Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / lib.sml
1 datatype 'a Option = None | Some of 'a
3 fun digit n = chr(ord #"0" + n)
4 fun digits(n,acc) =
5 if n >=0 andalso n<=9 then digit n:: acc
6 else digits (n div 10, digit(n mod 10) :: acc)
8 fun toString(n) = implode(digits(n,[]))
10 fun writeln s = print(s^"\n")
12 fun percent(i: int, j: int)(*:int*) =
13 floor((real i * 100.0)/real j)
15 (* seek: (char -> bool) -> instream -> string list:
16 seek(pred)(is) returns the list of characters obtained
17 by reading from up to and including the first character
18 which satisfies "pred". (If no such character exists, the
19 empty list is returned.
20 *)
21 exception Impossible
22 fun seek (pred: char -> bool) (is: TextIO.instream): char list =
23 let fun readLoop() =
24 (case explode (TextIO.inputN(is, 1)) of
25 [] => []
26 | [char] => char :: (if pred char then []
27 else readLoop())
28 | _ => (print " impossible"; raise Impossible))
29 in readLoop()
30 end
32 fun readLn(is) = seek(fn ch => ch = #"\n")is
34 (* dropwhile: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list; endomorphic *)
35 fun dropwhile pred l =
36 let fun drop_loop (l as []) = l
37 | drop_loop (l as x::xs) =
38 if pred x then drop_loop xs else l
39 in drop_loop l
40 end
42 (* takewhile: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list; exomorphic *)
43 fun takewhile pred l =
44 let fun take_loop [] = []
45 | take_loop (l as x::xs) =
46 if pred x then x:: take_loop xs else []
47 in take_loop l
48 end
50 fun isSpace(ch:char) =
51 ch = #" " orelse ch = #"\t" orelse ch = #"\n"
52 (* orelse ch= "\f" orelse ch = "\r" orelse ch = "\v"*)
54 fun readWord(is): string Option =
55 case
56 implode(takewhile(not o isSpace)
57 (dropwhile isSpace (readLn is)))
58 of "" => None
59 | word => Some word