MLtonWord ========= [source,sml] ---- signature MLTON_WORD = sig type t val bswap: t -> t val rol: t * word -> t val ror: t * word -> t end ---- * `type t` + the type of words. For `MLton.LargeWord` this is `LargeWord.word`, for `MLton.Word` this is `Word.word`, for `MLton.Word8` this is `Word8.word`, for `MLton.Word16` this is `Word16.word`, for `MLton.Word32` this is `Word32.word`, for `MLton.Word64` this is `Word64.word`. * `bswap w` + byte swap. * `rol (w, w')` + rotates left (circular). * `ror (w, w')` + rotates right (circular).