Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / real-int.sml
1 functor Test (structure Real : REAL) =
2 struct
4 datatype z = datatype IEEEReal.float_class
5 datatype z = datatype IEEEReal.rounding_mode
7 fun showReal r =
8 print (Real.fmt StringCvt.EXACT r)
10 fun showInt i =
11 print (Int.fmt StringCvt.DEC i)
13 fun showLargeInt li =
14 print (LargeInt.fmt StringCvt.DEC li)
16 fun showMode mode =
17 case mode of
19 | TO_NEGINF => print "TO_NEGINF"
20 | TO_POSINF => print "TO_POSINF"
21 | TO_ZERO => print "TO_ZERO"
23 datatype 'a res = OK of 'a | OVERFLOW
24 fun showRes showOk r =
25 case r of
26 OK x => showOk x
27 | OVERFLOW => print "Overflow"
28 fun wrap th = (OK (th ())) handle Overflow => OVERFLOW
30 fun checkIntToReal i =
31 let
32 val li = Int.toLarge i
33 val ri = Real.fromInt i
34 val rli = Real.fromLargeInt li
35 in
36 ()
37 ; print "["
38 ; showInt i
39 ; print ","
40 ; showLargeInt li
41 ; print "] --> ["
42 ; showReal ri
43 ; print ","
44 ; showReal rli
45 ; print "] --> "
46 ; print (if Real.== (ri, rli) then "OK\n" else "BAD\n")
47 ; ()
48 end
50 fun checkRealToInt mode r =
51 let
52 val i = wrap (fn () => Real.toInt mode r)
53 val li = Real.toLargeInt mode r
54 in
55 ()
56 ; print "["
57 ; showReal r
58 ; print ","
59 ; showMode mode
60 ; print "] --> ["
61 ; showRes showInt i
62 ; print ","
63 ; showLargeInt li
64 ; print "] --> "
65 ; print (if wrap (fn () => Int.fromLarge li) = i then "OK\n" else "BAD\n")
66 ; ()
67 end
69 val is : list =
70 let
71 val op + = Int.+
72 val op div = Int.div
73 val op * = Int.*
74 val ~ = Int.~
75 val op - = Int.-
76 val minInt = valOf Int.minInt
77 val maxInt = valOf Int.maxInt
78 val (zero,one,two,three) =
79 (Int.fromInt 0, Int.fromInt 1,
80 Int.fromInt 2, Int.fromInt 3)
81 val one_half = maxInt div two
82 val four = two * two
83 val one_fourth = maxInt div four
84 val eight = four * two
85 val one_eighth = maxInt div eight
86 val sixteen = eight * two
87 val one_sixteenth = maxInt div sixteen
88 val thirtytwo = sixteen * two
89 val one_thirtysecond = maxInt div thirtytwo
90 val sixtyfour = thirtytwo * two
91 val one_sixtyfourth = maxInt div sixtyfour
92 in
93 [minInt, minInt + one, minInt + two, minInt + three,
94 minInt + one_sixtyfourth, minInt + one_thirtysecond,
95 minInt + one_sixteenth, minInt + one_eighth,
96 minInt + one_fourth, minInt + one_half,
97 ~three,~two,~one,zero,one,two,three,
98 maxInt - one_half, maxInt - one_fourth,
99 maxInt - one_eighth, maxInt - one_sixteenth,
100 maxInt - one_thirtysecond, maxInt - one_sixtyfourth,
101 maxInt - three, maxInt - two, maxInt - one, maxInt]
102 end
103 val () = checkIntToReal is
104 val rs =
106 (fn i => let
107 val r = Real.fromInt i
108 fun make (fold,inf) =
109 fold
110 (fn (_,(r,l)) => let
111 val r' = Real.nextAfter (r, inf)
112 in
113 (r',r'::l)
114 end)
115 (r,[]) (List.tabulate (64,fn _ => ()))
116 val make = fn (fold,inf) => #2 (make (fold,inf))
117 in
118 (make (foldl,Real.negInf)) @
119 [r] @
120 (make (foldr,Real.posInf))
121 end)
122 is
123 val rs = List.concat rs
124 val () = (checkRealToInt TO_NEAREST) rs
125 val () = (checkRealToInt TO_NEGINF) rs
126 val () = (checkRealToInt TO_POSINF) rs
127 val () = (checkRealToInt TO_ZERO) rs
129 end
131 structure Z = Test (structure Real = Real32)
132 structure Z = Test (structure Real = Real64)