Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / elaborate /
1 (* Copyright (C) 2010,2016 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
11 struct
13 open S
15 local
16 open Control.Elaborate
17 in
18 val deadCode = fn () => current deadCode
19 end
21 structure ElabControl = Control.Elaborate
23 fun check (c: (bool,bool) ElabControl.t, keyword: string, region) =
24 if ElabControl.current c
25 then ()
26 else
27 let
28 open Layout
29 in
30 Control.error
31 (region,
32 str (concat (if c
33 then [keyword, " disallowed"]
34 else [keyword, " disallowed, compile with -default-ann '",
35 c, " true'"])),
36 empty)
37 end
39 local
40 open Ast
41 in
42 structure Basexp = Basexp
43 structure Basdec = Basdec
44 structure Longstrid = Longstrid
45 structure ModIdBind = ModIdBind
46 end
48 local
49 open Env
50 in
51 structure Decs = Decs
52 end
54 structure ElaboratePrograms = ElaboratePrograms (structure Ast = Ast
55 structure CoreML = CoreML
56 structure Decs = Decs
57 structure Env = Env)
59 local
60 open ElaboratePrograms
61 in
62 structure Decs = Decs
63 structure Env = Env
64 end
66 fun elaborateMLB (mlb : Basdec.t, {addPrim}) =
67 let
68 val decs = {dummy = ([], false)}
70 val E = Env.empty ()
71 fun withDef f =
72 ElabControl.withDef
73 (fn () =>
74 if ElabControl.default ElabControl.forceUsed
75 then Env.forceUsedLocal (E, f)
76 else f ())
78 val emptySnapshot : (unit -> Env.Basis.t) -> Env.Basis.t =
79 Env.snapshot E
80 val emptySnapshot = fn (f: unit -> Env.Basis.t) =>
81 emptySnapshot (fn () => withDef f)
83 val primBasis =
84 emptySnapshot
85 (fn () =>
86 (#2 o Env.makeBasis)
87 (E, fn () =>
88 let val primDecs = addPrim E
89 in Buffer.add (decs, (primDecs, false))
90 end))
92 fun elabProg p = ElaboratePrograms.elaborateProgram (p, {env = E})
94 val psi : (File.t * Env.Basis.t Promise.t) HashSet.t =
95 {hash = String.hash o #1}
97 val elabBasexpInfo = "ElaborateMLBs.elabBasexp"
98 val elabBasdecInfo = "ElaborateMLBs.elabBasdec"
100 fun elabBasexp (basexp: Basexp.t) : Env.Basis.t option =
101 Trace.traceInfo' (elabBasexpInfo,
102 Basexp.layout,
103 Layout.ignore)
104 (fn (basexp: Basexp.t) =>
105 case Basexp.node basexp of
106 Basexp.Bas basdec =>
107 let
108 val ((), B) =
109 Env.makeBasis (E, fn () => elabBasdec basdec)
110 in
111 SOME B
112 end
113 | Basexp.Var basid => Env.lookupBasid (E, basid)
114 | Basexp.Let (basdec, basexp) =>
115 Env.scopeAll
116 (E, fn () =>
117 (elabBasdec basdec
118 ; elabBasexp basexp))) basexp
119 and elabBasdec (basdec: Basdec.t) : unit =
120 Trace.traceInfo' (elabBasdecInfo,
121 Basdec.layout,
122 Layout.ignore)
123 (fn (basdec: Basdec.t) =>
124 case Basdec.node basdec of
125 Basdec.Defs def =>
126 let
127 fun doit (lookup, extend, bnds) =
128 Vector.foreach
129 ( (bnds, fn {lhs, rhs} =>
130 {lhs = lhs, rhs = lookup (E, rhs)}),
131 fn {lhs, rhs} =>
132 (rhs, fn z => extend (E, lhs, z)))
133 in
134 case ModIdBind.node def of
135 ModIdBind.Fct bnds =>
136 doit (Env.lookupFctid, Env.extendFctid, bnds)
137 | ModIdBind.Sig bnds =>
138 doit (Env.lookupSigid, Env.extendSigid, bnds)
139 | ModIdBind.Str bnds =>
140 doit (Env.lookupStrid, Env.extendStrid, bnds)
141 end
142 | Basdec.Basis basbinds =>
143 let
144 val basbinds =
146 (basbinds, fn {name, def} =>
147 let val B = elabBasexp def
148 in {B = B, name = name}
149 end)
150 in
151 Vector.foreach
152 (basbinds, fn {name, B, ...} =>
153 (B, fn B => Env.extendBasid (E, name, B)))
154 end
155 | Basdec.Local (basdec1, basdec2) =>
156 Env.localAll (E, fn () =>
157 elabBasdec basdec1, fn () =>
158 elabBasdec basdec2)
159 | Basdec.Seq basdecs =>
160 List.foreach(basdecs, elabBasdec)
161 | Basdec.Open basids =>
162 Vector.foreach
163 ( (basids, fn basid =>
164 Env.lookupBasid (E, basid)), fn bo =>
165 (bo, fn b => Env.openBasis (E, b)))
166 | Basdec.Prog (_, prog) =>
167 let
168 val prog = Promise.force prog
169 in
170 Buffer.add (decs, (Decs.toList (elabProg prog), deadCode ()))
171 end
172 | Basdec.MLB ({fileAbs, ...}, basdec) =>
173 let
174 val (_, B) =
175 HashSet.lookupOrInsert
176 (psi, String.hash fileAbs, fn (fileAbs', _) =>
177 String.equals (fileAbs, fileAbs'), fn () =>
178 let
179 val basdec = Promise.force basdec
180 val B =
181 Promise.delay
182 (fn () =>
183 emptySnapshot
184 (fn () =>
185 (#2 o Env.makeBasis)
186 (E, fn () => elabBasdec basdec)))
187 in
188 (fileAbs, B)
189 end)
190 val B = Promise.force B
191 handle Promise.Force =>
192 (* Basis forms a cycle;
193 * force the AST to generate error message.
194 *)
195 (ignore (Promise.force basdec)
196 ; #2 (Env.makeBasis (E, fn () => ())))
197 in
198 Env.openBasis (E, B)
199 end
200 | Basdec.Prim =>
201 (check (ElabControl.allowPrim, "_prim", Basdec.region basdec)
202 ; Env.openBasis (E, primBasis))
203 | Basdec.Ann (ann, reg, basdec) =>
204 let
205 open ElabControl
206 fun warn () =
207 if !Control.warnAnn
208 then let open Layout
209 in
210 Control.warning
211 (reg, seq [str "unrecognized annotation: ", str ann],
212 empty)
213 end
214 else ()
215 in
216 case parseIdAndArgs ann of
217 ElabControl.Bad =>
218 (warn ()
219 ; elabBasdec basdec)
220 | ElabControl.Good (id, args) =>
221 let
222 val restore = Args.processAnn args
223 in
224 Exn.finally
225 (fn () =>
226 if equalsId (forceUsed, id) andalso enabled forceUsed
227 then Env.forceUsedLocal (E, fn () => elabBasdec basdec)
228 else if equalsId (ffiStr, id)
229 then let
230 val ffi = valOf (current ffiStr)
231 val ffi =
232 Longstrid.fromSymbols
233 ( (String.split (ffi, #"."),
234 Longstrid.Symbol.fromString),
235 reg)
236 in
237 elabBasdec basdec
238 before
240 (Env.lookupLongstrid (E, ffi),
241 fn S => (Env.Structure.ffi := SOME S
242 ; Env.Structure.forceUsed S))
243 end
244 else elabBasdec basdec,
245 restore)
246 end
247 | ElabControl.Other => elabBasdec basdec
248 | ElabControl.Proxy (alts, {deprecated}) =>
249 let
250 val (ids, args) = List.unzip alts
251 val () =
252 if !Control.warnDeprecated andalso deprecated
253 then
254 let open Layout
255 in
256 Control.warning
257 (reg, seq [str "deprecated annotation: ", str ann, str ", use ",
258 List.layout (str o ids],
259 empty)
260 end
261 else ()
262 val restores =
263 (args, Args.processAnn)
264 in
265 Exn.finally
266 (fn () => elabBasdec basdec,
267 fn () => List.foreach (List.rev restores, fn restore => restore ()))
268 end
270 end) basdec
271 val _ = withDef (fn () => elabBasdec mlb)
272 in
273 (E, Buffer.toVector decs)
274 end
276 end