Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / closure-convert /
1 (* Copyright (C) 2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
11 struct
13 open S
14 open Sxml
16 structure Dset = DisjointSet
18 structure Lambda =
19 struct
20 datatype t = Lambda of {lambda: Sxml.Lambda.t,
21 hash: Word.t}
23 val newHash = Random.word
25 fun new lambda = Lambda {lambda = lambda,
26 hash = newHash ()}
28 fun hash (Lambda {hash, ...}) = hash
30 fun dest (Lambda {lambda, ...}) = lambda
32 fun equals (Lambda r, Lambda r') =
33 #hash r = #hash r'
34 andalso Sxml.Lambda.equals (#lambda r, #lambda r')
36 fun layout (Lambda {lambda, ...}) =
37 let open Layout
38 in seq [str "lambda ", Sxml.Var.layout (Sxml.Lambda.arg lambda)]
39 end
40 end
42 structure Lambdas = UniqueSet (structure Element = Lambda
43 val cacheSize: int = 5
44 val bits: int = 13)
46 structure LambdaNode:
47 sig
48 type t
50 val addHandler: t * (Lambda.t -> unit) -> unit
51 val coerce: {from: t, to: t} -> unit
52 val lambda: Sxml.Lambda.t -> t
53 val layout: t -> Layout.t
54 val new: unit -> t
55 val toSet: t -> Lambdas.t
56 val unify: t * t -> unit
57 end =
58 struct
59 datatype t = LambdaNode of {me: Lambdas.t ref,
60 handlers: (Lambda.t -> unit) list ref,
61 coercedTo: t list ref} Dset.t
63 fun toSet (LambdaNode d) = !(#me (Dset.! d))
65 val layout = Lambdas.layout o toSet
67 fun newSet s = LambdaNode (Dset.singleton {me = ref s,
68 handlers = ref [],
69 coercedTo = ref []})
71 fun new () = newSet Lambdas.empty
73 fun lambda l = newSet (Lambdas.singleton ( l))
75 fun handles (h: Lambda.t -> unit, s: Lambdas.t): unit =
76 Lambdas.foreach (s, fn l => h l)
78 fun handless (hs: (Lambda.t -> unit) list, s: Lambdas.t): unit =
79 List.foreach (hs, fn h => handles (h, s))
81 fun addHandler (LambdaNode d, h: Lambda.t -> unit) =
82 let val {me, handlers, ...} = Dset.! d
83 in List.push (handlers, h)
84 ; handles (h, !me)
85 end
87 fun send (LambdaNode d, s): unit =
88 let val {me, coercedTo, handlers, ...} = Dset.! d
89 val diff = Lambdas.- (s, !me)
90 in if Lambdas.isEmpty diff
91 then ()
92 else (me := Lambdas.+ (diff, !me)
93 ; List.foreach (!coercedTo, fn to => send (to, diff))
94 ; handless (!handlers, diff))
95 end
97 val send =
98 Trace.trace2
99 ("AbstractValue.LambdaNode.send",
100 layout, Lambdas.layout, Unit.layout)
101 send
103 fun equals (LambdaNode d, LambdaNode d') = Dset.equals (d, d')
105 fun coerce {from = from as LambdaNode d, to: t}: unit =
106 if equals (from, to)
107 then ()
108 else let
109 val {me, coercedTo, ...} = Dset.! d
110 in
111 if List.exists (!coercedTo, fn ls => equals (ls, to))
112 then ()
113 else (List.push (coercedTo, to)
114 ; send (to, !me))
115 end
117 fun update (c, h, diff) =
118 if Lambdas.isEmpty diff
119 then ()
120 else (List.foreach (c, fn to => send (to, diff))
121 ; handless (h, diff))
123 fun unify (LambdaNode d, LambdaNode d'): unit =
124 if Dset.equals (d, d')
125 then ()
126 else
127 let
128 val {me = ref m, coercedTo = ref c, handlers = ref h, ...} =
129 Dset.! d
130 val {me = ref m', coercedTo = ref c', handlers = ref h', ...} =
131 Dset.! d'
132 val diff = Lambdas.- (m, m')
133 val diff' = Lambdas.- (m', m)
134 in Dset.union (d, d')
135 ; (Dset.:=
136 (d, {me = ref (if Lambdas.isEmpty diff
137 then m'
138 else Lambdas.+ (m', diff)),
139 coercedTo = ref (List.fold
140 (c', c, fn (n', ac) =>
141 if List.exists (c, fn n =>
142 equals (n, n'))
143 then ac
144 else n' :: ac)),
145 handlers = ref (List.appendRev (h, h'))}))
146 ; update (c, h, diff')
147 ; update (c', h', diff)
148 end
150 (*
151 val unify =
152 Trace.trace2
153 ("AbstractValue.LambdaNode.unify", layout, layout, Unit.layout)
154 unify
155 *)
156 end
158 structure UnaryTycon =
159 struct
160 datatype t = Array | Ref | Vector | Weak
162 val toString =
163 fn Array => "Array"
164 | Ref => "Ref"
165 | Vector => "Vector"
166 | Weak => "Weak"
168 val equals: t * t -> bool = op =
170 val layout = Layout.str o toString
171 end
173 datatype tree =
174 Lambdas of LambdaNode.t
175 | Tuple of t vector
176 | Type of Type.t
177 | Unify of UnaryTycon.t * t
179 withtype t = {tree: tree,
180 ty: Type.t,
181 ssaType: Ssa.Type.t option ref} Dset.t
183 fun new (tree: tree, ty: Type.t): t =
184 Dset.singleton {ssaType = ref NONE,
185 tree = tree,
186 ty = ty}
188 local
189 fun make sel : t -> 'a = sel o Dset.!
190 in
191 val ssaType = make #ssaType
192 val tree = make #tree
193 val ty = make #ty
194 end
196 fun layout v =
197 let open Layout
198 in case tree v of
199 Type t => seq [str "Type ", Type.layout t]
200 | Unify (t, v) => paren (seq [UnaryTycon.layout t, str " ", layout v])
201 | Tuple vs => Vector.layout layout vs
202 | Lambdas l => LambdaNode.layout l
203 end
205 fun isEmpty v =
206 case tree v of
207 Lambdas n => Lambdas.isEmpty (LambdaNode.toSet n)
208 | Tuple vs => Vector.exists (vs, isEmpty)
209 | Unify (UnaryTycon.Ref, v) => isEmpty v
210 | _ => false
212 (* used in closure converter *)
213 fun equals (v, v') =
214 Dset.equals (v, v')
215 orelse
216 (case (tree v, tree v') of
217 (Type t, Type t') =>
218 if Type.equals (t, t')
219 then true
220 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.equals: different types"
221 | (Unify (t, v), Unify (t', v')) =>
222 UnaryTycon.equals (t, t') andalso equals (v, v')
223 | (Tuple vs, Tuple vs') => Vector.forall2 (vs, vs', equals)
224 | (Lambdas n, Lambdas n') => Lambdas.equals (LambdaNode.toSet n,
225 LambdaNode.toSet n')
226 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.equals: different values")
228 fun addHandler (v, h) =
229 case tree v of
230 Lambdas n => LambdaNode.addHandler (n, h)
231 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.addHandler: non-lambda"
233 local
234 val {hom, destroy} =
235 Type.makeMonoHom
236 {con = fn (t, tycon, vs) =>
237 let val new = fn tree => new (tree, t)
238 in if Tycon.equals (tycon, Tycon.arrow)
239 then {isFirstOrder = false,
240 make = fn () => new (Lambdas ( ()))}
241 else
242 if Vector.forall (vs, #isFirstOrder)
243 then {isFirstOrder = true,
244 make = let val v = new (Type t)
245 in fn () => v
246 end}
247 else
248 {isFirstOrder = false,
249 make = let
250 fun mutable mt =
251 let val make = #make (Vector.first vs)
252 in fn () => new (Unify (mt, make ()))
253 end
254 in if Tycon.equals (tycon, Tycon.reff)
255 then mutable UnaryTycon.Ref
256 else if Tycon.equals (tycon, Tycon.array)
257 then mutable UnaryTycon.Array
258 else if Tycon.equals (tycon, Tycon.vector)
259 then mutable UnaryTycon.Vector
260 else if Tycon.equals (tycon, Tycon.weak)
261 then mutable UnaryTycon.Weak
262 else if Tycon.equals (tycon, Tycon.tuple)
263 then (fn () =>
264 new (Tuple
265 ( (vs, fn {make, ...} =>
266 make ()))))
267 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.fromType: non-arrow"
268 end}
269 end}
270 in
271 val destroy = destroy
272 val typeIsFirstOrder = #isFirstOrder o hom
273 fun fromType t = #make (hom t) ()
274 end
276 val fromType = Trace.trace ("AbstractValue.fromType", Type.layout, layout) fromType
278 fun tuple (vs: t vector): t = new (Tuple vs,
279 Type.tuple ( (vs, ty)))
281 fun select (v, i) =
282 case tree v of
283 Type t => fromType (Vector.sub (Type.deTuple t, i))
284 | Tuple vs => Vector.sub (vs, i)
285 | _ => Error.bug " expected tuple"
287 fun deRef v =
288 case tree v of
289 Type t => fromType (Type.deRef t)
290 | Unify (_, v) => v
291 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.deRef"
293 val deRef = Trace.trace ("AbstractValue.deRef", layout, layout) deRef
295 fun deWeak v =
296 case tree v of
297 Type t => fromType (Type.deWeak t)
298 | Unify (_, v) => v
299 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.deWeak"
301 fun deArray v =
302 case tree v of
303 Type t => fromType (Type.deArray t)
304 | Unify (_, v) => v
305 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.deArray"
307 fun deVector v =
308 case tree v of
309 Type t => fromType (Type.deVector t)
310 | Unify (_, v) => v
311 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.deVector"
313 fun lambda (l: Sxml.Lambda.t, t: Type.t): t =
314 new (Lambdas (LambdaNode.lambda l), t)
316 fun unify (v, v') =
317 if Dset.equals (v, v')
318 then ()
319 else let val t = tree v
320 val t' = tree v'
321 in Dset.union (v, v')
322 ; (case (t, t') of
323 (Type t, Type t') => if Type.equals (t, t')
324 then ()
325 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.unify: different types"
326 | (Unify (_, v), Unify (_, v')) => unify (v, v')
327 | (Tuple vs, Tuple vs') => Vector.foreach2 (vs, vs', unify)
328 | (Lambdas l, Lambdas l') => LambdaNode.unify (l, l')
329 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.unify: different values")
330 end
332 val unify = Trace.trace2 ("AbstractValue.unify", layout, layout, Unit.layout) unify
334 fun coerce {from: t, to: t}: unit =
335 if Dset.equals (from, to)
336 then ()
337 else (case (tree from, tree to) of
338 (Type t, Type t') => if Type.equals (t, t')
339 then ()
340 else Error.bug "coerce"
341 | (Unify _, Unify _) =>
342 (* Can't do a coercion for vectors, since that would imply
343 * walking over the entire vector and coercing each element
344 *)
345 unify (from, to)
346 | (Tuple vs, Tuple vs') =>
347 Vector.foreach2 (vs, vs', fn (v, v') =>
348 coerce {from = v, to = v'})
349 | (Lambdas l, Lambdas l') => LambdaNode.coerce {from = l, to = l'}
350 | _ => Error.bug "AbstractValue.coerce: different values")
352 val coerce = Trace.trace ("AbstractValue.coerce",
353 fn {from, to} =>
354 let open Layout
355 in record [("from", layout from),
356 ("to" , layout to)]
357 end, Unit.layout) coerce
359 structure Dest =
360 struct
361 datatype dest =
362 Array of t
363 | Lambdas of Lambdas.t
364 | Ref of t
365 | Tuple of t vector
366 | Type of Type.t
367 | Vector of t
368 | Weak of t
369 end
371 fun dest v =
372 case tree v of
373 Type t => Dest.Type t
374 | Unify (mt, v) => (case mt of
375 UnaryTycon.Array => Dest.Array v
376 | UnaryTycon.Ref => Dest.Ref v
377 | UnaryTycon.Vector => Dest.Vector v
378 | UnaryTycon.Weak => Dest.Weak v)
379 | Tuple vs => Dest.Tuple vs
380 | Lambdas l => Dest.Lambdas (LambdaNode.toSet l)
382 open Dest
384 (*---------------------------------------------------*)
385 (* primApply *)
386 (*---------------------------------------------------*)
388 val {get = serialValue: Type.t -> t, ...} =
389 Property.get (Type.plist, Property.initFun fromType)
391 fun primApply {prim: Type.t Prim.t, args: t vector, resultTy: Type.t}: t =
392 let
393 fun result () = fromType resultTy
394 fun typeError () =
395 (Control.message
396 (Control.Silent, fn () =>
397 let open Layout
398 in align [seq [str "prim: ", Prim.layout prim],
399 seq [str "args: ", Vector.layout layout args]]
400 end)
401 ; Error.bug "AbstractValue.primApply: type error")
402 fun arg i = Vector.sub (args, i)
403 val n = Vector.length args
404 fun oneArg () =
405 if n = 1
406 then arg 0
407 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.primApply.oneArg"
408 fun twoArgs () =
409 if n = 2
410 then (arg 0, arg 1)
411 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.primApply.twoArgs"
412 fun threeArgs () =
413 if n = 3
414 then (arg 0, arg 1, arg 2)
415 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.primApply.threeArgs"
416 fun fiveArgs () =
417 if n = 5
418 then (arg 0, arg 1, arg 2, arg 3, arg 4)
419 else Error.bug "AbstractValue.primApply.fiveArgs"
420 datatype z = datatype Prim.Name.t
421 in
422 case prim of
423 Array_copyArray =>
424 let val (da, _, sa, _, _) = fiveArgs ()
425 in (case (dest da, dest sa) of
426 (Array dx, Array sx) => unify (dx, sx)
427 | (Type _, Type _) => ()
428 | _ => typeError ()
429 ; result ())
430 end
431 | Array_copyVector =>
432 let val (da, _, sa, _, _) = fiveArgs ()
433 in (case (dest da, dest sa) of
434 (Array dx, Vector sx) => unify (dx, sx)
435 | (Type _, Type _) => ()
436 | _ => typeError ()
437 ; result ())
438 end
439 | Array_toArray =>
440 let val r = result ()
441 in (case (dest (oneArg ()), dest r) of
442 (Type _, Type _) => ()
443 | (Array x, Array y) =>
444 (* Can't do a coercion here because that would imply
445 * walking over each element of the array and coercing it.
446 *)
447 unify (x, y)
448 | _ => typeError ())
449 ; r
450 end
451 | Array_toVector =>
452 let val r = result ()
453 in (case (dest (oneArg ()), dest r) of
454 (Type _, Type _) => ()
455 | (Array x, Vector y) =>
456 (* Can't do a coercion here because that would imply
457 * walking over each element of the array and coercing it.
458 *)
459 unify (x, y)
460 | _ => typeError ())
461 ; r
462 end
463 | Array_sub =>
464 (case dest (#1 (twoArgs ())) of
465 Array x => x
466 | Type _ => result ()
467 | _ => typeError ())
468 | Array_update =>
469 let val (a, _, x) = threeArgs ()
470 in (case dest a of
471 Array x' => coerce {from = x, to = x'} (* unify (x, x') *)
472 | Type _ => ()
473 | _ => typeError ())
474 ; result ()
475 end
476 | MLton_deserialize => serialValue resultTy
477 | MLton_serialize =>
478 let val arg = oneArg ()
479 in coerce {from = arg, to = serialValue (ty arg)}
480 ; result ()
481 end
482 | Ref_assign =>
483 let val (r, x) = twoArgs ()
484 in (case dest r of
485 Ref x' => coerce {from = x, to = x'} (* unify (x, x') *)
486 | Type _ => ()
487 | _ => typeError ())
488 ; result ()
489 end
490 | Ref_deref => (case dest (oneArg ()) of
491 Ref v => v
492 | Type _ => result ()
493 | _ => typeError ())
494 | Ref_ref =>
495 let
496 val r = result ()
497 val _ =
498 case dest r of
499 Ref x => coerce {from = oneArg (), to = x} (* unify (oneArg (), x) *)
500 | Type _ => ()
501 | _ => typeError ()
502 in
503 r
504 end
505 | Vector_sub =>
506 (case dest (#1 (twoArgs ())) of
507 Vector x => x
508 | Type _ => result ()
509 | _ => typeError ())
510 | Vector_vector =>
511 let
512 val r = result ()
513 val _ =
514 case dest r of
515 Vector x => Vector.foreach (args, fn arg => coerce {from = arg, to = x})
516 | Type _ => ()
517 | _ => typeError ()
518 in
519 r
520 end
521 | Weak_get =>
522 (case dest (oneArg ()) of
523 Weak v => v
524 | Type _ => result ()
525 | _ => typeError ())
526 | Weak_new =>
527 let
528 val r = result ()
529 val _ =
530 case dest r of
531 Type _ => ()
532 | Weak x => coerce {from = oneArg (), to = x}
533 | _ => typeError ()
534 in
535 r
536 end
537 | _ => result ()
538 end
540 end