Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / system / date.sml
1 (* Modified from the ML Kit 4.1.4; basislib/Date.sml
2 * by on 2017-04-07
3 * by on 2006-4-25
4 * by on 2005-8-10 based on
5 * modifications from the ML Kit Version 3; basislib/Date.sml
6 * by on 1999-1-3 and
7 * by on 2000-1-18.
8 *)
10 (* Date -- 1995-07-03, 1998-04-07 *)
12 structure Date :> DATE =
13 struct
14 structure Prim = PrimitiveFFI.Date
15 structure Tm = Prim.Tm
17 (* Patch to make Time look like it deals with
18 * instead of
19 *)
20 structure Time =
21 struct
22 open Time
23 val toSeconds = LargeInt.toInt o toSeconds
24 val fromSeconds = fromSeconds o LargeInt.fromInt
25 end
27 datatype weekday = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
29 datatype month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun
30 | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
32 datatype t =
33 T of {day: int, (* 1-31 *)
34 hour: int, (* 0-23 *)
35 isDst: bool option, (* daylight savings time in force *)
36 minute: int, (* 0-59 *)
37 month: month,
38 offset: int option, (* signed seconds East of UTC:
39 * this zone = UTC+t; ~82800 < t <= 82800 *)
40 second: int, (* 0-61 (allowing for leap seconds) *)
41 weekDay: weekday,
42 year: int, (* e.g. 1995 *)
43 yearDay: int} (* 0-365 *)
44 type date = t
46 local
47 fun make f (T r) = f r
48 in
49 val day = make #day
50 val hour = make #hour
51 val isDst = make #isDst
52 val minute = make #minute
53 val month = make #month
54 val second = make #second
55 val weekDay = make #weekDay
56 val year = make #year
57 val yearDay = make #yearDay
58 end
60 exception Date
62 (* 86400 = 24*60*6 is the number of seconds per day *)
64 type tmoz = {tm_hour : C_Int.t,
65 tm_isdst : C_Int.t, (* 0 = no, 1 = yes, ~1 = don't know *)
66 tm_mday : C_Int.t,
67 tm_min : C_Int.t,
68 tm_mon : C_Int.t,
69 tm_sec : C_Int.t,
70 tm_wday : C_Int.t,
71 tm_yday : C_Int.t,
72 tm_year : C_Int.t}
73 local
74 fun make (f: C_Time.t ref -> C_Int.t C_Errno.t) (n: C_Time.t) : tmoz =
75 (ignore (f (ref n))
76 ; {tm_hour = Tm.getHour (),
77 tm_isdst = Tm.getIsDst (),
78 tm_mday = Tm.getMDay (),
79 tm_min = Tm.getMin (),
80 tm_mon = Tm.getMon (),
81 tm_sec = Tm.getSec (),
82 tm_wday = Tm.getWDay (),
83 tm_yday = Tm.getYDay (),
84 tm_year = Tm.getYear ()})
85 in
86 val getlocaltime_ = make Prim.localTime
87 val getgmtime_ = make Prim.gmTime
88 end
90 fun setTmBuf ({tm_hour, tm_isdst, tm_mday, tm_min, tm_mon,
91 tm_sec, tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_year}: tmoz) : unit =
92 (Tm.setHour tm_hour
93 ; Tm.setIsDst tm_isdst
94 ; Tm.setMDay tm_mday
95 ; Tm.setMin tm_min
96 ; Tm.setMon tm_mon
97 ; Tm.setSec tm_sec
98 ; Tm.setWDay tm_wday
99 ; Tm.setYDay tm_yday
100 ; Tm.setYear tm_year)
102 fun mktime_ (t: tmoz): C_Time.t = C_Errno.check (setTmBuf t; Prim.mkTime ())
104 (* The offset to add to local time to get UTC: positive West of UTC *)
105 val localoffset: int = C_Double.round (Prim.localOffset ())
107 val toweekday: int -> weekday =
108 fn 0 => Sun | 1 => Mon | 2 => Tue | 3 => Wed
109 | 4 => Thu | 5 => Fri | 6 => Sat
110 | _ => raise Fail "Internal error: Date.toweekday"
112 val fromwday: weekday -> int =
113 fn Sun => 0 | Mon => 1 | Tue => 2 | Wed => 3
114 | Thu => 4 | Fri => 5 | Sat => 6
116 val tomonth: int -> month =
117 fn 0 => Jan | 1 => Feb | 2 => Mar | 3 => Apr
118 | 4 => May | 5 => Jun | 6 => Jul | 7 => Aug
119 | 8 => Sep | 9 => Oct | 10 => Nov | 11 => Dec
120 | _ => raise Fail "Internal error: Date.tomonth"
122 val frommonth: month -> int =
123 fn Jan => 0 | Feb => 1 | Mar => 2 | Apr => 3
124 | May => 4 | Jun => 5 | Jul => 6 | Aug => 7
125 | Sep => 8 | Oct => 9 | Nov => 10 | Dec => 11
127 fun tmozToDate ({tm_hour, tm_isdst, tm_mday, tm_min, tm_mon,
128 tm_sec, tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_year}: tmoz) offset =
129 T {day = C_Int.toInt tm_mday,
130 hour = C_Int.toInt tm_hour,
131 isDst = (case tm_isdst of
132 0 => SOME false
133 | 1 => SOME true
134 | _ => NONE),
135 minute = C_Int.toInt tm_min,
136 month = tomonth (C_Int.toInt tm_mon),
137 offset = offset,
138 second = C_Int.toInt tm_sec,
139 weekDay = toweekday (C_Int.toInt tm_wday),
140 yearDay = C_Int.toInt tm_yday,
141 year = (C_Int.toInt tm_year) + 1900}
143 fun leapyear (y: int) =
144 y mod 4 = 0 andalso y mod 100 <> 0 orelse y mod 400 = 0
146 fun monthdays year month : int =
147 case month of
148 Jan => 31
149 | Feb => if leapyear year then 29 else 28
150 | Mar => 31
151 | Apr => 30
152 | May => 31
153 | Jun => 30
154 | Jul => 31
155 | Aug => 31
156 | Sep => 30
157 | Oct => 31
158 | Nov => 30
159 | Dec => 31
161 (* Check whether date may be passed to ISO/ANSI C functions: *)
163 fun okDate (T {year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ...}) =
164 1 <= day andalso day <= monthdays year month
165 andalso 0 <= hour andalso hour <= 23
166 andalso 0 <= minute andalso minute <= 59
167 andalso 0 <= second andalso second <= 61 (* leap seconds *)
169 fun dateToTmoz (dt as T {year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
170 weekDay, yearDay, isDst, ...}): tmoz =
171 if not (okDate dt)
172 then raise Date
173 else {tm_hour = C_Int.fromInt hour,
174 tm_isdst = (case isDst of
175 SOME false => 0
176 | SOME true => 1
177 | NONE=> ~1),
178 tm_mday = C_Int.fromInt day,
179 tm_min = C_Int.fromInt minute,
180 tm_mon = C_Int.fromInt (frommonth month),
181 tm_sec = C_Int.fromInt second,
182 tm_wday = C_Int.fromInt (fromwday weekDay),
183 tm_yday = C_Int.fromInt yearDay,
184 tm_year = C_Int.fromInt (year - 1900)}
186 (* -------------------------------------------------- *)
187 (* Translated from Emacs's calendar.el: *)
189 (* Reingold: Number of the day within the year: *)
191 fun dayinyear (year: int, month: month, day: int): int =
192 let val monthno = frommonth month
193 in
194 day - 1 + 31 * monthno
195 - (if monthno > 1 then
196 (27 + 4 * monthno) div 10 - (if leapyear year then 1 else 0)
197 else 0)
198 end
200 (* Reingold: Find the number of days elapsed from the (imagined)
201 Gregorian date Sunday, December 31, 1 BC to the given date. *)
203 fun todaynumber year month day =
204 let val prioryears = year - 1
205 in
206 dayinyear (year, month, day)
207 + 1
208 + 365 * prioryears
209 + prioryears div 4
210 - prioryears div 100
211 + prioryears div 400
212 end
214 (* Reingold et al: from absolute day number to year, month, date: *)
216 fun fromdaynumber n =
217 let val d0 = n - 1
218 val n400 = d0 div 146097
219 val d1 = d0 mod 146097
220 val n100 = d1 div 36524
221 val d2 = d1 mod 36524
222 val n4 = d2 div 1461
223 val d3 = d2 mod 1461
224 val n1 = d3 div 365
225 val day = 1 + d3 mod 365
226 val year = 400 * n400 + 100 * n100 + n4 * 4 + n1 + 1
227 fun loop month day =
228 let val mdays = monthdays year (tomonth month)
229 in
230 if mdays < day then loop (month+1) (day-mdays)
231 else (year, tomonth month, day)
232 end
233 in
234 if n100 = 4 orelse n1 = 4 then
235 (year-1, Dec, 31)
236 else
237 loop 0 day
238 end
240 (* -------------------------------------------------- *)
242 fun weekday daynumber = toweekday (daynumber mod 7)
244 (* Normalize a date, disregarding leap seconds: *)
246 fun normalizedate yr0 mo0 dy0 hr0 mn0 sec0 offset =
247 let val mn1 = mn0 + sec0 div 60
248 val second = sec0 mod 60
249 val hr1 = hr0 + mn1 div 60
250 val minute = mn1 mod 60
251 val dayno = todaynumber yr0 mo0 dy0 + hr1 div 24
252 val hour = hr1 mod 24
253 val (year, month, day) = fromdaynumber dayno
254 val date1 = T {day = day,
255 hour = hour,
256 isDst = (case offset of
257 NONE => NONE
258 | SOME _ => SOME false),
259 minute = minute,
260 month = month,
261 offset = offset,
262 second = second,
263 weekDay = weekday dayno,
264 year = year,
265 yearDay = dayinyear (year, month, day)}
266 in
267 (* One cannot reliably compute DST in non-local timezones,
268 not even given the offset from UTC. Countries in the
269 Northern hemisphere have DST during Mar-Oct, those around
270 Equator do not have DST, and those in the Southern
271 hemisphere have DST during Oct-Mar. *)
272 if year < 1970 orelse year > 2037 then date1
273 else
274 case offset of
275 NONE =>
276 tmozToDate (getlocaltime_ (mktime_ (dateToTmoz date1)))
277 offset
278 | SOME _ => date1
279 end
281 fun fromTimeLocal t =
282 tmozToDate (getlocaltime_ (C_Time.fromInt (Time.toSeconds t))) NONE
284 fun fromTimeUniv t =
285 tmozToDate (getgmtime_ (C_Time.fromInt (Time.toSeconds t))) (SOME 0)
287 (* The following implements conversion from a local date to
288 * a Time.time. It IGNORES wday and yday.
289 *)
291 fun toTime (date as T {offset, ...}) =
292 let
293 val secoffset =
294 case offset of
295 NONE => 0
296 | SOME secs => localoffset + secs
297 val clock = C_Time.toInt (mktime_ (dateToTmoz date)) - secoffset
298 in
299 if clock < 0 then raise Date
300 else Time.fromSeconds clock
301 end
303 fun localOffset () = Time.fromSeconds (localoffset mod 86400)
305 local
306 val isFormatChar =
307 let
308 val a = Array.tabulate (Char.maxOrd + 1, fn _ => false)
309 val validChars = "aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ%"
310 in Natural.foreach
311 (size validChars, fn i =>
312 Array.update (a, Char.ord (String.sub (validChars, i)), true));
313 fn c => Array.sub (a, Char.ord c)
314 end
315 in
316 fun fmt fmtStr d =
317 let
318 val _ = setTmBuf (dateToTmoz d)
319 val bufLen = 50 (* more than enough for a single format char *)
320 val buf = Array.alloc bufLen
321 fun strftime fmtChar =
322 let
323 val len =
324 Prim.strfTime
325 (buf, C_Size.fromInt bufLen,
326 NullString.fromString (concat ["%", str fmtChar, "\000"]))
327 val len = C_Size.toInt len
328 in if len = 0
329 then raise Fail "Date.fmt"
330 else ArraySlice.vector (ArraySlice.slice (buf, 0, SOME len))
331 end
332 val max = size fmtStr
333 fun loop (i, start, accum) =
334 let
335 fun newAccum () =
336 let val len = i - start
337 in
338 if len = 0
339 then accum
340 else String.extract (fmtStr, start, SOME len) :: accum
341 end
342 in
343 if i >= max
344 then newAccum ()
345 else
346 if #"%" = String.sub (fmtStr, i)
347 then
348 let
349 val i = i + 1
350 in
351 if i >= max
352 then newAccum ()
353 else let
354 val c = String.sub (fmtStr, i)
355 in
356 if isFormatChar c
357 then loop (i + 1, i + 1,
358 strftime c :: newAccum ())
359 else loop (i, i, newAccum ())
360 end
361 end
362 else loop (i + 1, start, accum)
363 end
364 in concat (rev (loop (0, 0, [])))
365 end
366 end
368 val toString = fmt "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
370 type ('a, 'b) reader = ('a, 'b) Reader.reader
372 fun scan (reader: (char, 'a) reader): (t, 'a) reader =
373 let
374 type 'b t = ('b, 'a) reader
375 val none: 'b t = fn _ => NONE
376 fun done (b: 'b): 'b t = fn a => SOME (b, a)
377 fun peek1 (f: char -> 'b t): 'b t =
378 fn a =>
379 case reader a of
380 NONE => NONE
381 | SOME (c, _) => f c a
382 fun read1 (f: char -> 'b t): 'b t =
383 fn a =>
384 case reader a of
385 NONE => NONE
386 | SOME (c, a) => f c a
387 fun skipSpace (r: 'b t): 'b t =
388 let
389 fun loop (): 'b t =
390 peek1 (fn c =>
391 if Char.isSpace c
392 then read1 (fn _ => loop ())
393 else r)
394 in
395 loop ()
396 end
397 fun readN (n: int, f: string -> 'b t): 'b t =
398 let
399 fun loop (n: int, ac: char list): 'b t =
400 if 0 = n
401 then f (implode (rev ac))
402 else read1 (fn c => loop (n - 1, c :: ac))
403 in
404 loop (n, [])
405 end
406 fun readChar (c: char, r: 'b t): 'b t =
407 read1 (fn c' => if c = c' then r else none)
408 fun readWeekDay (f: weekday -> 'b t): 'b t =
409 readN (3, fn s =>
410 case s of
411 "Mon" => f Mon
412 | "Tue" => f Tue
413 | "Wed" => f Wed
414 | "Thu" => f Thu
415 | "Fri" => f Fri
416 | "Sat" => f Sat
417 | "Sun" => f Sun
418 | _ => none)
419 fun readMonth (f: month -> 'b t): 'b t =
420 readN (3, fn s =>
421 case s of
422 "Jan" => f Jan
423 | "Feb" => f Feb
424 | "Mar" => f Mar
425 | "Apr" => f Apr
426 | "May" => f May
427 | "Jun" => f Jun
428 | "Jul" => f Jul
429 | "Aug" => f Aug
430 | "Sep" => f Sep
431 | "Oct" => f Oct
432 | "Nov" => f Nov
433 | "Dec" => f Dec
434 | _ => none)
435 fun readDigs (n: int, lower: int, upper: int, f: int -> 'b t): 'b t =
436 readN (n, fn s =>
437 if not (CharVector.all Char.isDigit s)
438 then none
439 else
440 let
441 val v =
442 CharVector.foldl
443 (fn (c, ac) =>
444 ac * 10 + (Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0"))
445 0 s
446 in
447 if lower <= v andalso v <= upper
448 then f v
449 else none
450 end)
451 fun readDay f =
452 peek1 (fn c =>
453 if c = #" "
454 then read1 (fn _ => readDigs (1, 1, 9, f))
455 else readDigs (2, 1, 31, f))
456 fun readHour f = readDigs (2, 0, 23, f)
457 fun readMinute f = readDigs (2, 0, 59, f)
458 fun readSeconds f = readDigs (2, 0, 61, f)
459 fun readYear f = readDigs (4, 0, 9999, f)
460 in
461 skipSpace
462 (readWeekDay
463 (fn weekDay =>
464 readChar
465 (#" ",
466 readMonth
467 (fn month =>
468 readChar
469 (#" ",
470 readDay
471 (fn day =>
472 readChar
473 (#" ",
474 readHour
475 (fn hour =>
476 readChar
477 (#":",
478 readMinute
479 (fn minute =>
480 (readChar
481 (#":",
482 readSeconds
483 (fn second =>
484 readChar
485 (#" ",
486 readYear
487 (fn year =>
488 done (T {day = day,
489 hour = hour,
490 isDst = NONE,
491 minute = minute,
492 month = month,
493 offset = NONE,
494 second = second,
495 weekDay = weekDay,
496 year = year,
497 yearDay = dayinyear (year, month, day)}
498 ))))))))))))))))
499 end
501 fun fromString s = StringCvt.scanString scan s
503 (* Ignore timezone and DST when comparing dates: *)
504 fun compare
505 (T {year=y1,month=mo1,day=d1,hour=h1,minute=mi1,second=s1, ...},
506 T {year=y2,month=mo2,day=d2,hour=h2,minute=mi2,second=s2, ...}) =
507 let
508 fun cmp (v1, v2, cmpnext) =
509 case (v1, v2) of
510 EQUAL => cmpnext ()
511 | r => r
512 in
513 cmp (y1, y2,
514 fn _ => cmp (frommonth mo1, frommonth mo2,
515 fn _ => cmp (d1, d2,
516 fn _ => cmp (h1, h2,
517 fn _ => cmp (mi1, mi2,
518 fn _ => cmp (s1, s2,
519 fn _ => EQUAL))))))
520 end
522 fun date { year, month, day, hour, minute, second, offset } =
523 if year < 0 then raise Date
524 else
525 let
526 val (dayoffset, offset') =
527 case offset of
528 NONE => (0, NONE)
529 | SOME time =>
530 let
531 val secs = Time.toSeconds time
532 val secoffset =
533 if secs <= 82800 then ~secs else 86400 - secs
534 in
535 (Int.quot (secs, 86400), SOME secoffset)
536 end
537 val day' = day + dayoffset
538 in
539 normalizedate year month day' hour minute second offset'
540 end
542 fun offset (T {offset, ...}) =
544 (fn secs => Time.fromSeconds ((86400 + secs) mod 86400))
545 offset
546 end