Fixpoints ========= This page discusses a framework that makes it possible to compute fixpoints over arbitrary products of abstract types. The code is from an Extended Basis library (). First the signature of the framework (): [source,sml] ---- sys::[./bin/ mltonlib master com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/public/generic/tie.sig 6:] ---- `fix` is a <:TypeIndexedValues:type-indexed> function. The type-index parameter to `fix` is called a "witness". To compute fixpoints over products, one uses the +*`+ operator to combine witnesses. To provide a fixpoint combinator for an abstract type, one implements a witness providing a thunk whose instantiation allocates a fresh, mutable proxy and a procedure for updating the proxy with the solution. Naturally this means that not all possible ways of computing a fixpoint of a particular type are possible under the framework. The `pure` combinator is a generalization of `tier`. The `iso` combinator is provided for reusing existing witnesses. Note that instead of using an infix operator, we could alternatively employ an interface using <:Fold:>. Also, witnesses are eta-expanded to work around the <:ValueRestriction:value restriction>, while maintaining abstraction. Here is the implementation (): [source,sml] ---- sys::[./bin/ mltonlib master com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/detail/generic/tie.sml 6:] ---- Let's then take a look at a couple of additional examples. Here is a naive implementation of lazy promises: [source,sml] ---- structure Promise :> sig type 'a t val lazy : 'a Thunk.t -> 'a t val force : 'a t -> 'a val Y : 'a t Tie.t end = struct datatype 'a t' = EXN of exn | THUNK of 'a Thunk.t | VALUE of 'a type 'a t = 'a t' Ref.t fun lazy f = ref (THUNK f) fun force t = case !t of EXN e => raise e | THUNK f => (t := VALUE (f ()) handle e => t := EXN e ; force t) | VALUE v => v fun Y ? = Tie.tier (fn () => let val r = lazy (raising Fix.Fix) in (r, r <\ op := o !) end) ? end ---- An example use of our naive lazy promises is to implement equally naive lazy streams: [source,sml] ---- structure Stream :> sig type 'a t val cons : 'a * 'a t -> 'a t val get : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) Option.t val Y : 'a t Tie.t end = struct datatype 'a t = IN of ('a * 'a t) Option.t Promise.t fun cons (x, xs) = IN (Promise.lazy (fn () => SOME (x, xs))) fun get (IN p) = Promise.force p fun Y ? = Tie.iso Promise.Y (fn IN p => p, IN) ? end ---- Note that above we make use of the `iso` combinator. Here is a finite representation of an infinite stream of ones: [source,sml] ---- val ones = let open Tie Stream in fix Y (fn ones => cons (1, ones)) end ----