Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / atoms /
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009,2011-2012 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 functor RealX (S: REAL_X_STRUCTS): REAL_X =
10 struct
12 open S
14 structure P = Pervasive
15 structure PR32 = P.Real32
16 structure PR64 = P.Real64
17 structure PIR = P.IEEEReal
19 datatype z = datatype RealSize.t
21 datatype t =
22 Real32 of Real32.t
23 | Real64 of Real64.t
25 fun zero s =
26 case s of
27 R32 => Real32 0.0
28 | R64 => Real64 0.0
30 fun size r =
31 case r of
32 Real32 _ => R32
33 | Real64 _ => R64
35 fun make (r: string, s: RealSize.t): t option =
36 let
37 fun doit (fromString, isFinite, con): t option =
38 case fromString r of
39 NONE => Error.bug "RealX.make: unexpected real constant"
40 | SOME r =>
41 if isFinite r
42 then SOME (con r)
43 else NONE
44 in
45 case s of
46 R32 => doit (Real32.fromString, Real32.isFinite, Real32)
47 | R64 => doit (Real64.fromString, Real64.isFinite, Real64)
48 end
50 (* RealX.equals determines if two floating-point constants are equal.
51 * Must check the sign bit, since Real{32,64}.== ignores the sign of
52 * zeros; the difference between 0.0 and ~0.0 is observable by
53 * programs that examine the sign bit.
54 * Should check for nan, since Real{32,64}.== returns false for any
55 * comparison with nan values. Ideally, should use bit-wise equality
56 * since there are multiple representations for nan. However, SML/NJ
57 * doesn't support the PackReal structures that would be required to
58 * compare real values as bit patterns. Conservatively return
59 * 'false'; constant-propagation and common-subexpression elimination
60 * will not combine nan values.
61 *)
62 fun equals (r, r') =
63 case (r, r') of
64 (Real32 r, Real32 r') =>
65 let
66 open Real32
67 in
68 equals (r, r') andalso signBit r = signBit r'
69 end
70 | (Real64 r, Real64 r') =>
71 let
72 open Real64
73 in
74 equals (r, r') andalso signBit r = signBit r'
75 end
76 | _ => false
78 fun toString r =
79 case r of
80 Real32 r => Real32.format (r, Real32.Format.exact)
81 | Real64 r => Real64.format (r, Real64.Format.exact)
83 val layout = Layout.str o toString
85 val hash = String.hash o toString
87 (* Disable constant folding when it might change the results. *)
88 fun disableCF () =
89 PR32.precision = PR64.precision
90 orelse ! <> Control.Self
92 local
93 fun make (o32, o64) arg =
94 if disableCF ()
95 then NONE
96 else SOME (case arg of
97 Real32 x => Real32 (o32 x)
98 | Real64 x => Real64 (o64 x))
99 in
100 val neg = make (Real32.~, Real64.~)
101 val abs = make (Real32.abs, Real64.abs)
102 end
104 datatype 'r r =
105 R of {zero: 'r, half: 'r, one: 'r, inf: 'r, abs: 'r -> 'r,
106 signBit: 'r -> bool, isNan: 'r -> bool,
107 toManExp: 'r -> {exp: int, man: 'r},
108 compareReal: 'r * 'r -> PIR.real_order,
109 bits: Bits.t,
110 subVec: P.Word8Vector.vector * int -> P.LargeWord.word,
111 update: P.Word8Array.array * int * P.LargeWord.word -> unit,
112 toBytes: 'r -> P.Word8Vector.vector,
113 subArr: P.Word8Array.array * int -> 'r,
114 tag: 'r -> t}
116 val r32 =
117 R {zero = 0.0, half = 0.5, one = 1.0, inf = PR32.posInf,
118 abs = PR32.abs, signBit = PR32.signBit, isNan = PR32.isNan,
119 toManExp = PR32.toManExp, compareReal = PR32.compareReal,
120 bits = Bits.inWord32,
121 subVec = P.PackWord32Little.subVec,
122 update = P.PackWord32Little.update,
123 toBytes = P.PackReal32Little.toBytes,
124 subArr = P.PackReal32Little.subArr,
125 tag = Real32}
126 val r64 =
127 R {zero = 0.0, half = 0.5, one = 1.0, inf = PR64.posInf,
128 abs = PR64.abs, signBit = PR64.signBit, isNan = PR64.isNan,
129 toManExp = PR64.toManExp, compareReal = PR64.compareReal,
130 bits = Bits.inWord64,
131 subVec = P.PackWord64Little.subVec,
132 update = P.PackWord64Little.update,
133 toBytes = P.PackReal64Little.toBytes,
134 subArr = P.PackReal64Little.subArr,
135 tag = Real64}
137 local
138 fun doit (R {compareReal, signBit, tag, ...}) (f, arg) =
139 if disableCF ()
140 then NONE
141 else
142 let
143 val old = PIR.getRoundingMode ()
144 in
145 (* According to the Basis Library specification,
146 * setRoundingMode can fail (raise an exception).
147 *)
148 let
149 val () = PIR.setRoundingMode PIR.TO_NEGINF
150 val min = f arg
151 val () = PIR.setRoundingMode PIR.TO_POSINF
152 val max = f arg
153 val () = PIR.setRoundingMode old
154 in
155 if (PIR.EQUAL = compareReal (min, max)
156 andalso signBit min = signBit max)
157 then SOME (tag min)
158 else NONE
159 end
160 handle _ =>
161 (if PIR.getRoundingMode () = old
162 then ()
163 else PIR.setRoundingMode old
164 ; NONE)
165 end
167 fun make1 (o32, o64) =
168 fn Real32 x => doit r32 (o32, x)
169 | Real64 x => doit r64 (o64, x)
171 fun make2 (o32, o64) =
172 fn (Real32 x, Real32 y) => doit r32 (o32, (x, y))
173 | (Real64 x, Real64 y) => doit r64 (o64, (x, y))
174 | _ => Error.bug "impossible"
176 fun make3 (o32, o64) =
177 fn (Real32 x, Real32 y, Real32 z) => doit r32 (o32, (x, y, z))
178 | (Real64 x, Real64 y, Real64 z) => doit r64 (o64, (x, y, z))
179 | _ => Error.bug "impossible"
180 in
181 val acos = make1 (PR32.Math.acos, PR64.Math.acos)
182 val asin = make1 (PR32.Math.asin, PR64.Math.asin)
183 val atan = make1 (PR32.Math.atan, PR64.Math.atan)
184 val atan2 = make2 (PR32.Math.atan2, PR64.Math.atan2)
185 val cos = make1 (PR32.Math.cos, PR64.Math.cos)
186 val exp = make1 (PR32.Math.exp, PR64.Math.exp)
187 val ln = make1 (PR32.Math.ln, PR64.Math.ln)
188 val log10 = make1 (PR32.Math.log10, PR64.Math.log10)
189 val sin = make1 (PR32.Math.sin, PR64.Math.sin)
190 val sqrt = make1 (PR32.Math.sqrt, PR64.Math.sqrt)
191 val tan = make1 (PR32.Math.tan, PR64.Math.tan)
193 val add = make2 (PR32.+, PR64.+)
194 val op div = make2 (PR32./, PR64./)
195 val mul = make2 (PR32.*, PR64.* )
196 val sub = make2 (PR32.-, PR64.-)
198 val muladd = make3 (PR32.*+, PR64.*+)
199 val mulsub = make3 (PR32.*-, PR64.*-)
201 fun fromIntInf (i, s) =
202 case s of
203 R32 => doit r32 (Real32.fromIntInf, i)
204 | R64 => doit r64 (Real64.fromIntInf, i)
205 end
207 local
208 fun make (o32, o64) args =
209 if disableCF ()
210 then NONE
211 else
212 SOME (case args of
213 (Real32 r1, Real32 r2) => o32 (r1, r2)
214 | (Real64 r1, Real64 r2) => o64 (r1, r2)
215 | _ => Error.bug "impossible")
216 in
217 val equal = make (PR32.==, PR64.==)
218 val le = make (PR32.<=, PR64.<=)
219 val lt = make (PR32.<, PR64.<)
220 val qequal = make (PR32.?=, PR64.?=)
221 end
223 datatype decon =
224 NAN
225 | ZERO of {signBit: bool}
226 | ONE of {signBit: bool}
227 | POW2 of {signBit: bool, exp: Int.t} (* man = 0.5 *)
228 | FIN of {signBit: bool, exp: Int.t, man: t}
229 | INF of {signBit: bool}
231 local
232 fun doit (R {zero, half, one, inf, abs, signBit, isNan, toManExp,
233 compareReal, tag, ...})
234 value =
235 if isNan value
236 then NAN
237 else let
238 val signBit = signBit value
239 val absValue = abs value
240 in
241 if PIR.EQUAL = compareReal (zero, absValue)
242 then ZERO {signBit = signBit}
243 else if PIR.EQUAL = compareReal (one, absValue)
244 then ONE {signBit = signBit}
245 else if PIR.EQUAL = compareReal (inf, absValue)
246 then INF {signBit = signBit}
247 else let
248 val {man, exp} = toManExp absValue
249 in
250 if PIR.EQUAL = compareReal (half, man)
251 then POW2 {signBit = signBit, exp = exp}
252 else FIN {signBit = signBit, exp = exp, man = tag man}
253 end
254 end
255 in
256 fun decon x =
257 if disableCF ()
258 then NONE
259 else SOME (case x of
260 Real32 x => doit r32 x
261 | Real64 x => doit r64 x)
262 end
264 local
265 fun doit (R {bits, toBytes, subVec, ...}) x = let
266 in
267 (SOME o WordX.fromIntInf)
268 (P.LargeWord.toLargeInt (subVec (toBytes x, 0)),
269 WordX.WordSize.fromBits bits)
270 end handle _ => NONE
271 in
272 fun castToWord x =
273 if disableCF ()
274 then NONE
275 else
276 (case x of
277 Real32 x => doit r32 x
278 | Real64 x => doit r64 x)
279 end
281 local
282 fun doit (R {bits, update, subArr, tag, isNan, ...}) w = let
283 val a = P.Word8Array.array (Bytes.toInt (Bits.toBytes bits), 0w0)
284 val () = update (a, 0, P.LargeWord.fromLargeInt (WordX.toIntInf w))
285 val r = subArr (a, 0)
286 in
287 if isNan r
288 then NONE
289 else SOME (tag r)
290 end handle _ => NONE
291 in
292 fun castFromWord w =
293 if disableCF () then
294 NONE
295 else if WordX.WordSize.bits (WordX.size w) = Bits.inWord32 then
296 doit r32 w
297 else if WordX.WordSize.bits (WordX.size w) = Bits.inWord64 then
298 doit r64 w
299 else
300 Error.bug "Invalid word size"
301 end
303 end