datatype 'a Option = None | Some of 'a fun digit n = chr(ord #"0" + n) fun digits(n,acc) = if n >=0 andalso n<=9 then digit n:: acc else digits (n div 10, digit(n mod 10) :: acc) fun toString(n) = implode(digits(n,[])) fun writeln s = print(s^"\n") fun percent(i: int, j: int)(*:int*) = floor((real i * 100.0)/real j) (* seek: (char -> bool) -> instream -> string list: seek(pred)(is) returns the list of characters obtained by reading from up to and including the first character which satisfies "pred". (If no such character exists, the empty list is returned. *) exception Impossible fun seek (pred: char -> bool) (is: TextIO.instream): char list = let fun readLoop() = (case explode (TextIO.inputN(is, 1)) of [] => [] | [char] => char :: (if pred char then [] else readLoop()) | _ => (print " impossible"; raise Impossible)) in readLoop() end fun readLn(is) = seek(fn ch => ch = #"\n")is (* dropwhile: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list; endomorphic *) fun dropwhile pred l = let fun drop_loop (l as []) = l | drop_loop (l as x::xs) = if pred x then drop_loop xs else l in drop_loop l end (* takewhile: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list; exomorphic *) fun takewhile pred l = let fun take_loop [] = [] | take_loop (l as x::xs) = if pred x then x:: take_loop xs else [] in take_loop l end fun isSpace(ch:char) = ch = #" " orelse ch = #"\t" orelse ch = #"\n" (* orelse ch= "\f" orelse ch = "\r" orelse ch = "\v"*) fun readWord(is): string Option = case implode(takewhile(not o isSpace) (dropwhile isSpace (readLn is))) of "" => None | word => Some word