Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / codegen / amd64-codegen /
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 functor amd64LoopInfo(S: AMD64_LOOP_INFO_STRUCTS) : AMD64_LOOP_INFO =
10 struct
11 open S
12 open amd64
14 structure Graph = DirectedGraph
15 structure Node = Graph.Node
16 structure LoopForest = Graph.LoopForest
18 val tracer = amd64.tracer
20 datatype t = T of {getLoopInfo : Label.t ->
21 {loopHeader: bool,
22 loopLabels: Label.t list,
23 loopPath: int list}}
25 fun createLoopInfo {chunk = Chunk.T {blocks, ...}, farLoops}
26 = let
27 val G = ()
29 val {get = getNodeInfo : unit Node.t -> Label.t,
30 set = setNodeInfo, ...}
31 = Property.getSetOnce
32 (Node.plist,
33 Property.initRaise ("amd64LoopInfo:getNodeInfo", Node.layout))
35 val {get = getInfo : Label.t -> unit Node.t,
36 destroy = destInfo}
37 = Property.destGet
38 (Label.plist,
39 Property.initFun (fn l => let
40 val n = Graph.newNode G
41 val _ = setNodeInfo(n, l)
42 in
43 n
44 end))
46 val {get = getLoopInfo :
47 Label.t ->
48 {loopHeader: bool,
49 loopLabels: Label.t list,
50 loopPath: int list},
51 set = setLoopInfo, ...}
52 = Property.getSetOnce
53 (Label.plist,
54 Property.initRaise ("amd64LoopInfo:getLoopInfo", Label.layout))
56 val rootLabel = Label.newString "root"
57 val root = getInfo rootLabel
59 fun addEdge edge
60 = ignore (Graph.addEdge (G, edge))
62 val _
63 = List.foreach
64 (blocks,
65 fn Block.T {entry, transfer, ...}
66 => let
67 val label = Entry.label entry
68 val node = getInfo label
70 fun doit' target
71 = let
72 val node' = getInfo target
73 in
74 addEdge {from = node, to = node'}
75 end
76 fun doit'' target
77 = let
78 val node' = getInfo target
79 in
80 if farLoops
81 then addEdge {from = node, to = node'}
82 else addEdge {from = root, to = node'}
83 end
85 datatype z = datatype Transfer.t
86 in
87 if Entry.isFunc entry
88 then addEdge {from = root, to = node}
89 else () ;
90 case transfer
91 of Goto {target, ...}
92 => doit' target
93 | Iff {truee, falsee, ...}
94 => (doit' truee;
95 doit' falsee)
96 | Switch {cases, default, ...}
97 => (doit' default;
98 Transfer.Cases.foreach(cases, doit' o #2))
99 | Tail {...}
100 => ()
101 | NonTail {return, handler, ...}
102 => (doit'' return;
103 case handler
104 of SOME handler => doit'' handler
105 | NONE => ())
106 | Return {...}
107 => ()
108 | Raise {...}
109 => ()
110 | CCall {return, func, ...}
111 => (return, if CFunction.mayGC func
112 then doit''
113 else doit')
114 end)
115 val _ = destInfo ()
117 val lf = Graph.loopForestSteensgaard (G, {root = root})
119 fun doit (f: unit LoopForest.t,
120 headers,
121 path)
122 = let
123 val {loops, notInLoop} = LoopForest.dest f
124 val notInLoop = Vector.toListMap (notInLoop, getNodeInfo)
125 val path' = List.rev path
126 in
127 List.foreach
128 (notInLoop, fn l =>
129 setLoopInfo
130 (l, {loopHeader = Vector.contains (headers, l, Label.equals),
131 loopLabels = notInLoop,
132 loopPath = path'})) ;
133 Vector.foreachi
134 (loops, fn (i,{headers, child}) =>
135 doit (child,
136 (headers, getNodeInfo),
137 i::path))
138 end
139 val _ = doit (lf, Vector.new0 (), [])
140 in
141 T {getLoopInfo = getLoopInfo}
142 end
144 val (createLoopInfo, createLoopInfo_msg)
145 = tracer
146 "createLoopInfo"
147 createLoopInfo
149 fun getLoopDistance (T {getLoopInfo, ...}, from, to)
150 = (case (#loopPath (getLoopInfo from), #loopPath (getLoopInfo to))
151 of ([], _) => NONE
152 | (_, []) => NONE
153 | (pfrom, pto)
154 => let
155 val rec check
156 = fn ([], pto) => SOME (List.length pto)
157 | (pfrom, []) => SOME (~(List.length pfrom))
158 | (f::pfrom,t::pto)
159 => if f = t
160 then check (pfrom, pto)
161 else NONE
162 in
163 check (pfrom, pto)
164 end)
165 fun getLoopLabels (T {getLoopInfo, ...}, label) = #loopLabels (getLoopInfo label)
166 fun isLoopHeader (T {getLoopInfo, ...}, l) = #loopHeader (getLoopInfo l)
167 end