Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / klife_eq.sml
1 (*klife_eq.sml*)
3 (*based on kitlifeopt.sml, but with copying
4 to avoid many generations in the same region*)
5 val _ =
6 let
8 (*
9 structure Main : BMARK =
10 struct
11 *)
13 fun map f [] = []
14 | map f (a::x) = f a :: map f x
16 fun map_rec(f, []) = []
17 | map_rec(f, x::xs) = f x:: map_rec(f, xs)
19 exception ex_undefined of string
20 fun error str = raise ex_undefined str
22 fun accumulate f a [] = a (* this now has no escaping regions, although still an escaping arrow effect*)
23 | accumulate f a (b::x) = accumulate f (f a b) x
25 fun filter p l=
26 rev (accumulate (fn x => fn a => if p a then a::x else x) [] l)
27 (*builds an intermediate list; the regions of this list
28 are now made local (unlike in escape.sml) *)
30 fun member x [] = false
31 | member x (y::ys) = x =y orelse member x ys
33 fun C f x y = f y x
35 fun cons a x = a::x
37 fun revonto x y = accumulate (C cons) x y (* eta expanded*)
39 fun length x = (let fun count n a = n+1 in accumulate count 0 end) x
40 (* eta expanded*)
42 fun repeat f = let (* rptf moved into inner let *)
43 fun check n = if n<0 then error "repeat<0" else n
44 in fn x => fn y => let fun rptf n x = if n=0 then x else rptf(n-1)(f x)
45 in rptf (check x) y
46 end
47 end
49 fun copy n x = repeat (cons x) n []
51 fun spaces n = implode (copy n #" ")
52 (*mads
53 local
54 mads*)
55 fun copy_list[] = []
56 | copy_list((x,y)::rest) = (x,y):: copy_list rest
58 fun lexordset [] = []
59 | lexordset (a::x) = lexordset (filter (lexless a) x) @ [a] @
60 lexordset (filter (lexgreater a) x)
61 and lexless(a1:int,b1:int)(a2,b2) =
62 if a2<a1 then true else if a2=a1 then b2<b1 else false
63 and lexgreater pr1 pr2 = lexless pr2 pr1
65 fun collect f list =
66 let fun accumf sofar [] = sofar
67 | accumf sofar (a::x) = accumf (revonto sofar (f a)) x
68 in accumf [] list (* note: this worked without changes!*)
69 end
71 fun occurs3 x =
72 (* finds coords which occur exactly 3 times in coordlist x *)
73 let
74 fun diff x y = filter (fn x => not(member x y)) x (* unfolded o *)
75 fun f xover x3 x2 x1 [] = diff x3 xover
76 | f xover x3 x2 x1 (a::x) =
77 if member a xover then f xover x3 x2 x1 x else
78 if member a x3 then f (a::xover) x3 x2 x1 x else
79 if member a x2 then f xover (a::x3) x2 x1 x else
80 if member a x1 then f xover x3 (a::x2) x1 x else
81 f xover x3 x2 (a::x1) x
82 in f [] [] [] [] x end
83 (* in
84 *)
87 fun copy_string s= implode(explode s)
88 fun copy_bool true = true
89 | copy_bool false = false
92 abstype generation = GEN of (int*int) list
93 with
94 fun copy (GEN l) = GEN( copy_list l)
95 fun alive (GEN livecoords) = livecoords
96 and mkgen coordlist = GEN (lexordset coordlist)
97 and mk_nextgen_fn neighbours gen =
98 if true then
99 let val living = alive gen
100 fun isalive x = copy_bool(member x living) (* eta *)
101 fun liveneighbours x = length( filter isalive ( neighbours x)) (*eta*)
102 fun twoorthree n = n = 2 orelse n = 3
103 val survivors = copy_list(filter (twoorthree o liveneighbours) living)
104 val newnbrlist = copy_list(collect (fn z => filter (fn x => not( isalive x)) ( neighbours z)) living) (* unfolded o twice*)
105 val newborn = copy_list(occurs3 newnbrlist)
106 in mkgen (survivors @ newborn) end
107 else gen
108 end
109 (* end*)
111 fun neighbours (i,j) = [(i-1,j-1),(i-1,j),(i-1,j+1),
112 (i,j-1),(i,j+1),
113 (i+1,j-1),(i+1,j),(i+1,j+1)]
115 local val xstart = 0 and ystart = 0
116 fun markafter n string = string ^ spaces n ^ "0"
117 fun plotfrom (x,y) (* current position *)
118 str (* current line being prepared -- a string *)
119 ((x1,y1)::more) (* coordinates to be plotted *)
120 = if x = x1
121 then (* same line so extend str and continue from y1+1 *)
122 plotfrom(x,y1+1)(markafter(y1-y)str)more
123 else (* flush current line and start a new line *)
124 str :: plotfrom(x+1,ystart)""((x1,y1)::more)
125 | plotfrom (x,y) str [] = [str]
126 fun good (x,y) = x>=xstart andalso y>=ystart
127 in fun plot coordlist = map_rec(copy_string,(plotfrom(xstart,ystart) ""
128 (copy_list(filter good coordlist))))
129 end
132 infix 6 at
133 fun coordlist at (x:int,y:int) = let fun move(a,b) = (a+x,b+y)
134 in map move coordlist end
135 fun rotate x = map (fn (x:int,y:int) => (y,~x)) x (* eta converted*)
137 val glider = [(0,0),(0,2),(1,1),(1,2),(2,1)]
138 val bail = [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)]
139 fun barberpole n =
140 let fun f i = if i = n then (n+n-1,n+n)::(n+n,n+n)::nil
141 else (i+i,i+i+1)::(i+i+2,i+i+1)::f(i+1)
142 in (0,0)::(1,0):: f 0
143 end
145 val genB = mkgen(glider at (2,2) @ bail at (2,12)
146 @ rotate (barberpole 4) at (5,20))
148 fun copy_whole_arg (p, g) = (p, copy g)
150 fun nthgen'(p as(0,g)) = p
151 | nthgen'(p as(i,g)) = (print ".\n";
152 nthgen' (copy_whole_arg(copy_whole_arg(i-1,mk_nextgen_fn neighbours g))))
154 fun gun() = mkgen (* turned into function *)
155 [(2,20),(3,19),(3,21),(4,18),(4,22),(4,23),(4,32),(5,7),(5,8),(5,18),
156 (5,22),(5,23),(5,29),(5,30),(5,31),(5,32),(5,36),(6,7),(6,8),(6,18),
157 (6,22),(6,23),(6,28),(6,29),(6,30),(6,31),(6,36),(7,19),(7,21),(7,28),
158 (7,31),(7,40),(7,41),(8,20),(8,28),(8,29),(8,30),(8,31),(8,40),(8,41),
159 (9,29),(9,30),(9,31),(9,32)]
162 fun iter n = #2(nthgen'(n,gun()))
164 fun pr x = print x
166 fun show(x) = (pr "starting printing\n";
167 app (fn s => (pr s; pr "\n"))(plot(alive x));
168 ()
169 ) (* had to uncurry show, as iter 50 gave attop
170 also made it return a different unit *)
172 (* fun doit () = show((fn _ => ()), (iter 50)) (* inserted call of iter *)*)
175 fun testit _ = show(iter 50) (* inserted call of iter *)
177 (*
178 end (* Life *)
179 *)
182 (* val _ = (doit (); doit(); doit()); *)
184 in
185 testit (); testit (); testit ()
186 end