Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / ssa /
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
10 struct
12 open S
13 open Exp Transfer
15 structure Graph = DirectedGraph
16 structure Node = Graph.Node
18 structure VarInfo =
19 struct
20 datatype t = T of {node: unit DirectedGraph.Node.t}
22 fun layout lNode (T {node, ...}) =
23 let open Layout
24 in record [("node", lNode node)]
25 end
27 local
28 fun make f (T r) = f r
29 in
30 val node = make #node
31 end
33 fun new node = T {node = node}
34 end
36 structure NodeInfo =
37 struct
38 datatype t = T of {var: Var.t}
40 local
41 fun make f (T r) = f r
42 in
43 val var = make #var
44 end
46 fun new var = T {var = var}
47 end
49 fun transform (Program.T {datatypes, globals, functions, main}) =
50 let
51 val {get = nodeInfo: unit Node.t -> NodeInfo.t,
52 set = setNodeInfo, ...} =
53 Property.getSetOnce
54 (Node.plist,
55 Property.initRaise ("CommonArg.nodeInfo", Node.layout))
56 val nodeInfo =
57 Trace.trace ("CommonArg.nodeInfo", Layout.ignore, Layout.ignore)
58 nodeInfo
59 val {get = labelArgs: Label.t -> (Var.t * Type.t) vector,
60 set = setLabelArgs, ...} =
61 Property.getSetOnce
62 (Label.plist,
63 Property.initRaise ("CommonArg.labelArgs", Label.layout))
64 val labelArgs =
65 Trace.trace ("CommonArg.labelArgs", Layout.ignore, Layout.ignore)
66 labelArgs
67 (* Argument flow graph. *)
68 val G = ()
69 val root = Graph.newNode G
70 fun newNode (v: Var.t): unit Node.t =
71 let
72 val node = Graph.newNode G
73 val () = setNodeInfo (node, v)
74 in
75 node
76 end
77 fun newRootedNode v =
78 let
79 val node = newNode v
80 val _ = Graph.addEdge (G, {from = root, to = node})
81 in
82 node
83 end
84 val {get = varInfo: Var.t -> VarInfo.t,
85 set = setVarInfo, ...} =
86 Property.getSetOnce (Var.plist,
87 Property.initFun ( o newRootedNode))
88 val varInfo =
89 Trace.trace ("CommonArg.varInfo", Layout.ignore, Layout.ignore)
90 varInfo
91 val varNode = VarInfo.node o varInfo
92 (* Analyze *)
93 val () =
94 List.foreach
95 (functions, fn f =>
96 let
97 val {blocks, ...} = Function.dest f
98 val () =
99 Vector.foreach
100 (blocks, fn Block.T {label, args, ...} =>
101 (setLabelArgs (label, args)
102 ; Vector.foreach (args, fn (v, _) =>
103 setVarInfo (v, (newNode v)))))
104 (* Flow Transfer.Goto arguments. *)
105 fun flowVarVar (v, v'): unit =
106 ignore (Graph.addEdge (G, {from = varNode v, to = varNode v'}))
107 fun flowVarVarTy (v, (v', _)) = flowVarVar (v, v')
108 fun flowVarsVarTys (vs, vts') =
109 Vector.foreach2 (vs, vts', flowVarVarTy)
110 fun flowVarsLabelArgs (vs, l) = flowVarsVarTys (vs, labelArgs l)
111 (* Visit in unknown contexts. *)
112 fun visitVar v =
113 ignore (Graph.addEdge (G, {from = root, to = varNode v}))
114 fun visitVarTy (v, _) = visitVar v
115 fun visitArgs args = Vector.foreach (args, visitVarTy)
116 fun visitLabelArgs l = visitArgs (labelArgs l)
117 in
118 Vector.foreach
119 (blocks, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
120 case transfer of
121 Arith {overflow, success, ...} =>
122 (visitLabelArgs overflow; visitLabelArgs success)
123 | Bug => ()
124 | Call {return, ...} =>
125 (case return of
126 Return.NonTail {cont, handler} =>
127 (visitLabelArgs cont
128 ; (case handler of
129 Handler.Handle hand => visitLabelArgs hand
130 | _ => ()))
131 | _ => ())
132 | Case {cases, default, ...} =>
133 (Cases.foreach (cases, visitLabelArgs)
134 ; (default, visitLabelArgs))
135 | Goto {dst, args} => flowVarsLabelArgs (args, dst)
136 | Raise _ => ()
137 | Return _ => ()
138 | Runtime {return, ...} => visitLabelArgs return)
139 end)
140 val () = Graph.removeDuplicateEdges G
141 val {idom} = Graph.dominators (G, {root = root})
142 fun getVar (v: Var.t): Var.t =
143 case idom (varNode v) of
144 Graph.Idom parent => if Node.equals (parent, root)
145 then v
146 else NodeInfo.var (nodeInfo parent)
147 | Graph.Unreachable => v
148 | Graph.Root => v
149 fun keepVar v = Var.equals (v, getVar v)
150 (* Diagnostics *)
151 val () =
152 Control.diagnostics
153 (fn display =>
154 List.foreach
155 (functions, fn f =>
156 let
157 val {blocks, name, ...} = Function.dest f
158 open Layout
159 fun lNode n =
160 record [("idom", case idom n of
161 Graph.Idom parent =>
162 if Node.equals (parent, root)
163 then str "root"
164 else Var.layout (NodeInfo.var (nodeInfo parent))
165 | _ => str "???")]
166 in
167 display (seq [str "\n", Func.layout name])
168 ; (Vector.foreach
169 (blocks, fn Block.T {args, label, ...} =>
170 if Vector.exists (args, not o keepVar o #1)
171 then
172 display
173 (seq [Label.layout label,
174 str " ",
175 Vector.layout
176 (fn (v, _) =>
177 seq [Var.layout v,
178 str ": ",
179 VarInfo.layout lNode (varInfo v)])
180 args])
181 else ()))
182 end))
183 (* Transform *)
184 val shrink = shrinkFunction {globals = globals}
185 val functions =
186 List.revMap
187 (functions, fn f =>
188 let
189 val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, start, raises, returns} =
190 Function.dest f
191 val blocks =
193 (blocks, fn Block.T {args, label, statements, transfer} =>
194 let
195 val {yes = args, no = rems} =
196 Vector.partition (args, keepVar o #1)
197 val statements =
198 if Vector.isEmpty rems
199 then statements
200 else Vector.concat [
201 (rems, fn (v, ty) =>
202 Statement.T {var = SOME v,
203 ty = ty,
204 exp = Var (getVar v)}),
205 statements]
206 val transfer =
207 case transfer of
208 Goto {args, dst} =>
209 let
210 val args =
211 Vector.keepAllMap2
212 (args, labelArgs dst, fn (arg, (v, _)) =>
213 if keepVar v
214 then SOME arg
215 else NONE)
216 in
217 Goto {args = args, dst = dst}
218 end
219 | _ => transfer
220 in
221 Block.T {args = args,
222 label = label,
223 statements = statements,
224 transfer = transfer}
225 end)
226 in
227 shrink ( {args = args,
228 blocks = blocks,
229 mayInline = mayInline,
230 name = name,
231 start = start,
232 raises = raises,
233 returns = returns})
234 end)
235 val program =
236 Program.T {datatypes = datatypes,
237 globals = globals,
238 functions = functions,
239 main = main}
240 val () = Program.clearTop program
241 in
242 program
243 end
245 end