Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlnlffigen / ast-to-spec.sml
1 (* ast-to-spec.sml
2 * 2005 Matthew Fluet (
3 * Adapted for MLton.
4 *)
6 (*
7 * ast-to-spec.sml - Conversion from CKIT "ast" to a "spec" (see spec.sml).
8 *
9 * (C) 2001, Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs
10 *
11 * author: Matthias Blume (
12 *)
13 structure AstToSpec = struct
15 structure A = Ast
16 structure B = Bindings
18 structure SS = StringSet
19 structure SM = StringMap
21 datatype context = CONTEXT of { gensym: unit -> string, anon: bool }
23 exception VoidType
24 exception Ellipsis
25 exception Duplicate of string
26 exception SkipFunction of string
28 fun bug m = raise Fail ("AstToSpec: bug: " ^ m)
29 fun err m = raise Fail ("AstToSpec: error: " ^ m)
30 fun warn m = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "AstToSpec: warning: " ^ m)
32 fun build { bundle, sizes: Sizes.sizes, collect_enums,
33 cfiles, match, allSU, eshift, gensym_suffix } =
34 let
36 val curLoc = ref "?"
38 fun warnLoc m = warn (concat [!curLoc, ": ", m])
40 val { ast, tidtab, errorCount, warningCount,
41 auxiliaryInfo = { aidtab, implicits, env } } = bundle
43 fun realFunctionDefComing sy = let
44 fun isTheDef (A.DECL (A.FunctionDef (id, _, _), _, _)) =
45 Symbol.equal (#name id, sy)
46 | isTheDef _ = false
47 in
48 List.exists isTheDef ast
49 end
51 val srcOf = SourceMap.locToString
53 fun isThisFile SourceMap.UNKNOWN = false
54 | isThisFile (SourceMap.LOC { srcFile, ... }) =
55 List.exists (fn f => f = srcFile) cfiles orelse
56 match srcFile
58 fun includedSU (tag, loc) = (allSU orelse isThisFile loc)
59 fun includedEnum (tag, loc) = isThisFile loc
61 fun includedTy (n, loc) = isThisFile loc
63 fun isFunction t = TypeUtil.isFunction tidtab t
64 fun getFunction t = TypeUtil.getFunction tidtab t
65 fun getCoreType t = TypeUtil.getCoreType tidtab t
67 fun constness t =
68 if TypeUtil.isConst tidtab t then Spec.RO
69 else case getCoreType t of
70 A.Array (_, t) => constness t
71 | _ => Spec.RW
73 val sizerec = { sizes = sizes, err = err, warn = warn, bug = bug }
75 fun sizeOf t = #bytes (Sizeof.byteSizeOf sizerec tidtab t)
77 val bytebits = #bits (#char sizes)
78 val intbits = #bits (#int sizes)
79 val intalign = #align (#int sizes)
81 fun getField (m, l) = Sizeof.getField sizerec (m, l)
83 fun fieldOffsets t =
84 case Sizeof.fieldOffsets sizerec tidtab t of
85 NONE => bug "no field offsets"
86 | SOME l => l
88 val structs = ref []
89 val unions = ref []
90 val gtys = ref SM.empty
91 val gvars = ref SM.empty
92 val gfuns = ref SM.empty
93 val named_enums = ref SM.empty
94 val anon_enums = ref SM.empty
96 val seen_structs = ref SS.empty
97 val seen_unions = ref SS.empty
99 val nexttag = ref 0
100 val tags = Tidtab.uidtab () : (string * bool) Tidtab.uidtab
102 fun mk_context_td tdname =
103 let val next = ref 0
104 in
106 { gensym =
107 fn () => let
108 val n = !next
109 in
110 next := n + 1;
111 concat ["'",
112 if n = 0 then "" else Int.toString n,
113 tdname]
114 end,
115 anon = false }
116 end
118 fun mk_context_su (parent_tag, anon) =
119 let val next = ref 0
120 in
121 CONTEXT { gensym =
122 fn () => let
123 val n = !next
124 in
125 next := n + 1;
126 concat [parent_tag, "'", Int.toString n]
127 end,
128 anon = anon }
129 end
131 val tl_context =
132 let val next = ref 0
133 in
134 CONTEXT { gensym =
135 fn () => let
136 val n = !next
137 in
138 next := n + 1;
139 Int.toString n
140 end,
141 anon = true }
142 end
144 fun tagname (SOME t, _, _) = (t, false)
145 | tagname (NONE, CONTEXT { gensym, anon }, tid) =
146 (case Tidtab.find (tags, tid) of
147 SOME ta => ta
148 | NONE => let
149 val t = gensym ()
150 in
151 Tidtab.insert (tags, tid, (t, anon));
152 (t, anon)
153 end)
155 fun reported_tagname (t, false) = t
156 | reported_tagname (t, true) = t ^ gensym_suffix
158 fun valty C A.Void = raise VoidType
159 | valty C A.Ellipses = raise Ellipsis
160 | valty C (A.Qual (q, t)) = valty C t
161 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.SIGNED, A.CHAR, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.SCHAR
162 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.UNSIGNED, A.CHAR, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.UCHAR
163 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.SIGNED, A.SHORT, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.SSHORT
164 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.UNSIGNED, A.SHORT, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.USHORT
165 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.SIGNED, A.INT, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.SINT
166 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.UNSIGNED, A.INT, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.UINT
167 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.SIGNED, A.LONG, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.SLONG
168 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.UNSIGNED, A.LONG, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.ULONG
169 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.SIGNED, A.LONGLONG, _)) =
171 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, A.UNSIGNED, A.LONGLONG, _)) =
173 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, _, A.FLOAT, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.FLOAT
174 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, _, A.DOUBLE, _)) = Spec.BASIC Spec.DOUBLE
175 | valty C (A.Numeric (_, _, _, A.LONGDOUBLE, _)) =
176 Spec.UNIMPLEMENTED "long double"
177 | valty C (A.Array (NONE, t)) = valty C (A.Pointer t)
178 | valty C (A.Array (SOME (n, _), t)) =
179 let val d = Int.fromLarge n
180 in
181 if d < 0 then err "negative dimension"
182 else Spec.ARR { t = valty C t, d = d, esz = sizeOf t }
183 end
184 | valty C (A.Pointer t) =
185 (case getCoreType t of
186 A.Void => Spec.VOIDPTR
187 | A.Function f => fptrty C f
188 | _ => Spec.PTR (cobj C t))
189 | valty C (A.Function f) = fptrty C f
190 | valty C (A.StructRef tid) = typeref (tid, Spec.STRUCT, C)
191 | valty C (A.UnionRef tid) = typeref (tid, Spec.UNION, C)
192 | valty C (A.EnumRef tid) = typeref (tid, fn t => Spec.ENUM (t, false), C)
193 | valty C (A.TypeRef tid) =
194 typeref (tid, fn _ => bug "missing typedef info", C)
195 | valty C A.Error = err "Error type"
197 and valty_nonvoid C t = valty C t
198 handle VoidType => err "void variable type"
200 and fun_valty_nonvoid C t =
201 case valty_nonvoid C t of
202 Spec.STRUCT tag =>
203 raise SkipFunction "struct argument not supported"
204 | Spec.UNION tag =>
205 raise SkipFunction "union argument not supported"
206 | ty => ty
208 and typeref (tid, otherwise, C) =
209 case Tidtab.find (tidtab, tid) of
210 NONE => bug "tid not bound in tidtab"
211 | SOME { name = SOME n, ntype = NONE, ... } => otherwise n
212 | SOME { name = NONE, ntype = NONE, ... } =>
213 bug "both name and ntype missing in tidtab binding"
214 | SOME { name, ntype = SOME nct, location, ... } =>
215 (case nct of
216 B.Struct (tid, members) =>
217 structty (tid, name, C, members, location)
218 | B.Union (tid, members) =>
219 unionty (tid, name, C, members, location)
220 | B.Enum (tid, edefs) =>
221 enumty (tid, name, C, edefs, location)
222 | B.Typedef (_, t) => let
223 val n =
224 case name of
225 NONE => bug "missing name in typedef"
226 | SOME n => n
227 val C' = mk_context_td n
228 val res = valty C' t
229 fun sameName { src, name, spec } = name = n
230 in
231 if includedTy (n, location) andalso
232 not (SM.inDomain (!gtys, n)) then
233 gtys := SM.insert (!gtys, n,
234 { src = srcOf location,
235 name = n, spec = res })
236 else ();
237 res
238 end)
240 and enumty (tid, name, C, edefs, location) = let
241 val (tag_stem, anon) = tagname (name, C, tid)
242 val tag = reported_tagname (tag_stem, anon)
243 fun one ({ name, uid, location, ctype, kind }, i) =
244 { name = name, spec = i }
245 val enums = if anon then anon_enums else named_enums
246 in
247 enums := SM.insert (!enums, tag,
248 { src = srcOf location,
249 tag = tag,
250 anon = anon,
251 descr = tag,
252 exclude = not (includedEnum (tag, location)),
253 spec = map one edefs });
254 Spec.ENUM (tag, anon)
255 end
257 and structty (tid, name, C, members, location) = let
258 val (tag_stem, anon) = tagname (name, C, tid)
259 val tag = reported_tagname (tag_stem, anon)
260 val ty = Spec.STRUCT tag
261 val C' = mk_context_su (tag_stem, anon)
262 in
263 if SS.member (!seen_structs, tag) then ()
264 else let
265 val _ = seen_structs := SS.add (!seen_structs, tag)
267 val fol = fieldOffsets (A.StructRef tid)
268 val ssize = sizeOf (A.StructRef tid)
270 fun bfspec (offset, bits, shift, (c, t)) = let
271 val offset = offset
272 val bits = Word.fromLargeInt bits
273 val shift = eshift (shift, intbits, bits)
274 val r = { offset = offset,
275 constness = c,
276 bits = bits,
277 shift = shift }
278 in
279 case t of
280 Spec.BASIC Spec.UINT => Spec.UBF r
281 | Spec.BASIC Spec.SINT => Spec.SBF r
282 | _ => err "non-int bitfield"
283 end
285 fun synthetic (synth, (_, false), _) = ([], synth)
286 | synthetic (synth, (endp, true), startp) =
287 if endp = startp then ([], synth)
288 else ([{ name = Int.toString synth,
289 spec = Spec.OFIELD
290 { offset = endp,
291 spec = (Spec.RW,
292 Spec.ARR { t = Spec.BASIC Spec.UCHAR,
293 d = startp - endp,
294 esz = 1 }),
295 synthetic = true } }],
296 synth+1)
298 fun build ([], synth, gap) =
299 #1 (synthetic (synth, gap, ssize))
300 | build ((t, SOME m, NONE) :: rest, synth, gap) =
301 let val bitoff = #bitOffset (getField (m, fol))
302 val bytoff = bitoff div bytebits
303 val (filler, synth) =
304 synthetic (synth, gap, bytoff)
305 val endp = bytoff + sizeOf t
306 in
307 if bitoff mod bytebits <> 0 then
308 bug "non-bitfield not on byte boundary"
309 else
310 filler @
311 { name = (#name m),
312 spec = Spec.OFIELD
313 { offset = bytoff,
314 spec = cobj C' t,
315 synthetic = false } } ::
316 build (rest, synth, (endp, false))
317 end
318 | build ((t, SOME m, SOME b) :: rest, synth, gap) =
319 let val bitoff = #bitOffset (getField (m, fol))
320 val bytoff =
321 (intalign * (bitoff div intalign))
322 div bytebits
323 val gap = (#1 gap, true)
324 in
325 { name = (#name m),
326 spec = bfspec (bytoff, b,
327 bitoff mod intalign,
328 cobj C' t) } ::
329 build (rest, synth, gap)
330 end
331 | build ((t, NONE, SOME _) :: rest, synth, gap) =
332 build (rest, synth, (#1 gap, true))
333 | build ((_, NONE, NONE) :: _, _, _) =
334 bug "unnamed struct member (not bitfield)"
336 val fields = build (members, 0, (0, false))
337 in
338 structs := { src = srcOf location,
339 tag = tag,
340 anon = anon,
341 size = Word.fromInt ssize,
342 exclude = not (includedSU (tag, location)),
343 fields = fields } :: !structs
344 end;
345 ty
346 end
348 and unionty (tid, name, C, members, location) = let
349 val (tag_stem, anon) = tagname (name, C, tid)
350 val tag = reported_tagname (tag_stem, anon)
351 val C' = mk_context_su (tag_stem, anon)
352 val ty = Spec.UNION tag
353 val lsz = ref 0
354 fun mkField (t, m: A.member) = let
355 val sz = sizeOf t
356 in
357 { name = (#name m),
358 spec = Spec.OFIELD { offset = 0,
359 spec = cobj C' t,
360 synthetic = false } }
361 end
362 in
363 if SS.member (!seen_unions, tag) then ()
364 else let
365 val _ = seen_unions := SS.add (!seen_unions, tag)
366 val all = map mkField members
367 in
368 unions := { src = srcOf location,
369 tag = tag,
370 anon = anon,
371 size = Word.fromInt (sizeOf (A.UnionRef tid)),
372 exclude = not (includedSU (tag, location)),
373 all = all } :: !unions
374 end;
375 ty
376 end
378 and cobj C t = (constness t, valty_nonvoid C t)
380 and fptrty C f = Spec.FPTR (cft C f)
382 and cft C (res, args) =
383 { res = case getCoreType res of
384 A.Void => NONE
385 | _ => SOME (valty_nonvoid C res),
386 args = case args of
387 [(arg, _)] => (case getCoreType arg of
388 A.Void => []
389 | _ => [fun_valty_nonvoid C arg])
390 | _ => let fun build [] = []
391 | build [(x, _)] =
392 ([fun_valty_nonvoid C x]
393 handle Ellipsis =>
394 (warnLoc
395 ("varargs not supported; \
396 \ignoring the ellipsis\n");
397 []))
398 | build ((x, _) :: xs) =
399 fun_valty_nonvoid C x :: build xs
400 in
401 build args
402 end }
404 fun ft_argnames (res, args) =
405 let val optids = map (fn (_, optid) => optid) args
406 in
407 if List.exists (not o isSome) optids then NONE
408 else SOME (map valOf optids)
409 end
411 fun functionName (f:, ailo: list option) = let
412 val n = (#name f)
413 val anlo = (map ( o #name)) ailo
414 in
415 if n = "_init" orelse n = "_fini" orelse
416 SM.inDomain (!gfuns, n) then ()
417 else let
418 fun doit () =
419 (case getFunction (#ctype f) of
420 SOME fs =>
421 gfuns := SM.insert (!gfuns, n,
422 { src = !curLoc,
423 name = n,
424 spec = cft tl_context fs,
425 argnames = anlo })
426 | NONE => bug "function without function type")
427 handle SkipFunction reason =>
428 warnLoc (reason ^ "; skipping function\n")
429 in
430 case #stClass f of
431 A.EXTERN => doit ()
432 | A.DEFAULT => doit ()
433 | A.AUTO => ()
434 | A.REGISTER => ()
435 | A.STATIC => ()
436 end
437 end
439 fun varDecl (v: = let
440 fun doit () =
441 (case getFunction (#ctype v) of
442 SOME fs => if realFunctionDefComing (#name v) then ()
443 else functionName (v, ft_argnames fs)
444 | NONE =>
445 let val n = (#name v)
446 in
447 if SM.inDomain (!gvars, n) then ()
448 else gvars := SM.insert
449 (!gvars, n,
450 { src = !curLoc, name = n,
451 spec = cobj tl_context
452 (#ctype v) })
453 end)
454 in
455 case #stClass v of
456 A.EXTERN => doit ()
457 | A.DEFAULT => doit ()
458 | A.AUTO => ()
459 | A.REGISTER => ()
460 | A.STATIC => ()
461 end
463 fun dotid tid =
464 (* Spec.SINT is an arbitrary choice; the value gets
465 * ignored anyway *)
466 (ignore (typeref (tid, fn _ => Spec.BASIC Spec.SINT, tl_context))
467 handle VoidType => ()) (* ignore type aliases for void *)
469 fun declaration (A.TypeDecl { tid, ... }) = dotid tid
470 | declaration (A.VarDecl (v, _)) = varDecl v
472 fun coreExternalDecl (A.ExternalDecl d) = declaration d
473 | coreExternalDecl (A.FunctionDef (f, argids, _)) =
474 functionName (f, SOME argids)
475 | coreExternalDecl (A.ExternalDeclExt _) = ()
477 fun externalDecl (A.DECL (d, _, l)) =
478 if isThisFile l then (curLoc := SourceMap.locToString l;
479 coreExternalDecl d)
480 else ()
482 fun doast l = app externalDecl l
484 fun gen_enums () = let
485 val ael = SM.listItems (!anon_enums)
486 val nel = SM.listItems (!named_enums)
487 infix $
488 fun x $ [] = [x]
489 | x $ y = x :: ", " :: y
490 fun onev (v as { name, spec }, m) =
491 if SM.inDomain (m, name) then raise Duplicate name
492 else SM.insert (m, name, v)
493 fun onee ({ src, tag, anon, spec, descr, exclude }, (m, sl)) =
494 (foldl onev m spec, src $ sl)
495 in
496 if collect_enums then
497 let val (m, sl) = foldl onee (SM.empty, []) ael
498 in
499 if SM.isEmpty m then nel
500 else { src = concat (rev sl),
501 tag = "'",
502 anon = false,
503 descr = "collected from unnamed enumerations",
504 exclude = false,
505 spec = SM.listItems m }
506 :: nel
507 end handle Duplicate name =>
508 (warn (concat ["constant ", name,
509 " defined more than once;\
510 \ disabling `-collect'\n"]);
511 ael @ nel)
512 else ael @ nel
513 end
514 in
515 doast ast;
516 app (dotid o #1) (Tidtab.listItemsi tidtab);
517 { structs = !structs,
518 unions = !unions,
519 gtys = SM.listItems (!gtys),
520 gvars = SM.listItems (!gvars),
521 gfuns = SM.listItems (!gfuns),
522 enums = gen_enums () } : Spec.spec
523 end
524 end