Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / string.sml
1 (* Auxiliary functions for test cases *)
3 infix 1 seq
4 fun e1 seq e2 = e2;
5 fun check b = if b then "OK" else "WRONG";
6 fun check' f = (if f () then "OK" else "WRONG") handle _ => "EXN";
8 fun range (from, to) p =
9 let open Int
10 in
11 (from > to) orelse (p from) andalso (range (from+1, to) p)
12 end;
14 fun checkrange bounds = check o range bounds;
16 fun tst0 s s' = print (s ^ " \t" ^ s' ^ "\n");
17 fun tst s b = tst0 s (check b);
18 fun tst' s f = tst0 s (check' f);
20 fun tstrange s bounds = (tst s) o range bounds
23 (* test/string.sml
24 PS 1994-12-10, 1995-06-14, 1996-05-16 *)
26 (*KILL 05/11/1997 11:02. tho.:
27 use "auxil.sml";
28 *)
30 val _ = print "Testing String...\n";
32 local
33 val map' = map
34 open Char String
35 val map = map'
37 val s1 = "" (* size s1 = 0 *)
38 and s2 = "ABCDE\tFGHI"; (* size s2 = 10 *)
39 val ABCDE = chr [65,66,67,68,69];
40 in
42 val test1 = tst' "test1" (fn _ => (size s1 = 0 andalso size s2 = 10));
43 val test2 = tst' "test2" (fn _ => (sub(s2,6) = chr 70 andalso sub(s2,9) = chr 73));
44 val test3 = tst0 "test3" ((sub(s1, 0) seq "WRONG") handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
45 val test4 = tst0 "test4" ((sub(s2, ~1) seq "WRONG") handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
46 val test5 = tst0 "test5" ((sub(s2, 10) seq "WRONG") handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
48 val test6 =
49 tst' "test6" (fn _ =>
50 "" = concat [] andalso "" = concat [s1]
51 andalso s2 = concat [s2] andalso s2^s2 = concat [s2,s2]
52 andalso "ABCD" = concat ["A","B","C","D"]);
54 val test7 = tst' "test7" (fn _ => "A" = str(chr 65));
56 val test8 =
57 tst' "test8" (fn _ => "" = implode [] andalso "ABCDE" = implode ABCDE);
59 val test9 =
60 tst' "test9" (fn _ => [] = explode "" andalso ABCDE = explode "ABCDE");
62 val test10 =
63 tst' "test10" (fn _ =>
64 s1 < s2 andalso s1 <= s1
65 andalso s2 > s1 andalso s2 >=s2);
67 val test11a =
68 tst' "test11a" (fn _ =>
69 s2 = extract(s2, 0, SOME (size s2))
70 andalso s2 = extract(s2, 0, NONE)
71 andalso "" = extract(s2, size s2, SOME 0)
72 andalso "" = extract(s2, size s2, NONE)
73 andalso "" = extract(s1, 0, SOME 0)
74 andalso "" = extract(s1, 0, NONE));
76 val test11b = tst0 "test11b" ((extract(s2, ~1, SOME 0) seq "WRONG")
77 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
78 val test11c = tst0 "test11c" ((extract(s2, 11, SOME 0) seq "WRONG")
79 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
80 val test11d = tst0 "test11d" ((extract(s2, 0, SOME 11) seq "WRONG")
81 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
82 val test11e = tst0 "test11e" ((extract(s2, 10, SOME 1) seq "WRONG")
83 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
84 val test11f = tst0 "test11f" ((extract(s2, ~1, NONE) seq "WRONG")
85 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
86 val test11g = tst0 "test11g" ((extract(s2, 11, NONE) seq "WRONG")
87 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
89 val test11h =
90 tst' "test11h" (fn _ =>
91 "ABCDE" = extract(s2, 0, SOME 5)
92 andalso "FGHI" = extract(s2, 6, SOME 4)
93 andalso "FGHI" = extract(s2, 6, NONE));
95 val test12a =
96 tst' "test12a" (fn _ =>
97 s2 = substring(s2, 0, size s2)
98 andalso "" = substring(s2, size s2, 0)
99 andalso "" = substring(s1, 0, 0));
101 val test12b = tst0 "test12b" ((substring(s2, ~1, 0) seq "WRONG")
102 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
103 val test12c = tst0 "test12c" ((substring(s2, 11, 0) seq "WRONG")
104 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
105 val test12d = tst0 "test12d" ((substring(s2, 0, 11) seq "WRONG")
106 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
107 val test12e = tst0 "test12e" ((substring(s2, 10, 1) seq "WRONG")
108 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG");
109 val test12f =
110 tst' "test12f" (fn _ =>
111 "ABCDE" = substring(s2, 0, 5)
112 andalso "FGHI" = substring(s2, 6, 4));
113 val test12g =
114 tst0 "test12g" (case (Int.minInt, Int.maxInt) of
115 (SOME min, SOME max) =>
116 ((substring("", max, max); substring("", min, min); "WRONG")
117 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
118 | _ => "OK");
120 val test13a =
121 tst' "test13a" (fn _ =>
122 (translate (fn _ => "") s2 = ""
123 andalso translate (fn x => str x) "" = ""
124 andalso translate (fn x => str x) s2 = s2));
126 val test13b =
127 tst' "test13b" (fn _ =>
128 (translate (fn c => if c = #"\t" then "XYZ " else str c) s2
129 = "ABCDEXYZ FGHI"));
131 val test14 =
132 tst' "test14" (fn _ =>
133 (tokens isSpace "" = []
134 andalso tokens isSpace " \t \n" = []
135 andalso tokens (fn c => c = #",") ",asd,,def,fgh"
136 = ["asd","def","fgh"]));
138 val test15 =
139 tst' "test15" (fn _ =>
140 (fields isSpace "" = [""]
141 andalso fields isSpace " \t \n" = ["","","","","","",""]
142 andalso fields (fn c => c = #",") ",asd,,def,fgh"
143 = ["","asd","","def","fgh"]));
145 val test16a =
146 tst' "test16a" (fn _ =>
147 EQUAL = compare(s1,s1) andalso EQUAL = compare(s2,s2)
148 andalso LESS = compare("A", "B")
149 andalso GREATER = compare("B", "A")
150 andalso LESS = compare("ABCD", "ABCDE")
151 andalso GREATER = compare("ABCDE", "ABCD"));
153 val test16b =
154 tst' "test16b" (fn _ =>
155 EQUAL = compare(s1,s1) andalso EQUAL = compare(s2,s2)
156 andalso LESS = compare("A", "a")
157 andalso GREATER = compare("b", "B")
158 andalso LESS = compare("abcd", "abcde")
159 andalso GREATER = compare("abcde", "abcd"));
162 (* Test cases for SML string escape functions. *)
164 val test17 =
165 let fun chk (arg, res) = toString (str arg) = res
166 val argResList =
167 [(#"\000", "\\^@"),
168 (#"\001", "\\^A"),
169 (#"\006", "\\^F"),
170 (#"\007", "\\a"),
171 (#"\008", "\\b"),
172 (#"\009", "\\t"),
173 (#"\010", "\\n"),
174 (#"\011", "\\v"),
175 (#"\012", "\\f"),
176 (#"\013", "\\r"),
177 (#"\014", "\\^N"),
178 (#"\031", "\\^_"),
179 (#"\032", " "),
180 (#"\126", "~"),
181 (#"\\", "\\\\"),
182 (#"\"", "\\\""),
183 (#"A", "A"),
184 (#"\127", "\\127"),
185 (#"\128", "\\128"),
186 (#"\255", "\\255")]
187 val (arg, res) = (implode (map #1 argResList),
188 concat (map #2 argResList))
189 in tst' "test17" (fn _ => List.all chk argResList
190 andalso toString arg = res)
191 end;
193 val test18 =
194 let val chars = CharVector.tabulate(256, chr)
195 val l = CharVector.foldl (fn (e,l) => e :: l) [] chars
196 val chars = implode l
197 in tst' "test18" (fn _ => fromString(toString chars) = SOME chars) end
199 val test19 =
200 let fun chkFromString (arg, res) = fromString arg = SOME (str res)
201 val argResList =
202 [("A", #"A"),
203 ("z", #"z"),
204 ("@", #"@"),
205 ("~", #"~"),
206 ("\\a", #"\007"),
207 ("\\b", #"\008"),
208 ("\\t", #"\009"),
209 ("\\n", #"\010"),
210 ("\\v", #"\011"),
211 ("\\f", #"\012"),
212 ("\\r", #"\013"),
213 ("\\\\", #"\\"),
214 ("\\\"", #"\""),
215 ("\\^@", #"\000"),
216 ("\\^A", #"\001"),
217 ("\\^Z", #"\026"),
218 ("\\^_", #"\031"),
219 ("\\000", #"\000"),
220 ("\\097", #"a"),
221 ("\\255", #"\255"),
222 ("\\ \t\n\n \\A", #"A"),
223 ("\\ \t\n\n \\z", #"z"),
224 ("\\ \t\n\n \\@", #"@"),
225 ("\\ \t\n\n \\~", #"~"),
226 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\n", #"\n"),
227 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\t", #"\t"),
228 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\\\", #"\\"),
229 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\\"", #"\""),
230 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^@", #"\000"),
231 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^A", #"\001"),
232 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^Z", #"\026"),
233 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^_", #"\031"),
234 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\000", #"\000"),
235 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\097", #"a"),
236 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\255", #"\255")]
237 val (arg, res) = (concat (map #1 argResList),
238 implode (map #2 argResList))
239 in
240 tst' "test19" (fn _ => List.all chkFromString argResList
241 andalso fromString arg = SOME res)
242 end;
244 val test20 =
245 tst' "test20" (fn _ => List.all (fn arg => isSome (fromString arg))
246 ["\\",
247 "\\c",
248 "\\F",
249 "\\e",
250 "\\g",
251 "\\N",
252 "\\T",
253 "\\1",
254 "\\11",
255 "\\256",
256 "\\-65",
257 "\\~65",
258 "\\?",
259 "\\^`",
260 "\\^a",
261 "\\^z",
262 "\\ a",
263 "\\ a\\B",
264 "\\ \\"]);
267 (* Test cases for C string escape functions *)
269 val test21 =
270 let val chars = CharVector.tabulate(256, chr)
271 val l = CharVector.foldl (fn (e,l) => e :: l) [] chars
272 val chars = implode l
274 in tst' "test21" (fn _ => fromCString(toCString chars) = SOME chars) end;
276 val test22 =
277 let val argResList =
278 [("\010", "\\n"),
279 ("\009", "\\t"),
280 ("\011", "\\v"),
281 ("\008", "\\b"),
282 ("\013", "\\r"),
283 ("\012", "\\f"),
284 ("\007", "\\a"),
285 ("\\", "\\\\"),
286 ("?", "\\?"),
287 ("'", "\\'"),
288 ("\"", "\\\"")]
289 val (arg, res) = (concat (map #1 argResList),
290 concat (map #2 argResList))
291 in
292 tst' "test22" (fn _ =>
293 List.all (fn (arg, res) => toCString arg = res) argResList
294 andalso toCString arg = res)
295 end;
297 val test23 =
298 let fun checkFromCStringSucc (arg, res) = fromCString arg = SOME res
299 val argResList =
300 [("\\n", "\010"),
301 ("\\t", "\009"),
302 ("\\v", "\011"),
303 ("\\b", "\008"),
304 ("\\r", "\013"),
305 ("\\f", "\012"),
306 ("\\a", "\007"),
307 ("\\\\", "\\"),
308 ("\\?", "?"),
309 ("\\'", "'"),
310 ("\\\"", "\""),
311 ("\\1", "\001"),
312 ("\\11", "\009"),
313 ("\\111", "\073"),
314 ("\\1007", "\0647"),
315 ("\\100A", "\064A"),
316 ("\\0", "\000"),
317 ("\\377", "\255"),
318 ("\\18", "\0018"),
319 ("\\178", "\0158"),
320 ("\\1C", "\001C"),
321 ("\\17C", "\015C"),
322 ("\\x0", "\000"),
323 ("\\xff", "\255"),
324 ("\\xFF", "\255"),
325 ("\\x1", "\001"),
326 ("\\x11", "\017"),
327 ("\\xag", "\010g"),
328 ("\\xAAg", "\170g"),
329 ("\\x0000000a", "\010"),
330 ("\\x0000000a2", "\162"),
331 ("\\x0000000ag", "\010g"),
332 ("\\x0000000A", "\010"),
333 ("\\x0000000A2", "\162"),
334 ("\\x0000000Ag", "\010g"),
335 ("\\x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011+",
336 "\017+")]
337 val (arg, res) = (concat (map #1 argResList),
338 concat (map #2 argResList))
339 in
340 tst' "test23" (fn _ => List.all checkFromCStringSucc argResList
341 andalso fromCString arg = SOME res)
342 end;
344 val test24 =
345 let fun checkFromCStringFail arg = isSome (fromCString arg)
346 in
347 tst' "test24" (fn _ => List.all checkFromCStringFail
348 ["\\",
349 "\\X",
350 "\\=",
351 "\\400",
352 "\\777",
353 "\\8",
354 "\\9",
355 "\\c",
356 "\\d",
357 "\\x",
358 "\\x100",
359 "\\xG"])
360 end;
362 val test25 =
363 tst' "test25" (fn _ =>
364 isPrefix "" ""
365 andalso isPrefix "" "abcde"
366 andalso isPrefix "a" "abcde"
367 andalso isPrefix "abcd" "abcde"
368 andalso isPrefix "abcde" "abcde"
369 andalso not (isPrefix "abcde" "")
370 andalso not (isPrefix "abcdef" "abcde")
371 andalso not (isPrefix "Abcde" "abcde")
372 andalso not (isPrefix "abcdE" "abcde"))
374 end