Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / codegen / x86-codegen / x86-pseudo.sig
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10 signature X86_PSEUDO =
11 sig
12 structure CFunction: C_FUNCTION
13 structure CType: C_TYPE
14 structure Label: ID
15 structure RepType: REP_TYPE
16 structure Runtime: RUNTIME
17 structure WordSize: WORD_SIZE
18 structure WordX: WORD_X
19 sharing CFunction = RepType.CFunction
20 sharing CType = RepType.CType
21 sharing WordSize = CType.WordSize = WordX.WordSize
23 val tracer : string -> ('a -> 'b) ->
24 (('a -> 'b) * (unit -> unit))
25 val tracerTop : string -> ('a -> 'b) ->
26 (('a -> 'b) * (unit -> unit))
28 structure Size :
29 sig
30 datatype class = INT | FLT | FPI
31 datatype t
35 val fromBytes : int -> t
36 val toBytes : t -> int
37 val fromCType : CType.t -> t vector
38 val class : t -> class
39 val eq : t * t -> bool
40 val lt : t * t -> bool
41 end
43 structure Immediate :
44 sig
45 type t
47 val word : WordX.t -> t
48 val int' : int * WordSize.t -> t
49 val int : int -> t
50 val zero : t
51 val label : Label.t -> t
52 val labelPlusWord : Label.t * WordX.t -> t
53 val labelPlusInt : Label.t * int -> t
54 end
56 structure Scale :
57 sig
58 datatype t = One | Two | Four | Eight
59 val fromBytes : int -> t
60 val fromCType : CType.t -> t
61 end
63 structure MemLoc :
64 sig
65 structure Class :
66 sig
67 type t
68 val new : {name: string} -> t
69 val Temp : t
70 val StaticTemp : t
71 val CStack : t
72 val Code : t
74 val eq : t * t -> bool
75 end
77 type t
78 val layout : t -> Layout.t
80 val imm : {base: Immediate.t,
81 index: Immediate.t,
82 scale: Scale.t,
83 size: Size.t,
84 class: Class.t} -> t
85 val basic : {base: Immediate.t,
86 index: t,
87 scale: Scale.t,
88 size: Size.t,
89 class: Class.t} -> t
90 val simple : {base: t,
91 index: Immediate.t,
92 scale: Scale.t,
93 size: Size.t,
94 class: Class.t} -> t
95 val complex : {base: t,
96 index: t,
97 scale: Scale.t,
98 size: Size.t,
99 class: Class.t} -> t
100 val shift : {origin: t,
101 disp: Immediate.t,
102 scale: Scale.t,
103 size: Size.t} -> t
105 val class : t -> Class.t
106 val compare : t * t -> order
107 (*
108 * Static memory locations
109 *)
110 val makeContents : {base: Immediate.t,
111 size: Size.t,
112 class: Class.t} -> t
113 end
115 structure ClassSet : SET
116 sharing type ClassSet.Element.t = MemLoc.Class.t
117 structure MemLocSet : SET
118 sharing type MemLocSet.Element.t = MemLoc.t
120 structure Operand :
121 sig
122 type t
124 val layout : t -> Layout.t
125 val toString : t -> string
127 val immediate : Immediate.t -> t
128 val immediate_word : WordX.t -> t
129 val immediate_int' : int * WordSize.t -> t
130 val immediate_int : int -> t
131 val immediate_zero : t
132 val immediate_label : Label.t -> t
133 val deImmediate : t -> Immediate.t option
134 val label : Label.t -> t
135 val deLabel : t -> Label.t option
136 val memloc : MemLoc.t -> t
137 val memloc_label : Label.t -> t
138 val deMemloc : t -> MemLoc.t option
140 val size : t -> Size.t option
141 val eq : t * t -> bool
142 val mayAlias : t * t -> bool
143 end
145 structure Instruction :
146 sig
147 (* Integer binary arithmetic(w/o mult & div)/logic instructions. *)
148 datatype binal
149 = ADD (* signed/unsigned addition; p. 63 *)
150 | ADC (* signed/unsigned addition with carry; p. 61 *)
151 | SUB (* signed/unsigned subtraction; p. 713 *)
152 | SBB (* signed/unsigned subtraction with borrow; p. 667 *)
153 | AND (* logical and; p. 70 *)
154 | OR (* logical or; p. 499 *)
155 | XOR (* logical xor; p. 758 *)
156 (* Integer multiplication and division. *)
157 datatype md
158 = IMUL (* signed multiplication (one operand form); p. 335 *)
159 | MUL (* unsigned multiplication; p. 488 *)
160 | IDIV (* signed division; p. 332 *)
161 | DIV (* unsigned division; p. 188 *)
162 | IMOD (* signed modulus; *)
163 | MOD (* unsigned modulus; *)
164 datatype unal
165 = INC (* increment by 1; p. 341 *)
166 | DEC (* decrement by 1; p. 186 *)
167 | NEG (* two's complement negation; p. 494 *)
168 | NOT (* one's complement negation; p. 497 *)
169 (* Integer shift/rotate arithmetic/logic instructions. *)
170 datatype sral
171 = SAL (* shift arithmetic left; p. 662 *)
172 | SHL (* shift logical left; p. 662 *)
173 | SAR (* shift arithmetic right; p. 662 *)
174 | SHR (* shift logical right; p. 662 *)
175 | ROL (* rotate left; p. 631 *)
176 | RCL (* rotate through carry left; p. 631 *)
177 | ROR (* rotate right; p. 631 *)
178 | RCR (* rotate through carry right; p. 631 *)
179 (* Move with extention instructions. *)
180 datatype movx
181 = MOVSX (* move with sign extention; p. 481 *)
182 | MOVZX (* move with zero extention; p. 486 *)
183 (* Condition test field; p. 795 *)
184 datatype condition
185 = O (* overflow *) | NO (* not overflow *)
186 | B (* below *) | NB (* not below *)
187 | AE (* above or equal *) | NAE (* not above or equal *)
188 | C (* carry *) | NC (* not carry *)
189 | E (* equal *) | NE (* not equal *)
190 | Z (* zero *) | NZ (* not zero *)
191 | BE (* below or equal *) | NBE (* not below or equal *)
192 | A (* above *) | NA (* not above *)
193 | S (* sign *) | NS (* not sign *)
194 | P (* parity *) | NP (* not parity *)
195 | PE (* parity even *) | PO (* parity odd *)
196 | L (* less than *)
197 | NL (* not less than *)
198 | LE (* less than or equal *)
199 | NLE (* not less than or equal *)
200 | G (* greater than *)
201 | NG (* not greater than *)
202 | GE (* greater than or equal *)
203 | NGE (* not greater than or equal *)
204 val condition_negate : condition -> condition
205 val condition_reverse : condition -> condition
206 (* Floating-point binary arithmetic instructions. *)
207 datatype fbina
208 = FADD (* addition; p. 205 *)
209 | FSUB (* subtraction; p. 297 *)
210 | FSUBR (* reversed subtraction; p. 301 *)
211 | FMUL (* multiplication; p. 256 *)
212 | FDIV (* division; p. 229 *)
213 | FDIVR (* reversed division; p. 233 *)
214 val fbina_reverse : fbina -> fbina
215 (* Floating-point unary arithmetic instructions. *)
216 datatype funa
217 = F2XM1 (* compute 2^x-1; p. 201 *)
218 | FABS (* absolute value; p. 203 *)
219 | FCHS (* change sign; p. 214 *)
220 | FSQRT (* square root; p. 284 *)
221 | FSIN (* sine; p. 280 *)
222 | FCOS (* cosine; p. 226 *)
223 | FRNDINT (* round to integer; p. 271 *)
224 (* Floating-point binary arithmetic stack instructions. *)
225 datatype fbinas
226 = FSCALE (* scale; p. 278 *)
227 | FPREM (* partial remainder; p. 263 *)
228 | FPREM1 (* IEEE partial remainder; p. 266 *)
229 (* floating point binary arithmetic stack pop instructions. *)
230 datatype fbinasp
231 = FYL2X (* compute y * log_2 x; p. 327 *)
232 | FYL2XP1 (* compute y * log_2 (x + 1.0); p. 329 *)
233 | FPATAN (* partial arctangent; p. 261 *)
234 (* Floating-point constants. *)
235 datatype fldc
236 = ONE (* +1.0; p. 250 *)
237 | ZERO (* +0.0; p. 250 *)
238 | PI (* pi; p. 250 *)
239 | L2E (* log_2 e; p. 250 *)
240 | LN2 (* log_e 2; p. 250 *)
241 | L2T (* log_2 10; p. 250 *)
242 | LG2 (* log_10 2; p. 250 *)
244 type t
245 end
247 structure PseudoOp :
248 sig
249 type t
251 val toString : t -> string
253 val data : unit -> t
254 val text : unit -> t
255 val p2align : Immediate.t * Immediate.t option * Immediate.t option -> t
256 val byte : Immediate.t list -> t
257 val word : Immediate.t list -> t
258 val long : Immediate.t list -> t
259 end
261 structure Assembly :
262 sig
263 type t
265 val toString : t -> string
267 val comment : string -> t
268 val isComment : t -> bool
269 val pseudoop : PseudoOp.t -> t
270 val pseudoop_data : unit -> t
271 val pseudoop_text : unit -> t
272 val pseudoop_symbol_stub : unit -> t
273 val pseudoop_non_lazy_symbol_pointer : unit -> t
274 val pseudoop_p2align : Immediate.t * Immediate.t option * Immediate.t option -> t
275 val pseudoop_byte : Immediate.t list -> t
276 val pseudoop_global: Label.t -> t
277 val pseudoop_hidden : Label.t -> t
278 val pseudoop_indirect_symbol : Label.t -> t
279 val pseudoop_word : Immediate.t list -> t
280 val pseudoop_long : Immediate.t list -> t
281 val label : Label.t -> t
282 val instruction : Instruction.t -> t
283 val instruction_nop : unit -> t
284 val instruction_binal : {oper: Instruction.binal,
285 src: Operand.t,
286 dst: Operand.t,
287 size: Size.t} -> t
288 val instruction_pmd : {oper:,
289 src: Operand.t,
290 dst: Operand.t,
291 size: Size.t} -> t
292 val instruction_imul2 : {src: Operand.t,
293 dst: Operand.t,
294 size: Size.t} -> t
295 val instruction_unal : {oper: Instruction.unal,
296 dst: Operand.t,
297 size: Size.t} -> t
298 val instruction_sral : {oper: Instruction.sral,
299 count: Operand.t,
300 dst: Operand.t,
301 size: Size.t} -> t
302 val instruction_cmp : {src1: Operand.t,
303 src2: Operand.t,
304 size: Size.t} -> t
305 val instruction_test : {src1: Operand.t,
306 src2: Operand.t,
307 size: Size.t} -> t
308 val instruction_setcc : {condition: Instruction.condition,
309 dst: Operand.t,
310 size: Size.t} -> t
311 val instruction_jmp : {target: Operand.t,
312 absolute: bool} -> t
313 val instruction_jcc : {condition: Instruction.condition,
314 target: Operand.t} -> t
315 val instruction_call : {target: Operand.t,
316 absolute: bool} -> t
317 val instruction_ret : {src: Operand.t option} -> t
318 val instruction_mov : {src: Operand.t,
319 dst: Operand.t,
320 size: Size.t} -> t
321 val instruction_cmovcc : {condition: Instruction.condition,
322 src: Operand.t,
323 dst: Operand.t,
324 size: Size.t} -> t
325 val instruction_xchg : {src: Operand.t,
326 dst: Operand.t,
327 size: Size.t} -> t
328 val instruction_ppush : {src: Operand.t,
329 base: Operand.t,
330 size: Size.t} -> t
331 val instruction_ppop : {dst: Operand.t,
332 base: Operand.t,
333 size: Size.t} -> t
334 val instruction_movx : {oper: Instruction.movx,
335 src: Operand.t,
336 srcsize: Size.t,
337 dst: Operand.t,
338 dstsize: Size.t} -> t
339 val instruction_xvom : {src: Operand.t,
340 srcsize: Size.t,
341 dst: Operand.t,
342 dstsize: Size.t} -> t
343 val instruction_lea : {src: Operand.t,
344 dst: Operand.t,
345 size: Size.t} -> t
346 val instruction_pfmov : {src: Operand.t,
347 dst: Operand.t,
348 size: Size.t} -> t
349 val instruction_pfmovx : {src: Operand.t,
350 dst: Operand.t,
351 srcsize: Size.t,
352 dstsize: Size.t} -> t
353 val instruction_pfxvom : {src: Operand.t,
354 dst: Operand.t,
355 srcsize: Size.t,
356 dstsize: Size.t} -> t
357 val instruction_pfldc : {oper: Instruction.fldc,
358 dst: Operand.t,
359 size: Size.t} -> t
360 val instruction_pfmovfi : {src: Operand.t,
361 srcsize: Size.t,
362 dst: Operand.t,
363 dstsize: Size.t} -> t
364 val instruction_pfmovti : {src: Operand.t,
365 srcsize: Size.t,
366 dst: Operand.t,
367 dstsize: Size.t} -> t
368 val instruction_pfcom : {src1: Operand.t,
369 src2: Operand.t,
370 size: Size.t} -> t
371 val instruction_pfucom : {src1: Operand.t,
372 src2: Operand.t,
373 size: Size.t} -> t
374 val instruction_pfbina : {oper: Instruction.fbina,
375 src: Operand.t,
376 dst: Operand.t,
377 size: Size.t} -> t
378 val instruction_pfuna : {oper: Instruction.funa,
379 dst: Operand.t,
380 size: Size.t} -> t
381 val instruction_pfptan : {dst: Operand.t,
382 size: Size.t} -> t
383 val instruction_pfbinas : {oper: Instruction.fbinas,
384 src: Operand.t,
385 dst: Operand.t,
386 size: Size.t} -> t
387 val instruction_pfbinasp : {oper: Instruction.fbinasp,
388 src: Operand.t,
389 dst: Operand.t,
390 size: Size.t} -> t
391 val instruction_fldcw : {src: Operand.t} -> t
392 val instruction_fstcw : {dst: Operand.t,
393 check: bool} -> t
394 val instruction_fstsw : {dst: Operand.t,
395 check: bool} -> t
396 end
398 structure FrameInfo:
399 sig
400 datatype t = T of {size: int,
401 frameLayoutsIndex: int}
402 end
404 structure Entry:
405 sig
406 type t
408 val cont: {label: Label.t,
409 live: MemLocSet.t,
410 frameInfo: FrameInfo.t} -> t
411 val creturn: {dsts: (Operand.t * Size.t) vector,
412 frameInfo: FrameInfo.t option,
413 func: RepType.t CFunction.t,
414 label: Label.t} -> t
415 val func: {label: Label.t,
416 live: MemLocSet.t} -> t
417 val handler: {frameInfo: FrameInfo.t,
418 label: Label.t,
419 live: MemLocSet.t} -> t
420 val jump: {label: Label.t} -> t
421 val label: t -> Label.t
422 end
424 structure Transfer :
425 sig
426 structure Cases :
427 sig
428 type 'a t
430 val word : (WordX.t * 'a) list -> 'a t
431 end
433 type t
435 val goto : {target: Label.t} -> t
436 val iff : {condition: Instruction.condition,
437 truee: Label.t,
438 falsee: Label.t} -> t
439 val switch : {test: Operand.t,
440 cases: Label.t Cases.t,
441 default: Label.t} -> t
442 val tail : {target: Label.t,
443 live: MemLocSet.t} -> t
444 val nontail : {target: Label.t,
445 live: MemLocSet.t,
446 return: Label.t,
447 handler: Label.t option,
448 size: int} -> t
449 val return : {live: MemLocSet.t} -> t
450 val raisee : {live: MemLocSet.t} -> t
451 val ccall : {args: (Operand.t * Size.t) list,
452 frameInfo: FrameInfo.t option,
453 func: RepType.t CFunction.t,
454 return: Label.t option} -> t
455 end
457 structure ProfileLabel :
458 sig
459 type t
460 end
462 structure Block :
463 sig
464 type t'
465 val mkBlock': {entry: Entry.t option,
466 statements: Assembly.t list,
467 transfer: Transfer.t option} -> t'
468 val mkProfileBlock': {profileLabel: ProfileLabel.t} -> t'
469 val printBlock' : t' -> unit
471 type t
472 val printBlock : t -> unit
474 val compress: t' list -> t list
475 end
477 structure Chunk :
478 sig
479 datatype t = T of {data: Assembly.t list, blocks: Block.t list}
481 end
482 end
484 functor x86PseudoCheck(structure S : X86) : X86_PSEUDO = S