(* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks. * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute. * * MLton is released under a BSD-style license. * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details. *) functor DirectExp (S: DIRECT_EXP_STRUCTS): DIRECT_EXP = struct open S structure DirectExp = struct datatype t = Arith of {prim: Type.t Prim.t, args: t vector, overflow: t, ty: Type.t} | Call of {func: Func.t, args: t vector, ty: Type.t} | Case of {cases: cases, default: t option, test: t, ty: Type.t} | ConApp of {con: Con.t, args: t vector, ty: Type.t} | Const of Const.t | Detuple of {body: Var.t vector -> t, length: int, tuple: t} | DetupleBind of {body: t, components: Var.t vector, tuple: Var.t, tupleTy: Type.t} | Handle of {try: t, catch: Var.t * Type.t, handler: t, ty: Type.t} | Let of {decs: {var: Var.t, exp: t} list, body: t} | Name of t * (Var.t -> t) | PrimApp of {prim: Type.t Prim.t, targs: Type.t vector, args: t vector, ty: Type.t} | Profile of ProfileExp.t | Raise of t | Runtime of {args: t vector, prim: Type.t Prim.t, ty: Type.t} | Select of {tuple: t, offset: int, ty: Type.t} | Seq of t * t | Tuple of {exps: t vector, ty: Type.t} | Var of Var.t * Type.t and cases = Con of {con: Con.t, args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector, body: t} vector | Word of WordSize.t * (WordX.t * t) vector val arith = Arith val call = Call val casee = Case val conApp = ConApp val const = Const val detuple = Detuple val detupleBind = DetupleBind val handlee = Handle val lett = Let val name = Name val profile = Profile val raisee = Raise val select = Select val word = Const o Const.word fun tuple (r as {exps, ...}) = if 1 = Vector.length exps then Vector.first exps else Tuple r val var = Var fun primApp {args, prim, targs, ty} = let fun runtime () = Runtime {args = args, prim = prim, ty = ty} in case Prim.name prim of Prim.Name.MLton_halt => runtime () | Prim.Name.Thread_copyCurrent => runtime () | _ => PrimApp {args = args, prim = prim, targs = targs, ty = ty} end local fun make c = conApp {con = c, args = Vector.new0 (), ty = Type.bool} in val truee = make Con.truee val falsee = make Con.falsee end fun eq (e1, e2, ty) = primApp {prim = Prim.eq, targs = Vector.new1 ty, args = Vector.new2 (e1, e2), ty = Type.bool} local open Layout fun lett (decs, body) = align [seq [str "let ", decs], seq [str "in ", body], str "end"] in fun layout e : Layout.t = case e of Arith {prim, args, overflow, ...} => align [Prim.layoutApp (prim, args, layout), seq [str "Overflow => ", layout overflow]] | Call {func, args, ty} => seq [Func.layout func, str " ", layouts args, str ": ", Type.layout ty] | Case {cases, default, test, ...} => align [seq [str "case ", layout test, str " of"], indent (align [let fun doit (v, f) = Vector.layout (fn z => let val (x, e) = f z in seq [str "| ", x, str " => ", layout e] end) v fun simple (v, f) = doit (v, (fn (x, e) => (f x, e))) in case cases of Con v => doit (v, fn {con, args, body} => (seq [Con.layout con, Vector.layout (Var.layout o #1) args], body)) | Word (_, v) => simple (v, WordX.layout) end, case default of NONE => empty | SOME e => seq [str " _ => ", layout e]], 2)] | ConApp {con, args, ty} => seq [Con.layout con, layouts args, str ": ", Type.layout ty] | Const c => Const.layout c | Detuple {tuple, ...} => seq [str "detuple ", layout tuple] | DetupleBind {body, components, tuple, ...} => lett (seq [Vector.layout Var.layout components, str " = ", Var.layout tuple], layout body) | Handle {try, catch, handler, ...} => align [layout try, seq [str "handle ", Var.layout (#1 catch), str " => ", layout handler]] | Let {decs, body} => lett (align (List.map (decs, fn {var, exp} => seq [Var.layout var, str " = ", layout exp])), layout body) | Name _ => str "Name" | PrimApp {args, prim, ...} => Prim.layoutApp (prim, args, layout) | Profile e => ProfileExp.layout e | Raise e => seq [str "raise ", layout e] | Runtime {args, prim, ...} => Prim.layoutApp (prim, args, layout) | Select {tuple, offset, ...} => seq [str "#", str (Int.toString (1 + offset)), str " ", layout tuple] | Seq (e1, e2) => seq [layout e1, str "; ", layout e2] | Tuple {exps, ...} => layouts exps | Var (x, t) => seq [Var.layout x, str ": ", Type.layout t] and layouts es = Vector.layout layout es end structure Res = struct type t = {statements: Statement.t list, transfer: Transfer.t} fun layout {statements, transfer} = let open Layout in align [align (List.map (statements, Statement.layout)), Transfer.layout transfer] end fun prefix ({statements, transfer}: t, s: Statement.t): t = {statements = s :: statements, transfer = transfer} end structure Cont: sig type t val bind: Var.t * Res.t -> t val goto: Label.t -> t val layout: t -> Layout.t val receiveExp: (Exp.t * Type.t -> Res.t) -> t val receiveVar: (Var.t * Type.t -> Res.t) -> t val return: t val sendExp: t * Type.t * Exp.t -> Res.t val sendVar: t * Type.t * Var.t -> Res.t val toBlock: t * Type.t -> Block.t end = struct type bind = {arg: Var.t, statements: Statement.t list, transfer: Transfer.t} datatype t = Bind of bind | Goto of Label.t | Prefix of t * Statement.t | ReceiveExp of Exp.t * Type.t -> Res.t | ReceiveVar of Var.t * Type.t -> Res.t | Return fun layout (k: t): Layout.t = let open Layout in case k of Bind {arg, statements, transfer} => seq [str "Bind ", record [("arg", Var.layout arg), ("statements", List.layout Statement.layout statements), ("transfer", Transfer.layout transfer)]] | Goto l => seq [str "Goto ", Label.layout l] | Prefix (k, s) => seq [str "Prefix ", tuple [layout k, Statement.layout s]] | ReceiveExp _ => str "ReceiveExp" | ReceiveVar _ => str "ReceiveVar" | Return => str "Return" end fun bind (arg, {statements, transfer}) = Bind {arg = arg, statements = statements, transfer = transfer} val goto = Goto val receiveExp = ReceiveExp val receiveVar = ReceiveVar val return = Return fun toBind (k: t, ty: Type.t): bind = case k of Bind b => b | _ => let val arg = Var.newNoname () val {statements, transfer} = sendVar (k, ty, arg) in {arg = arg, statements = statements, transfer = transfer} end and sendVar (k: t, ty: Type.t, x: Var.t): Res.t = case k of Bind b => sendBindExp (b, ty, Exp.Var x) | Goto dst => {statements = [], transfer = Transfer.Goto {dst = dst, args = Vector.new1 x}} | ReceiveExp f => f (Exp.Var x, ty) | ReceiveVar f => f (x, ty) | Prefix (k, s) => Res.prefix (sendVar (k, ty, x), s) | Return => {statements = [], transfer = Transfer.Return (Vector.new1 x)} and sendBindExp ({arg, statements, transfer}, ty, e: Exp.t) = {statements = Statement.T {var = SOME arg, ty = ty, exp = e} :: statements, transfer = transfer} val sendVar = Trace.trace3 ("DirectExp.Cont.sendVar", layout, Type.layout, Var.layout, Res.layout) sendVar val sendExp: t * Type.t * Exp.t -> Res.t = fn (k, ty, e) => case k of ReceiveExp f => f (e, ty) | _ => sendBindExp (toBind (k, ty), ty, e) val sendExp = Trace.trace3 ("DirectExp.Cont.sendExp", layout, Type.layout, Exp.layout, Res.layout) sendExp fun toBlock (k: t, ty: Type.t): Block.t = let val {arg, statements, transfer} = toBind (k, ty) val label = Label.newNoname () in Block.T {label = label, args = Vector.new1 (arg, ty), statements = Vector.fromList statements, transfer = transfer} end val toBlock = Trace.trace2 ("DirectExp.Cont.toBlock", layout, Type.layout, Block.layout) toBlock end fun selects (tuple: Var.t, ty: Type.t, components: Var.t vector) : Statement.t list = let val ts = Type.deTuple ty in Vector.foldi (ts, [], fn (i, t, ss) => Statement.T {var = SOME (Vector.sub (components, i)), ty = t, exp = Exp.Select {tuple = tuple, offset = i}} :: ss) end fun linearize' (e: t, h: Handler.t, k: Cont.t): Label.t * Block.t list = let val traceLinearizeLoop = Trace.trace3 ("DirectExp.linearize'.loop", layout, Handler.layout, Cont.layout, Res.layout) val blocks: Block.t list ref = ref [] fun newBlock (args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector, {statements: Statement.t list, transfer: Transfer.t}): Label.t = let val label = Label.newNoname () val _ = List.push (blocks, Block.T {label = label, args = args, statements = Vector.fromList statements, transfer = transfer}) in label end fun reify (k: Cont.t, ty: Type.t): Label.t = let val b = Cont.toBlock (k, ty) val _ = List.push (blocks, b) in Block.label b end fun newLabel (args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector, e: t, h: Handler.t, k: Cont.t): Label.t = newBlock (args, loop (e, h, k)) and newLabel0 (e, h, k) = newLabel (Vector.new0 (), e, h, k) and loopf (e: t, h: Handler.t, f: Var.t * Type.t -> Res.t) = loop (e, h, Cont.receiveVar f) and loop arg : Res.t = traceLinearizeLoop (fn (e: t, h: Handler.t, k: Cont.t) => case e of Arith {prim, args, overflow, ty} => loops (args, h, fn xs => let val l = reify (k, ty) val k = Cont.goto l in {statements = [], transfer = Transfer.Arith {prim = prim, args = xs, overflow = newLabel0 (overflow, h, k), success = l, ty = ty}} end) | Call {func, args, ty} => loops (args, h, fn xs => {statements = [], transfer = (Transfer.Call {func = func, args = xs, return = Return.NonTail {cont = reify (k, ty), handler = h}})}) | Case {cases, default, test, ty} => let val k = Cont.goto (reify (k, ty)) in loopf (test, h, fn (x, _) => {statements = [], transfer = Transfer.Case {test = x, default = Option.map (default, fn e => newLabel0 (e, h, k)), cases = let fun doit v = Vector.map (v, fn (c, e) => (c, newLabel0 (e, h, k))) in case cases of Con v => Cases.Con (Vector.map (v, fn {con, args, body} => (con, newLabel (args, body, h, k)))) | Word (s, v) => Cases.Word (s, doit v) end}}) end | ConApp {con, args, ty} => loops (args, h, fn xs => Cont.sendExp (k, ty, Exp.ConApp {con = con, args = xs})) | Const c => Cont.sendExp (k, Type.ofConst c, Exp.Const c) | Detuple {tuple, length, body} => loop (tuple, h, Cont.receiveExp (fn (e, ty) => let fun doit (tuple: Var.t): Res.t = let val (ss, xs) = case length of 0 => ([], Vector.new0 ()) | 1 => ([], Vector.new1 tuple) | _ => let val xs = Vector.tabulate (length, fn _ => Var.newNoname ()) in (selects (tuple, ty, xs), xs) end val {statements, transfer} = loop (body xs, h, k) in {statements = List.appendRev (ss, statements), transfer = transfer} end in case e of Exp.Tuple xs => loop (body xs, h, k) | Exp.Var x => doit x | _ => let val tuple = Var.newNoname () in Res.prefix (doit tuple, Statement.T {var = SOME tuple, ty = ty, exp = e}) end end)) | DetupleBind {body, components, tuple, tupleTy} => let val {statements, transfer} = loop (body, h, k) val ss = case Vector.length components of 0 => [] | 1 => [Statement.T {var = SOME (Vector.first components), ty = tupleTy, exp = Exp.Var tuple}] | _ => selects (tuple, tupleTy, components) in {statements = List.appendRev (ss, statements), transfer = transfer} end | Handle {try, catch, handler, ty} => let val k = Cont.goto (reify (k, ty)) val hl = Label.newNoname () val {statements, transfer} = loop (handler, h, k) val _ = List.push (blocks, Block.T {label = hl, args = Vector.new1 catch, statements = Vector.fromList statements, transfer = transfer}) in loop (try, Handler.Handle hl, k) end | Let {decs, body} => let fun each decs = case decs of [] => loop (body, h, k) | {var, exp} :: decs => loop (exp, h, Cont.bind (var, each decs)) in each decs end | Name (e, f) => loopf (e, h, fn (x, _) => loop (f x, h, k)) | PrimApp {prim, targs, args, ty} => loops (args, h, fn xs => Cont.sendExp (k, ty, Exp.PrimApp {prim = prim, targs = targs, args = xs})) | Profile e => Cont.sendExp (k, Type.unit, Exp.Profile e) | Raise e => loopf (e, h, fn (x, _) => {statements = [], transfer = (case h of Handler.Caller => Transfer.Raise (Vector.new1 x) | Handler.Dead => Error.bug "DirectExp.linearize'.loop: Raise:to dead handler" | Handler.Handle l => Transfer.Goto {args = Vector.new1 x, dst = l})}) | Runtime {args, prim, ty} => loops (args, h, fn xs => let val l = reify (k, ty) val k = Cont.goto l val (args, exps) = case Type.deTupleOpt ty of NONE => let val res = Var.newNoname () in (Vector.new1 (res, ty), Vector.new1 (Var (res, ty))) end | SOME ts => if Vector.isEmpty ts then (Vector.new0 (), Vector.new0 ()) else Error.bug (concat ["DirectExp.linearize'.loop: Runtime:with multiple return values: ", Prim.toString prim]) in {statements = [], transfer = Transfer.Runtime {prim = prim, args = xs, return = newLabel (args, tuple {exps = exps, ty = ty}, h, k)}} end) | Select {tuple, offset, ty} => loopf (tuple, h, fn (tuple, _) => Cont.sendExp (k, ty, Exp.Select {tuple = tuple, offset = offset})) | Seq (e1, e2) => loopf (e1, h, fn _ => loop (e2, h, k)) | Tuple {exps, ty} => loops (exps, h, fn xs => Cont.sendExp (k, ty, Exp.Tuple xs)) | Var (x, ty) => Cont.sendVar (k, ty, x)) arg and loops (es: t vector, h: Handler.t, k: Var.t vector -> Res.t): Res.t = let val n = Vector.length es fun each (i, ac) = if i = n then k (Vector.fromListRev ac) else loopf (Vector.sub (es, i), h, fn (x, _) => each (i + 1, x :: ac)) in each (0, []) end val l = newLabel0 (e, h, k) in (l, !blocks) end fun linearize (e: t, h) = linearize' (e, h, Cont.return) val linearize = Trace.trace2 ("DirectExp.linearize", layout, Handler.layout, Layout.tuple2 (Label.layout, List.layout (Label.layout o Block.label))) linearize fun linearizeGoto (e: t, h, l) = linearize' (e, h, Cont.goto l) end end