for (fn w => foreach ([0w0, 0w1, 0w2, 0w4, 0w8, 0w15, 0w30, 0wxFF], fn w' => let val a = f (w, w') val a' = W.fromLarge (f' (W.toLarge w, w')) in if a = a' then () else err [W.toString w, " ", name, " ", Word.toString w', " = ", W.toString a, " <> ", W.toString a'] end))) val _ = foreach ([("~>>", W.~>>, LW.~>>)], fn (name, f, f') => for (fn w => foreach ([0w0, 0w1, 0w2, 0w4, 0w8, 0w15, 0w30, 0wxFF], fn w' => let val a = f (w, w') val a' = W.fromLarge (f' (W.toLargeX w, w')) in if a = a' then () else err [W.toString w, " ", name, " ", Word.toString w', " = ", W.toString a, " <> ", W.toString a'] end))) val _ = foreach ([("<", W.<, LW.<), ("<=", W.<=, LW.<=), (">", W.>, LW.>), (">=", W.>=, LW.>=)], fn (name, f, f') => for (fn w => for (fn w' => let val b = f (w, w') val b' = f' (W.toLarge w, W.toLarge w') in if b = b' then () else err [W.toString w, " ", name, " ", W.toString w', " = ", Bool.toString b, " <> ", Bool.toString b'] end))) val _ = foreach ([("compare",,], fn (name, f, f') => for (fn w => for (fn w' => let val or = f (w, w') val or' = f' (W.toLarge w, W.toLarge w') in if or = or' then () else err [W.toString w, " ", name, " ", W.toString w'] end))) val _ = for (fn w => if w = W.fromLargeInt (W.toLargeInt w) andalso w = W.fromLargeInt (W.toLargeIntX w) andalso (case SOME (W.toInt w) handle Overflow => NONE of NONE => true | SOME i => w = W.fromInt i) andalso (case SOME (W.toIntX w) handle Overflow => NONE of NONE => true | SOME i => w = W.fromInt i) then () else err ["{from,to}Large"]) val _ = for (fn w => let val a = W.notb w val a' = W.fromLarge (LW.notb (W.toLarge w)) in if a = a' then () else err ["notb ", W.toString w, " = ", W.toString a, " <> ", W.toString a'] end) val _ = for (fn w => if W.~ w = W.- (zero, w) then () else err ["~"]) end structure Z = Test (Word2) structure Z = Test (Word3) structure Z = Test (Word4) structure Z = Test (Word7) structure Z = Test (Word8) structure Z = Test (Word9) structure Z = Test (Word13) structure Z = Test (Word16) structure Z = Test (Word17) structure Z = Test (Word20) structure Z = Test (Word25) structure Z = Test (Word30) structure Z = Test (Word31) structure Z = Test (Word32) structure Z = Test (Word64)