Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / atoms /
1 (* Copyright (C) 2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10 functor PrimTycons (S: PRIM_TYCONS_STRUCTS): PRIM_TYCONS =
11 struct
13 open S
15 datatype z = datatype RealSize.t
17 type tycon = t
19 local
20 fun make s = (s, fromString s)
21 in
22 val array = make "array"
23 val arrow = make "arrow"
24 val bool = make "bool"
25 val cpointer = make "cpointer"
26 val exn = make "exn"
27 val intInf = make "intInf"
28 val list = make "list"
29 val reff = make "ref"
30 val thread = make "thread"
31 val tuple = make "tuple"
32 val vector = make "vector"
33 val weak = make "weak"
34 end
36 datatype z = datatype Kind.t
37 datatype z = datatype AdmitsEquality.t
39 local
40 fun 'a make (prefix: string,
41 all: 'a list,
42 bits: 'a -> Bits.t,
43 equalsA: 'a * 'a -> bool,
44 memo: ('a -> t) -> ('a -> t),
45 admitsEquality: AdmitsEquality.t) =
46 let
47 val all =
48 Vector.fromListMap
49 (all, fn s => let
50 val name = concat [prefix, Bits.toString (bits s)]
51 in
52 {name = name,
53 size = s,
54 tycon = fromString name}
55 end)
56 val fromSize =
57 memo
58 (fn s =>
59 case Vector.peek (all, fn {size = s', ...} => equalsA (s, s')) of
60 NONE => Error.bug "PrimTycons.make.fromSize"
61 | SOME {tycon, ...} => tycon)
62 fun is t = Vector.exists (all, fn {tycon = t', ...} => equals (t, t'))
63 fun de t =
64 case Vector.peek (all, fn {tycon = t', ...} => equals (t, t')) of
65 NONE => Error.bug ""
66 | SOME {size, ...} => size
67 val prims =
68 Vector.toListMap (all, fn {name, tycon, ...} =>
69 {admitsEquality = admitsEquality,
70 kind = Arity 0,
71 name = name,
72 tycon = tycon})
73 val all = (all, fn {tycon, size, ...} => (tycon, size))
74 in
75 (fromSize, all, is, de, prims)
76 end
77 in
78 val (char, _, isCharX, deCharX, primChars) =
79 let
80 open CharSize
81 in
82 make ("char", all, bits, equals, memoize, Sometimes)
83 end
84 val (int, ints, isIntX, deIntX, primInts) =
85 let
86 open IntSize
87 in
88 make ("int", all, bits, equals, memoize, Sometimes)
89 end
90 val (real, reals, isRealX, deRealX, primReals) =
91 let
92 open RealSize
93 in
94 make ("real", all, bits, equals, memoize, Never)
95 end
96 val (word, words, isWordX, deWordX, primWords) =
97 let
98 open WordSize
99 in
100 make ("word", all, bits, equals, memoize, Sometimes)
101 end
102 end
104 val prims =
105 ([(array, Arity 1, Always),
106 (arrow, Arity 2, Never),
107 (bool, Arity 0, Sometimes),
108 (cpointer, Arity 0, Always),
109 (exn, Arity 0, Never),
110 (intInf, Arity 0, Sometimes),
111 (list, Arity 1, Sometimes),
112 (reff, Arity 1, Always),
113 (thread, Arity 0, Never),
114 (tuple, Nary, Sometimes),
115 (vector, Arity 1, Sometimes),
116 (weak, Arity 1, Never)],
117 fn ((name, tycon), kind, admitsEquality) =>
118 {admitsEquality = admitsEquality,
119 kind = kind,
120 name = name,
121 tycon = tycon})
122 @ primChars @ primInts @ primReals @ primWords
124 val array = #2 array
125 val arrow = #2 arrow
126 val bool = #2 bool
127 val cpointer = #2 cpointer
128 val exn = #2 exn
129 val intInf = #2 intInf
130 val list = #2 list
131 val reff = #2 reff
132 val thread = #2 thread
133 val tuple = #2 tuple
134 val vector = #2 vector
135 val weak = #2 weak
137 val defaultChar = fn () =>
138 case !Control.defaultChar of
139 "char8" => char CharSize.C8
140 | _ => Error.bug "PrimTycons.defaultChar"
141 val defaultInt = fn () =>
142 case !Control.defaultInt of
143 "int8" => int (IntSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 8))
144 | "int16" => int (IntSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 16))
145 | "int32" => int (IntSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 32))
146 | "int64" => int (IntSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 64))
147 | "intinf" => intInf
148 | _ => Error.bug "PrimTycons.defaultInt"
149 val defaultReal = fn () =>
150 case !Control.defaultReal of
151 "real32" => real RealSize.R32
152 | "real64" => real RealSize.R64
153 | _ => Error.bug "PrimTycons.defaultReal"
154 val defaultWord = fn () =>
155 case !Control.defaultWord of
156 "word8" => word (WordSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 8))
157 | "word16" => word (WordSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 16))
158 | "word32" => word (WordSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 32))
159 | "word64" => word (WordSize.fromBits (Bits.fromInt 64))
160 | _ => Error.bug "PrimTycons.defaultWord"
162 val isBool = fn c => equals (c, bool)
163 val isCPointer = fn c => equals (c, cpointer)
164 val isIntX = fn c => equals (c, intInf) orelse isIntX c
165 val deIntX = fn c => if equals (c, intInf) then NONE else SOME (deIntX c)
167 local
168 local
169 open Layout
170 in
171 val mayAlign = mayAlign
172 val seq = seq
173 val str = str
174 end
175 datatype z = datatype BindingStrength.t
176 datatype binding_context =
177 ArrowLhs
178 | ArrowRhs
179 | TupleElem
180 | Tyseq1
181 | TyseqN
182 fun maybe bindingContext (l, ({isChar = _}, bindingStrength)) =
183 case (bindingStrength, bindingContext) of
184 (Unit, _) => l
185 | (Tuple, ArrowLhs) => l
186 | (Tuple, ArrowRhs) => l
187 | (Tuple, TyseqN) => l
188 | (Arrow, ArrowRhs) => l
189 | (Arrow, TyseqN) => l
190 | _ => Layout.paren l
191 fun normal (c: Layout.t, args: LayoutPretty.t vector, {isChar}) =
192 let
193 val lay =
194 case Vector.length args of
195 0 => c
196 | 1 => seq [maybe Tyseq1 (Vector.first args),
197 str " ", c]
198 | _ => seq [Layout.tuple (Vector.toListMap (args, maybe TyseqN)),
199 str " ", c]
200 in
201 (lay, ({isChar = isChar}, Unit))
202 end
204 in
205 fun layoutAppPrettyNormal (c: Layout.t, args: LayoutPretty.t vector) =
206 normal (c, args, {isChar = false})
207 fun layoutAppPretty (c: t, args: LayoutPretty.t vector, {layoutPretty}) =
208 if equals (c, arrow)
209 then (mayAlign [maybe ArrowLhs (Vector.first args),
210 seq [str "-> ",
211 maybe ArrowRhs (Vector.sub (args, 1))]],
212 ({isChar = false}, Arrow))
213 else if equals (c, tuple)
214 then if Vector.isEmpty args
215 then LayoutPretty.simple (str "unit")
216 else (mayAlign (Layout.separateLeft
217 (Vector.toListMap (args, maybe TupleElem), "* ")),
218 ({isChar = false}, Tuple))
219 else if equals (c, vector)
220 then if #isChar (#1 (#2 (Vector.first args)))
221 then LayoutPretty.simple (str "string")
222 else normal (layoutPretty c, args, {isChar = false})
223 else normal (layoutPretty c, args, {isChar = equals (c, defaultChar ())})
224 end
226 fun layoutApp (c: t, args: Layout.t vector) =
227 let
228 local
229 open Layout
230 in
231 val empty = empty
232 val seq = seq
233 val str = str
234 end
235 val con =
236 if equals (c, tuple) andalso Vector.isEmpty args
237 then str "unit"
238 else (case List.peekMap (prims, fn {name, tycon, ...} =>
239 if equals (c, tycon) then SOME name else NONE) of
240 SOME name => str name
241 | _ => layout c)
242 val args =
243 if Vector.isEmpty args
244 then empty
245 else seq [Layout.tuple (Vector.toList args), str " "]
246 in
247 seq [args, con]
248 end
250 end