Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlnlffigen / cpif-dev.sml
1 (* cpif-dev.sml
2 * 2005 Matthew Fluet (
3 * Adapted for MLton.
4 *)
6 (* cpif-dev.sml
7 * A simple pretty-printing device that eventually writes to a
8 * text file unless the current contents of that file coincides
9 * with what's being written.
10 *
11 * (C) 2002, Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs
12 *
13 * author: Matthias Blume (
14 *)
15 structure CPIFDev : sig
17 include PP_DEVICE
19 val openOut : string * int -> device
20 val closeOut : device -> unit
22 end = struct
24 datatype device =
25 DEV of { filename: string,
26 buffer : string list ref,
27 wid : int }
29 (* no style support *)
30 type style = unit
31 fun sameStyle _ = true
32 fun pushStyle _ = ()
33 fun popStyle _ = ()
34 fun defaultStyle _ = ()
36 (* Allocate an empty buffer and remember the file name. *)
37 fun openOut (f, w) = DEV { filename = f, buffer = ref [], wid = w }
39 (* Calculate the final output and compare it with the current
40 * contents of the file. If they do not coincide, write the file. *)
41 fun closeOut (DEV { buffer = ref l, filename, ... }) = let
42 val s = concat (rev l)
43 fun write () = let
44 val f = TextIO.openOut filename
45 in
46 TextIO.output (f, s);
47 TextIO.closeOut f
48 end
49 in
50 let val f = TextIO.openIn filename
51 val s' = TextIO.inputAll f
52 in
53 TextIO.closeIn f;
54 if s = s' then () else write ()
55 end handle _ => write ()
56 end
58 (* maximum printing depth (in terms of boxes) *)
59 fun depth _ = NONE
61 (* the width of the device *)
62 fun lineWidth (DEV{wid, ...}) = SOME wid
63 (* the suggested maximum width of text on a line *)
64 fun textWidth _ = NONE
66 (* output a string/character in the current style to the device *)
67 fun string (DEV { buffer, ... }, s) = buffer := s :: !buffer
69 fun char (d, c) = string (d, String.str c)
70 fun space (d, n) = string (d, StringCvt.padLeft #" " n "")
71 fun newline d = string (d, "\n")
73 fun flush d = ()
74 end