Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / stubs / mlton-stubs / mlton.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10 functor MkIO (S : sig
11 type instream
12 type outstream
13 val openOut: string -> outstream
14 end) =
15 struct
16 open S
18 fun inFd _ = raise Fail "IO.inFd"
19 fun mkstemps {prefix, suffix} =
20 let
21 val name = concat [prefix, MLtonRandom.alphaNumString 6, suffix]
22 in
23 (* Make sure the temporary file name doesn't already exist. *)
24 if OS.FileSys.access (name, [])
25 then mkstemps {prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix}
26 else (name, openOut name)
27 end
28 fun mkstemp s = mkstemps {prefix = s, suffix = ""}
29 fun newIn _ = raise Fail "IO.newIn"
30 fun newOut _ = raise Fail "IO.newOut"
31 fun outFd _ = raise Fail "IO.outFd"
32 fun setIn _ = raise Fail "IO.setIn"
33 fun tempPrefix _ = raise Fail "IO.tempPrefix"
34 end
36 functor MkWord(W : WORD) : MLTON_WORD =
37 struct
38 open W
39 type t = word
41 val wordSize = Word.fromInt wordSize
43 val bswap = fn _ => raise Fail "Word.bswap"
44 fun rol (w: word, w': Word.word): word =
45 let
46 val w' = Word.mod (w', wordSize)
47 in
48 orb (>> (w, Word.- (wordSize, w')),
49 << (w, w'))
50 end
51 fun ror (w: word, w': Word.word): word =
52 let
53 val w' = Word.mod (w', wordSize)
54 in
55 orb (>> (w, w'),
56 << (w, Word.- (wordSize, w')))
57 end
59 end
61 (* This file is just a dummy provided in place of the structure that MLton
62 * supplies so that we can compile under SML/NJ.
63 *)
64 structure MLton: MLTON =
65 struct
66 val debug = false
67 val eq = fn _ => raise Fail "eq"
68 val equal = fn _ => raise Fail "equal"
69 val hash = fn _ => raise Fail "hash"
70 val isMLton = MLton.isMLton
71 val safe = true
72 val share = fn _ => raise Fail "share"
73 val shareAll = fn _ => raise Fail "shareAll"
74 val size = MLton.size
76 structure Array =
77 struct
78 open Array
80 fun unfoldi (n, a, f) =
81 let
82 val r = ref a
83 val a =
84 tabulate (n, fn i =>
85 let
86 val (b, a') = f (i, !r)
87 val _ = r := a'
88 in
89 b
90 end)
91 in
92 (a, !r)
93 end
94 end
96 structure BinIO = MkIO (BinIO)
98 structure Exn =
99 struct
100 val addExnMessager = fn _ => raise Fail "Exn.addExnMessager"
101 val history = MLton.Exn.history
103 val defaultTopLevelHandler = fn _ => raise Fail "Exn.defaultTopLevelHandler"
104 val getTopLevelHandler = fn _ => raise Fail "Exn.getTopLevelHandler"
105 val setTopLevelHandler = fn _ => raise Fail "Exn.setTopLevelHandler"
106 val topLevelHandler = fn _ => raise Fail "Exn.topLevelHandler"
107 end
109 structure Finalizable =
110 struct
111 type 'a t = 'a
113 fun addFinalizer _ = ()
114 fun finalizeBefore _ = ()
115 fun new x = x
116 fun touch _ = ()
117 fun withValue (x, f) = f x
118 end
120 structure GC =
121 struct
122 val collect = MLton.GC.collect
123 val pack = MLton.GC.pack
124 val setMessages = MLton.GC.setMessages
125 fun setSummary _ = ()
126 fun unpack _ = ()
128 structure Statistics =
129 struct
130 val bytesAllocated = fn _ => raise Fail "GC.Statistics.bytesAllocated"
131 val lastBytesLive = fn _ => raise Fail "GC.Statistics.lastBytesLive"
132 val numCopyingGCs = fn _ => raise Fail "GC.Statistics.numCopyingGCs"
133 val numMarkCompactGCs = fn _ => raise Fail "GC.Statistics.numMarkCompactGCs"
134 val numMinorGCs = fn _ => raise Fail "GC.Statistics.numMinorGCs"
135 val maxBytesLive = fn _ => raise Fail "GC.Statistics.maxBytesLive"
136 end
137 end
139 structure Itimer =
140 struct
141 datatype t = Prof | Real | Virtual
143 fun signal _ = Posix.Signal.alrm
144 fun set _ = raise Fail "Itimer.set"
145 end
147 structure Platform =
148 struct
149 fun peek (l, f) = List.find f l
150 fun omap (opt, f) = f opt
152 structure String =
153 struct
154 open String
156 val toLower = Char.toLower
157 end
159 structure Arch =
160 struct
161 datatype t = Alpha | AMD64 | ARM | ARM64 | HPPA | IA64 | m68k |
162 MIPS | PowerPC | PowerPC64 | S390 | Sparc | X86
164 val all = [(Alpha, "Alpha"),
165 (AMD64, "AMD64"),
166 (ARM, "ARM"),
167 (ARM64, "ARM64"),
168 (HPPA, "HPPA"),
169 (IA64, "IA64"),
170 (m68k, "m68k"),
171 (MIPS, "MIPS"),
172 (PowerPC, "PowerPC"),
173 (PowerPC64, "PowerPC64"),
174 (S390, "S390"),
175 (Sparc, "Sparc"),
176 (X86, "X86")]
178 fun fromString s =
179 let
180 val s = String.toLower s
181 in
182 omap (peek (all, fn (_, s') => s = String.toLower s'),
183 #1)
184 end
186 fun toString a = #2 (valOf (peek (all, fn (a', _) => a = a')))
188 val host: t =
189 case fromString (MLton.Platform.Arch.toString of
190 NONE => raise Fail " strange arch"
191 | SOME host => host
192 end
194 structure OS =
195 struct
196 datatype t =
197 AIX
198 | Cygwin
199 | Darwin
200 | FreeBSD
201 | HPUX
202 | Hurd
203 | Linux
204 | MinGW
205 | NetBSD
206 | OpenBSD
207 | Solaris
209 val all = [(AIX, "AIX"),
210 (Cygwin, "Cygwin"),
211 (Darwin, "Darwin"),
212 (FreeBSD, "FreeBSD"),
213 (HPUX, "HPUX"),
214 (Hurd, "Hurd"),
215 (Linux, "Linux"),
216 (MinGW, "MinGW"),
217 (NetBSD, "NetBSD"),
218 (OpenBSD, "OpenBSD"),
219 (Solaris, "Solaris")]
221 fun fromString s =
222 let
223 val s = String.toLower s
224 in
225 omap (peek (all, fn (_, s') => s = String.toLower s'),
226 #1)
227 end
229 fun toString a = #2 (valOf (peek (all, fn (a', _) => a = a')))
231 val host: t =
232 case fromString (MLton.Platform.OS.toString of
233 NONE => raise Fail " strange os"
234 | SOME os => os
235 end
236 end
238 structure ProcEnv =
239 struct
240 type gid = Posix.ProcEnv.gid
242 fun setenv _ = raise Fail "setenv"
243 fun setgroups _ = raise Fail "setgroups"
244 end
246 structure Process =
247 struct
248 type ('stdin, 'stdout, 'stderr) t = unit
249 type input = unit
250 type output = unit
251 type none = unit
252 type chain = unit
253 type any = unit
255 exception MisuseOfForget
256 exception DoublyRedirected
258 structure Child =
259 struct
260 type ('use, 'dir) t = unit
262 val binIn = fn _ => raise Fail "Child.binIn"
263 val binOut = fn _ => raise Fail "Child.binOut"
264 val fd = fn _ => raise Fail "Child.fd"
265 val remember = fn _ => raise Fail "Child.remember"
266 val textIn = fn _ => raise Fail "Child.textIn"
267 val textOut = fn _ => raise Fail "Child.textOut"
268 end
270 structure Param =
271 struct
272 type ('use, 'dir) t = unit
274 val child = fn _ => raise Fail "Param.child"
275 val fd = fn _ => raise Fail "Param.fd"
276 val file = fn _ => raise Fail "Param.file"
277 val forget = fn _ => raise Fail "Param.forget"
278 val null = ()
279 val pipe = ()
280 val self = ()
281 end
283 val create = fn _ => raise Fail "Process.create"
284 val getStderr = fn _ => raise Fail "Process.getStderr"
285 val getStdin = fn _ => raise Fail "Process.getStdin"
286 val getStdout = fn _ => raise Fail "Process.getStdout"
287 val kill = fn _ => raise Fail "Process.kill"
288 val reap = fn _ => raise Fail "Process.reap"
290 type pid =
292 val atExit = OS.Process.atExit
294 fun exit n =
295 let
296 open OS.Process
297 in
298 exit (if n = 0 then success else failure)
299 end
301 fun spawne {path, args, env} =
302 case Posix.Process.fork () of
303 NONE => Posix.Process.exece (path, args, env)
304 | SOME pid => pid
306 fun spawn {path, args} =
307 spawne {path = path, args = args, env = Posix.ProcEnv.environ ()}
309 fun spawnp {file, args} =
310 case Posix.Process.fork () of
311 NONE => Posix.Process.execp (file, args)
312 | SOME pid => pid
313 end
315 structure Profile =
316 struct
317 structure Data =
318 struct
319 type t = unit
321 val equals = fn _ => raise Fail "Profile.Data.equals"
322 val free = fn _ => raise Fail ""
323 val malloc = fn _ => raise Fail "Profile.Data.malloc"
324 val write = fn _ => raise Fail "Profile.Data.write"
325 end
326 val isOn = false
327 val withData = fn _ => raise Fail "Profile.withData"
328 end
330 structure Random = MLtonRandom
332 structure Rusage =
333 struct
334 type t = {stime: Time.time, utime: Time.time}
336 fun measureGC _ = ()
338 (* Fake it with Posix.ProcEnv.times
339 * and Timer.totalCPUTimer and Timer.checkCPUTimes.
340 *)
341 fun rusage () =
342 let
343 val zero = {utime = Time.zeroTime, stime = Time.zeroTime}
344 in
345 let
346 val {gc = {usr = gcutime, sys = gcstime}, ...} =
347 Timer.checkCPUTimes (Timer.totalCPUTimer ())
348 val {utime, stime, cutime, cstime, ...} =
349 Posix.ProcEnv.times ()
350 in
351 {self = {utime = utime, stime = stime},
352 children = {utime = cutime, stime = cstime},
353 gc = {utime = gcutime, stime = gcstime}}
354 end handle Time => {children = zero, gc = zero, self = zero}
355 (* The handle Time is there because of a bug in SML/NJ that
356 * causes a Time exception to be raised on machines with a
357 * large uptime (enough that the number of clock ticks is
358 * >= 2^31).
359 *)
360 end
361 end
363 structure Signal =
364 struct
365 open Posix.Signal
367 type t = signal
369 val prof = alrm
370 val vtalrm = alrm
372 structure Handler =
373 struct
374 type t = unit
376 val default = ()
377 val handler = fn _ => ()
378 val ignore = ()
379 val isDefault = fn _ => raise Fail "Signal.Handler.isDefault"
380 val isIgnore = fn _ => raise Fail "Signal.Handler.isIgnore"
381 fun simple _ = ()
382 end
384 structure Mask =
385 struct
386 type t = unit
388 val all = ()
389 fun allBut _ = ()
390 fun block _ = raise Fail "Signal.Mask.block"
391 fun getBlocked _ = ()
392 fun isMember _ = raise Fail "Signal.Mask.isMember"
393 val none = ()
394 fun setBlocked _ = raise Fail "Signal.Mask.setBlocked"
395 fun some _ = ()
396 fun unblock _ = raise Fail "Signal.Mask.unblock"
397 end
399 fun getHandler _ = raise Fail "Signal.getHandler"
400 fun handled _ = raise Fail "Signal.handled"
401 val restart = ref true
402 fun setHandler _ = raise Fail "Signal.setHandler"
403 fun suspend _ = raise Fail "Signal.suspend"
404 end
406 structure TextIO = MkIO (TextIO)
408 structure Thread = MLtonThread
410 structure Vector =
411 struct
412 open Vector
414 fun create n =
415 let
416 val r = ref (Array.fromList [])
417 val subLim = ref 0
418 fun sub i =
419 if 0 <= i andalso i < !subLim
420 then Array.sub (!r, i)
421 else raise Subscript
422 val updateLim = ref 0
423 fun update (i, x) =
424 if 0 <= i andalso i < !updateLim
425 then if i = !updateLim andalso i < n
426 then (r := (Array.tabulate (i + 1, fn j =>
427 if i = j
428 then x
429 else Array.sub (!r, j)));
430 subLim := i + 1;
431 updateLim := i + 1)
432 else raise Subscript
433 else
434 Array.update (!r, i, x)
435 val gotIt = ref false
436 fun done () =
437 if !gotIt then
438 raise Fail "already got vector"
439 else
440 if n = !updateLim then
441 (gotIt := true;
442 updateLim := 0;
443 Array.vector (!r))
444 else
445 raise Fail "vector not full"
446 in
447 {done = done,
448 sub = sub,
449 update = update}
450 end
452 fun unfoldi (n, a, f) =
453 let
454 val r = ref a
455 val v =
456 tabulate (n, fn i =>
457 let
458 val (b, a') = f (i, !r)
459 val _ = r := a'
460 in
461 b
462 end)
463 in
464 (v, !r)
465 end
466 end
468 structure Weak =
469 struct
470 type 'a t = 'a
472 val get = SOME
473 fun new x = x
474 end
476 structure World =
477 struct
478 datatype status = Clone | Original
479 fun load _ = raise Fail "World.load"
480 fun save _ = raise Fail ""
481 fun saveThread _ = raise Fail "World.saveThread"
482 end
484 structure Word = MkWord(Word)
485 structure Word8 = MkWord(Word8)
486 end