Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / set /
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 *
4 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
5 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 *)
7 (*-------------------------------------------------------------------*)
8 (* SetEqual *)
9 (*-------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11 functor UniverseEqual (Error.: T): UNIVERSE =
12 struct
14 val {error, ...} = Error.errors("set", "set-equal")
16 structure Error.equals Base
17 structure B = Base
18 structure L = List
19 structure O = Outstream
21 structure Elt =
22 struct
23 datatype set = T of t list
24 and t =
25 Error.of Base.t
26 | Pair of t * t
27 | Set of set
29 fun toError.Base b) = b
30 | toError._ = error "Elt.toBase"
31 fun toPair(Pair p) = p
32 | toPair _ = error "Elt.toPair"
33 fun toSet(Set s) = s
34 | toSet _ = error "Elt.toSet"
36 fun equalSet(s, s') = isSubset(s, s') andalso isSubset(s', s)
37 and isSubset(s, s') = forall(s, fn x => contains(s', x))
38 and contains(T xs, x) = L.exists(xs, fn x' => equalElt(x, x'))
39 and equalElt(Error.b, Base b') = B.equals(b, b')
40 | equalElt(Pair(x, y), Pair(x', y')) =
41 equalElt(x, x') andalso equalElt(y, y')
42 | equalElt(Set s, Set s') = equalSet(s, s')
43 | equalElt _ = false
45 fun outputSet(T xs, out) =
46 let val print = O.outputc out
47 in (print "{" ;
48 L.output(xs, ", ", outputElt, out) ;
49 print "}")
50 end
51 and outputElt(Error.b, out) = Base.output(b, out)
52 | outputElt(Pair(x, y), out) =
53 let val print = O.outputc out
54 in (print "(" ;
55 outputElt(x, out) ;
56 print ", " ;
57 outputElt(y, out) ;
58 print ")")
59 end
60 | outputElt(Set s, out) = outputSet(s, out)
62 val equals = equalElt
63 val output = outputElt
64 end
65 open Elt
67 val equals = equalSet
68 val output = outputSet
70 type t = set
72 fun cross(sx, sy) =
73 let val ys = toList sy
74 in listTo(L.foldl
75 (toList sx, [],
76 fn (ps, x) => L.mapAppend(ys, fn y => Pair(x, y), ps)))
77 end
79 fun project1 s = replace(s,
80 fn Pair(x, _) => SOME x
81 | _ => error "project1")
82 fun project2 s = replace(s,
83 fn Pair(_, y) => SOME y
84 | _ => error "project2")
86 fun update (c, x, y) =
87 let fun update[] = [Pair(x, y)]
88 | update((Pair(x', y')) :: ps) =
89 if Elt.equals(x, x') then (Pair(x, y)) :: ps
90 else (Pair(x', y')) :: (update ps)
91 | update _ = error "update"
92 in listTo(update(toList c))
93 end
95 fun updateSet(c, c') =
96 L.foldl(toList c', c,
97 fn (c, Pair(x, y)) => update(c, x, y)
98 | _ => error "updateSet")
100 fun lookup (c, x) =
101 let fun lookup [] = NONE
102 | lookup (Pair(x', y) :: ps) =
103 if Elt.equals(x, x') then SOME y else lookup ps
104 | lookup _ = error "lookup"
105 in lookup(toList c)
106 end
108 fun Union s = L.foldl(toList s, empty,
109 fn (s', Set s) => union(s, s')
110 | _ => error "Union")
111 val Union = Trace.trace("Union", outputSet, outputSet) Union
112 (*
113 fun Cross s = listTo( s,
114 toList o Elt.toSet)),
115 Set o listTo))
116 *)
117 end