Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / kkb36c.sml
1 (*kitknuth_bendix36c.sml*)
3 (*
5 kitknuth-bendixnewcopy.sml
7 This is a revised version of knuth-bendix.sml in which
8 (a) val has been converted to fun for function values
9 (b) exceptions that carry values have been avoided
10 (c) functions have been moved around to pass fewer of them
11 as parameters
12 (d) long tail-recursions have been broken into batches of 1,
13 with user-programmed copying between the batches
15 *)
16 local
18 fun eq_integer (x: int, y: int): bool = x = y
19 fun eq_string (x: string, y: string): bool = x = y
21 (*
22 signature KB =
23 sig
24 datatype term = Var of int | Term of string * term list
25 datatype ordering = Greater | Equal | NotGE
26 val rpo: (string -> string -> ordering) ->
27 ((term * term -> ordering) -> term * term -> ordering) ->
28 term * term -> ordering
29 val lex_ext: (term * term -> ordering) -> term * term -> ordering
30 val kb_complete:
31 (term * term -> bool) -> (int * (int * (term * term))) list ->
32 ('a * ('b * (term * term))) list -> unit
33 include BMARK
34 end;
35 *)
36 (*
37 structure Main : KB =
38 struct
39 *)
40 fun length l = let
41 fun j(k, nil) = k
42 | j(k, a::x) = j(k+1,x)
43 in
44 j(0,l)
45 end
46 fun op @ (nil, l) = l
47 | op @ (a::r, l) = a :: (r@l)
48 fun rev l = let
49 fun f (nil, h) = h
50 | f (a::r, h) = f(r, a::h)
51 in
52 f(l,nil)
53 end
54 fun app f = let
55 fun app_rec [] = ()
56 | app_rec (a::L) = (f a; app_rec L)
57 in
58 app_rec
59 end
60 (*
61 fun map f = let
62 fun map_rec [] = []
63 | map_rec (a::L) = f a :: map_rec L
64 in
65 map_rec
66 end
67 *)
69 (******* Quelques definitions du prelude CAML **************)
71 exception Failure of string
72 exception FailItList2
73 exception FailTryFind
74 exception FailFind
75 exception FailChange
76 exception FailReplace
77 exception FailMatching
78 exception FailUnify
79 exception FailPretty
80 exception Fail
81 exception FailMrewrite1
82 exception FailRemEQ
83 exception FailMultExt
84 exception FailLexExt
85 exception FailKbComplettion
87 fun failwith s = raise(Failure s)
89 fun fst (x,y) = x
90 and snd (x,y) = y
93 (*
94 fun it_list f =
95 let fun it_rec a [] = a
96 | it_rec a (b::L) = it_rec (f a b) L
97 in it_rec
98 end
99 *)
100 fun it_list f a [] = a
101 | it_list f a (b::L) = it_list f (f a b) L
103 fun it_list2 f =
104 let fun it_rec a [] [] = a
105 | it_rec a (a1::L1) (a2::L2) = it_rec (f a (a1,a2)) L1 L2
106 | it_rec _ _ _ = raise FailItList2
107 in it_rec
108 end
110 fun exists p =
111 let fun exists_rec [] = false
112 | exists_rec (a::L) = (p a) orelse (exists_rec L)
113 in exists_rec
114 end
116 fun for_all p =
117 let fun for_all_rec [] = true
118 | for_all_rec (a::L) = (p a) andalso (for_all_rec L)
119 in for_all_rec
120 end
122 fun rev_append [] L = L
123 | rev_append (x::L1) L2 = rev_append L1 (x::L2)
125 fun try_find f =
126 let fun try_find_rec [] = raise FailTryFind
127 | try_find_rec (a::L) = (f a) handle _ => try_find_rec L
128 in try_find_rec
129 end
131 fun partition p =
132 let fun part_rec [] = ([],[])
133 | part_rec (a::L) =
134 let val (pos,neg) = part_rec L in
135 if p a then ((a::pos), neg) else (pos, (a::neg))
136 end
137 in part_rec
138 end
140 (* 3- Les ensembles et les listes d'association *)
142 (*
143 fun mem eq a =
144 let fun mem_rec [] = false
145 | mem_rec (b::L) = (eq(a,b)) orelse mem_rec L
146 in mem_rec
147 end
148 *)
149 fun mem eq a []= false
150 | mem eq a (b::L) = eq(a,b) orelse mem eq a L
152 fun union eq L1 L2 =
153 let fun union_rec [] = L2
154 | union_rec (a::L) =
155 if mem eq a L2 then union_rec L else a :: union_rec L
156 in union_rec L1
157 end
159 (*
160 fun mem_assoc eq a =
161 let fun mem_rec [] = false
162 | mem_rec ((b,_)::L) = (eq(a,b)) orelse mem_rec L
163 in mem_rec
164 end
165 *)
167 fun mem_assoc eq a [] = false
168 | mem_assoc eq a ((b,_)::L) = eq(a,b) orelse mem_assoc eq a L
170 fun assoc eq a =
171 let fun assoc_rec [] = raise FailFind
172 | assoc_rec ((b,d)::L) = if eq(a,b) then d else assoc_rec L
173 in assoc_rec
174 end
176 (* 4- Les sorties *)
178 (* val print_string = String.print; *)
179 (* Lars *)
180 fun print_string x = print x
182 (* val print_num = Integer.print; *)
183 (* Lars *)
184 local
185 fun digit n = chr(ord #"0" + n)
186 fun digits(n,acc) =
187 if n >=0 andalso n<=9 then digit n:: acc
188 else digits (n div 10, digit(n mod 10) :: acc)
189 fun string(n) = implode(digits(n,[]))
190 in
191 fun print_num n = print_string(string n)
192 end
194 (* fun print_newline () = String.print "\n"; *)
195 (* Lars *)
196 fun print_newline () = print "\n"
198 (* fun message s = (String.print s; String.print "\n"); *)
199 (* Lars *)
200 fun message s = (print s; print "\n")
202 (* 5- Les ensembles *)
204 fun union eq L1 =
205 let fun union_rec [] = L1
206 | union_rec (a::L) = if mem eq a L1 then union_rec L else a :: union_rec L
207 in union_rec
208 end
210 (****************** Term manipulations *****************)
213 datatype term
214 = Var of int
215 | Term of string * term list
217 (* Lars, from now on: seek on eq_X to see what I have modified *)
219 fun map' f ([]:term list) : term list = []
220 | map' f (term::terms) = f term :: map' f terms
222 fun copy_term (Var n) = Var (n+0)
223 | copy_term (Term(s, l)) = Term(s, map' copy_term l)
225 fun eq_term x =
226 (fn (Var i1, Var i2) =>
227 eq_integer(i1,i2)
228 | (Term(s1,ts1),Term(s2,ts2)) =>
229 eq_string(s1,s2) andalso (eq_term_list(ts1,ts2))
230 | _ => false) x
231 and eq_term_list x =
232 (fn ([],[]) => true
233 | (t1::ts1,t2::ts2) => eq_term(t1,t2) andalso eq_term_list(ts1,ts2)
234 | _ => false) x
236 fun vars (Var n) = [n]
237 | vars (Term(_,L)) = vars_of_list L
238 and vars_of_list [] = []
239 | vars_of_list (t::r) = union eq_integer (vars t) (vars_of_list r)
241 (*
242 fun substitute subst =
243 let fun subst_rec (Term(oper,sons)) = Term(oper, map subst_rec sons)
244 | subst_rec (t as (Var n)) = (assoc eq_integer n subst) handle _ => t
245 in subst_rec
246 end
247 *)
248 fun substitute subst (t as Term(oper,[])) = t
249 | substitute subst (Term(oper,sons)) = Term(oper, map (substitute subst) sons)
250 | substitute subst (t as (Var n)) = (assoc eq_integer n subst) handle _ => t
252 fun change f =
253 let fun change_rec (h::t) n = if eq_integer(n,1) then f h :: t
254 else h :: change_rec t (n-1)
255 | change_rec _ _ = raise FailChange
256 in change_rec
257 end
259 (* Term replacement replace M u N => M[u<-N] *)
260 fun replace M u N =
261 let fun reprec (_, []) = N
262 | reprec (Term(oper,sons), (n::u)) =
263 Term(oper, change (fn P => reprec(P,u)) sons n)
264 | reprec _ = raise FailReplace
265 in reprec(M,u)
266 end
268 (* matching = - : (term -> term -> subst) *)
269 fun matching term1 term2 =
270 let fun match_rec subst (Var v, M) =
271 if mem_assoc eq_integer v subst then
272 if eq_term(M,assoc eq_integer v subst) then subst else raise FailMatching
273 else
274 (v,M) :: subst
275 | match_rec subst (Term(op1,sons1), Term(op2,sons2)) =
276 if eq_string(op1,op2) then it_list2 match_rec subst sons1 sons2
277 else raise FailMatching
278 | match_rec _ _ = raise FailMatching
279 in match_rec [] (term1,term2)
280 end
282 (* A naive unification algorithm *)
284 fun compsubst subst1 subst2 =
285 (map (fn (v,t) => (v, substitute subst1 t)) subst2) @ subst1
287 fun occurs n =
288 let fun occur_rec (Var m) = eq_integer(m,n)
289 | occur_rec (Term(_,sons)) = exists occur_rec sons
290 in occur_rec
291 end
293 fun unify ((term1 as (Var n1)), term2) =
294 if eq_term(term1,term2) then []
295 else if occurs n1 term2 then raise FailUnify
296 else [(n1,term2)]
297 | unify (term1, Var n2) =
298 if occurs n2 term1 then raise FailUnify
299 else [(n2,term1)]
300 | unify (Term(op1,sons1), Term(op2,sons2)) =
301 if eq_string(op1,op2) then
302 it_list2 (fn s => fn (t1,t2) => compsubst (unify(substitute s t1,
303 substitute s t2)) s)
304 [] sons1 sons2
305 else raise FailUnify
307 (* We need to print terms with variables independently from input terms
308 obtained by parsing. We give arbitrary names v1,v2,... to their variables. *)
310 val INFIXES = ["+","*"]
312 fun pretty_term (Var n) =
313 (print_string "v"; print_num n)
314 | pretty_term (Term (oper,sons)) =
315 if mem eq_string oper INFIXES then
316 case sons of
317 [s1,s2] =>
318 (pretty_close s1; print_string oper; pretty_close s2)
319 | _ =>
320 raise FailPretty (* "pretty_term : infix arity <> 2"*)
321 else
322 (print_string oper;
323 case sons of
324 [] => ()
325 | t::lt =>(print_string "(";
326 pretty_term t;
327 app (fn t => (print_string ","; pretty_term t)) lt;
328 print_string ")"))
329 and pretty_close (M as Term(oper, _)) =
330 if mem eq_string oper INFIXES then
331 (print_string "("; pretty_term M; print_string ")")
332 else pretty_term M
333 | pretty_close M = pretty_term M
335 (****************** Equation manipulations *************)
337 (* standardizes an equation so its variables are 1,2,... *)
339 fun mk_rule M N =
340 let val all_vars = union eq_integer (vars M) (vars N)
341 val (k,subst) =
342 it_list (fn (i,sigma) => fn v => (i+1,(v,Var(i))::sigma))
343 (1,[]) all_vars
344 in (k-1, (substitute subst M, substitute subst N))
345 end
347 (* checks that rules are numbered in sequence and returns their number *)
348 fun check_rules x =
349 it_list (fn n => fn (k,_) =>
350 if eq_integer(k,n+1) then k
351 else raise Fail (*failwith "Rule numbers not in sequence"*)
352 ) 0 x
354 fun pretty_rule (k,(n,(M,N))) =
355 (print_num k; print_string " : ";
356 pretty_term M; print_string " = "; pretty_term N;
357 print_newline())
359 fun pretty_rules l = app pretty_rule l
361 fun copy_rules [] = []
362 | copy_rules ((k,(n,(M,N)))::rest) = (k+0,(n+0,(copy_term M, copy_term N))):: copy_rules rest
364 (****************** Rewriting **************************)
366 (* Top-level rewriting. Let eq:L=R be an equation, M be a term such that L<=M.
367 With sigma = matching L M, we define the image of M by eq as sigma(R) *)
368 fun reduce L M =
369 substitute (matching L M)
371 (* A more efficient version of can (rewrite1 (L,R)) for R arbitrary *)
372 fun reducible L =
373 let fun redrec M =
374 (matching L M; true)
375 handle _ =>
376 case M of Term(_,sons) => exists redrec sons
377 | _ => false
378 in redrec
379 end
381 (* mreduce : rules -> term -> term *)
382 fun mreduce rules M =
383 let fun redex (_,(_,(L,R))) = reduce L M R in try_find redex rules end
385 (* One step of rewriting in leftmost-outermost strategy, with multiple rules *)
386 (* fails if no redex is found *)
387 (* mrewrite1 : rules -> term -> term *)
388 fun mrewrite1 rules =
389 let fun rewrec M =
390 (mreduce rules M) handle _ =>
391 let fun tryrec [] = raise FailMrewrite1 (*failwith "mrewrite1"*)
392 | tryrec (son::rest) =
393 (rewrec son :: rest) handle _ => son :: tryrec rest
394 in case M of
395 Term(f, sons) => Term(f, tryrec sons)
396 | _ => raise FailMrewrite1 (*failwith "mrewrite1"*)
397 end
398 in rewrec
399 end
401 (* Iterating rewrite1. Returns a normal form. May loop forever *)
402 (* mrewrite_all : rules -> term -> term *)
403 fun mrewrite_all rules M =
404 let fun rew_loop M =
405 rew_loop(mrewrite1 rules M) handle _ => M
406 in rew_loop M
407 end
409 (*
410 pretty_term (mrewrite_all Group_rules M where M,_=<<A*(I(B)*B)>>);;
411 ==> A*U
412 *)
415 (************************ Recursive Path Ordering ****************************)
417 datatype ordering = Greater | Equal | NotGE
420 fun eq_ordering (Greater,Greater) = true (*lars *)
421 | eq_ordering (Equal,Equal) = true
422 | eq_ordering (NotGE,NotGE) = true
423 | eq_ordering _ = false
425 fun ge_ord order pair = case order pair of NotGE => false | _ => true
426 and gt_ord order pair = case order pair of Greater => true | _ => false
427 and eq_ord order pair = case order pair of Equal => true | _ => false
429 fun rem_eq equiv =
430 let fun remrec x [] = raise FailRemEQ (*failwith "rem_eq"*)
431 | remrec x (y::l) = if equiv (x,y) then l else y :: remrec x l
432 in remrec
433 end
435 fun diff_eq equiv (x,y) =
436 let fun diffrec (p as ([],_)) = p
437 | diffrec ((h::t), y) =
438 diffrec (t,rem_eq equiv h y) handle _ =>
439 let val (x',y') = diffrec (t,y) in (h::x',y') end
440 in if length x > length y then diffrec(y,x) else diffrec(x,y)
441 end
443 (* multiset extension of order *)
444 fun mult_ext order (Term(_,sons1), Term(_,sons2)) =
445 (case diff_eq (eq_ord order) (sons1,sons2) of
446 ([],[]) => Equal
447 | (l1,l2) =>
448 if for_all (fn N => exists (fn M => eq_ordering(order (M,N),Greater)) l1) l2
449 then Greater else NotGE)
450 | mult_ext order (_, _) = raise FailMultExt (*failwith "mult_ext"*)
452 (* lexicographic extension of order *)
453 fun lex_ext order ((M as Term(_,sons1)), (N as Term(_,sons2))) =
454 let fun lexrec ([] , []) = Equal
455 | lexrec ([] , _ ) = NotGE
456 | lexrec ( _ , []) = Greater
457 | lexrec (x1::l1, x2::l2) =
458 case order (x1,x2) of
459 Greater => if for_all (fn N' => gt_ord order (M,N')) l2
460 then Greater else NotGE
461 | Equal => lexrec (l1,l2)
462 | NotGE => if exists (fn M' => ge_ord order (M',N)) l1
463 then Greater else NotGE
464 in lexrec (sons1, sons2)
465 end
466 | lex_ext order _ = raise FailLexExt (*failwith "lex_ext"*)
468 (* recursive path ordering *)
469 fun Group_rules() = [
470 (1, (1, (Term("*", [Term("U",[]), Var 1]), Var 1))),
471 (2, (1, (Term("*", [Term("I",[Var 1]), Var 1]), Term("U",[])))),
472 (3, (3, (Term("*", [Term("*", [Var 1, Var 2]), Var 3]),
473 Term("*", [Var 1, Term("*", [Var 2, Var 3])]))))]
475 fun Geom_rules() = [
476 (1,(1,(Term ("*",[(Term ("U",[])), (Var 1)]),(Var 1)))),
477 (2,(1,(Term ("*",[(Term ("I",[(Var 1)])), (Var 1)]),(Term ("U",[]))))),
478 (3,(3,(Term ("*",[(Term ("*",[(Var 1), (Var 2)])), (Var 3)]),
479 (Term ("*",[(Var 1), (Term ("*",[(Var 2), (Var 3)]))]))))),
480 (4,(0,(Term ("*",[(Term ("A",[])), (Term ("B",[]))]),
481 (Term ("*",[(Term ("B",[])), (Term ("A",[]))]))))),
482 (5,(0,(Term ("*",[(Term ("C",[])), (Term ("C",[]))]),(Term ("U",[]))))),
483 (6,(0,
484 (Term
485 ("*",
486 [(Term ("C",[])),
487 (Term ("*",[(Term ("A",[])), (Term ("I",[(Term ("C",[]))]))]))]),
488 (Term ("I",[(Term ("A",[]))]))))),
489 (7,(0,
490 (Term
491 ("*",
492 [(Term ("C",[])),
493 (Term ("*",[(Term ("B",[])), (Term ("I",[(Term ("C",[]))]))]))]),
494 (Term ("B",[])))))
495 ]
497 fun Group_rank "U" = 0
498 | Group_rank "*" = 1
499 | Group_rank "I" = 2
500 | Group_rank "B" = 3
501 | Group_rank "C" = 4
502 | Group_rank "A" = 5
503 | Group_rank _ = 100 (*added, to avoid non-exhaustive patter (mads) *)
505 fun Group_precedence op1 op2 =
506 let val r1 = Group_rank op1
507 val r2 = Group_rank op2
508 in
509 if eq_integer(r1,r2) then Equal else
510 if r1 > r2 then Greater else NotGE
511 end
514 fun rpo () =
515 let fun rporec (M,N) =
516 if eq_term(M,N) then Equal else
517 case M of
518 Var m => NotGE
519 | Term(op1,sons1) =>
520 case N of
521 Var n =>
522 if occurs n M then Greater else NotGE
523 | Term(op2,sons2) =>
524 case (Group_precedence op1 op2) of
525 Greater =>
526 if for_all (fn N' => gt_ord rporec (M,N')) sons2
527 then Greater else NotGE
528 | Equal =>
529 lex_ext rporec (M,N)
530 | NotGE =>
531 if exists (fn M' => ge_ord rporec (M',N)) sons1
532 then Greater else NotGE
533 in rporec
534 end
536 fun Group_order x = rpo () x
538 fun greater pair =
539 case Group_order pair of Greater => true | _ => false
541 (****************** Critical pairs *********************)
543 (* All (u,sig) such that N/u (&var) unifies with M,
544 with principal unifier sig *)
546 fun super M =
547 let fun suprec (N as Term(_,sons)) =
548 let fun collate (pairs,n) son =
549 (pairs @ map (fn (u,sigma) => (n::u,sigma)) (suprec son), n+1)
550 val insides : (int list * (int*term)list)list = (*type constraint added (mads)*)
551 fst (it_list collate ([],1) sons)
552 in ([], unify(M,N)) :: insides handle _ => insides
553 end
554 | suprec _ = []
555 in suprec
556 end
559 (********************
561 Ex :
563 let (M,_) = <<F(A,B)>>
564 and (N,_) = <<H(F(A,x),F(x,y))>> in super M N;;
565 ==> [[1],[2,Term ("B",[])]; x <- B
566 [2],[2,Term ("A",[]); 1,Term ("B",[])]] x <- A y <- B
567 *)
569 (* All (u,sigma), u&[], such that N/u unifies with M *)
570 (* super_strict : term -> term -> (num list & subst) list *)
572 fun super_strict M (Term(_,sons)) =
573 let fun collate (pairs,n) son =
574 (pairs @ map (fn (u,sigma) => (n::u,sigma)) (super M son), n+1)
575 in fst (it_list collate ([],1) sons) end
576 | super_strict _ _ = []
578 (* Critical pairs of L1=R1 with L2=R2 *)
579 (* critical_pairs : term_pair -> term_pair -> term_pair list *)
580 fun critical_pairs (L1,R1) (L2,R2) =
581 let fun mk_pair (u,sigma) =
582 (substitute sigma (replace L2 u R1), substitute sigma R2) in
583 map mk_pair (super L1 L2)
584 end
586 (* Strict critical pairs of L1=R1 with L2=R2 *)
587 (* strict_critical_pairs : term_pair -> term_pair -> term_pair list *)
588 fun strict_critical_pairs (* r1908 *) (L1,R1) (L2,R2) =
589 let fun mk_pair (u,sigma) =
590 (substitute sigma (replace L2 u R1), substitute sigma R2) in (* these applications of substitute put terms attop *)
591 map mk_pair (super_strict L1 L2)
592 end
594 (* All critical pairs of eq1 with eq2 *)
595 fun mutual_critical_pairs eq1 eq2 =
596 (strict_critical_pairs eq1 eq2) @ (critical_pairs eq2 eq1)
598 (* Renaming of variables *)
600 fun rename n (t1,t2) =
601 let fun ren_rec (Var k) = Var(k+n)
602 | ren_rec (Term(oper,sons)) = Term(oper, map ren_rec sons)
603 in (ren_rec t1, ren_rec t2)
604 end
606 (************************ Completion ******************************)
608 fun deletion_message (k,_) =
609 (print_string "Rule ";print_num k; message " deleted")
611 (* Generate failure message *)
612 fun non_orientable (M,N) =
613 (pretty_term M; print_string " = "; pretty_term N; print_newline())
615 fun copy_termpairlist [] = []
616 | copy_termpairlist ((M,N)::rest) = (copy_term M, copy_term N):: copy_termpairlist rest
618 fun copy_int_pair(x,y) = (x+0, y+0)
619 fun copy_int_pair_list l = map copy_int_pair l
620 fun copy_int (x) = x+0
624 fun copy_arg(interm:bool, n, rules, failures, p, eps) =
625 (interm, n, copy_rules rules, copy_termpairlist failures, copy_int_pair p, copy_termpairlist eps)
627 (* Improved Knuth-Bendix completion procedure *)
628 (* kb_completion : num -> rules -> term_pair list -> (num & num) -> term_pair list -> rules *)
629 fun kb_completion (* [r2225] *)(arg as (done,n, rules, list, (k,l), eps)) =
630 let fun kbrec (* [r2272] *) count n rules =
631 let fun normal_form x = mrewrite_all rules x
632 fun get_rule k = assoc eq_integer k rules
633 fun process failures =
634 let fun processf (k,l) =
635 let fun processkl [] =
636 if k<l then next_criticals (k+1,l) else
637 if l<n then next_criticals (1,l+1) else
638 (case failures of
639 [] => (true, n, rules, [], (k,l), failures) (* successful completion *)
640 | _ => (message "Non-orientable equations :";
641 app non_orientable failures;
642 raise FailKbComplettion (*failwith "kb_completion"*) ))
643 | processkl ((M,N)::eqs) =
644 let val M' = normal_form M
645 val N' = normal_form N
646 fun enter_rule(left,right) =
647 let val new_rule = (n+1, mk_rule left right) in
648 (pretty_rule new_rule;
649 let fun left_reducible (_,(_,(L,_))) = reducible left L
650 val (redl,irredl) = partition left_reducible rules
651 in (app deletion_message redl;
652 let fun right_reduce (m,(_,(L,R))) =
653 (m,mk_rule L (mrewrite_all (new_rule::rules) R));
654 val irreds = map right_reduce irredl
655 val eqs' = map (fn (_,(_,pair)) => pair) redl
656 in if count>0
657 then (kbrec (count-1) ((n+1)) ((new_rule::irreds)) [] ((k,l))
658 ((eqs @ eqs' @ failures))
659 )
660 else (false,n+1, new_rule::irreds, [], (k,l), (eqs @ eqs' @ failures))
661 end)
662 end)
663 end
664 in if eq_term(M',N') then processkl eqs else
665 if greater(M',N') then enter_rule( M', N')
666 else
667 if greater(N',M') then enter_rule( N', M')
668 else
669 (process ( ((M', N')::failures)) ( (k,l)) ( eqs))
670 end
671 in processkl
672 end
673 and next_criticals (k,l) =
674 (let val (v,el) = get_rule l in
675 if eq_integer(k,l) then
676 processf (k,l) (strict_critical_pairs el (rename v el))
677 else
678 (let val (_,ek) = get_rule k in
679 processf (k,l) (mutual_critical_pairs el (rename v ek))
680 end
681 handle FailFind (*rule k deleted*) =>
682 next_criticals (k+1,l))
683 end
684 handle FailFind (*rule l deleted*) =>
685 next_criticals (1,l+1))
686 in processf
687 end
688 in process
689 end
691 fun kb_outer (* [r2517] *)(arg as (_, n, rules, failures, (k,l), other_failures)) =
692 case kbrec 1 n rules failures (k,l) other_failures of
693 result as (true,_, result_rules,_,_,_) => if false then arg else result
694 | arg0 as (false, n', rules', failures', (k',l'), eqs') =>
695 kb_outer(let val arg1 = copy_arg arg0
696 in (*resetRegions arg0;*)
697 copy_arg(arg1)
698 end
699 )
702 in (fn (_,_,x,_,_,_) => x)(kb_outer(arg))
703 end
705 fun kb_complete complete_rules (* the terms in the complete_rules are global *) rules =
706 let val n = check_rules complete_rules
707 val eqs = map (fn (_,(_,pair)) => pair) rules
708 (* letregion r2656 *)
709 val completed_rules =
710 (* the copying in the line below is to avoid that kb_completion is called with attop modes *)
711 kb_completion(false,n+0, copy_rules complete_rules, [], (n+0,n+0), copy_termpairlist eqs)
712 in (message "Canonical set found :";
713 pretty_rules (rev completed_rules);
714 (* end r2683 *)
715 ())
716 end
719 fun doit() = kb_complete [] (* terms in list global *) (Geom_rules())
720 fun testit _ = ()
723 in (*local*)
724 val _ = (doit(); doit(); doit())
725 end (*local*)