CallingFromSMLToCFunctionPointer ================================ Just as MLton can <:CallingFromSMLToC:directly call C functions>, it is possible to make indirect function calls; that is, function calls through a function pointer. MLton extends the syntax of SML to allow expressions like the following: ---- _import * : MLton.Pointer.t -> real * char -> int; ---- This expression denotes a function of type [source,sml] ---- MLton.Pointer.t -> real * char -> int ---- whose behavior is implemented by calling the C function at the address denoted by the `MLton.Pointer.t` argument, and supplying the C function two arguments, a `double` and an `int`. The C function pointer may be obtained, for example, by the dynamic linking loader (`dlopen`, `dlsym`, ...). The general form of an indirect `_import` expression is: ---- _import * attr... : cPtrTy -> cFuncTy; ---- The type and the semicolon are not optional. == Example == This example uses `dlopen` and friends (imported using normal `_import`) to dynamically load the math library (`libm`) and call the `cos` function. Suppose `iimport.sml` contains the following. [source,sml] ---- sys::[./bin/ mlton master doc/examples/ffi/iimport.sml] ---- Compile and run `iimport.sml`. ---- % mlton -default-ann 'allowFFI true' \ -target-link-opt linux -ldl \ -target-link-opt solaris -ldl \ iimport.sml % iimport Math.cos(2.0) = ~0.416146836547 = ~0.416146836547 ---- This example also shows the `-target-link-opt` option, which uses the switch when linking only when on the specified platform. Compile with `-verbose 1` to see in more detail what's being passed to `gcc`. == Download == *