Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / control / control.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009,2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10 structure Control: CONTROL =
11 struct
13 open ControlFlags
15 structure Verbosity =
16 struct
17 datatype t = datatype verbosity
19 val op <= =
20 fn (Silent, _) => true
21 | (Top, Silent) => false
22 | (Top, _) => true
23 | (Pass, Pass) => true
24 | (_, Detail) => true
25 | _ => false
26 end
28 datatype style = No | Assembly | C | Dot | LLVM | ML
30 val preSuf =
31 fn No => ("", "")
32 | Assembly => ("/* ", " */")
33 | C => ("/* ", " */")
34 | Dot => ("// ", "")
35 | LLVM => ("; ", "")
36 | ML => ("(* ", " *)")
38 fun outputHeader (style: style, output: Layout.t -> unit) =
39 let
40 val (pre, suf) = preSuf style
41 val lines =
42 Version.banner
43 :: concat [" created this file on ", Date.toString ( ()), "."]
44 :: "Do not edit this file."
45 :: "Flag settings: "
46 :: ( (all (), fn {name, value} =>
47 concat [" ", name, ": ", value]))
48 in List.foreach (lines, fn l => output (Layout.str (concat [pre, l, suf])))
49 end
51 fun outputHeader' (style, out: Out.t) =
52 outputHeader (style, fn l =>
53 (Layout.output (l, out);
54 Out.newline out))
56 val depth: int ref = ref 0
57 fun getDepth () = !depth
58 fun indent () = depth := !depth + 3
59 fun unindent () = depth := !depth - 3
61 fun message (verb: Verbosity.t, th: unit -> Layout.t): unit =
62 if Verbosity.<= (verb, !verbosity)
63 then let
64 val out = Out.error
65 val lay = th ()
66 in
67 if Layout.isEmpty lay
68 then ()
69 else (Layout.output (Layout.indent (lay, !depth), out)
70 ; Out.newline out)
71 end
72 else ()
74 fun messageStr (verb, s: string): unit =
75 message (verb, fn () => Layout.str s)
77 fun time () =
78 let
79 open Time
80 val {children, self, gc, ...} = times ()
81 fun add {utime, stime} = utime + stime
82 in
83 (add self + add children, add gc)
84 end
86 fun timeToString {total, gc} =
87 let
88 fun fmt (x, n) = Real.format (x, Real.Format.fix (SOME n))
89 val toReal = Real.fromIntInf o Time.toMilliseconds
90 val per =
91 if Time.equals (total,
92 then "0"
93 else fmt (100.0 * (toReal gc / toReal total), 0)
94 fun t2s t =
95 fmt (Real./ (toReal t, 1000.0), 2)
96 in concat [t2s (Time.- (total, gc)), " + ", t2s gc, " (", per, "% GC)"]
97 end
99 fun trace (verb, name: string) (f: 'a -> 'b) (a: 'a): 'b =
100 if Verbosity.<= (verb, !verbosity)
101 then
102 let
103 val _ = messageStr (verb, concat [name, " starting"])
104 val (t, gc) = time ()
105 val _ = indent ()
106 fun done () =
107 let
108 val _ = unindent ()
109 val (t', gc') = time ()
110 in
111 timeToString {total = Time.- (t', t),
112 gc = Time.- (gc', gc)}
113 end
114 in (f a
115 before messageStr (verb, concat [name, " finished in ", done ()]))
116 handle e =>
117 (messageStr (verb, concat [name, " raised in ", done ()])
118 ; messageStr (verb, concat [name, " raised: ", Exn.toString e])
119 ; (case Exn.history e of
120 [] => ()
121 | history =>
122 (messageStr (verb, concat [name, " raised with history: "])
123 ; indent ()
124 ; (List.foreach
125 (history, fn s =>
126 messageStr (verb, s)))
127 ; unindent ()))
128 ; raise e)
129 end
130 else
131 f a
133 type traceAccum = {verb: verbosity,
134 total: Time.t ref,
135 totalGC: Time.t ref}
137 val traceAccum: (verbosity * string) -> (traceAccum * (unit -> unit)) =
138 fn (verb, name) =>
139 let
140 val total = ref
141 val totalGC = ref
142 in
143 ({verb = verb, total = total, totalGC = totalGC},
144 fn () => messageStr (verb,
145 concat [name,
146 " totals ",
147 timeToString
148 {total = !total,
149 gc = !totalGC}]))
150 end
152 val ('a, 'b) traceAdd: (traceAccum * string) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b =
153 fn ({verb, total, totalGC}, name) =>
154 fn f =>
155 fn a =>
156 if Verbosity.<= (verb, !verbosity)
157 then let
158 val (t, gc) = time ()
159 fun done ()
160 = let
161 val (t', gc') = time ()
162 in
163 total := Time.+ (!total, Time.- (t', t))
164 ; totalGC := Time.+ (!totalGC, Time.- (gc', gc))
165 end
166 in
167 (f a
168 before done ())
169 handle e =>
170 (messageStr (verb, concat [name, " raised"])
171 ; (case Exn.history e of
172 [] => ()
173 | history =>
174 (messageStr (verb, concat [name, " raised with history: "])
175 ; indent ()
176 ; (List.foreach
177 (history, fn s =>
178 messageStr (verb, s)))
179 ; unindent ()))
180 ; raise e)
181 end
182 else f a
184 val ('a, 'b) traceBatch: (verbosity * string) -> ('a -> 'b) ->
185 (('a -> 'b) * (unit -> unit)) =
186 fn (verb, name) =>
187 let
188 val (ta,taMsg) = traceAccum (verb, name)
189 in
190 fn f =>
191 (traceAdd (ta,name) f, taMsg)
192 end
194 (*------------------------------------*)
195 (* Errors *)
196 (*------------------------------------*)
198 val numErrors: int ref = ref 0
200 val errorThreshhold: int ref = ref 20
202 val die =
204 local
205 fun msg (kind: string, r: Region.t, msg: Layout.t, extra: Layout.t): unit =
206 let
207 open Layout
208 val r = Region.toString r
209 val msg = Layout.toString msg
210 val msg =
211 Layout.str
212 (concat [String.fromChar (Char.toUpper (String.sub (msg, 0))),
213 String.dropPrefix (msg, 1),
214 "."])
215 in
216 outputl (align [seq [str (concat [kind, ": "]), str r, str "."],
217 indent (align [msg,
218 indent (extra, 2)],
219 2)],
220 Out.error)
221 end
222 in
223 fun warning (r, m, e) = msg ("Warning", r, m, e)
224 fun error (r, m, e) =
225 let
226 val _ = numErrors
227 val _ = msg ("Error", r, m, e)
228 in
229 if !numErrors = !errorThreshhold
230 then die "compilation aborted: too many errors"
231 else ()
232 end
233 end
235 fun errorStr (r, msg) = error (r, Layout.str msg, Layout.empty)
237 fun checkForErrors (name: string) =
238 if !numErrors > 0
239 then die (concat ["compilation aborted: ", name, " reported errors"])
240 else ()
242 fun checkFile (f: File.t, {fail: string -> 'a, name, ok: unit -> 'a}): 'a = let
243 fun check (test, msg, k) =
244 if test f then
245 k ()
246 else
247 fail (concat ["File ", name, " ", msg])
248 in
249 check (File.doesExist, "does not exist", fn () =>
250 check (File.canRead, "cannot be read", ok))
251 end
253 (*---------------------------------------------------*)
254 (* Compiler Passes *)
255 (*---------------------------------------------------*)
257 datatype 'a display =
258 NoDisplay
259 | Layout of 'a -> Layout.t
260 | Layouts of 'a * (Layout.t -> unit) -> unit
262 fun 'a sizeMessage (name: string, a: 'a): Layout.t =
263 let open Layout
264 in str (concat [name, " size = ",
265 Int.toCommaString (MLton.size a), " bytes"])
266 end
268 val diagnosticWriter: (Layout.t -> unit) option ref = ref NONE
270 fun diagnostics f =
271 case !diagnosticWriter of
272 NONE => ()
273 | SOME w => f w
275 fun diagnostic f = diagnostics (fn disp => disp (f ()))
277 fun saveToFile ({suffix: string},
278 style,
279 a: 'a,
280 d: 'a display): unit =
281 let
282 fun doit f =
283 trace (Pass, "display")
284 Ref.fluidLet
285 (inputFile, concat [!inputFile, ".", suffix], fn () =>
286 File.withOut (!inputFile, fn out =>
287 f (fn l => (Layout.outputl (l, out)))))
288 in
289 case d of
290 NoDisplay => ()
291 | Layout layout =>
292 doit (fn output =>
293 (outputHeader (style, output)
294 ; output (layout a)))
295 | Layouts layout =>
296 doit (fn output =>
297 (outputHeader (style, output)
298 ; layout (a, output)))
299 end
301 fun maybeSaveToFile ({name: string, suffix: string},
302 style: style,
303 a: 'a,
304 d: 'a display): unit =
305 if not (List.exists (!keepPasses, fn re =>
306 Regexp.Compiled.matchesAll (re, name)))
307 then ()
308 else saveToFile ({suffix = concat [name, ".", suffix]}, style, a, d)
310 (* Code for diagnosing a pass. *)
311 val wrapDiagnosing =
312 fn {name: string,
313 thunk: unit -> 'a} =>
314 if not (List.exists (!diagPasses, fn re =>
315 Regexp.Compiled.matchesAll (re, name)))
316 then thunk
317 else fn () =>
318 let
319 val result = ref NONE
320 val _ =
321 saveToFile
322 ({suffix = concat [name, ".diagnostic"]}, No, (),
323 Layouts (fn ((), disp) =>
324 (diagnosticWriter := SOME disp
325 ; result := SOME (thunk ())
326 ; diagnosticWriter := NONE)))
327 in
328 valOf (!result)
329 end
331 (* Code for profiling a pass. *)
332 val wrapProfiling =
333 fn {name: string,
334 thunk: unit -> 'a} =>
335 if MLton.Profile.isOn
336 then if not (List.exists (!profPasses, fn re =>
337 Regexp.Compiled.matchesAll (re, name)))
338 then thunk
339 else fn () =>
340 let
341 open MLton.Profile
342 val d = Data.malloc ()
343 in
344 Exn.finally
345 (fn () => withData (d, thunk),
346 fn () => (Data.write (d, concat [!inputFile, ".", name, ".mlmon"])
347 ; d))
348 end
349 else thunk
351 fun pass {display: 'a display,
352 name: string,
353 suffix: string,
354 stats: 'a -> Layout.t,
355 style: style,
356 thunk: unit -> 'a}: 'a =
357 let
358 val thunk = wrapDiagnosing {name = name, thunk = thunk}
359 val thunk = wrapProfiling {name = name, thunk = thunk}
360 val result = trace (Pass, name) thunk ()
361 val verb = Detail
362 val _ = message (verb, fn () => Layout.str (concat [name, " stats"]))
363 val _ = indent ()
364 val _ = message (verb, fn () => sizeMessage (suffix, result))
365 val _ = message (verb, fn () => stats result)
366 val _ = message (verb, PropertyList.stats)
367 val _ = message (verb, HashSet.stats)
368 val _ = unindent ()
369 val _ = checkForErrors name
370 val _ = maybeSaveToFile ({name = name, suffix = suffix},
371 style, result, display)
372 in
373 result
374 end
376 fun passTypeCheck {display: 'a display,
377 name: string,
378 stats: 'a -> Layout.t,
379 style: style,
380 suffix: string,
381 thunk: unit -> 'a,
382 typeCheck = tc: 'a -> unit}: 'a =
383 let
384 val result = pass {display = display,
385 name = name,
386 stats = stats,
387 style = style,
388 suffix = suffix,
389 thunk = thunk}
390 val _ =
391 if !typeCheck
392 then trace (Pass, "typeCheck") tc result
393 else ()
394 in
395 result
396 end
398 end