Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / mlton / process.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 structure MLtonProcess =
10 struct
11 structure Prim = PrimitiveFFI.MLton.Process
12 structure MLton = Primitive.MLton
13 local
14 open Posix
15 in
16 structure FileSys = FileSys
17 structure IO = IO
18 structure ProcEnv = ProcEnv
19 structure Process = Process
20 structure FileDesc = PrePosix.FileDesc
21 structure PId = PrePosix.PId
22 structure Signal = PrePosix.Signal
23 end
24 structure Mask = MLtonSignal.Mask
25 structure SysCall = PosixError.SysCall
27 type pid = PId.t
29 exception MisuseOfForget
30 exception DoublyRedirected
32 type input = unit
33 type output = unit
35 type none = unit
36 type chain = unit
37 type any = unit
39 val useWindowsProcess = MLton.Platform.OS.useWindowsProcess
41 val readWrite =
42 let
43 open FileSys.S
44 in
45 flags [irusr, iwusr, irgrp, iwgrp, iroth, iwoth]
46 end
48 structure Child =
49 struct
50 datatype 'use childt =
51 FileDesc of FileSys.file_desc
52 | Stream of 'use * ('use -> unit)
53 | Term
54 type ('use, 'dir) t = 'use childt ref
56 (* This is _not_ the identity; by rebuilding it we get type
57 * ('a, 'b) t -> ('c, 'd) t
58 *)
59 fun remember x =
60 case !x of
61 FileDesc f =>
62 (x := Stream ((), fn () => ())
63 ; ref (FileDesc f))
64 | Stream _ => raise MisuseOfForget (* remember twice = bad *)
65 | Term => ref Term
67 local
68 fun convert (new, close) p =
69 case !p of
70 FileDesc fd =>
71 let
72 val str = new (fd, "<process>")
73 val () = p := Stream (str, close)
74 in
75 str
76 end
77 | Stream (str, _) => str
78 | Term => raise MisuseOfForget
79 in
80 val binIn = convert (BinIO.newIn, BinIO.closeIn)
81 val binOut = convert (BinIO.newOut, BinIO.closeOut)
82 val textIn = convert (TextIO.newIn, TextIO.closeIn)
83 val textOut = convert (TextIO.newOut, TextIO.closeOut)
84 end
86 fun fd p =
87 case !p of
88 FileDesc fd => fd
89 | _ => raise MisuseOfForget
91 fun close ch =
92 case ch of
93 FileDesc fd => IO.close fd
94 | Stream (str, close) => close str
95 | Term => ()
97 val close =
98 fn (stdin, stdout, stderr) =>
99 (close stdin; close stdout; close stderr)
100 end
102 structure Param =
103 struct
104 datatype ('use, 'dir) t =
105 File of string
106 | FileDesc of FileSys.file_desc
107 | Pipe
108 | Self
110 (* This is _not_ the identity; by rebuilding it we get type
111 * ('a, 'b) t -> ('c, 'd) t
112 *)
113 val forget = fn
114 File x => File x
115 | FileDesc f => FileDesc f
116 | Pipe => Pipe
117 | Self => Self
119 val pipe = Pipe
120 local
121 val null = if useWindowsProcess then "nul" else "/dev/null"
122 in
123 val null = File null
124 end
125 val self = Self
126 fun file f = File f
127 fun fd f = FileDesc f
129 fun child c =
130 FileDesc
131 (case !c of
132 Child.FileDesc f => (c := Child.Stream ((), fn () => ()); f)
133 | Child.Stream _ => raise DoublyRedirected
134 | Child.Term => raise MisuseOfForget)
136 fun setCloseExec fd =
137 if useWindowsProcess
138 then ()
139 else IO.setfd (fd, IO.FD.flags [IO.FD.cloexec])
141 local
142 fun openOut std p =
143 case p of
144 File s => (FileSys.creat (s, readWrite), Child.Term)
145 | FileDesc f => (f, Child.Term)
146 | Pipe =>
147 let
148 val {infd, outfd} = IO.pipe ()
149 val () = setCloseExec infd
150 in
151 (outfd, Child.FileDesc infd)
152 end
153 | Self => (std, Child.Term)
154 in
155 fun openStdout p = openOut FileSys.stdout p
156 fun openStderr p = openOut FileSys.stderr p
157 end
159 fun openStdin p =
160 case p of
161 File s =>
162 (FileSys.openf (s, FileSys.O_RDONLY, FileSys.O.flags []),
163 Child.Term)
164 | FileDesc f => (f, Child.Term)
165 | Pipe =>
166 let
167 val {infd, outfd} = IO.pipe ()
168 val () = setCloseExec outfd
169 in
170 (infd, Child.FileDesc outfd)
171 end
172 | Self => (FileSys.stdin, Child.Term)
174 fun close p fd =
175 case p of
176 File _ => IO.close fd
177 | FileDesc _ => IO.close fd
178 | Pipe => IO.close fd
179 | _ => ()
180 end
182 datatype ('stdin, 'stdout, 'stderr) t =
183 T of {pid:, (* if useWindowsProcess,
184 * then this is a Windows process handle
185 * and can't be passed to
186 * Posix.Process.* functions.
187 *)
188 status: Posix.Process.exit_status option ref,
189 stderr: ('stderr, input) Child.t,
190 stdin: ('stdin, output) Child.t,
191 stdout: ('stdout, input) Child.t}
193 local
194 fun make f (T r) = f r
195 in
196 val getStderr = fn z => make #stderr z
197 val getStdin = fn z => make #stdin z
198 val getStdout = fn z => make #stdout z
199 end
201 fun ('a, 'b) protect (f: 'a -> 'b, x: 'a): 'b =
202 let
203 val () = Mask.block Mask.all
204 in
205 DynamicWind.wind (fn () => f x, fn () => Mask.unblock Mask.all)
206 end
208 local
209 fun reap reapFn (T {pid, status, stderr, stdin, stdout, ...}) =
210 case !status of
211 NONE =>
212 let
213 val _ = Child.close (!stdin, !stdout, !stderr)
214 val st = reapFn pid
215 in
216 status := SOME st
217 ; st
218 end
219 | SOME st => st
220 in
221 fun reapForFork p =
222 reap (fn pid =>
223 let
224 (* protect is probably too much; typically, one
225 * would only mask SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGHUP.
226 *)
227 val (_, st) =
228 protect (Process.waitpid, (Process.W_CHILD pid, []))
229 in
230 st
231 end)
232 p
233 fun reapForCreate p =
234 reap (fn pid =>
235 let
236 val pid' = PId.toRep pid
237 val status' = ref (C_Status.fromInt 0)
238 val () =
239 SysCall.simple
240 (fn () =>
241 PrimitiveFFI.Windows.Process.getexitcode
242 (pid', status'))
243 in
244 Process.fromStatus' (!status')
245 end)
246 p
247 end
248 val reap = fn p =>
249 (if useWindowsProcess then reapForCreate else reapForFork) p
251 local
252 fun kill killFn (p as T {pid, status, ...}, signal) =
253 case !status of
254 NONE =>
255 let
256 val () = killFn (pid, signal)
257 in
258 ignore (reap p)
259 end
260 | SOME _ => ()
261 in
262 fun killForFork p =
263 kill (fn (pid, signal) =>
264 Process.kill (Process.K_PROC pid, signal))
265 p
266 fun killForCreate p =
267 kill (fn (pid, signal) =>
268 SysCall.simple
269 (fn () =>
270 PrimitiveFFI.Windows.Process.terminate
271 (PId.toRep pid, Signal.toRep signal)))
272 p
273 end
274 val kill = fn (p, signal) =>
275 (if useWindowsProcess then killForCreate else killForFork) (p, signal)
277 fun launchWithFork (path, args, env, stdin, stdout, stderr) =
278 case protect (Process.fork, ()) of
279 NONE => (* child *)
280 let
281 fun dup2 (old, new) =
282 if old = new
283 then ()
284 else (IO.dup2 {old = old, new = new}; IO.close old)
285 val args = path :: args
286 val execTh =
287 case env of
288 NONE =>
289 (fn () => Process.exec (path, args))
290 | SOME env =>
291 (fn () => Process.exece (path, args, env))
292 in
293 dup2 (stdin, FileSys.stdin)
294 ; dup2 (stdout, FileSys.stdout)
295 ; dup2 (stderr, FileSys.stderr)
296 ; ignore (execTh ())
297 ; Process.exit 0w127 (* just in case *)
298 end
299 | SOME pid => pid (* parent *)
301 fun strContains seps s =
302 CharVector.exists (Char.contains seps) s
303 (* In MinGW, a string must be escaped if it contains " \t" or is "".
304 * Escaping means adds "s on the front and end. Any quotes inside
305 * must be escaped with \. Any \s already in the string must be
306 * doubled ONLY when they precede a " or the end of string.
307 *)
308 fun mingwEscape (l, 0) = l
309 | mingwEscape (l, i) = mingwEscape (#"\\"::l, i-1)
310 fun mingwFold (#"\\", (l, escapeCount)) = (#"\\"::l, escapeCount+1)
311 | mingwFold (#"\"", (l, escapeCount)) =
312 (#"\"" :: mingwEscape (#"\\"::l, escapeCount), 0)
313 | mingwFold (x, (l, _)) = (x :: l, 0)
314 val mingwQuote = mingwEscape o CharVector.foldl mingwFold ([#"\""], 0)
315 fun mingwEscape y =
316 if not (strContains " \t\"" y) andalso y<>"" then y else
317 String.implode (List.rev (#"\"" :: mingwQuote y))
319 fun cygwinEscape y =
320 if not (strContains " \t\"\r\n\f'" y) andalso y<>"" then y else
321 concat ["\"",
322 String.translate
323 (fn #"\"" => "\\\"" | #"\\" => "\\\\" | x => String.str x) y,
324 "\""]
326 val cmdEscapeCreate =
327 if = MLton.Platform.OS.MinGW
328 then mingwEscape else cygwinEscape
330 val cmdEscapeSpawn =
331 if = MLton.Platform.OS.MinGW
332 then mingwEscape else (fn s => s)
334 fun launchWithCreate (path, args, env, stdin, stdout, stderr) =
335 let
336 val path' =
337 NullString.nullTerm
338 (let
339 open MLton.Platform.OS
340 in
341 case host of
342 Cygwin => Cygwin.toFullWindowsPath path
343 | MinGW => path
344 | _ => raise Fail "MLton.Process.launchWithCreate: path'"
345 end)
346 val args' =
347 NullString.nullTerm
348 (String.concatWith " " ( cmdEscapeCreate (path :: args)))
349 val env' =
351 (fn env =>
352 NullString.nullTerm
353 ((String.concatWith "\000" env) ^ "\000"))
354 env
355 val stdin' = FileDesc.toRep stdin
356 val stdout' = FileDesc.toRep stdout
357 val stderr' = FileDesc.toRep stderr
358 val createTh =
359 case env' of
360 NONE =>
361 (fn () =>
362 PrimitiveFFI.Windows.Process.createNull
363 (path', args', stdin', stdout', stderr'))
364 | SOME env' =>
365 (fn () =>
366 PrimitiveFFI.Windows.Process.create
367 (path', args', env', stdin', stdout', stderr'))
368 val pid' =
369 SysCall.simpleResult'
370 ({errVal = C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1}, fn () =>
371 createTh ())
372 val pid = PId.fromRep pid'
373 in
374 pid
375 end
377 val launch =
378 fn z =>
379 (if useWindowsProcess then launchWithCreate else launchWithFork) z
381 fun create {args, env, path, stderr, stdin, stdout} =
382 if not (FileSys.access (path, [FileSys.A_EXEC]))
383 then PosixError.raiseSys PosixError.noent
384 else
385 let
386 val () = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
387 val (fstdin, cstdin) = Param.openStdin stdin
388 val (fstdout, cstdout) = Param.openStdout stdout
389 val (fstderr, cstderr) = Param.openStderr stderr
390 val closeStdio =
391 fn () => (Param.close stdin fstdin
392 ; Param.close stdout fstdout
393 ; Param.close stderr fstderr)
394 val pid =
395 launch (path, args, env, fstdin, fstdout, fstderr)
396 handle ex => (closeStdio ()
397 ; Child.close (cstdin, cstdout, cstderr)
398 ; raise ex)
399 val () = closeStdio ()
400 in
401 T {pid = pid,
402 status = ref NONE,
403 stderr = ref cstderr,
404 stdin = ref cstdin,
405 stdout = ref cstdout}
406 end
408 fun spawne {path, args, env} =
409 if useWindowsProcess
410 then
411 let
412 val args = cmdEscapeSpawn args
413 val path = NullString.nullTerm path
414 val args = CUtil.C_StringArray.fromList args
415 val env = CUtil.C_StringArray.fromList env
416 in
417 (PId.fromRep o SysCall.simpleResult')
418 ({errVal = C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1}, fn () =>
419 Prim.spawne (path, args, env))
420 end
421 else
422 case Posix.Process.fork () of
423 NONE => (Posix.Process.exece (path, args, env) handle _ => ()
424 ; Posix.Process.exit 0w127)
425 | SOME pid => pid
427 fun spawn {args, path}=
428 spawne {args = args,
429 env = ProcEnv.environ (),
430 path = path}
432 fun spawnp {args, file} =
433 if useWindowsProcess
434 then
435 let
436 val file = NullString.nullTerm file
437 val args = cmdEscapeSpawn args
438 val args = CUtil.C_StringArray.fromList args
439 in
440 (PId.fromRep o SysCall.simpleResult')
441 ({errVal = C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1}, fn () =>
442 Prim.spawnp (file, args))
443 end
444 else
445 case Posix.Process.fork () of
446 NONE => (Posix.Process.execp (file, args) handle _ => ()
447 ; Posix.Process.exit 0w127)
448 | SOME pid => pid
450 open Exit
451 end