Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / kitsimple.sml
1 (*kitsimple.sml*)
3 exception Overflow
5 fun digit n = chr(ord #"0" + n)
6 fun digits(n,acc) =
7 if n >=0 andalso n<=9 then digit n:: acc
8 else digits (n div 10, digit(n mod 10) :: acc)
10 fun int_to_string(n) =
11 if n<0 then implode(#"~"::digits(~n,[]))
12 else implode(digits(n,[]))
15 exception Hd
16 fun hd [] = raise Hd
17 | hd (x::xs) = x
19 (*
20 structure Array = (* Interface as in SML/NJ *)
21 struct
22 *)
24 infix sub
26 type 'a array = 'a ref list
28 exception Size
30 exception Subscript
32 fun tabulate' (i,f) =
33 let fun tab j = if j < i then f j :: tab (j+1) else nil
34 in if i < 0 then raise Size else (tab 0)
35 end
37 fun array (n, x) = tabulate' (n, fn _ => ref x)
39 fun arrayoflist l = map ref l
41 fun tabulate (n, f) = tabulate' (n, fn x => ref(f x))
43 fun sub'(nil,i) = raise Subscript
44 | sub' (a::r,i) = if i > 0 then sub' (r,i-1)
45 else if i < 0 then raise Subscript
46 else a
48 fun op sub (a, i) = !(sub'(a,i))
50 fun update (a, i, v) = sub'(a, i) := v
52 fun length [] = 0
53 | length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs
55 (*
56 end (* Array *)
57 *)
59 (*
60 structure List = (* Interface as in SML/NJ *)
61 struct
62 *)
64 exception Nth and NthTail
66 fun null [] = true
67 | null _ = false
69 (* this lenght overrides the one in Array, but that was also the
70 case in the original lexgen.sml (see the order in the open declaration below)
71 *)
73 fun length [] = 0
74 | length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs
76 fun rev l = (* linear-time reversal of lists! *)
77 let fun loop([], acc) = acc
78 | loop(x::xs, acc) = loop(xs, x::acc)
79 in
80 loop(l, [])
81 end
83 fun fold f [] b = b
84 | fold f (x::xs) b = f(x,fold f xs b)
86 fun revfold f [] b = b
87 | revfold f (x::xs) b = revfold f xs (f(x,b))
89 fun app f [] = ()
90 | app f (x::xs) = (f x; app f xs)
92 fun revapp f [] = ()
93 | revapp f (x::xs) = (revapp f xs; f x; ())
95 fun nth ([],_) = raise Nth
96 | nth (x::xs,0) = x
97 | nth (x::xs,k) = nth(xs,k-1)
99 fun nthtail ([],_) = raise NthTail
100 | nthtail (l,0) = l
101 | nthtail (l::ls,n) = nthtail(ls,n-1)
103 fun exists p [] = false
104 | exists p (x::xs) = p x orelse exists p xs
106 (*
107 end; (* List *)
108 *)
111 (*
112 structure Control =
113 struct
114 *)
115 val trace = ref true
116 (*
117 end;
118 *)
120 (*
121 structure Array2 : sig
122 type 'a array2
123 exception Subscript
124 val array: (int*int) * '1a -> '1a array2
125 val sub : 'a array2 * (int*int) -> 'a
126 val update : 'a array2 * (int*int) * 'a -> unit
127 val length : 'a array2 -> (int*int)
128 end = struct
129 *)
130 type 'a array2 = {size : (int*int), value : 'a array}
131 exception Subscript = Subscript
132 fun index22 ((i1:int,i2:int),(s1,s2)) =
133 if i1>=0 andalso i1<s1 andalso i2>=0 andalso i2<s2 then i1*s2+i2
134 else raise Subscript
135 fun array22(bnds as (i1,i2), v) = {size=bnds, value=array(i1*i2, v)}
136 fun op sub22 ({size,value}, indx) = (op sub) (value, index22(indx,size))
137 fun update22 ({size=size,value=A},i,v) = update(A,index22(i,size),v)
138 fun length22{size=size,value=A} = size
139 (*
140 end; (* Array2 *)
141 *)
143 (* Simple
144 * error: grid_max < 5
145 *)
146 (*
147 functor Simple(val grid_max: int val step_count: int) (* : BMARK *) =
148 struct
149 *)
151 (* lars: unfolding the simple functor application *)
152 val grid_max = 30
153 val step_count = 1
155 (* open Array List
156 *)
157 infix 9 sub
161 fun min (x:real,y:real) = if x<y then x else y
162 fun max (x:real,y:real) = if x<y then y else x
163 exception MaxList
164 exception MinList
165 exception SumList
166 fun max_list [] = raise MaxList | max_list l = fold max l (hd l)
167 fun min_list [] = raise MinList | min_list l = fold min l (hd l)
168 fun sum_list [] = raise SumList
169 | sum_list (l:real list) = fold (op +) l 0.0
171 fun for {from=start:int,step=delta:int, to=endd:int} body =
172 if delta>0 andalso endd>=start then
173 let fun f x = if x > endd then () else (body x; f(x+delta))
174 in f start
175 end
176 else if endd<=start then
177 let fun f x = if x < endd then () else (body x; f(x+delta))
178 in f start
179 end
180 else ()
181 fun from(n,m) = if n>m then [] else n::from(n+1,m)
182 fun flatten [] = []
183 | flatten (x::xs) = x @ flatten xs
184 fun pow(x:real,y:int) = if y=0 then 1.0 else x * pow(x,y-1)
185 fun array2(bounds as ((l1,u1),(l2,u2)),v) =
186 (array22((u1-l1+1, u2-l2+1),v), bounds)
187 fun sub2((A,((lb1:int,ub1:int),(lb2:int,ub2:int))),(k,l)) =
188 sub22(A, (k-lb1, l-lb2))
189 fun update2((A,((lb1,_),(lb2,_))),(k,l), v) = update22(A,(k-lb1,l-lb2),v)
190 fun bounds2(_,b) = b
191 fun printarray2 (A as (M:real array2,((l1,u1),(l2,u2)))) =
192 for {from=l1,step=1,to=u1} (fn i =>
193 (print "[";
194 for {from=l2,step=1,to=u2-1} (fn j =>
195 print ( (* makestring(sub2(A,(i,j))) ^ *) ", "));
196 print ( (* makestring (sub2(A,(i,u2))) ^ *) "]\n")))
197 fun array1((l,u),v) = (array(u-l+1,v),(l,u))
198 fun sub1((A,(l:int,u:int)),i:int) = (op sub)(A,i-l)
199 fun update1((A,(l,_)),i,v) = update(A,i-l,v)
200 fun bounds1(_,b) = b
202 (*
203 * Specification of the state variable computation
204 *)
205 val grid_size = ((2,grid_max), (2,grid_max))
207 fun north (k,l) = (k-1,l)
208 fun south (k,l) = (k+1,l)
210 fun east (k,l) = (k,l+1)
211 fun west (k,l) = (k,l-1)
213 val northeast = north o east
214 val southeast = south o east
215 val northwest = north o west
216 val southwest = south o west
218 type dir = int * int -> int * int
220 val farnorth : dir = north o north
221 val farsouth : dir = south o south
222 val fareast : dir = east o east
223 val farwest : dir = west o west
225 fun zone_A(k,l) = (k,l)
226 fun zone_B(k,l) = (k+1,l)
228 fun zone_C(k,l) = (k+1,l+1)
229 fun zone_D(k,l) = (k,l+1)
231 val zone_corner_northeast = north
232 val zone_corner_northwest = northwest
233 fun zone_corner_southeast zone = zone
234 val zone_corner_southwest = west
236 val ((kmin,kmax),(lmin,lmax)) = grid_size
237 val dimension_all_nodes = ((kmin-1,kmax+1),(lmin-1,lmax+1))
238 fun for_all_nodes f =
239 for {from=kmin-1, step=1, to=kmax+1} (fn k =>
240 for {from=lmin-1, step=1, to=lmax+1} (fn l => f k l))
242 val dimension_interior_nodes = ((kmin,kmax),(lmin,lmax))
243 fun for_interior_nodes f =
244 for {from=kmin, step=1, to=kmax} (fn k =>
245 for {from=lmin, step=1, to=lmax} (fn l => f k l))
247 val dimension_all_zones = ((kmin,kmax+1),(lmin,lmax+1))
248 fun for_all_zones f =
249 for {from=kmin, step=1, to=kmax+1} (fn k =>
250 for {from=lmin, step=1, to=lmax+1} (fn l => f (k,l)))
252 val dimension_interior_zones = ((kmin+1,kmax),(lmin+1,lmax))
253 fun for_interior_zones f =
254 for {from=kmin+1, step=1, to=kmax} (fn k =>
255 for {from=lmin+1, step=1, to=lmax} (fn l => f (k,l)))
257 fun map_interior_nodes f =
258 flatten(map (fn k => (map (fn l => f (k,l))
259 (from(lmin,lmax))))
260 (from(kmin,kmax)))
261 fun map_interior_zones f =
262 flatten(map (fn k => (map (fn l => f (k,l))
263 (from(lmin+1,lmax))))
264 (from(kmin+1,kmax)))
266 fun for_north_ward_interior_zones f =
267 for {from=kmax, step= ~1, to=kmin+1} (fn k =>
268 for {from=lmin+1, step=1, to=lmax} (fn l => f (k,l)))
269 fun for_west_ward_interior_zones f =
270 for {from=kmin+1, step=1, to=kmax} (fn k =>
271 for {from=lmax, step= ~1, to=lmin+1} (fn l => f (k,l)))
274 fun for_north_zones f = for {from=lmin, step=1, to=lmax+1} (fn l => f (kmin,l))
275 fun for_south_zones f = for {from=lmin+1, step=1, to=lmax} (fn l => f (kmax+1,l))
276 fun for_east_zones f = for {from=kmin+1, step=1, to=kmax+1}(fn k => f (k,lmax+1))
277 fun for_west_zones f = for {from=kmin+1, step=1, to=kmax+1}(fn k => f (k,lmin))
279 type 'a reflect_dir = int * int -> {size: int * int, value: 'a ref list}
280 * ((int * int) * (int * int)) -> 'a
282 fun reflect dir node A = sub2(A, dir node)
283 val reflect_north : real reflect_dir = reflect north
284 val reflect_south : real reflect_dir = reflect south
285 val reflect_east : real reflect_dir = reflect east
286 val reflect_west : real reflect_dir = reflect west
288 fun for_north_nodes f =
289 for {from=lmin, step=1, to=lmax-1} (fn l => f (kmin-1,l))
290 fun for_south_nodes f =
291 for {from=lmin, step=1, to=lmax-1} (fn l => f (kmax+1,l))
292 fun for_east_nodes f =
293 for {from=kmin, step=1, to=kmax-1} (fn k => f (k,lmax+1))
294 fun for_west_nodes f =
295 for {from=kmin, step=1, to=kmax-1} (fn k => f (k,lmin-1))
297 val north_east_corner = (kmin-1,lmax+1)
298 val north_west_corner = (kmin-1,lmin-1)
299 val south_east_corner = (kmax+1,lmax+1)
300 val south_west_corner = (kmax+1,lmin-1)
302 val west_of_north_east = (kmin-1, lmax)
303 val west_of_south_east = (kmax+1, lmax)
304 val north_of_south_east = (kmax, lmax+1)
305 val north_of_south_west = (kmax, lmin-1)
309 (*
310 * Initialization of parameters
311 *)
312 val constant_heat_source = 0.0
313 val deltat_maximum = 0.01
314 val specific_heat = 0.1
315 val p_coeffs = let val M = array2(((0,2),(0,2)), 0.0)
316 in update2(M, (1,1), 0.06698); M
317 end
318 val e_coeffs = let val M = array2(((0,2),(0,2)), 0.0)
319 in update2(M, (0,1), 0.1); M
320 end
321 val p_poly = array2(((1,4),(1,5)),p_coeffs)
323 val e_poly = array2(((1,4),(1,5)), e_coeffs)
325 val rho_table = let val V = array1((1,3), 0.0)
326 in update1(V,2,1.0);
327 update1(V,3,100.0);
328 V
329 end
330 val theta_table = let val V = array1((1,4), 0.0)
331 in update1(V,2,3.0);
332 update1(V,3,300.0);
333 update1(V,4,3000.0);
334 V
335 end
337 val extract_energy_tables_from_constants = (e_poly,2,rho_table,theta_table)
338 val extract_pressure_tables_from_constants = (p_poly,2,rho_table,theta_table)
340 val nbc = let val M = array2(dimension_all_zones, 1)
341 in for {from=lmin+1,step=1,to=lmax} (fn j => update2(M,(kmax+1, j),2));
342 update2(M,(kmin,lmin),4);
343 update2(M,(kmin,lmax+1),4);
344 update2(M,(kmax+1,lmin),4);
345 update2(M,(kmax+1,lmax+1),4);
346 M
347 end
348 val pbb = let val A = array1((1,4), 0.0)
349 in update1(A,2,6.0); A
350 end
351 val pb = let val A = array1((1,4), 1.0)
352 in update1(A,2,0.0); update1(A,3,0.0); A
353 end
354 val qb = pb
356 val all_zero_nodes = array2(dimension_all_nodes, 0.0)
358 val all_zero_zones = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
361 (*
362 * Positional Coordinates. (page 9-10)
363 *)
365 fun make_position_matrix interior_function =
366 let val r' = array2(dimension_all_nodes, 0.0)
367 val z' = array2(dimension_all_nodes, 0.0)
368 fun boundary_position (rx,zx,ry,zy,ra,za) =
369 let val (rax, zax) = (ra - rx, za - zx)
370 val (ryx, zyx) = (ry - rx, zy - zx)
371 val omega = 2.0*(rax*ryx + zax*zyx)/(ryx*ryx + zyx*zyx)
372 val rb = rx - rax + omega*ryx
373 val zb = zx - zax + omega*zyx
374 in (rb, zb)
375 end
377 fun reflect_node (x_dir, y_dir, a_dir, node) =
378 let val rx = reflect x_dir node r'
379 val zx = reflect x_dir node z'
380 val ry = reflect y_dir node r'
381 val zy = reflect y_dir node z'
382 val ra = reflect a_dir node r'
383 val za = reflect a_dir node z'
384 in boundary_position (rx, zx, ry, zy, ra, za)
385 end
386 fun u2 (rv,zv) n = (update2(r',n,rv); update2(z',n,zv))
387 in
388 for_interior_nodes (fn k => fn l => u2 (interior_function (k,l)) (k,l));
389 for_north_nodes(fn n => u2 (reflect_node(south,southeast,farsouth,n)) n);
390 for_south_nodes (fn n => u2(reflect_node(north,northeast,farnorth,n)) n);
391 for_east_nodes (fn n => u2(reflect_node(west, southwest, farwest, n)) n);
392 for_west_nodes (fn n => u2(reflect_node(east, southeast, fareast, n)) n);
393 u2 (reflect_node(south, southwest, farsouth, west_of_north_east))
394 west_of_north_east;
395 u2 (reflect_node(north, northwest, farnorth, west_of_south_east))
396 west_of_south_east;
397 u2 (reflect_node(west, northwest, farwest, north_of_south_east))
398 north_of_south_east;
399 u2 (reflect_node(east, northeast, fareast, north_of_south_west))
400 north_of_south_west;
401 u2 (reflect_node(southwest, west, farwest, north_east_corner))
402 north_east_corner;
403 u2 (reflect_node(northwest, west, farwest, south_east_corner))
404 south_east_corner;
405 u2 (reflect_node(southeast, south, farsouth, north_west_corner))
406 north_west_corner;
407 u2 (reflect_node(northeast, east, fareast, south_west_corner))
408 south_west_corner;
409 (r',z')
410 end
414 (*
415 * Physical Properties of a Zone (page 10)
416 *)
417 fun zone_area_vol ((r,z), zone) =
418 let val (r1,z1)=(sub2(r,zone_corner_southwest zone),
419 sub2(z,zone_corner_southwest zone))
420 val (r2,z2)=(sub2(r,zone_corner_southeast zone),
421 sub2(z,zone_corner_southeast zone))
422 val (r3,z3)=(sub2(r,zone_corner_northeast zone),
423 sub2(z,zone_corner_northeast zone))
424 val (r4,z4)=(sub2(r,zone_corner_northwest zone),
425 sub2(z,zone_corner_northwest zone))
426 val area1 = (r2-r1)*(z3-z1) - (r3-r2)*(z3-z2)
427 val radius1 = 0.3333 *(r1+r2+r3)
428 val volume1 = area1 * radius1
429 val area2 = (r3-r1)*(z4-z3) - (r4-r3)*(z3-z1)
430 val radius2 = 0.3333 *(r1+r3+r4)
431 val volume2 = area2 * radius2
432 in (area1+area2, volume1+volume2)
433 end
435 (*
436 * Velocity (page 8)
437 *)
438 fun make_velocity((u,w),(r,z),p,q,alpha,rho,delta_t: real) =
439 let fun line_integral (p,z,node) : real =
440 sub2(p,zone_A node)*(sub2(z,west node) - sub2(z,north node)) +
441 sub2(p,zone_B node)*(sub2(z,south node) - sub2(z,west node)) +
442 sub2(p,zone_C node)*(sub2(z,east node) - sub2(z,south node)) +
443 sub2(p,zone_D node)*(sub2(z,north node) - sub2(z,east node))
444 fun regional_mass node =
445 0.5 * (sub2(rho, zone_A node)*sub2(alpha,zone_A node) +
446 sub2(rho, zone_B node)*sub2(alpha,zone_B node) +
447 sub2(rho, zone_C node)*sub2(alpha,zone_C node) +
448 sub2(rho, zone_D node)*sub2(alpha,zone_D node))
449 fun velocity node =
450 let val d = regional_mass node
451 val n1 = ~(line_integral(p,z,node)) - line_integral(q,z,node)
452 val n2 = line_integral(p,r,node) + line_integral(q,r,node)
453 val u_dot = n1/d
454 val w_dot = n2/d
455 in (sub2(u,node)+delta_t*u_dot, sub2(w,node)+delta_t*w_dot)
456 end
457 val U = array2(dimension_interior_nodes,0.0)
458 val W = array2(dimension_interior_nodes,0.0)
459 in for_interior_nodes (fn k => fn l => let val (uv,wv) = velocity (k,l)
460 in update2(U,(k,l),uv);
461 update2(W,(k,l),wv)
462 end);
463 (U,W)
464 end
468 fun make_position ((r,z),delta_t:real,(u',w')) =
469 let fun interior_position node =
470 (sub2(r,node) + delta_t*sub2(u',node),
471 sub2(z,node) + delta_t*sub2(w',node))
472 in make_position_matrix interior_position
473 end
476 fun make_area_density_volume(rho, s, x') =
477 let val alpha' = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
478 val s' = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
479 val rho' = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
480 fun interior_area zone =
481 let val (area, vol) = zone_area_vol (x', zone)
482 val density = sub2(rho,zone)*sub2(s,zone) / vol
483 in (area,vol,density)
484 end
485 fun reflect_area_vol_density reflect_function =
486 (reflect_function alpha',reflect_function s',reflect_function rho')
487 fun update_asr (zone,(a,s,r)) = (update2(alpha',zone,a);
488 update2(s',zone,s);
489 update2(rho',zone,r))
490 fun r_area_vol_den (reflect_dir,zone) =
491 let val asr = reflect_area_vol_density (reflect_dir zone)
492 in update_asr(zone, asr)
493 end
494 in
495 for_interior_zones (fn zone => update_asr(zone, interior_area zone));
496 for_south_zones (fn zone => r_area_vol_den(reflect_north, zone));
497 for_east_zones (fn zone => r_area_vol_den(reflect_west, zone));
498 for_west_zones (fn zone => r_area_vol_den(reflect_east, zone));
499 for_north_zones (fn zone => r_area_vol_den(reflect_south, zone));
500 (alpha', rho', s')
501 end
504 (*
505 * Artifical Viscosity (page 11)
506 *)
507 fun make_viscosity(p,(u',w'),(r',z'), alpha',rho') =
508 let fun interior_viscosity zone =
509 let fun upper_del f =
510 0.5 * ((sub2(f,zone_corner_southeast zone) -
511 sub2(f,zone_corner_northeast zone)) +
512 (sub2(f,zone_corner_southwest zone) -
513 sub2(f,zone_corner_northwest zone)))
514 fun lower_del f =
515 0.5 * ((sub2(f,zone_corner_southeast zone) -
516 sub2(f,zone_corner_southwest zone)) +
517 (sub2(f,zone_corner_northeast zone) -
518 sub2(f,zone_corner_northwest zone)))
519 val xi = pow(upper_del r',2) + pow(upper_del z',2)
520 val eta = pow(lower_del r',2) + pow(lower_del z',2)
521 val upper_disc = (upper_del r')*(lower_del w') -
522 (upper_del z')*(lower_del u')
523 val lower_disc = (upper_del u')*(lower_del z') -
524 (upper_del w') * (lower_del r')
525 val upper_ubar = if upper_disc<0.0 then upper_disc/xi else 0.0
526 val lower_ubar = if lower_disc<0.0 then lower_disc/eta else 0.0
527 val gamma = 1.6
528 val speed_of_sound = gamma*sub2(p,zone)/sub2(rho',zone)
529 val ubar = pow(upper_ubar,2) + pow(lower_ubar,2)
530 val viscosity =
531 sub2(rho',zone)*(1.5*ubar + 0.5*speed_of_sound*(Math.sqrt ubar))
532 val length = Math.sqrt(pow(upper_del r',2) + pow(lower_del r',2))
533 val courant_delta = 0.5* sub2(alpha',zone)/(speed_of_sound*length)
534 in (viscosity, courant_delta)
535 end
536 val q' = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
537 val d = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
538 fun reflect_viscosity_cdelta (direction, zone) =
539 sub2(q',direction zone) * sub1(qb, sub2(nbc,zone))
540 fun do_zones (dir,zone) =
541 update2(q',zone,reflect_viscosity_cdelta (dir,zone))
542 in
543 for_interior_zones (fn zone => let val (qv,dv) = interior_viscosity zone
544 in update2(q',zone,qv);
545 update2(d,zone,dv)
546 end);
547 for_south_zones (fn zone => do_zones(north,zone));
548 for_east_zones (fn zone => do_zones(west,zone));
549 for_west_zones (fn zone => do_zones(east,zone));
550 for_north_zones (fn zone => do_zones(south,zone));
551 (q', d)
552 end
554 (*
555 * Pressure and Energy Polynomial (page 12)
556 *)
558 fun polynomial(G,degree,rho_table,theta_table,rho_value,theta_value) =
559 let fun table_search (table, value : real) =
560 let val (low, high) = bounds1 table
561 fun search_down i =
562 if value > sub1(table,i-1) then i
563 else search_down (i-1)
564 in
565 if value>sub1(table,high) then high+1
566 else if value <= sub1(table,low) then low
567 else search_down high
568 end
569 val rho_index = table_search(rho_table, rho_value)
570 val theta_index = table_search(theta_table, theta_value)
571 val A = sub2(G, (rho_index, theta_index))
572 fun from(n,m) = if n>m then [] else n::from(n+1,m)
573 fun f(i,j) = sub2(A,(i,j))*pow(rho_value,i)*pow(theta_value,j)
574 in
575 sum_list (map (fn i => sum_list(map (fn j => f (i,j)) (from(0,degree))))
576 (from (0,degree)))
577 end
578 fun zonal_pressure (rho_value:real, theta_value:real) =
579 let
580 val (G,degree,rho_table,theta_table) =
581 extract_pressure_tables_from_constants
582 in polynomial(G, degree, rho_table, theta_table, rho_value, theta_value)
583 end
586 fun zonal_energy (rho_value, theta_value) =
587 let val (G, degree, rho_table, theta_table) =
588 extract_energy_tables_from_constants
589 in polynomial(G, degree, rho_table, theta_table, rho_value, theta_value)
590 end
591 val dx = 0.000001
592 val tiny = 0.000001
595 fun newton_raphson (f,x) =
596 let fun iter (x,fx) =
597 if fx > tiny then
598 let val fxdx = f(x+dx)
599 val denom = fxdx - fx
600 in if denom < tiny then iter(x,tiny)
601 else iter(x-fx*dx/denom, fxdx)
602 end
603 else x
604 in iter(x, f x)
605 end
607 (*
608 * Temperature (page 13-14)
609 *)
611 fun make_temperature(p,epsilon,rho,theta,rho_prime,q_prime) =
612 let fun interior_temperature zone =
613 let val qkl = sub2(q_prime,zone)
614 val rho_kl = sub2(rho,zone)
615 val rho_prime_kl = sub2(rho_prime,zone)
616 val tau_kl = (1.0 /rho_prime_kl - 1.0/rho_kl)
617 fun energy_equation epsilon_kl theta_kl =
618 epsilon_kl - zonal_energy(rho_kl,theta_kl)
619 val epsilon_0 = sub2(epsilon,zone)
620 fun revised_energy pkl = epsilon_0 - (pkl + qkl) * tau_kl
621 fun revised_temperature epsilon_kl theta_kl =
622 newton_raphson ((energy_equation epsilon_kl), theta_kl)
623 fun revised_pressure theta_kl = zonal_pressure(rho_kl, theta_kl)
624 val p_0 = sub2(p,zone)
625 val theta_0 = sub2(theta,zone)
626 val epsilon_1 = revised_energy p_0
627 val theta_1 = revised_temperature epsilon_1 theta_0
628 val p_1 = revised_pressure theta_1
629 val epsilon_2 = revised_energy p_1
630 val theta_2 = revised_temperature epsilon_2 theta_1
631 in theta_2
632 end
633 val M = array2(dimension_all_zones, constant_heat_source)
634 in
635 for_interior_zones
636 (fn zone => update2(M, zone, interior_temperature zone));
637 M
638 end
641 (*
642 * Heat conduction
643 *)
645 fun make_cc(alpha_prime, theta_hat) =
646 let fun interior_cc zone =
647 (0.0001 * pow(sub2(theta_hat,zone),2) *
648 (Math.sqrt (abs(sub2(theta_hat,zone)))) / sub2(alpha_prime,zone))
649 handle Sqrt => (print ("<real>" (*Real.makestring (sub2(theta_hat, zone))*));
650 print ("\nzone =(" (* ^ makestring (#1 zone) *) ^ "," ^
651 (* makestring (#2 zone) ^ *) ")\n");
652 printarray2 theta_hat;
653 raise Sqrt)
654 val cc = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
655 in
656 for_interior_zones(fn zone => update2(cc,zone, interior_cc zone));
657 for_south_zones(fn zone => update2(cc,zone, reflect_north zone cc));
658 for_west_zones(fn zone => update2(cc,zone,reflect_east zone cc));
659 for_east_zones(fn zone => update2(cc,zone,reflect_west zone cc));
660 for_north_zones(fn zone => update2(cc,zone, reflect_south zone cc));
661 cc
662 end
664 fun make_sigma(deltat, rho_prime, alpha_prime) =
665 let fun interior_sigma zone =
666 sub2(rho_prime,zone)*sub2(alpha_prime,zone)*specific_heat/ deltat
667 val M = array2(dimension_interior_zones, 0.0)
668 fun ohandle zone =
669 (print ( (* makestring (sub2(rho_prime, zone)) ^ *)" ");
670 print ( (* makestring (sub2(alpha_prime, zone)) ^ *)" ");
671 print ( (* makestring specific_heat ^ *) " ");
672 print ( (* makestring deltat ^ *) "\n");
673 raise Overflow)
675 in if !trace
676 then print ("\t\tmake_sigma:deltat = " (* ^ makestring deltat *) ^ "\n")
677 else ();
678 (*** for_interior_zones(fn zone => update2(M,zone, interior_sigma zone)) **)
679 for_interior_zones(fn zone => (update2(M,zone, interior_sigma zone)
680 handle _ => (*old: Overflow => *)
681 ohandle zone));
682 M
683 end
685 fun make_gamma ((r_prime,z_prime), cc, succeeding, adjacent) =
686 let fun interior_gamma zone =
687 let val r1 = sub2(r_prime, zone_corner_southeast zone)
688 val z1 = sub2(z_prime, zone_corner_southeast zone)
689 val r2 = sub2(r_prime, zone_corner_southeast (adjacent zone))
690 val z2 = sub2(z_prime, zone_corner_southeast (adjacent zone))
691 val cross_section = 0.5*(r1+r2)*(pow(r1 - r2,2)+pow(z1 - z2,2))
692 val (c1,c2) = (sub2(cc, zone), sub2(cc, succeeding zone))
693 val specific_conductivity = 2.0 * c1 * c2 / (c1 + c2)
694 in cross_section * specific_conductivity
695 end
696 val M = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
697 in
698 for_interior_zones(fn zone => update2(M,zone,interior_gamma zone));
699 M
700 end
702 fun make_ab(theta, sigma, Gamma, preceding) =
703 let val a = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
704 val b = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
705 fun interior_ab zone =
706 let val denom = sub2(sigma, zone) + sub2(Gamma, zone) +
707 sub2(Gamma, preceding zone) *
708 (1.0 - sub2(a, preceding zone))
709 val nume1 = sub2(Gamma,zone)
710 val nume2 = sub2(Gamma,preceding zone)*sub2(b,preceding zone) +
711 sub2(sigma,zone) * sub2(theta,zone)
712 in (nume1/denom, nume2 / denom)
713 end
714 val f = fn zone => update2(b,zone,sub2(theta,zone))
715 in
716 for_north_zones f;
717 for_south_zones f;
718 for_west_zones f;
719 for_east_zones f;
720 for_interior_zones(fn zone => let val ab = interior_ab zone
721 in update2(a,zone,#1 ab);
722 update2(b,zone,#2 ab)
723 end);
724 (a,b)
725 end
727 fun make_theta (a, b, succeeding, int_zones) =
728 let val theta = array2(dimension_all_zones, constant_heat_source)
729 fun interior_theta zone =
730 sub2(a,zone) * sub2(theta,succeeding zone)+ sub2(b,zone)
731 in
732 int_zones (fn (k,l) => update2(theta, (k,l), interior_theta (k,l)));
733 theta
734 end
736 fun compute_heat_conduction(theta_hat, deltat, x', alpha', rho') =
737 let val sigma = make_sigma(deltat, rho', alpha')
738 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_sigma\n" else ()
740 val cc = make_cc(alpha', theta_hat)
741 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_cc\n" else ()
743 val Gamma_k = make_gamma( x', cc, north, east)
744 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_gamma\n" else ()
746 val (a_k,b_k) = make_ab(theta_hat, sigma, Gamma_k, north)
747 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_ab\n" else ()
749 val theta_k = make_theta(a_k,b_k,south,for_north_ward_interior_zones)
750 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_theta\n" else ()
752 val Gamma_l = make_gamma(x', cc, west, south)
753 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_gamma\n" else ()
755 val (a_l,b_l) = make_ab(theta_k, sigma, Gamma_l, west)
756 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_ab\n" else ()
758 val theta_l = make_theta(a_l,b_l,east,for_west_ward_interior_zones)
759 val _ = if !trace then print "\tdone make_theta\n" else ()
760 in (theta_l, Gamma_k, Gamma_l)
761 end
764 (*
765 * Final Pressure and Energy calculation
766 *)
767 fun make_pressure(rho', theta') =
768 let val p = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
769 fun boundary_p(direction, zone) =
770 sub1(pbb, sub2(nbc, zone)) +
771 sub1(pb,sub2(nbc,zone)) * sub2(p, direction zone)
772 in
773 for_interior_zones
774 (fn zone =>
775 update2(p,zone,zonal_pressure(sub2(rho',zone),
776 sub2(theta',zone))));
777 for_south_zones(fn zone => update2(p,zone,boundary_p(north,zone)));
778 for_east_zones(fn zone => update2(p,zone,boundary_p(west,zone)));
779 for_west_zones(fn zone => update2(p,zone,boundary_p(east,zone)));
780 for_north_zones(fn zone => update2(p,zone,boundary_p(south,zone)));
781 p
782 end
784 fun make_energy(rho', theta') =
785 let val epsilon' = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
786 in
787 for_interior_zones
788 (fn zone => update2(epsilon', zone, zonal_energy(sub2(rho',zone),
789 sub2(theta',zone))));
790 for_south_zones
791 (fn zone => update2(epsilon',zone, reflect_north zone epsilon'));
792 for_west_zones
793 (fn zone => update2(epsilon',zone, reflect_east zone epsilon'));
794 for_east_zones
795 (fn zone => update2(epsilon',zone, reflect_west zone epsilon'));
796 for_north_zones
797 (fn zone => update2(epsilon',zone, reflect_south zone epsilon'));
798 epsilon'
799 end
802 (*
803 * Energy Error Calculation (page 20)
804 *)
806 fun compute_energy_error ((u',w'),(r',z'),p',q',epsilon',theta',rho',alpha',
807 Gamma_k,Gamma_l,deltat) =
808 let fun mass zone = sub2(rho',zone) * sub2(alpha',zone):real
809 val internal_energy =
810 sum_list (map_interior_zones (fn z => sub2(epsilon',z)*(mass z)))
811 fun kinetic node =
812 let val average_mass = 0.25*((mass (zone_A node)) +
813 (mass (zone_B node)) +
814 (mass (zone_C node)) +
815 (mass (zone_D node)))
816 val v_square = pow(sub2(u',node),2) + pow(sub2(w',node),2)
817 in 0.5 * average_mass * v_square
818 end
819 val kinetic_energy = sum_list (map_interior_nodes kinetic)
820 fun work_done (node1, node2) =
821 let val (r1, r2) = (sub2(r',node1), sub2(r',node2))
822 val (z1, z2) = (sub2(z',node1), sub2(z',node2))
823 val (u1, u2) = (sub2(p',node1), sub2(p',node2))
824 val (w1, w2) = (sub2(z',node1), sub2(z',node2))
825 val (p1, p2) = (sub2(p',node1), sub2(p',node2))
826 val (q1, q2) = (sub2(q',node1), sub2(q',node2))
827 val force = 0.5*(p1+p2+q1+q2)
828 val radius = 0.5* (r1+r2)
829 val area = 0.5* ((r1-r2)*(u1-u2) - (z1-z2)*(w1-w2))
830 in force * radius * area * deltat
831 end
833 fun from(n,m) = if n > m then [] else n::from(n+1,m)
834 val north_line =
835 map (fn l => (west(kmin,l),(kmin,l))) (from(lmin+1,lmax))
836 val south_line =
837 map (fn l => (west(kmax,l),(kmax,l))) (from(lmin+1,lmax))
838 val east_line =
839 map (fn k => (south(k,lmax),(k,lmax))) (from(kmin+1,kmax))
840 val west_line =
841 map (fn k => (south(k,lmin+1),(k,lmin+1))) (from(kmin+1,kmax))
843 val w1 = sum_list (map work_done north_line)
844 val w2 = sum_list (map work_done south_line)
845 val w3 = sum_list (map work_done east_line)
846 val w4 = sum_list (map work_done west_line)
847 val boundary_work = w1 + w2 + w3 + w4
849 fun heat_flow Gamma (zone1,zone2) =
850 deltat * sub2(Gamma, zone1) * (sub2(theta',zone1) - sub2(theta',zone2))
852 val north_flow =
853 let val k = kmin+1
854 in map (fn l => (north(k,l),(k,l))) (from(lmin+1,lmax))
855 end
856 val south_flow =
857 let val k = kmax
858 in map (fn l => (south(k,l),(k,l))) (from(lmin+2,lmax-1))
859 end
860 val east_flow =
861 let val l = lmax
862 in map (fn k => (east(k,l),(k,l))) (from(kmin+2,kmax))
863 end
864 val west_flow =
865 let val l = lmin+1
866 in map (fn k => (west(k,l),(k,l))) (from(kmin+2,kmax))
867 end
869 val h1 = sum_list (map (heat_flow Gamma_k) north_flow)
870 val h2 = sum_list (map (heat_flow Gamma_k) south_flow)
871 val h3 = sum_list (map (heat_flow Gamma_l) east_flow)
872 val h4 = sum_list (map (heat_flow Gamma_l) west_flow)
873 val boundary_heat = h1 + h2 + h3 + h4
874 in
875 internal_energy + kinetic_energy - boundary_heat - boundary_work
876 end
878 fun compute_time_step(d, theta_hat, theta') =
879 let val deltat_courant =
880 min_list (map_interior_zones (fn zone => sub2(d,zone)))
881 val deltat_conduct =
882 max_list (map_interior_zones
883 (fn z => (abs(sub2(theta_hat,z) - sub2(theta', z))/
884 sub2(theta_hat,z))))
885 val deltat_minimum = min (deltat_courant, deltat_conduct)
886 in min (deltat_maximum, deltat_minimum)
887 end
890 fun compute_initial_state () =
891 let
892 val v = (all_zero_nodes, all_zero_nodes)
893 val x = let fun interior_position (k,l) =
894 let val pi = 3.1415926535898
895 val rp = real (lmax - lmin)
896 val z1 = real(10 + k - kmin)
897 val zz = (~0.5 + real(l - lmin) / rp) * pi
898 in (z1 * Math.cos zz, z1 * Math.sin zz)
899 end
900 in make_position_matrix interior_position
901 end
902 val (alpha,s) =
903 let val (alpha_prime,s_prime) =
904 let val A = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
905 val S = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
906 fun reflect_area_vol f = (f A, f S)
908 fun u2 (f,z) =
909 let val (a,s) = reflect_area_vol(f z)
910 in update2(A,z,a);
911 update2(S,z,s)
912 end
913 in
914 for_interior_zones
915 (fn z => let val (a,s) = zone_area_vol(x, z)
916 in update2(A,z,a);
917 update2(S,z,s)
918 end);
919 for_south_zones (fn z => u2 (reflect_north, z));
920 for_east_zones (fn z => u2 (reflect_west, z));
921 for_west_zones (fn z => u2 (reflect_east, z));
922 for_north_zones (fn z => u2 (reflect_south, z));
923 (A,S)
924 end
925 in (alpha_prime,s_prime)
926 end
927 val rho = let val R = array2(dimension_all_zones, 0.0)
928 in for_all_zones (fn z => update2(R,z,1.4)); R
929 end
930 val theta =
931 let val T = array2(dimension_all_zones, constant_heat_source)
932 in for_interior_zones(fn z => update2(T,z,0.0001));
933 T
934 end
935 val p = make_pressure(rho, theta)
936 val q = all_zero_zones
937 val epsilon = make_energy(rho, theta)
938 val deltat = 0.01
939 val c = 0.0
940 in
941 (v,x,alpha,s,rho,p,q,epsilon,theta,deltat,c)
942 end
945 fun compute_next_state state =
946 let
947 val (v,x,alpha,s,rho,p,q,epsilon,theta,deltat,c) = state
948 val v' = make_velocity (v, x, p, q, alpha, rho, deltat)
949 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_velocity\n" else ()
951 val x' = make_position(x,deltat,v')
952 handle _ => ( (* old: handle Overflow => *)
953 printarray2 (#1 v');
954 printarray2 (#2 v');
955 raise Overflow)
956 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_position\n" else ()
958 val (alpha',rho',s') = make_area_density_volume (rho, s , x')
959 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_area_density_volume\n"
960 else ()
962 val (q',d) = make_viscosity (p, v', x', alpha', rho')
963 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_viscosity\n" else ()
965 val theta_hat = make_temperature (p, epsilon, rho, theta, rho', q')
966 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_temperature\n" else ()
968 val (theta',Gamma_k,Gamma_l) =
969 compute_heat_conduction (theta_hat, deltat, x', alpha', rho')
970 val _ = if !trace then print "done compute_heat_conduction\n"
971 else ()
973 val p' = make_pressure(rho', theta')
974 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_pressure\n" else ()
976 val epsilon' = make_energy (rho', theta')
977 val _ = if !trace then print "done make_energy\n" else ()
979 val c' = compute_energy_error (v', x', p', q', epsilon', theta', rho',
980 alpha', Gamma_k, Gamma_l, deltat)
981 val _ = if !trace then print "done compute_energy_error\n"
982 else ()
984 val deltat' = compute_time_step (d, theta_hat, theta')
985 val _ = if !trace then print "done compute_time_step\n\n" else ()
986 in
987 (v',x',alpha',s',rho',p',q', epsilon',theta',deltat',c')
988 end
990 fun runit () =
991 let fun iter (i,state) = if i = 0 then state
992 else (print ".";
993 iter(i-1, compute_next_state state))
994 in iter(step_count, compute_initial_state())
995 end
997 fun print_state ((v1,v2),(r,z),alpha,s,rho,p,q,epsilon,theta,deltat,c) = (
998 print "Velocity matrices = \n";
999 printarray2 v1; print "\n\n";
1000 printarray2 v2;
1002 print "\n\nPosition matrices = \n";
1003 printarray2 r; print "\n\n";
1004 printarray2 z;
1006 print "\n\nalpha = \n";
1007 printarray2 alpha;
1009 print "\n\ns = \n";
1010 printarray2 s;
1012 print "\n\nrho = \n";
1013 printarray2 rho;
1015 print "\n\nPressure = \n";
1016 printarray2 p;
1018 print "\n\nq = \n";
1019 printarray2 q;
1021 print "\n\nepsilon = \n";
1022 printarray2 epsilon;
1024 print "\n\ntheta = \n";
1025 printarray2 theta;
1027 print ("delatat = " (* ^ Real.makestring deltat *) ^ "\n");
1028 print ("c = " (* ^ Real.makestring c *) ^ "\n"))
1030 fun testit outstrm = print_state (runit())
1032 fun doit () = let
1033 val (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, delta', c') = runit()
1034 val delta : int = floor (* truncate *) delta'
1035 val c : int = floor (* truncate *) (c' * 10000.0)
1036 val _ = print(int_to_string(c))
1037 val _ = print("\n")
1038 val _ = print(int_to_string(delta))
1039 val _ = print("\n")
1040 in
1041 if (c = 3072 andalso delta = ~61403) (* for grid_max = 30 *)
1042 (* (c = 6787 andalso delta = ~33093) *)
1043 then ()
1044 else print("*** ERROR ***\n")
1045 (*old : IO.output (IO.std_err, "*** ERROR ***\n") *)
1046 end
1048 (*
1049 end; (* functor Simple *)
1051 structure Main = Simple(val grid_max=100 val step_count=1);
1052 *)
1054 val _ = doit();