Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlyacc / src / mkprstruct.sml
1 (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi *)
3 functor mkPrintStruct(structure LrTable : LR_TABLE
4 structure ShrinkLrTable : SHRINK_LR_TABLE
5 sharing LrTable = ShrinkLrTable.LrTable):PRINT_STRUCT =
6 struct
7 val sub = Array.sub
8 infix 9 sub
9 structure LrTable = LrTable
10 open ShrinkLrTable LrTable
13 (* lineLength = approximately the largest number of characters to allow
14 on a line when printing out an encode string *)
16 val lineLength = 72
18 (* maxLength = length of a table entry. All table entries are encoded
19 using two 16-bit integers, one for the terminal number and the other
20 for the entry. Each integer is printed as two characters (low byte,
21 high byte), using the ML ascii escape sequence. We need 4
22 characters for each escape sequence and 16 characters for each entry
23 *)
25 val maxLength = 16
27 (* number of entries we can fit on a row *)
29 val numEntries = lineLength div maxLength
31 (* convert integer between 0 and 255 to the three character ascii
32 decimal escape sequence for it *)
34 val chr =
35 let val lookup = Array.array(256,"\000")
36 val intToString = fn i =>
37 if i>=100 then "\\" ^ (Int.toString i)
38 else if i>=10 then "\\0" ^ (Int.toString i)
39 else "\\00" ^ (Int.toString i)
40 fun loop n = if n=256 then ()
41 else (Array.update(lookup,n,intToString n); loop (n+1))
42 in loop 0; fn i => lookup sub i
43 end
45 val makeStruct = fn {table,name,print,verbose} =>
46 let
47 val states = numStates table
48 val rules = numRules table
49 fun printPairList (prEntry : 'a * 'b -> unit) l =
50 let fun f (EMPTY,_) = ()
51 | f (PAIR(a,b,r),count) =
52 if count >= numEntries then
53 (print "\\\n\\"; prEntry(a,b); f(r,1))
54 else (prEntry(a,b); f(r,(count+1)))
55 in f(l,0)
56 end
57 val printList : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit =
58 fn prEntry => fn l =>
59 let fun f (nil,_) = ()
60 | f (a :: r,count) =
61 if count >= numEntries then
62 (print "\\\n\\"; prEntry a; f(r,1))
63 else (prEntry a; f(r,count+1))
64 in f(l,0)
65 end
66 val prEnd = fn _ => print "\\000\\000\\\n\\"
67 fun printPairRow prEntry =
68 let val printEntries = printPairList prEntry
69 in fn l => (printEntries l; prEnd())
70 end
71 fun printPairRowWithDefault (prEntry,prDefault) =
72 let val f = printPairRow prEntry
73 in fn (l,default) => (prDefault default; f l)
74 end
75 fun printTable (printRow,count) =
76 (print "\"\\\n\\";
77 let fun f i = if i=count then ()
78 else (printRow i; f (i+1))
79 in f 0
80 end;
81 print"\"\n")
82 val printChar = print o chr
84 (* print an integer between 0 and 2^16-1 as a 2-byte character,
85 with the low byte first *)
87 val printInt = fn i => (printChar (i mod 256);
88 printChar (i div 256))
90 (* encode actions as integers:
92 ACCEPT => 0
93 ERROR => 1
94 SHIFT i => 2 + i
95 REDUCE rulenum => numstates+2+rulenum
96 *)
98 val printAction =
99 fn (REDUCE rulenum) => printInt (rulenum+states+2)
100 | (SHIFT (STATE i)) => printInt (i+2)
101 | ACCEPT => printInt 0
102 | ERROR => printInt 1
104 val printTermAction = fn (T t,action) =>
105 (printInt (t+1); printAction action)
107 val printGoto = fn (NT n,STATE s) => (printInt (n+1); printInt s)
109 val ((rowCount,rowNumbers,actionRows),entries)=
110 shrinkActionList(table,verbose)
111 val getActionRow = let val a = Array.fromList actionRows
112 in fn i => a sub i
113 end
114 val printGotoRow : int -> unit =
115 let val f = printPairRow printGoto
116 val g = describeGoto table
117 in fn i => f (g (STATE i))
118 end
119 val printActionRow =
120 let val f = printPairRowWithDefault(printTermAction,printAction)
121 in fn i => f (getActionRow i)
122 end
123 in print "val ";
124 print name;
125 print "=";
126 print "let val actionRows =\n";
127 printTable(printActionRow,rowCount);
128 print "val actionRowNumbers =\n\"";
129 printList (fn i => printInt i) rowNumbers;
130 print "\"\n";
131 print "val gotoT =\n";
132 printTable(printGotoRow,states);
133 print "val numstates = ";
134 print (Int.toString states);
135 print "\nval numrules = ";
136 print (Int.toString rules);
137 print "\n\
138 \val s = ref \"\" and index = ref 0\n\
139 \val string_to_int = fn () => \n\
140 \let val i = !index\n\
141 \in index := i+2; Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i)) + Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i+1)) * 256\n\
142 \end\n\
143 \val string_to_list = fn s' =>\n\
144 \ let val len = String.size s'\n\
145 \ fun f () =\n\
146 \ if !index < len then string_to_int() :: f()\n\
147 \ else nil\n\
148 \ in index := 0; s := s'; f ()\n\
149 \ end\n\
150 \val string_to_pairlist = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) =>\n\
151 \ let fun f () =\n\
152 \ case string_to_int()\n\
153 \ of 0 => EMPTY\n\
154 \ | n => PAIR(conv_key (n-1),conv_entry (string_to_int()),f())\n\
155 \ in f\n\
156 \ end\n\
157 \val string_to_pairlist_default = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) =>\n\
158 \ let val conv_row = string_to_pairlist(conv_key,conv_entry)\n\
159 \ in fn () =>\n\
160 \ let val default = conv_entry(string_to_int())\n\
161 \ val row = conv_row()\n\
162 \ in (row,default)\n\
163 \ end\n\
164 \ end\n\
165 \val string_to_table = fn (convert_row,s') =>\n\
166 \ let val len = String.size s'\n\
167 \ fun f ()=\n\
168 \ if !index < len then convert_row() :: f()\n\
169 \ else nil\n\
170 \ in (s := s'; index := 0; f ())\n\
171 \ end\n\
172 \local\n\
173 \ val memo = Array.array(numstates+numrules,ERROR)\n\
174 \ val _ =let fun g i=(Array.update(memo,i,REDUCE(i-numstates)); g(i+1))\n\
175 \ fun f i =\n\
176 \ if i=numstates then g i\n\
177 \ else (Array.update(memo,i,SHIFT (STATE i)); f (i+1))\n\
178 \ in f 0 handle General.Subscript => ()\n\
179 \ end\n\
180 \in\n\
181 \val entry_to_action = fn 0 => ACCEPT | 1 => ERROR | j => Array.sub(memo,(j-2))\n\
182 \end\n\
183 \val gotoT=Array.fromList(string_to_table(string_to_pairlist(NT,STATE),gotoT))\n\
184 \val actionRows=string_to_table(string_to_pairlist_default(T,entry_to_action),actionRows)\n\
185 \val actionRowNumbers = string_to_list actionRowNumbers\n\
186 \val actionT = let val actionRowLookUp=\n\
187 \let val a=Array.fromList(actionRows) in fn i=>Array.sub(a,i) end\n\
188 \in Array.fromList( actionRowLookUp actionRowNumbers)\n\
189 \end\n\
190 \in LrTable.mkLrTable {actions=actionT,gotos=gotoT,numRules=numrules,\n\
191 \numStates=numstates,initialState=STATE ";
192 print (Int.toString ((fn (STATE i) => i) (initialState table)));
193 print "}\nend\n";
194 entries
195 end
196 end;