Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / benchmark / tests / count-graphs.sml
1 (* Written by Henry Cejtin ( *)
3 fun print _ = ()
5 (*
6 * My favorite high-order procedure.
7 *)
8 fun fold (lst, folder, state) =
9 let fun loop (lst, state) =
10 case lst of
11 [] => state
12 | first::rest => loop (rest, folder (first, state))
13 in loop (lst, state)
14 end
16 fun naturalFold (limit, folder, state) =
17 if limit < 0
18 then raise Domain
19 else let fun loop (i, state) =
20 if i = limit
21 then state
22 else loop (i+1, folder (i, state))
23 in loop (0, state)
24 end
26 fun naturalAny (limit, ok) =
27 if limit < 0
28 then raise Domain
29 else let fun loop i =
30 i <> limit andalso
31 (ok i orelse loop (i+1))
32 in loop 0
33 end
35 fun naturalAll (limit, ok) =
36 if limit < 0
37 then raise Domain
38 else let fun loop i =
39 i = limit orelse
40 (ok i andalso loop (i+1))
41 in loop 0
42 end
43 (*
44 * Fold over all permutations.
45 * Universe is a list of all the items to be permuted.
46 * pFolder is used to build up the permutation. It is called via
47 * pFolder (next, pState, state, accross)
48 * where next is the next item in the permutation, pState is the
49 * partially constructed permutation and state is the current fold
50 * state over permutations that have already been considered.
51 * If pFolder knows what will result from folding over all permutations
52 * descending from the resulting partial permutation (starting at state),
53 * it should raise the accross exception carrying the new state value.
54 * If pFolder wants to continue building up the permutation, it should
55 * return (newPState, newState).
56 * When a permutation has been completely constructed, folder is called
57 * via
58 * folder (pState, state)
59 * where pState is the final pState and state is the current state.
60 * It should return the new state.
61 *)
62 fun 'a foldOverPermutations (universe, pFolder, pState, folder, state: 'a) =
63 let exception accross of 'a
64 fun outer (universe, pState, state) =
65 case universe of
66 [] => folder (pState, state)
67 | first::rest =>
68 let fun inner (first, rest, revOut, state) =
69 let val state =
70 let val (newPState, state) =
71 pFolder (first,
72 pState,
73 state,
74 accross)
75 in outer (fold (revOut,
76 op ::,
77 rest),
78 newPState,
79 state)
80 end handle accross state => state
81 in case rest of
82 [] => state
83 | second::rest =>
84 inner (second,
85 rest,
86 first::revOut,
87 state)
88 end
89 in inner (first, rest, [], state)
90 end
91 in outer (universe, pState, state)
92 end
93 (*
94 * Fold over all arrangements of bag elements.
95 * Universe is a list of lists of items, with equivalent items in the
96 * same list.
97 * pFolder is used to build up the permutation. It is called via
98 * pFolder (next, pState, state, accross)
99 * where next is the next item in the permutation, pState is the
100 * partially constructed permutation and state is the current fold
101 * state over permutations that have already been considered.
102 * If pFolder knows what will result from folding over all permutations
103 * descending from the resulting partial permutation (starting at state),
104 * it should raise the accross exception carrying the new state value.
105 * If pFolder wants to continue building up the permutation, it should
106 * return (newPState, newState).
107 * When a permutation has been completely constructed, folder is called
108 * via
109 * folder (pState, state)
110 * where pState is the final pState and state is the current state.
111 * It should return the new state.
112 *)
113 fun 'a foldOverBagPerms (universe, pFolder, pState, folder, state: 'a) =
114 let exception accross of 'a
115 fun outer (universe, pState, state) =
116 case universe of
117 [] => folder (pState, state)
118 | (fbag as (first::fclone))::rest =>
119 let fun inner (fbag, first, fclone, rest, revOut, state) =
120 let val state =
121 let val (newPState, state) =
122 pFolder (first,
123 pState,
124 state,
125 accross)
126 in outer (fold (revOut,
127 op ::,
128 case fclone of
129 [] => rest
130 | _ => fclone::rest),
131 newPState,
132 state)
133 end handle accross state => state
134 in case rest of
135 [] => state
136 | (sbag as (second::sclone))::rest =>
137 inner (sbag,
138 second,
139 sclone,
140 rest,
141 fbag::revOut,
142 state)
143 end
144 in inner (fbag, first, fclone, rest, [], state)
145 end
146 in outer (universe, pState, state)
147 end
148 (*
149 * Fold over the tree of subsets of the elements of universe.
150 * The tree structure comes from the root picking if the first element
151 * is in the subset, etc.
152 * eFolder is called to build up the subset given a decision on wether
153 * or not a given element is in it or not. It is called via
154 * eFolder (elem, isinc, eState, state, fini)
155 * If this determines the result of folding over all the subsets consistant
156 * with the choice so far, then eFolder should raise the exception
157 * fini newState
158 * If we need to proceed deeper in the tree, then eFolder should return
159 * the tuple
160 * (newEState, newState)
161 * folder is called to buld up the final state, folding over subsets
162 * (represented as the terminal eStates). It is called via
163 * folder (eState, state)
164 * It returns the new state.
165 * Note, the order in which elements are folded (via eFolder) is the same
166 * as the order in universe.
167 *)
168 fun 'a foldOverSubsets (universe, eFolder, eState, folder, state: 'a) =
169 let exception fini of 'a
170 fun f (first, rest, eState) (isinc, state) =
171 let val (newEState, newState) =
172 eFolder (first,
173 isinc,
174 eState,
175 state,
176 fini)
177 in outer (rest, newEState, newState)
178 end handle fini state => state
179 and outer (universe, eState, state) =
180 case universe of
181 [] => folder (eState, state)
182 | first::rest =>
183 let val f = f (first, rest, eState)
184 in f (false, f (true, state))
185 end
186 in outer (universe, eState, state)
187 end
189 fun f universe =
190 foldOverSubsets (universe,
191 fn (elem, isinc, set, state, _) =>
192 (if isinc
193 then elem::set
194 else set,
195 state),
196 [],
197 fn (set, sets) => set::sets,
198 [])
199 (*
200 * Given a partitioning of [0, size) into equivalence classes (as a list
201 * of the classes, where each class is a list of integers), and where two
202 * vertices are equivalent iff transposing the two is an automorphism
203 * of the full subgraph on the vertices [0, size), return the equivalence
204 * classes for the graph. The graph is provided as a connection function.
205 * In the result, two equivalent vertices in [0, size) remain equivalent
206 * iff they are either both connected or neither is connected to size.
207 * The vertex size is equivalent to a vertex x in [0, size) iff
208 * connected (size, y) = connected (x, if y = x then size else y)
209 * for all y in [0, size).
210 *)
211 fun refine (size: int,
212 classes: int list list,
213 connected: int*int -> bool): int list list =
214 let fun sizeMatch x =
215 (* Check if vertex size is equivalent to vertex x. *)
216 naturalAll (size,
217 fn y => connected (size, y) =
218 connected (x,
219 if y = x
220 then size
221 else y))
222 fun merge (class, (merged, classes)) =
223 (* Add class into classes, testing if size should be merged. *)
224 if merged
225 then (true, (rev class)::classes)
226 else let val first::_ = class
227 in if sizeMatch first
228 then (true, fold (class,
229 op ::,
230 [size])::classes)
231 else (false, (rev class)::classes)
232 end
233 fun split (elem, (yes, no)) =
234 if connected (elem, size)
235 then (elem::yes, no)
236 else (yes, elem::no)
237 fun subdivide (class, state) =
238 case class of
239 [first] => merge (class, state)
240 | _ => case fold (class, split, ([], [])) of
241 ([], no) => merge (no, state)
242 | (yes, []) => merge (yes, state)
243 | (yes, no) => merge (no, merge (yes, state))
244 in case fold (classes, subdivide, (false, [])) of
245 (true, classes) => rev classes
246 | (false, classes) => fold (classes, op ::, [[size]])
247 end
248 (*
249 * Given a count of the number of vertices, a partitioning of the vertices
250 * into equivalence classes (where two vertices are equivalent iff
251 * transposing them is a graph automorphism), and a function which, given
252 * two distinct vertices, returns a bool indicating if there is an edge
253 * connecting them, check if the graph is minimal.
254 * If it is, return
255 * SOME how-many-clones-we-walked-through
256 * If not, return NONE.
257 * A graph is minimal iff its connection matrix is (weakly) smaller
258 * then all its permuted friends, where true is less than false, and
259 * the entries are compared lexicographically in the following order:
260 * -
261 * 0 -
262 * 1 2 -
263 * 3 4 5 -
264 * ...
265 * Note, the vertices are the integers in [0, nverts).
266 *)
267 fun minimal (nverts: int,
268 classes: int list list,
269 connected: int*int -> bool): int option =
270 let val perm = Array.array (nverts, ~1)
271 exception fini
272 fun pFolder (new, old, state, accross) =
273 let fun loop v =
274 if v = old
275 then (Array.update (perm, old, new);
276 (old + 1, state))
277 else case (connected (old,
278 v),
279 connected (new,
280 Array.sub (perm,
281 v))) of
282 (true, false) =>
283 raise (accross state)
284 | (false, true) =>
285 raise fini
286 | _ =>
287 loop (v + 1)
288 in loop 0
289 end
290 fun folder (_, state) =
291 state + 1
292 in SOME (foldOverBagPerms (
293 classes,
294 pFolder,
295 0,
296 folder,
297 0)) handle fini => NONE
298 end
299 (*
300 * Fold over the tree of graphs.
301 *
302 * eFolder is used to fold over the choice of edges via
303 * eFolder (from, to, isinc, eState, state, accross)
304 * with from > to.
305 *
306 * If eFolder knows the result of folding over all graphs which agree
307 * with the currently made decisions, then it should raise the accross
308 * exception carrying the resulting state as a value.
309 *
310 * To continue normally, it should return the tuple
311 * (newEState, newState)
312 *
313 * When all decisions are made with regards to edges from `from', folder
314 * is called via
315 * folder (size, eState, state, accross)
316 * where size is the number of vertices in the graph (the last from+1) and
317 * eState is the final eState for edges from `from'.
318 *
319 * If folder knows the result of folding over all extensions of this graph,
320 * it should raise accross carrying the resulting state as a value.
321 *
322 * If extensions of this graph should be folded over, it should return
323 * the new state.
324 *)
325 fun ('a, 'b) foldOverGraphs (eFolder, eState: 'a, folder, state: 'b) =
326 let exception noextend of 'b
327 fun makeVertss limit =
328 Vector.tabulate (limit,
329 fn nverts =>
330 List.tabulate (nverts,
331 fn v => v))
332 val vertss = ref (makeVertss 0)
333 fun findVerts size = (
334 if size >= Vector.length (!vertss)
335 then vertss := makeVertss (size + 1)
336 else ();
337 Vector.sub (!vertss, size))
338 fun f (size, eState, state) =
339 let val state =
340 folder (size, eState, state, noextend)
341 in g (size+1, state)
342 end handle noextend state => state
343 and g (size, state) =
344 let val indices =
345 findVerts (size - 1)
346 fun SeFolder (to, isinc, eState, state, accross) =
347 eFolder (size-1,
348 to,
349 isinc,
350 eState,
351 state,
352 accross)
353 fun Sf (eState, state) =
354 f (size, eState, state)
355 in foldOverSubsets (
356 indices,
357 SeFolder,
358 eState,
359 Sf,
360 state)
361 end
362 in f (0, eState, state)
363 end
365 (*
366 * Given the size of a graph, a list of the vertices (the integers in
367 * [0, size)), and the connected function, check if for all full subgraphs,
368 * 3*V - 4 - 2*E >= 0 or V <= 1
369 * where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.
370 *)
371 local fun short lst =
372 case lst of
373 [] => true
374 | [_] => true
375 | _ => false
376 in fun okSoFar (size, verts, connected) =
377 let exception fini of unit
378 fun eFolder (elem, isinc, eState as (ac, picked), _, accross) =
379 (if isinc
380 then (fold (picked,
381 fn (p, ac) =>
382 if connected (elem, p)
383 then ac - 2
384 else ac,
385 ac + 3),
386 elem::picked)
387 else eState,
388 ())
389 fun folder ((ac, picked), state) =
390 if ac >= 0 orelse short picked
391 then state
392 else raise (fini ())
393 in (foldOverSubsets (
394 verts,
395 eFolder,
396 (~4, []),
397 folder,
398 ());
399 true) handle fini () => false
400 end
401 end
403 fun showGraph (size, connected) =
404 naturalFold (size,
405 fn (from, _) => (
406 print ((Int.toString from) ^ ":");
407 naturalFold (size,
408 fn (to, _) =>
409 if from <> to andalso connected (from, to)
410 then print (" " ^ (Int.toString to))
411 else (),
412 ());
413 print "\n"),
414 ());
416 fun showList (start, sep, stop, trans) lst = (
417 start ();
418 case lst of
419 [] => ()
420 | first::rest => (
421 trans first;
422 fold (rest,
423 fn (item, _) => (
424 sep ();
425 trans item),
426 ()));
427 stop ())
429 val showIntList = showList (
430 fn () => print "[",
431 fn () => print ", ",
432 fn () => print "]",
433 fn i => print (Int.toString i))
435 val showIntListList = showList (
436 fn () => print "[",
437 fn () => print ", ",
438 fn () => print "]",
439 showIntList)
441 fun h (maxSize, folder, state) =
442 let val ctab = Array.tabulate (maxSize,
443 fn v => Array.array (v, false))
444 val classesv = Array.array (maxSize+1, [])
445 fun connected (from, to) =
446 let val (from, to) = if from > to
447 then (from, to)
448 else (to, from)
449 in Array.sub (Array.sub (ctab, from), to)
450 end
451 fun update (from, to, value) =
452 let val (from, to) = if from > to
453 then (from, to)
454 else (to, from)
455 in Array.update (Array.sub (ctab, from), to, value)
456 end
457 fun triangle (vnum, e) =
458 naturalAny (e,
459 fn f => connected (vnum, f)
460 andalso connected (e, f))
461 fun eFolder (from, to, isinc, _, state, accross) =
462 if isinc andalso triangle (from, to)
463 then raise (accross state)
464 else (
465 update (from, to, isinc);
466 ((), state))
467 fun Gfolder (size, _, state, accross) = (
468 if size <> 0
469 then Array.update (classesv,
470 size,
471 refine (size-1,
472 Array.sub (classesv,
473 size-1),
474 connected))
475 else ();
476 case minimal (size, Array.sub (classesv, size), connected) of
477 NONE => raise (accross state)
478 | SOME eatMe =>
479 if okSoFar (size,
480 List.tabulate (size, fn v => v),
481 connected)
482 then let val state =
483 folder (size, connected, state)
484 in if size = maxSize
485 then raise (accross state)
486 else state
487 end
488 else raise (accross state))
489 in foldOverGraphs (eFolder,
490 (),
491 Gfolder,
492 state)
493 end
495 local fun final (size: int, connected: int * int -> bool): int =
496 naturalFold (size,
497 fn (from, ac) =>
498 naturalFold (from,
499 fn (to, ac) =>
500 if connected (from, to)
501 then ac - 2
502 else ac,
503 ac),
504 3*size - 4)
505 in fun f maxSize =
506 h (maxSize,
507 fn (size, connected, state) =>
508 if final (size, connected) = 0
509 then state + 1
510 else state,
511 0)
512 end
514 fun doOne arg = (
515 print (arg ^ " -> ");
516 case Int.fromString arg of
517 SOME n =>
518 print ((Int.toString (f n)) ^ "\n")
519 | NONE =>
520 print "NOT A NUMBER\n")
522 structure Main =
523 struct
524 fun doit() =
525 doOne ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"]
527 val doit =
528 fn size =>
529 let
530 fun loop n =
531 if n = 0
532 then ()
533 else (doit();
534 loop(n-1))
535 in loop size
536 end
537 end