(* Auxiliary functions for test cases *) infix 1 seq fun e1 seq e2 = e2; fun check b = if b then "OK" else "WRONG"; fun check' f = (if f () then "OK" else "WRONG") handle _ => "EXN"; fun range (from, to) p = let open Int in (from > to) orelse (p from) andalso (range (from+1, to) p) end; fun checkrange bounds = check o range bounds; fun tst0 s s' = print (s ^ " \t" ^ s' ^ "\n"); fun tst s b = tst0 s (check b); fun tst' s f = tst0 s (check' f); fun tstrange s bounds = (tst s) o range bounds (* test/math.sml PS 1995-02-25, 1996-04-01, 1997-03-07 *) val _ = print "\nFile math.sml: Testing structure Math...\n" local open Math val MAXDOUBLE = 8.98846567431157E307; val MINDOUBLE = 4.94065645841246544E~324 val PI = 3.14159265358979323846; val E = 2.7182818284590452354; val eps = 1E~8 infix 4 === fun x === y = abs (x - y) <= eps orelse abs(x-y) <= eps * (abs x + abs y) fun check1 (opr, a, r) = if opr a === r then "OK" else "WRONG" fun check2 (opr, a1, a2, r) = if opr(a1, a2) === r then "OK" else "WRONG" fun tst1 s (opr, a, r) = tst0 s (check1 (opr, a, r)) fun tst2 s (opr, a1, a2, r) = tst0 s (check2 (opr, a1, a2, r)) val test0a = tst "test0a" (PI === pi); val test0b = tst "test0b" (E === e); val test1a = tst1 "test1a" (sqrt, 64.0, 8.0); val test1b = tst1 "test1b" (sqrt, 0.0, 0.0); val test1c = tst0 "test1c" (if Real.isNan(sqrt ~1.0) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test2a = tst1 "test2a" (sin, 0.0, 0.0); val test2b = tst1 "test2b" (sin, pi/2.0, 1.0); val test2c = tst1 "test2c" (sin, pi, 0.0); val test2d = tst1 "test2d" (sin, 3.0*pi/2.0, ~1.0); val test3a = tst1 "test3a" (cos, 0.0, 1.0); val test3b = tst1 "test3b" (cos, pi/2.0, 0.0); val test3c = tst1 "test3c" (cos, pi, ~1.0); val test3d = tst1 "test3d" (cos, 3.0*pi/2.0, 0.0); val test4a = tst1 "test4a" (tan, 0.0, 0.0); val test4b = tst1 "test4b" (tan, pi/4.0, 1.0); val test4c = tst1 "test4c" (tan, pi, 0.0); val test4d = tst1 "test4d" (tan, 3.0*pi/4.0, ~1.0); val test4e = tst1 "test4e" (tan, ~pi/4.0, ~1.0); val test4f = tst "test4f" ((abs(tan (pi/2.0)) > 1E8) handle _ => true); val test4g = tst "test4g" ((abs(tan (~pi/2.0)) > 1E8) handle _ => true); val test5a = tst1 "test5a" (asin, 0.0, 0.0); val test5b = tst1 "test5b" (asin, 1.0, pi/2.0); val test5c = tst1 "test5c" (asin, ~1.0, ~pi/2.0); val test5d = tst0 "test5d" (if Real.isNan(asin 1.1) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test5e = tst0 "test5e" (if Real.isNan(asin ~1.1) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test6a = tst1 "test6a" (acos, 1.0, 0.0); val test6b = tst1 "test6b" (acos, 0.0, pi/2.0); val test6c = tst1 "test6c" (acos, ~1.0, pi); val test6d = tst0 "test6d" (if Real.isNan(acos 1.1) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test6e = tst0 "test6e" (if Real.isNan(acos ~1.1) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test7a = tst1 "test7a" (atan, 0.0, 0.0); val test7b = tst1 "test7b" (atan, 1.0, pi/4.0); val test7c = tst1 "test7c" (atan, ~1.0, ~pi/4.0); val test7d = tst1 "test7d" (atan, 1E8, pi/2.0); val test7e = tst1 "test7e" (atan, ~1E8, ~pi/2.0); (* atan2 -- here I am in doubt over the argument order, since the New Basis document is inconsistent with itself and with atan2 in the C libraries. *) val test8a = tst2 "test8a" (atan2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); val test8b = tst2 "test8b" (atan2, 1.0, 0.0, pi/2.0); val test8c = tst2 "test8c" (atan2, ~1.0, 0.0, ~pi/2.0); val test8d = tst2 "test8d" (atan2, 1.0, 1.0, pi/4.0); val test8e = tst2 "test8e" (atan2, ~1.0, 1.0, ~pi/4.0); val test8f = tst2 "test8f" (atan2, ~1.0, ~1.0, ~3.0*pi/4.0); val test8g = tst2 "test8g" (atan2, 1.0, ~1.0, 3.0*pi/4.0); val test8h = tst2 "test8h" (atan2, 1E8, 1.0, pi/2.0); val test8i = tst2 "test8i" (atan2, ~1E8, 1.0, ~pi/2.0); val test8j = tst2 "test8j" (atan2, 1.0, 1E8, 0.0); val test8k = tst2 "test8k" (atan2, 1.0, ~1E8, pi); val test8l = tst2 "test8l" (atan2, ~1.0, ~1E8, ~pi); val test9a = tst1 "test9a" (exp, 0.0, 1.0); val test9b = tst1 "test9b" (exp, 1.0, e); val test9c = tst1 "test9c" (exp, ~1.0, 1.0/e); val test10a = tst1 "test10a" (ln, 1.0, 0.0); val test10b = tst1 "test10b" (ln, e, 1.0); val test10c = tst1 "test10c" (ln, 1.0/e, ~1.0); val test10d = tst0 "test10d" (if Real.==(ln 0.0,Real.negInf) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test10e = tst0 "test10e" (if Real.isNan(ln ~1.0) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test10f = tst0 "test10f" (if Real.==(ln Real.posInf, Real.posInf) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test10g = tst0 "test10g" (if Real.==(Real.posInf, Real.posInf) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test12a = tst2 "test12a" (pow, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); (* arbitrary, might be 0.0 *) val test12b = tst2 "test12b" (pow, 7.0, 0.0, 1.0); val test12c = tst2 "test12c" (pow, 0.0, 7.0, 0.0); val test12d = tst2 "test12d" (pow, 64.0, 0.5, 8.0); val test12e = tst2 "test12e" (pow, ~9.0, 2.0, 81.0); val test12f = tst2 "test12f" (pow, 10.0, ~2.0, 0.01); val test12g = tst2 "test12g" (pow, ~10.0, ~2.0, 0.01); val test12h = tst2 "test12h" (pow, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0); val test12i = tst2 "test12i" (pow, 0.4, ~2.0, 6.25); (*we do not follow the Basis Library specification exactly here, but rather follow math.h val test12j = tst0 "test12j" (if Real.==(pow(0.0, ~1.0),Real.posInf) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test12k = tst0 "test12k" (if Real.==(pow(0.0, ~0.5),Real.posInf) then "OK" else "WRONG") *) val test12l = tst0 "test12l" (if Real.isNan(pow(~1.0, 1.1)) then "OK" else "WRONG") val test12m = tst0 "test12m" (if Real.isNan(pow(~1.0, 0.5)) then "OK" else "WRONG") (* sweeks removed 12n because it fails on FreeBSD on x86, apparently due to a * 64 bit vs 80 bit issue. *) (* val test12n = tst0 "test12n" (if Real.==(pow(3.0, 1000000.0),Real.posInf) then "OK" else "WRONG") *) (* not in basis lib spec.*) val test13a = tst1 "test13a" (log10, 1.0, 0.0); val test13b = tst1 "test13b" (log10, 10.0, 1.0); val test13c = tst1 "test13c" (log10, 100.0, 2.0); val test13d = tst1 "test13d" (log10, 0.1, ~1.0); val test13e = tst1 "test13e" (log10, 0.01, ~2.0); val check14a = tst1 "test14a" (sinh, 0.0, 0.0); val check14b = tst1 "test14b" (sinh, 1.0, 1.17520119364); val check14c = tst1 "test14c" (sinh, ~1.0, ~1.17520119364); val check14d = tst1 "test14d" (sinh, 2.0, 3.62686040785); val check14e = tst1 "test14e" (sinh, ~2.0, ~3.62686040785); val check15a = tst1 "test15a" (cosh, 0.0, 1.0); val check15b = tst1 "test15b" (cosh, 1.0, 1.54308063482); val check15c = tst1 "test15c" (cosh, ~1.0, 1.54308063482); val check15d = tst1 "test15d" (cosh, 2.0, 3.76219569108); val check15e = tst1 "test15e" (cosh, ~2.0, 3.76219569108); val check16a = tst1 "test16a" (tanh, 0.0, 0.0); val check16b = tst1 "test16b" (tanh, 1.0, 0.761594155956); val check16c = tst1 "test16c" (tanh, ~1.0, ~0.761594155956); val check16d = tst1 "test16d" (tanh, 2.0, 0.964027580076); val check16e = tst1 "test16e" (tanh, ~2.0, ~0.964027580076); val check16f = tst1 "test16f" (tanh, 100.0, 1.0); val check16g = tst1 "test16g" (tanh, ~100.0, ~1.0); in end